HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1914. PACE Font It ! L v v v. This is a Personal Invitation To the People of Morrow County When in Portland Stop at The Imperial With Phil Metschan, Located on Washington Street at Broadway, formerly 7th St. Right in the Heart of the City. The Imperial Hotel L DUD PERSONAL Prewitt Cox motored to Pendleton last Saturday, returning Sunday night. Deputy Assessor Willard Blake was up from the Egg City yesterday look ing after business matters. ' G. L. Bowman, Bert Loftin and Mrs. Lincoln, were Long Creek people who made the trip into Heppner Sun day to take the train yesterday for Salem. Reasonable Rates WELL DRILLING On Short Notice New Modern Machines with the best of Drillers enables me to do youi work on time. We work 24 hours per day and lull sized 6 inch hole at the same price you are paying for small wells. 1 will have one machine in the lone district Shortly. If you want satisfactory work done on time address me at Lexington, Oregon. W. D. NEWLON See Knappenberg of lone for milch cowg. Cheap if taken at once. Terms to responsible parties. W. S. Smith, well known Egg City resident, was in Heppner yesterday morning. Mike Healey and family are now residents of the Castle Rock country. ; Mr. Healey will engage in the sheep business and already has a band wintering near that place. W. R. Irwin, Thrmas Brennan and Wm. Spencer were hunting geese near Arlington a couple of days ago. WHEAT HAY 15 to 20 tons good wheat hay for sale Phelps Grocery Co. Bob Young was in the city yester day from his home in Eightmile. Do you want to rent an extra de sirable house? If so, call at the Herald office. Notice to Customers. ,1 am now able to accomodate all my customers as I have my old barn J ready lor use. W. T. McRoberts. Mrs. Harrison Chapin was an in coming passenger, Monday evening. She was returning from Pendleton where she had been to close a deal on her stock ranch near TTardman. Turkeys for Thanksgiving? If you have any for sale bring them to Roy Whiteis. I pay highest Cash price or allow you a larger amount in trade. I also wan all other kinds of poultry. Just Received Shipment of Dalles Apples 90c Box See me before sending away your orders for groceries. I fill all orders with quality for quality and price for price in competition with any Mail Order House. R. V. WHITEIS IONE, - - - OREGON Di Kistner, a former successful physician of Heppner who is now lo cated in Portland, spent the last week end in Heppner looking after business matters, and was a guest at the T. J. Mahoney home. Phil Doherty and family were in Heppner for the Hibernian conven tion and entertainment. ELKHORN RESTAURANT Best Meals in the City and at the most reasonable prices Everything neat and clean Short orders served in quick and satisfactory style See Knappenberg of lone for milch cows. Cheap if taken at once. Terms to responsible partus. Hugh Currin and wife were visitors in the city during the Hibernian doings. Wm. Morrow, who is connected with the right-of-way and tax departments of the O.-W. R. & N. Co., was in Heppner attending to business con nected with his office the latter part of last week. Maurice H. Kopple, of the Fair Store, went to Portland this morning to buy some holiday stock His broth er, Marcus Kopple, arrived here from Astoria last evening to take charge of the store during his absence. Con Carty and wife have been visiting in the city several days. City Meat Market FRANK HALL, Prop. Retail Butcher Fat Stock AlwaysjjWanted at Market Prices. Phone 563 Fred Pullen was in from Lone Rock today. WHEAT HAY 15 to 20 tons good wheat hay for sale Phelps Grocery Co. John W. Maidment came in from his home at Lone Rock yesterday. Peoples' Cash Market HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor Ojirii fur iii.sjfi .s-.s' under neic and e.rierienced management, Snl'trH and trill appreciate your patronage. Fresh and Cured Meats J. G. Kilpack, field worker for the Boys and Girls Aid Society of Port land, arrived in Heppner last even ing. Boyd Logan, well known creek rancher from Cecil, came up last evening. IHE HERALD SOLICITS AT S1.50 PET. YEAR -104 LIVELY ISSUES See Knappenberg of lone for milch cows. Cheap if taken at once. Terms to responsible parties. Mrs. C. T. Humphries and chil dren left this morning for Marcus, Wash., to join Mr. Humphries. YAKIMA Potatoes at car on O.W. R. & N. tracks in Heppner $1.05 PER SACK Stanley Young FOR SALE! Dining Room Tables, Large As sortment of Plain White Dishes, One Large Coffee Mill, One Oliver Typewriter, One Double Adding Cash Register. Palace Hotel Company B SEE HARLAN Before you place the order for that piece of CLASSY JOB PRINTING Dr. Iye came up from lone Sunday evening and made his brother, our local dentist, a short visit. Revival meetings are being con ducted at the Baptist Church in lone. Ucv. Handsaker expects to conduct a series of special meetings in the church at Hardman within a week or two. HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS-Small Payment Down Stop Paying Rent Money Into Sombody's Pocket. Own Your own ' Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. ." .' .' . BINNS' REAL ESTATE 500 posts for Company. Bale Phelps Grocery Jaa. Gillcese, wife and children, were visitors in Heppner during the ! Hibernian Convention. Attei noon Ladies! lone and Lexington high school foot ball teams will meet on the Lexington gridiron Thanksgiving day, in the afternoon. Extraordinary Sale on Suits and Skirts We received a lot of skirts and suits which we will close out at a remark ably low price. : : : : Pendleton people whom the Herald man noted were here for the Hiber nian convention were: Turner Crus sen, Dernard Kinney and Mr. Murphy. Charles Manning of Yakima, Washington, is visiting Morrow Coun ty friends. Mr. Manning spent his boyhood days in Morrow County. He is acompanicd by his wife and says they may decide to locate in Eastern Oregon. ! FOVM) V llaylur's. watch. Inquire at 1 1 One car or nogs aim one car of icittlp were shipped to Portland this u morning from the local yards. They ciin.e from the Interior. Miss Grace May, teacher in District No. 1(4, sends the Herald the following list of honor pupils who were neither absence nor tardy during the month of October. They are: Alinn, Etta and Leora Devin, Iseck Dexter, and Glenn Gummell. $100 Skirt at $5.00 Skirt at $(.00 Skirt at $2.48 3.48 4.48 John Hnyes arrived from Portland last evening to spend several dnys here looking after business interests. O. ('. I.uttrell is transacting business in Heppner today. Bowkers' Orchestra of Portland will furnish music for two dances at least in this County next week. On Thanksgiving Eve, Nov. 2R, they will play at the Fair Pavilion in Heppner and on Thanksgiving night they will be at l.exington. ..OKKGON FIRST.. .C. G. Caseberr. agent, Oregon Life Insurance Com pany, liest for Orcgonian. Mrs. Ernest Wyland and son have been spending week in Heppner at the home of Mrs. Jay Dcun. The ; Wyland live at Hardman. $30 Suits latest styles and $21 00 . . 17.00 pattern at $25 Suits at : $20 Suit! at : 13.50 THE FAIR STORE Among the ltutter Creik people who were here to attend the Hibern ian Convention were: Jus. Nelson Biid family, Patrick Doherty, John Doherty, Cornelius McLaughlin. FEDERATED CHI RCH Rev. Will N. Ferris Minister. Our Motto: With thyself practice the utmost strictness as touching the things that thou shalt believe and do. I'nto all others grant the utmost lilerty. itible School at 1":4T a. m. Preaching at 11 :00 a. m. Theme: "Am I My Brother" keep er?" Christian Endeavor, t?:30 p. m. Thanksgiving service at 7:30 at the Christian Church. Midweek prayer service, Thursday, ;?:".() p. m. ' A cordial invitation is extended to all. Strangers welcome. )llHO J Lyw lnifr"rr " i r -LJ'tri- if JSSI ! M Star Theatre rlfi i h m Ms J i..imijih H ! imsmw m PIU..J II J.J Ml-- Si t ft. t APRON SU E The I .dir. of the Federated Church ill hold an annm sale al Ihe home of I he Misw tlagrr. Vrdnesday after noon, Nov, I. from 3 00 to 1 Oil. Cmhel Brothers, those musical boys, ill 1 at the Star Theatre. Fri day and Saturday nights, Nov. '.M and '.'I. All kinds of string and Ml mu.if . Don't forget that grrnt "Million Dol lar Mystery" that is hon tM-ry Frl d.iy night. Christian t hurch. The churches of Heppner will Join in union Thanksgiving some at the Christian Church next Sunday evening. The sermon will I preached by Rev. Ferris. A union choir will furnish music. C. F. Swander, Corresponding Sec retary of the Oregon Christian Mis sionary Contention, ill speak tn the Christian Church next Sunday morn ing. At '!." o'clock in the afternoon he ill speak at l.iUrty School lloue and in the omirg al lone in the Chrutun Church. w "From Molten Steel to Automobile" Wc have secured the famous big fas cinating Motion lecture Lihibttion and I'.ntcrtainmcnt of the Maxwell Motor Uo. Conceded hy thousands to be the most interesting and unique Motion Picture ever produced. A rapid-fire, live-wire, entertaining, amusing, and instructive scries of Moving 1'icturcs. Come and see in Animated Pictures how the World's Greatest Popular Priced Car the New 1915 Maxwell $695 Automobile is made. Till. W..a4.r Cr" lih Firwtl ll-artr tmi ElwirU Light. Mlf S .lra. Tickets of admission upon application Jack Rabbit Garage c i