PAGE FOt'R HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON. TIT ESP AY. N'OVEMP.FR 1", 11 - t v This is a Personal Invitation To the People of Morrow County When in Portland Stop at The Imperial With Phil Metschan, Located on Washington Street at Broadway, formerly 7th St. Right in the Heart of the City. The Imperial Hotel Reasonable Rates ALAND PERSONAL O. M. Yeager, Architect and Builder. ..OREGON FIRST... C. G. Cascbeer, ; ajrent, Oregon Life Insurance Com- pany. Best for Oregonians. W. H. Wilson the well known Dalles lawyer is here for Court. FOUND A watch. Haylor's. Inquire at Cass Simpson from near Spray, was i in the city Sunday night with a carload ! of hogs which he shipped to Portland, j Judge Gilbert W. Phelps is a guest at The Palace during Court week. 500 posts for sale Phelps Grocery Company. WELL DRILLING On Short Notice New Modern Machines with the best of Drillers enables me to do youi work on time. We work 24 hours per day and full sized 6 inch hole at the same price you are paying for small wells. I will have one machine in the lone district Shortly. If you want satisfactory work done on time address me at Lexington, Oregon. w. V. B. Potter of Spray was in Hepp ner the past few days on business. Show Case, 8-foot, for sale cheap 'helps Grocery Co. J. S. Beckwith, court stenographer, is a guest at The Palace for the week. Elmer Jones, a young man who has been working in this vicinity for some time, left yesterday for Lebanon, Mo. Rev. Nelson O. Williams of lone oc cupied the pulpit at the local Christian Church Sunday morning returning home yesterday. For rag rugs and rag carpet weav ing and also rugs from old ingrain carpets, see the Heppner weaver just south of the Catholic Church. Turkeys for Thanksgiving? If you have any for sale bring them to Roy Whiteis. I pay highest Cash price or allow you a larger amount in trade. I also wan all other kinds of poultry. Just Received Shipment of Dalles Apples SOc Box See me before sending away your orders for groceries. I fill all orders with quality for quality and price for price in competition with any Mail Order House. Jas. Carty, well known Sand Hollow sheepman, visited Heppner yesterday. Car of Yakima potatoes just re ceived Phelps Grocery Co. Percy Jarman, Butter Creek rancher was in the city the latter part of the week. THE F10RSHE1M SHOE IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU- AND The Holeproof Sox Just Hits the Spot and the wearer too, wherever he goes, will see people wearing the same kind of Hose. THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT Sam Hughes Co. Rev. Handsaker left yesterday for Walla Walla where he will spend the week. Dr Ilaylor, who cares for sick watch es, went to Portland Sunday to visit his wife and son. Miss Evelyn Ship ley has charge of the store during his absence. Anna, Patrick and Mary Carty, who are children of Mr. and Mrs.Jim Carty of Sand Hollow, have gone to Pendle ton to attend school at St. Joseph's Academy. R. V. WHITEIS IONE, OREGON FOR Mrs. Belle Thompson of Portland is in Heppner looking after business interests. Henry Blahm is the owner of a new Hudson Six, which is about the swell- j est car in the county. The car was purchased from the Heppner Garage, local agents for the Hudson. City Marshal Warnock of Echo came. over last evening to attend court as a witness. A. J. Wright of Monument came in from that place the last of the week with hogs. WANTED Girl to do general housework in small family. Apply at Herad ollice. Al Emerson went to Portland yes terday and will return with Mrs. Em-1 erson and the baby who have been spending several months there. Mrs. Emerson was just recently operated i upon for cancer and is now feeling quite well again. The baby has been getting along fine. For Sale! A General Store doing a paying Cash Business. Inquire at Herald office The Heppner Garage has just sold to Ed Hunt, the Rhea Creek rancher, a Buick "37". An auto party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Irwin and son, Mr. and Mrs Ben Patterson and Andy Rood Jr., made a trip down to Arlington last Sunday and saw so many geese that they have the hunting fever and are now laying plans for a hunting expi- dition for the near future. THE AT SI HERALD SOLICITS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ,50 FEPi TEAR 104 LIVELY ISSUES Bert Mason, prominent merchant of the Egg City, is transacting business here today. FOR SALE I have a few choice Lincoln Bucks in ITeppner for Bale. See Frank Roberts. Chas. Elder, father of Fred Elder, is in the city. Mr. Elder lived in Mor row County years ago. Master Charlie Johnson of Portland is visiting in the city at the home of his uncle, S. E. Van Vactor. Mrs. E. G. Noble has returned home after an extended visit with relatives at different points in the Valley. Christian Church. Rev. N. O. Williams of lone preach ed a helpful sermon at the morning hour Lord's Day. There was one bap- j tism at the evening service. The Ladies' Aid will meet in the Church parlors for the work Thursday afternoon. Next Sunday morning Minister Handsaker will preach on: "The Mis sion of the Church." In the evening there will be a special sermon to boys and young men. Sub ject: "The Boy Who Cared." All boys and young men are invited. Boys of the Sundaay School will act as ushers. Rev. Handsaker will have some an nouncements concerning the coming Boys' Conference at Mc Minnville. There will be special music at each service. Dining Room Tables, Large As sortment of Plain White Dishes, One Large Coffee Mill, One Oliver Typewriter, One Double Adding Cash Register. Palace Hotel Company s , SEE HARLAN Before you place the order for that piece of CLASSY JOB PRINTING HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS-Small Payment Down Stop Paying Rent Money Into Sombody's Pocket. Own Your own Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. .' .' .' .' BINNS' REAL ESTATE Made-lo-Ordei FALL III fill SUI1S 18 WIS $16.50 to $45 The buyer who wishes to be flttcdiwith a suit of the iatoU .sth" and hij;h grade workman ship u invited to inspect our large line of all wool samples. These samples are tho classiest ever shown in Heppner and are. an assortment of fabrics which cannot bo beat en anywhere. Expert measurements taken and tit absolutely guaranteed. If uni want to look up to date and be up to date in your clothes, give your order to LOUIS PEARSON, Tailor Heppner &'r f -i . i ikv Iff Copyright. by Panama-racltle International Fxpoaltlon Co. H. Crocker Co, ofnYUtl photographer. COLOSSAL STATUARY FOR PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION. I NTF.RIOK of one of three atud'oa at the Panama Parlflp Interna- tlonal F.inoalttnn to open In Friiiiowcii if year, allowing the partlnlly completed llKiire. miiiiii of them thirty foot lo height, which adorn (tie VHt conn. Coming to ar Theatre "From Molten Steel 1 GLOItK trotter, and effl.-lala from ill parta of the world who bar Ttltod tli Panama Pacific International F.ipoaltlon ground at San Fran claco haT ttpreaved their a-touthuient and dvllght at tb wonder already revealed there. "Th niot atupendoua undertaking of the kind In hlntory." "The furthest advanced toward completion" and "The moat beautiful alte and color effect of any tinoaltlon In the world" ar few of the tipreaalona from men who are familiar wllb all of tti great world Itlona of modern time. The eihlblt palacea are of nt In the Palace of Machinery 5n.'" people In maa.iucrade coatume dm,ced H nlht beneath th Illuminated archea over nine acre of floor apace Lincoln Heachey flew an aeroplane 10 the aame building. No eipoalllon haa ter attracted mien attention abroad. Thirty alt of the world a nation have accepted Amnio' Invitation to participate and will prcent on an elaborate cl tthlhl' revealing their progrra The partlcl piling nattona ar aa follow; Argentina. Autralla. Austria. Ilollvla. Itrar.ll llulgaiig. Canada. Chile. China. Cot Itlca. Cuba, fvnmark. Dominican He public, Ecuador. Franc, tireat !tr!talr. tiuatenmla. Haiti Holland. llotidura Italy, Japan. I.Iberia, New Zealand. Nicaragua. Panama. Feral. Peru. Por ttigal. Salvador, Ham, Hpaln. Kwr-len. Turkey, frngnar and Venetuel. Work la Ndng nuhed on the apl. ndld Illuminated towera. fountalna and fetlval eourta. where will be ahmvn the matcrvle.r of archlteciural. land cap and aculptnrej dtvoratlona and the wonderful outibx'r mural palntlni. aom of them bn f.vt Vng and et.-cuted by eleven of Amerlca'a gteateet artlta. The garden an, I tand-ap effect r alm.wt dmp!eted at ttil writ lug. over million rare tree, flowertrg ahruba and planta being ne.l Thla greateit of universal wmona already give proof that It wltl prw ent th niaterple-e of the world of art nd that In V harnionlotia beauty IU blgh educational valu gjid uU'Iit It will U uburrac4 In blalory. to AuloYaoheMii mwM my w The Bh Theatrical Motion Pic ture Entertainment and Ex- HihUinn mnrlnrnrt nnn nrpspnted vfr by the Maxwell Motor Co. Tickets Upon Application Jack Rabbit Garage