PACE Font HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPKER, OREGON, FRTHAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1014. This is a Personal Invitation To the People of Morrow County When in Portland Stop at The Imperial With Phil Mebchan, Located on Washington Street at Broadway, formerly 7th St. Right in the Heart of the City. The Imperial Hotel LOCAL ID PERSONA Reasonable Rates WELL DRILLING On Short Notice New Modern Machines with the best of Drillers enables me to do your work on time. We work 24 hours per day and full sized 6 inch hole at the same price you are payini; for small wells, i will have one machine in the lone district Shortly. If you want satisfactory work done on time address me at Lexington, Oregon. . NEWLON Mr. R. H. Carnrike, who lives with his nephew, Mr. Quacken bush, on Rhea Creek south of Heppner is a recent addition to the Herald's list of readers. THE CITY See Knappenberg of lone for milch cows. Cheap if taken at once. Terms to responsible parties. WHEAT HAY 15 to 20 tons good wheat hay for sale Phelps Grocery Co. Mr. J. J. Handsaker, brother of our local minister, who has been in the county for some time selling books, departed this morning for his home in Port land. Last Sunday evening Mr. Hansaker preached to the peo ple of Hardman. ELKHORN RESTAURANT Best Meals in the City and at l!ie most reasonable prices Everything neat and clean Short orders served in quick and satisfactory style Do you want to rent an extra de sirable house? If so, call at the Herald office. STREET CLEANING IN PHILADELPHIA. Work Is Done Under Annual Contract! With Supervision of Highway Bureau. Street cleaning In the city of Phila delphia Is done under annual contracts, the city being divided Into eight dis tricts, and the work is under the super vision of the district engineers of the highway bureau and their corps of In spectors. The specifications provide for the re moval of ashes, waste and rubbish at least once each week from all build ings and fur the cleaning of all streets six feet six inches In width or over, ei ther by machine brooms, squeegees or flushers. In accordance with the sched ule. All equipment must be operated in accordance with a schedule which specifies the streets in the order in which they are to be cleaned with the various types of equipment. Squeegee machines, high pressure flushing ma- See Knappenberg of lone for milch cows. Cheap if taken at once. Terms to responsible parties. C. G. Casebeer, the agent for the Oregon Life Insurance Co., who has been in Heppner for several months, received a mes sage last evening that his son was seriously ill and he took the train today for Bennington, Kansas- City Meat Market FRANK HALL, Prop. Retail Butcher Fat Stock Always'JVanted at Market Prices. Phone 563 500 posts for Company. sale Phelps Grocery Peoples' Cash Market HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor Open fur hitxliirsH iimlcr new and experienced management, Solicit!) and will, appreciate your patronage. Fresh and Cured Meats Mr. J. D. Bauman, a Willow Creek rancher this side of Lex ington, made a busines trip to Heppner yesterday to transact some business with the bank and also made a short visit to the Herald office. Mr. Bauman has several hundred acres of grain sowed and is anxiously waiting for some moisture. Notice to Customers. I am now able to accomodate all my customers as I have my old barn l ready for use. I W. T. McRobertB. -AND- Satorday Ni ght I . si ocnei Dromers Musical Comedians Vaudeville Extra Fine Program of Pictures THE mm SOLICITS AT 81.53 FEB YEAR-- YOUR SUBSCH IPT 101 LIVELY ISSUES Attention L aoies: Extraordinary Sale on Suits and Skirts We received a lot of skirts and suits which we will close out at a remark ably low price. : : : : $1.00 Skirt at $5.00 Skirl at $0.00 Skirt at $2.48 3.48 4.48 YAKIMA Potatoes at car on O.W. R. & N. tracks in Heppner $1.05 PER SACK Stanley Young A MODEL GARBAGE WAGON. chines ami sprinklers are not used when the temperature conditions are such ns to ninke their use undesirable, due to causing slippery streets In freez ing weather. During the winter when this work cannot be done additional machine brooms and gangmen must be provided to clean the streets with the frequency called for. Collections are made daily, except Sunday, in all sections of the city from residences. Garbage from retail gro ceries and fish dealers la collected daily In quantities not exceeding one bushel from each store or stand. Dead ani mals are also removed by the garbage contractor. The wagons used for the collection of garbage are one and two horse metal bodied wagons, water tight and of a capacity of one and one half to two and one-half cubic yards. The garbage Is hauled to the plant of the contractor and disposed of by the reduction method. American City. :-: ENTIRE CHANGE EACH NIGHT:-: 15 and 25c namiM.!!! ;swiwara-i - -.wiMaa Turkeys for Thanksgiving? If you have any for sale bring them to Roy Whiteis. I pay highest Cash price or allow you a larger amount in trade. I also wan all other kinds of poultry. Just Received Shipment of Dalles Apples 90c Box See me before sending away your orders for groceries. I fill all orders with quality for quality and price for price in competition with any Mail Order House. R. V. WHITEIS IONE, BUILDING UP A NEW TOWN. 1 1 TT" UTi OREGON WANTKD Two or three room for light housekeeping.. .Inquire at this office. you too Too Boon and Too Late. "What became of thHt piny wrote five years aito? "The managers decided It was daring to produce." "Send It mi again." "1 did They nay It's too tame now." -Pittsburgh Tost An Authoritative Statement Regarding Scotch Plan Given Out. An authentic statement regarding the plan given out, what might be regard ed as the first authoritative and de tailed statement In regard to the town planning of the new city to be erected In the vicinity of Itimyth dockyard and within the extended burg boundaries of Dunfermline. Scotland, was deliver ed by Itnllle James Norval. Dunferm line, at a recent meeting of tho Young Scot society. Dealing with the roads of the new town, Pnllle Nerval snld tho main fea ture would be it triangular system. The principal thoroughfare. Primrose avenue, would be "n) feet wide, ex tending from Primrose farm to the proposed site for the new railway sta- tloti to the oast of the entram-e to Pit ! reavle estate, which formed the base I of an equilateral triangle of niii'n road. The apex of that triangle would be the entrance to the admiral ty reserve ground. Dealing with the housing. Itallle i Norval said that, so far an possible, i the cottage type of artisan dwelling would be built, except on the wide main roads, where block of a differ cut character would be allowed. There were forty one acres of open space In the admiralty ground, and : ninety four ai res on Pltreavle estate would be laid out n gulf course. Willi a further twenty eight acres on the same estate as n public open space SALE! Dining Room Tables, Large As sortment of Plain White Dishes, One Large Coffee Mill, One Oliver Typewriter, One Double Adding Cash Register. Palace Hotel Company SEE HARLAN Before you place the order for that piece of CLASSY JOB PRINTING What a Fright! Ills Wife Hut. dear, tell me why yon want my photograph taken In this cos tutor! Her Hubby-So that In three ! Lord I-glu bad also contributed In this year you w 111 look at It snd say what ; respe. t. I would llk to say right now, Judge ; The population would be about .KV 3ki within ten years, tli'.s tfure bused upoti reliable Information re ceived from the admiralty. $30 Suits latest styles and $91 00 pattern at : : V $25SuiU 17 QQ $20&tiiS ' - ' 13t50 at : : : THE FAIR STORE WEALTH. If I knew n miser who gar up every kind of comfortable living, all the pleasure of doing good t others, all the esteem of Ills fellow citizens and the Joys of benevolent friendship for the sake of no mutilating wealth. or limn, say I. yotl do. In. bid. psy ti much for your w lust: Henjaiulu Kratik tin Wealth la t weak aurbor. and glory cannot atpsrt a man This Is the law of i;.l - that tr ine only ta Arm si .1 riimtot t sliuken by ti'iuiW.-rythaf oraa If one hae either the glfte of fortune, as greste rb hen of of nature, as seemly pcrioiia.e, he Is to be despised In repevt of learning I.J ly. FARMERS SHOULD ADVER TISE. P.ver alme the days when the Assyrians timed the r public in the ii the face t.f a eh IT or upon 'iue public bull. ling the bulletin b.'ird ha rontlnued to I be used f.'r community advrrtta- I nit Oftentimes many farmers it tine lvn slow in disposing of their products to a l nnt.ige te ! - ... . .....-'...1.1 I., J. T t ,1 'isr I M I I' " r M- I make the ris"r selections and T thru I'' advertise ter !' el X len e Their hsve f.iPi-1 to real l-e tb if this may te done to ad I vimt ite t'!!l In the local p.irnrs T si ,1 ns. ti the time h m.'tsd bul e- I tin l.xird HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS-Small Payment Down Stop Paying Rent Money Into Sombody's Pocket. Own Your own Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. ." . . . BINNS' REAL ESTATE Vickers Painter Sumerfield Paper Hanger Wall Paper Wc Contract and Do Painting in all its Branches first dor North ul the Fail Building Phone No. 562 ! jj..L.t.j..i-t--;-i-i 1 1 1 HI M I rf'i-rl