PACK TWA HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNKR, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1014. E. G. HARLAN EDITOR AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER TUFSDAYS ami IKIDAYS EDITORIAL SECTION L'. HEPPNER HERALD HARLAN MANAGER SUBSCRIPTIONS $1.50 PER YEAR OUTSIDE COUNTY $1.50 "For Thes" Things I am Grateful." I tenths of our German blood has come to this I -un th-nk'fd for the opportunities of to-! country since and no one will deny that they da" 'and I rm thankful for all the days that .also have fighting blood. Millions of Slavic have gone bofore. I thank the great men and.blood have come since, and millions of their H,n irr.mmi v.-Ki I' t. hai)t)V homes. Cneer-,"LU- xnv.ii. iv, m wiio wuun, muic men UHV, fclV,.l i ful .surroundings and made a beaten path ! HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Located in SoutK Heppner and in order to dispose of same in the next two weeks I am offering same at a remarkably low price. House has six rooms with bath, sleeping porch, sur rounded by fruit trees and berry bushes. Fenced in chicken yard. In quire of the owner, C. T. Humphries, or Herald office. to 1 who are born of blood brought here since the this great state acros the plains and tnrougn dangerous mountain passes. Who fought the Indians, snows, cold and difficulty and made this a safer place in which to live. Who hew ed logs and made homes, who cleared land and made it laugh with flowers, grasses and life-sustaining grains. I thank the men who leveled hills, filled waste places and made good roads which are monu ments to their builders. I thark the men who spent their lives in the service of their country, carrying the mails across the unchartered routes to distant hamlets out on the firing line of civilization. For the men who passed cheer less nights on lonely stage-coa'.hcs that loved ones might meet and that the world's happen ings might he carried to them and life be made fuller and better. 1 thank the teachers who left profitable cal lings, in life to educate, inspire and lead the youth of the early days, and the preachers who rode from house to house, from community to community preaching the gospel of Christ, asking little, doing much. I thank the early settlers who in their wisdom provided for schools and churches, which serve as powers for good, and which are now ours to enjoy. And especially for dreaming of a college where girls and boys would study, learn and work in joy. 1 am thankful to those who li v'e in this com munity and who sneak well of it. lo the men and women who give of their time and money that we may hoar good and gieat men speak from their hearts, that we can delight and en joy hearing the great musicians of the state and country, and thus grow strong, broadened and cultured, my thanks go out. I am thankful that I live i i:ion:r businessmen who regard honesty as a business asset and where I know whatever 1 buy u worth the money. For the association with those with whom I labor in I tho community, for all their help, kindness and sympathy am 1 deeply thanklul. 1 thank the thinkers, the poets, the painters, the singers, the inventors, the business men who have live.l and are living all over the world. I thank He njainan Franklin for his mirth, persish nee and his common-sense. I thank Emerson I'or light, power and for incur ring the displeasure of Ids Alira Maters. 1 thank .Lines Watt, the Scotch boy who watched his mother's teakettle to a purpose. I than!. J'V.i m who fixed his name in the scieiv e wioch iiginens laoor and carries me n that t,i:co bowed human backs. I thank An: t 't'.e who knew that a bad boy was a good buy who diil the wrong thing and Forbel who uuh'.ed the t'-c.d. ncy of play in children and made t hem pi.ty t a purpose. I thank 1 nomas leil'i iv. n who founded the public school system and ; ! w riiie the declaration of Independence. 1 I hank IN ,iy (!. llolden, the man who start ed i 'ni ii i h.l s and made two ears of corn grow whore only ore grew before. 1 hank Woodrow Wilson, Wdiiam I'.iyan and all the men who inc g lided ties country during the past years. and nt'i hko then,, Iheir names i .ule this woi'd a tit dwelling ' ri I . ir i',ra i s are mounds ; :. . : lYei .k'in's torch. And revolution, than there are descendants of the revolutionists. If the descendants of the revo lutionary blood had to do all the fighting there would be a lot of fighting left undone. One is surprised that a man of Champ Clark's intelligence should base the safety of this coun try on the original stock. The stock that has been added since has done a great deal for the United States. The best mechanics in all the factories of the United States today are men who have come here recently. One man who knows made the statement that If the German element alone were withdrawn, one half of the fine-work factories of the country would be without competent mechanics. It was a Ger man-American who gave this country the Mergenthaler linotype machine, an invention which has revolutionized the art of printing and multiplied the intelligence of the world two fold. It was a Swedish-American who gave this country the Monitor which revolutionized naval warfare and helped to decide the issues of our civil war. Our army and navy lists are filled with the names of "foreigners," names added to this nation long after the revolution. For Mr. Clark to impose on the "men born of the blood of the revolution" the task of saving this country against foreign invasions is a piece of characteristic bombast, nothing more. Nor is it true that the United States could defy the whole world. If the whole world should combine against us we would not last long. In that event our navy would be destroy ed in a week's time and the soldiers of the Orient and of Europe would overrun the United States and water their horses in the Mississippi, instead of the Ohio- We may be mighty, but Mr. Clark makes us out to be fools. Nor is there any occasion to contemplate such an emergency. The world is not going to be com bined against us, if we discharge nobly our mis sion in the world. Boasting that we can lick everybody will not insure us peace, but attend ing to our own business, without hostility to any others, will maintain both peace and honor for us and out of peace and honor will come national glory and achievement. 0 FOR RENT Nice place at Olex, Gilliam County. 668 acres bottom land, nice orchard. SO acres hill and bench land has been farmed, about 200 acres in all. Will rent or sell cheap on time payments. L. O. RALSTON, Owner, 608 Market St., Portland. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. In the city of Heppner, Oregon. There is a good restaurant in Hepp ner for sale. Located on Main Street and doing a first class business. It is well equipped with everything necessary to do the business.. .Clean and neat in every particular.. .There ' are some household effects which will ! go in the sale, all new and useable articles.. .The right man can take this place and make money, as it is a money maker now and you know what it is to buy a business paying well, i Just drop a line to the owner or bet ter yet, stop in and talk it over with him... He is desirous of making a change. I Yours for business, GONG LANE Everything for the Big Thanksgiving Dinner from Soup to Desert, including the Turkey Leave your orders early Phelps Grocery Co. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN J. H. COX CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Plans and Estimates Furnished for All Kinds of Euildings. First Class Work Only. I Make a Specialty of and Have Complete Equipment for House Moving F. DYE, DENTIST i Pemanently located in Odd Fellows ! building, Rooms 4 and 5. I Dr. II. T. ALLISON ! PHYSICIAN & SURGEONS Office Patterson Drug Store ; Heppner, - Oregon I Heppner Garage All Kinds of Repair Work Done Quickly We are agents for Ford, Overland and Mitchell Automobiles. I V.r 1... :i I ' ill : th, li.u t ..I. i,;., A . tl: j'oi t'.'l . Who Represents God on Earth? In Chicago it has been established that in order to pose as a "divine healer" one must have very long whiskers. In other words, such fakes must be covered up. But as long as human beings are credulous they will be imposed upon by all sorts of men who pretend to have some unseen connections with God. In Europe even war-lords are fighting their men to the death on such presumptions. It will take humanity a long time to come into the realization that to God all men look alike and that He has given no favors that He has not bestowed on all. God at least is impartial, as He is with his sun shine and his rain. He comes nearest toGodlikeness who developes all his powers along the highest lines, and the highest lines of human developemnt are in godness and helpfulness for one's fellow men. lie best rellects God on earth who does the most 1 1 tod in the earth. Abou-Ron-Arhem, of the " B B Dr. A .P. CULBERTSON "Mi KmT,imTO:Em i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Second Door North Minor & i u C j Co. Store. J " Drs. WINNARD & McMURDO '' PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Jf ifOOQll f ' llr GILLIAM 1 61SBEE ; Dr. F. N. CHRISTENSON j U JsSKi j DENTIST jl Z3Tj-Cv j Heppner, Oregon j U Pj t"i j Offices with I 3 Drs. innard & McMurdo j H C. E. WOODSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW i Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM E. VAN V ACTOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office In Court House, Heppner, Ore. ''I 1 .i c i t.. '..I l; .v.- ( li. (' t . b.iiust, impretcn- iHct's conciption, and not czar, not kaiser, nor u iiked. stru"vled 'l'10 Schalaters and Howies, represents the spir- y luird. us, often paid with j'1 f sinW men. Hut while humanity re !. i. i.m. iu'.i rtood who still mains in semi-darkness, the darkness of ignor n K'.l : laded, robbed of; 11,11 1 and supirstition all sorts of misbeliefs n -.ills ni" tlu-ir toil. To all an,l impositions will be forced upon them and th!i graves, my heart tn;lt l"nK also will poor humanity groan in the ; slavery whose mantle is ignorance. The few I only set ni to be able to stand in the sun to use I a cum lit phrase of Europe1 self-conscious ! without being self-righteous, free, untrammel ed, independent in thought. e on r : l: ie tin years and ceiled. -o- o i "I i.kiiv,' the World" i i :ki r of the house, divest- c i i : i . '.: .: : l',:tvi Tnl'i the other d:iv. i . i . i i ! it in a Fourth of Juiy Europe should not lose sight of the fact that ; . .ii ; , 1 Ks.o -i '.s of Mi.snuri. instead of Japan is retiring the western nations one by g.ving it a. the ihbberate opinion of a high u,u' ,r,,1 the Asiatic waters. She retired ot!i, i d of th.' vu n-.tiu nt. He boasted that few years ago by taking Port Arthur the Ai,,i i ;,ie Midi good lighters that if and now she has retired Germany. It is a safe all the n i!:,.!,-. of the world combined against I"'1 that Japan will never again allow a Euro us tlu v e ,,M neu r v-t t far enough inland to P,,;iI nation to acquire such a stronghold on the water th. I.oi ms in the Ohi,i river. That "'ans that wash her own island empire. Those so;:p,N big. It ir.U some nun great pleasure ,wn go to trade in the east will more and nmre to de'y the v. hle world U is an American have to see Japan about it. habit. He lv.-i l this opinion on the strength' of "the i h 'i b th of the I loml of the revolution; wlet wo! I !',! t !,!, no other lighters that the' woi hi i now s. .s a i: .i-.ur oi uai me men Horn ot me LI 1 of t! -o- l'e ,r. try : . oi I", i U 1 ri o!i. lion Ho you appreciate the fact that you have plenty to eat three times every day? If i try and remember the inmate f the Rnvs and Girls' Aid Society Home with n few thin it for i..ii" eon t.t u-.e only a small their Thanksgiving table. htion of the I'nited States'. M.C M this Conn. WELLS & NYS ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon KNAPPENRERG & JOHNSON ATTORNEYS AND COLNCELORS AT LAW lone, .... Oregon W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER Only complete ni of abitract booki in Morrow County. HEPPNER. OREGON FOR I1NE UP-TO-DATE HOMES T. C. DF.NNISEE. ARCHITECT AN3 CONTRACTOR LOriS PEARSON TAILOR offer you stoves of every description THE GREAT MAJESTIC MALLEABLE RANGE (Which has no equal) down to a $9.00 Cook Stove Heaters from $2.00 to $40 Note the parts of the New Mission Heater for wood and coal, has duplex grates the same as a Steel Range. If you want something to make a fire in Come In And See Us We will be glad to show you what we f have Gilliam & Bisbee I .Ifpumr. Oregon -O- The Herald's purpose is to print tho news- wa fought. Nine- not noise. i DR. P.RA7.E ALE, P. V. M. in rt ty .tk k iNsi'irroR Echo. Oregon. The First National Bank OF HEPPNER Oldest Bank in Morrow County Capital, Surplus and Profits $140,000.20 Your Banking Business Will be Appreciated 0 a