Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 10, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    H'ESn' V NV,'FMlTR id 1011
:nor & co.
usiiiess i
g out of B
) 0
D v
French Ivory Goods
Manicure Sets, Combs, Brushes,
Hair Receivers, Mirrors etc.
These articles are nice for Xmas Gifts
and would advise you to make
your selections early while
the assortment is good.
Wednesday Special
Cretonnes - - 8 l-2c
Fads Forced From Familiar Facts
A Small Line of $3.00 Gordon Hats
Special - - - - 1.50
Vic Groshen
Ice voia beer, Either Bottle or
Draught, To Quench The
Thirst These Hot
Heppner, Oregon
and other prizes be awarded
the winners at the 1914
to be held under auspices of
Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company
Walla Walla, Washington
NOVEMBER, 25-28, 1914
1 nnnn ar ' a "ne co,n wa eve' grown
1UUUU in owa, Misouri or Nebraska, will
be on competitive exhibition.
0-W. R. & N. Agriculturist
will lecture daily. liiterenlini. in.truotive. entertaining.
Do Not Mix Thit Trtat
Ticket! and lull inlormation upon application to
Any Agent of the 0-W. R. & N.
Ask (or Premiun Litt
By E. G. H.
When the first Mississippi steam
boat was launched on her maiden trip,
an optimist in the crowd leaped upon
a soap box and hazarded the assertion,
that in time, even finer and more effi
cient steamboats would ply the waters
of the great river. At once he was
beset by a howling, hooting mob which
reviled him for daring to entertain the
opinion that any improvements could
ever be brought about in steamboats.
The boiling over of a kettle set Watt
to thinking and the power of steam
was harnessed; the falling of an ap
ple stirred the brain of Newton, and
he gave us the laws of gravitation.
Great minds throughout the ages
have been swayed by the magic touch
of suggestion.
A short time ago it was my pleas
ure, to meet Mr. J. L. Roadruck in
his home in Irrigon. Some men do
not need to be supplied with sight
and comprehension but need merely
a suggestion to convince them of the
possibilities and capabilities of men,
institutions or communities, and of
this nature is Mr. Roadruck.
Mr. Roadruck was born in Hamil
ton County, Indiana. Indiana is the
home of "best sellers" and farming
cranks. Recall the Pappites and the
famous settlement at New Harmony.
It might be interesting to know that
Lincoln's mother was born in Indiana,
as was Albert Beveridge, James Whit-
combe Riley, George Ade and John
McCuthcheon and it looks as if they
had moved the literary zone from
Massachusetts to their own fertile
fields and valleys. His parents were
Zale and Lucinda Roadruck, farmers.
They had a firm grip on the primal
virtues of honesty, integrity and sim
plicity and their children were raised
in this atmosphere and drank deep of
simple, unpretentious influences which
went into the making of their charac
ter. When Mr. Roadruck was seventeen
years old he went to Kanses. He
stayed here ten years, farming and
teaching school in the winter months.
Twenty years of his life was spent
in the school room and many a young
man and woman recalls with pleas
ure the days spent under his direction
and supervision.
In 1898 he came to Clarkston, Wash
ington, and followed his profession
of teaching. He was there a short
time when he was offered employment
with the Lewiston Water and Power
Co., and one day being called into the
President's office was asked by the
President if he didn't want to drive
a real estate wagon for $75 per month.
Evidently the President knew that he
; would gain a desire to be more than
la driver and in this he was not mis
taken. It was not long until he was
'one of the regular salesmen and in
the year 1903 he came to Irrigon,
Oregon, to take charge of the Com
pany's lands there.
Irrigon at that time was merely
J u &
Having decided to quit the store business I
will hold a sale
Commencing November
Store will be cloced all day FRIDAY, NQVEM
BER 13, to mark down prices.
4" s.A d
rF':"fili .TBS.
Copyrtgnt, 1914. by Panama-Tacinc International Exposition Co. H. S. Crocker Co., official photographers
T the left Is shown the Tower of Jewels. 4.10 fret high, and the south facade of the mnln palaces, fronting
on tislf a tulle of subtropical gardens of tlie 'nnaiim 1'iailic lntei iiiilionul lixioltlon, to open in bnn
Francisco In 1015. At the rihlit Is the 1'chIIvhI Hull.
"What is your formulne for success I NOTU'K T Hfi;ii'l(tlS.
hern Mr. R.milrurk. 1 Hskecl? "If al Notice IK licreliy given tlmt tile nil
young man will conic here with dci-signi-d, Aliial Van llnvn, Iuim been
enough to keep himself for one year, j duly appointed Ailininii tiah ix of the
and will attend strictly to business, estate of Robert Van Horn, deceased,
ho con iiiitioH. It iu rheaiier to liuvlbv tile 1 Ioiioiablc Couiily Court of
Morrow County, Oregon, and lias duly
qalifu'd for such trust.
All persons liolilinp: clainiH against
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same, duly verified to me
land than it is to homestead it.especi
ally the way we are able to sell it to
him, A man can rent a small tract
and put it into melons and make it
go from the first year, then when
a geographic location and to bring in he gets a little ahead he can brain h i at the ollice of Sam K. Van Vai (or, my
the investors, homebuilders, and make out and have something coining in ; attorney, in Heppner, Oregon, on or
the waste places blossom with the every month of the year." before six months from the dale of
rose, was the purpose of Mr. Road- For fruit raising this district knows the first publication hereof,
ruck. Out into the highways and 'no superior. Anything that can be j KaU'd and first published this Dili
byways this man went preaching theraised on any irrigated land can be day of November, A. H. T.ll I.
! (iiialilieil as such. All persons having
.'claims against said estate are hereby
notified ami required to present the
same to me duly verified as by law
required at the ollice of C. K. Wood
son in the city of Heppner, Morrow
County, Oregon, within six months
from date of first publication of this
not ice.
Dated and published the first timo
this :i(lth dav of October, l'.IH.
gospel of Irrigon. Not personally, i raised here and in abundance. One
he was too wise for that, but in every I important advantage lies in the fact
newspaper appeared the possibilities that it can be placed on the markd
and opportunities of ttie new country, from 4 to fi days enrlier than the fruit
And lo and behold the trains began; from any other section. Prunes have
to stop at the crossroads and there heen placed on the market on the
to meet them was J. L. Roadruck. 29th, of August and strawberries on
Administratrix of the cMatc
Robert Van Horn, 1 let -used.
Six miles from Olex, (iillinm County.
flood wheat land good water good
fences no buildings will let first
two crop go for improvements on
I,. O. RALSTON, Owner,
film Market St., Portland.
Paper Hanger
Wall Paper
We Contract and Do Painting in all iU
First door North of the Fair Building
Phone No. 562
Men came from far and near and
breathing the spirit of Roadruck were
animated and seized with the Irrigon
fever. Houses sprung us, a school- portant crop produced,
house was built, stores were opened! which is found on an
the 6th, of May.
Crop failures are unknown here and
mainly because there is no one im-
NOTK 1: TO ( Rl lll roi:s.
Notice is hereby yitni Hn.t Hie un
dersigned has been appointed fiv the
County Court of .Morrow Coni.ly,
Oregon.ailniiniHttatoi of the estate of.
.Michael .M ul vi y, deceased and bm Morgan, Oregon.
I am an agi'iit for Mrs. Summers'
famous home remedies. Sample
sent on request. Mrs. Ilurdesty,
! White River Flour I
Morrow County's Finest Bluestem
the Best Milling Wheat Known.
For Sale by the Sack, Barrel or carload
Heppner, Oregon :
; lUlf" vw..-, ................ i' college
and what short time before was a diversified farm is found here. There
bleak, rough, and barren waste, was jg a steady inflow into the family
green with alfalfa spotted with homes purse during every month of the
and the world opened its eyes to wel-iyear. Vegetables, fruits and melons
come a new commonwealth on its in the Spring ami Summer; Alfalfa,
face, almonds, grapes, potatoes in the f all
To show me just what the country and eggs, hogs, dairy products and
was possible of producing, he tMik dried fruit in the Winter,
me to several of the small five, ten j To look at Mr. Roadruck you would
and tucntv-Mcre ranches. On the think thiit he was a prosperous well-
George Rand farm of 23 acres we saw to-do farmer, who hud jut sold hi j
a muskmelon patch about 100 feet ,U!r, and who had come to town lo:
square from whirh 1170 worth of have a little look around. He i.
.melons were sold, saying nothing of 'athletic in body and not fat. He i?.
the number given away and used by, on g'Hxl ti-rms with a cold hu'h, In-
'the family. From 23 apricot trees he 1 .hops wood, (.hovels snow, lend a
nnhl over $130 worth of the fruit, hand around home whenever there 1
;The orchard alio ronlainwl alxiut 40 Hny old-faxhioned wmk to do. He i
peach tree, all of which produced a 'temperate in all thing" and I'M only
good yield. We counted H cows and dissipation is in the tnnttei of woik.
noted that he was building a new He has the ability to pot entlm la in
milk house. There is no ltter dairy and animation into every in k. Me
country in the world than the Irrigon is the patron saint of Irrigon. Com
country, a mild climate the year , munities lt mu'ii are not fai toi i .
'round, good water and alfalfa, the transportation facilities or mImmiI-,
l.xt feed known to man, spll pros- hut the rhararlj-r, rupabilitu- "!
prrity to thow engaged in the dairy rapacity for work found in bail
buines. On the place were some 3- ers for without the. ir.t it ii i,i,i. will
chickens ar.d some hog and it M-m- languish, wither and do-ay. luu'on
ed to me that the high cost of living and Morrow County foitui 'e in
could In no way effect those Ponle, having such bundle of intt Hirci,, e
except favorably. And their son he and enthusiasm as is found 10 Un
person of J. L. Roadruck, of Irrigon.
Best Meals in tlie City and at
t!.e most reasonable prices
Everything neat and clean
Short orders icrvtd in quick and satisfactory style
tw jneasraa c 1 j&gjtum. mm
City Meat Market
Retail Butcher
Fat Stock Always Vanled at Market Prices.
I'lione 5KI
isrwmsw.iui.ia -mizutanvm 1
Peoples' Cash Market
li 11 Jnr Intfi in mnli r in if unit 1 rx rn mi iniiini'iinii nt
,l '11I11 1I1' tii"l 11 JI it ih'ii uili' iiiuir fml t'miiigi'.
Fresh and Cured Meats