Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, November 06, 1914, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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This is a Personal Invitation
To the People of Morrow County
When in Portland Stop at The Imperial With Phil
Metschan, Located on Washington Street at
Broadway, formerly 7th St. Right
in the Heart of the City.
The Imperial Hotel
Reasonable Rates
jSoctcty Qefus
On Short Notice
New Modern Machines with the best of Drillers enables me
to do yom work on time. We work 24 hours per day
and full sized 6 inch hole at the same price you are
paying for small wells. I will have one machine
in the lone district Shortly. If you want
satisfactory work done on time address
me at Lexington, Oregon.
The Holeproof Sox Just Hits the Spot
and the wearer too,
same kind of Hose.
wherever he koch, will see people wearing the
Sam Hughes Co.
A General Store doing a
paying Cash Business.
Inquire at Herald office
The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Wattenberger in southeast
Heppner was the scene of merrymak
ing Friday evening when the Misses
Gladys Wattenberger and Cecil De-
vore entertained between the hours of
7:30 and 10:30 p. m. The yard was
decorated with grinning jack o' lan
terns and other Hallowe'en novelties.
The guests were attired as ghosts and
"spooks," and the true Hallowe'en
spirit prevailed. The flower decora
tions were white chrysanthemums.
The evening was pleasantly spent
with music and the playing of games.
Delicious refreshments were served,
The W. R. Irwin home was the
scene of another delightful Hallowe'en
gathering last Friday evening when
Mrs. Irwin entertained in honor of
her son, Ellis. The guests were
: Ellis' classmates from the fifth grade
iof the Heppner Public Schools. The
j girls came dressed as boys and the
jboys were dressed as girls. The
hostess had arranged a number of
games which were very appropriate
for the occasion. The home was very
tastefully decorated. Delicious re
freshments were served.
Friday evening at eight o'clock, Mr.
and Mrs. George Sperry Jr., were
happily surprised at their home in
West Heppner. This was their first
evening at home since their marriage
two months ago. First, they were
treated to a charivari. The guests
were invited in, and surprised the
bride by giving her a. "linen shower."
The following were present: Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Mack
Gentry, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Thorn
ton and Mr. and Mrs. Poe Hayes.
Mr. Ed Rugg of the Nunamaker
ton and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hayes.
A very enjoyable Hallowe'en party
was given in the basement ot the
Federated Church on Friday evening,
October 30. The invited guests were
pricipally pupils of the ' Heppner
High School, who came masked, and
arrayed in Halowe'en apparel. Games
suitable to the occasion were indulged
in and refreshments were served.
The room was tastefully arrayed with
appropriate decorations.
; Ralph Akers of Gooseberry was a
Heppner visitor Thursday.
0. M. Veager, Architect and Builder. !
Born, in Heppner, Sunday, October.
25, to Mr. and Mrs. Clint bharp of.
Butter Creek, a 10 lb. boy.
The writer saw D. E. Gillman over
in Echo in his Pierce-Arrow car the
latter part of last week.
Biz Engleman, J. E. Cronan and
Will Burger, all prominent citizens of
the Egg City, autoed to Heppner Mon
day with Mr. Bryson.
Car of Yakima potatoes just re
ceived Phelps Grocery Co.
B. K. Searcy has closed up his
shooting gallery for the winter and
left on Wednesday for his home at
Turkeys for Thanksgiving?
If you have any for sale bring them to Roy Whiteis. I pay highest
Cash price or allow you a larger amount in trade. I also wan ill
other kinds of poultry.
Just Received Shipment of Dalles Apples
90c Box
See me before sending away your orders for groceries. I fill all
orders with quality for quality and price for price in competition with
any Mail Order House.
The High School Literary Society
will give a free entertainment at the
school auditorium this (Friday) even
ing at 7:30 o'clock.
Spray was represented in Heppner
the latter part of the week by the
presence of Bob Carsner and Mr.
500 posts for
sale Phelps Grocery
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Broady of Mor
gan passed through town Tuesday on
their way home from McDuffee's Hot
Geo. W. Blake of Portland, formerly
an extensive Gilliam County sheep
man, was in Heppner Wednesday, ac
companied by his nephew, Bob.
$16.50 to $45
The buyer who wishes to be fittediwith a suit
of the latest style and high grade workman
ship is invited to inspect our large line of
all wool samples. These samples are the
classiest ever shown in Heppner and are an
assortment of fabrics which cannot be beat
en anywhere. Expert measurements taken
and tit absolutely guaranteed.
If you want to look up to date and be up
to date in your clothes, give your order to
The sixth and seventh grade pupils
of the Heppner High School gave a
Hallowe'en entertainment Friday af
ternoon under the direction of Miss
Walker. The schoolroom was decora
ted with jack o' lanterns, black cats
and witches. A goodly number of
parents and friends were present to
listen to the program, every num
ber if which was creditably rendered.
Mrs. Dr. Gaunt departed yesterday
from Heppner for Salem where her
husband, Dr. Gaunt of Ilardman, will
locate in the near future. The Gaunts
will be greatly missed by their many
warm friends at Hardman and the sur
rounding country.
t t
Mrs. E. D. Brown left for Pendle
ton yesterday where she will be busy
: for some time looking after that new
granddaughter which has just made
watch. Inquire at
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kirk were in
Heppner Saturday. These people are
now numbered among the Blackhorse
farmers, having recently located on
a homestead in that locality.
FOR SALE I have a few choice
Lincoln Bucks in Heppner for sale.
See Frank Roberts.
Wo noticed on Saturday Mrs. Van
Horn, Mrs. Elda Green, Miss Andis
and Dan Hcnshaw, who were visitors
in the city from Blackhorse.
..OREGON FIRST... C. G. Casebeer,
agent, Oregon Life Insurance Com
pany. Best for Oregonians.
The following articles having been re
placed by new we are now offering
them for sale. They can be had
singly or in sets.
All dining room table
All dining room chairs
Large assortment of plain
white dining room dishes
One large coffee mill
One Oliver Typewriter
One double adding Cash
Palace Hotel
her appearance
at the Livingston
Prof. Cooper closed his series of
lectures at the M. fi. Church South
and departed for other points Wednesday.
A buyer looking for cavalry horses
will be in Heppner on Wednesday,
November 18th, at Healey'a Livery
Stable. See his ad in this paper.
Before you place the order for that piece of
Miss May Severance and Miss
Smith, two of Ixington's popular
teachers, were in Heppner Saturday,
Mrs. Hallock left on Wednesday for
Rellingham, Wash., where she expects
to make her home permanently with a j
I am an agent for Mrs. Summers'
famous home remedies. Samples
sent on request. Mrs. Hardest y,
Morgan, Oregon.
Mrs. Glenn Boyer returned home
Monday evening from The Dalles.
The force at the First National
Bank have been listening all week to
bear stories from Cashier Mahoney
who spent most of last week in the
mountains on a hunting expedition
with Oscar Minor,
Mayor and Mrs. Smead are back
from their Portland visit Mr. Smead
Mrs. Handsuker and child are visit- 'had charge of the Morrow County ex-
TERMS-Small Payment Down
Stop Paying Rent Money Into Sombody's Pocket. Own Your own
Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. . .
xng relatives at Walla Walla.
Miss 1 lager went to Pendleton yes-1
terday. !
jhibit at the Land Products
iMrs. Smead visited relatives.
WANTKD f.irl to do (rencral
housework in small family. Apply at
Herad ollirc.
Notice is hereby Riven that the un
dersigned. AbiKal Van Horn, has been j Coun(y Court WM in Wed-
duly appointed Administ.alrix of tho n0Wl,ny anJ yesterday. Their princi-
estate of Robert Van Horn, deceased, ml 1U!)jneil!l besides th passing of
by the Honorable County Court of ,.ajm9 nj other routine work was the
Morrow County, OreBoii, and has duly preparation of their budget for 1915.
(uhtied for such trust. VM pnK-,.ediiiBS will appear in our
All persons holding claims against cxt lue.
the said estate are hereby notified to
present the same, duly tcrified, to nie !
at the oflice of Sam K. Van Vat-tor, my M'" k MeVcy and family are here
attorney, in Heppner, Orcein, on or frt,m lloldendale, Wash., visiting reln-
Ix'fore six months from the date of '" "d frif ntli. The McVey's lived
the first publication hereof. ' many years in the Gooselierry
Mated and first published this t'.lh country, where Mr. McVey was rated
Best Meals in the City and at
the most reasonable prices
Everything neat and clean
Short orders served in quick and satisfactory style
hix lit snui it t in. i i;m i
in i
mills from Oli v t.illnim ( mint,
(.ood hrat bind uimnI lrl - iiihhI
fences no lii1ilin l: - Kill It I tirl
rrops no for .imprint im iin on
I,. O, It M MO. Own. r.
t.OS M.uW. t M, I'orll.uid.
I Hit SMIv-V number of female I
"M. Asilrt .liir Hollers" canary!
birds. I hose srv hiiih iirlerd ttinU hut
day of Novemlier, A. P. HU t.
Administratrix of the estate
Hubert Van Horn, leccaed.
among the first farmers of the country.
City Meat Market
Retail Butcher
Fat Stock Always Wanted at Market Prices.
Phone S63
Hi loun
1 1 UMKlnn, luegnn.
Chan. Anderson, who is in the city
to StTle Ittl th trritnit inn .lis, t,... I
!' -P.mv m pninti lint R in pun A in (lie
; syndicate. While he was not success
ful in the race for County Commis
sioner, Mr. Anderson is gratified over
the fad that he ran away ahead of his
i ticket.
HUt SVIFSome fine S. C. M.
I .wliorii riMMti r st SI rsch ss lont
Ihcv l.. J. F. lUrdislly, Mor
gan, Oregon.
The grand Jury convened last even
intC at the court house. They mere
delayed through the day by the non
appearance of Juror IVnnis, who was
late in arrivinit owing to the serious
illness of his mother. Full report of
their proceeding will be published in
our Tuesday edition. J ml ire Phelps
is expected l arrive here Sunday
night to open court Monday morning.
Peoples' Cash Market
( fr bti)uj utuli r in n' nml rjr ifrlawnl niana'jnuent,
$"tu-i!i' ami icHt (f'irn't,y y,mr intrmiagr.
Fresh and Cured Meats