HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1914. This is a Personal Invitation To the People of Morrow County When in Portland Stop at The Imperial With Phil Metschan, Located on Washington Street at Broadway, formerly 7th St. Right in the 1 Ieart of the City. The Imperial Hotel DRY PERIOD DID NOT HELP Reasonable Rates WELL DRILLING On Short Notice New Modern Machines with the best of Drillers enables me to do youi work on time. We work 24 hours per day and full sized 6 inch hole at the same price you are paying for small wells. 1 will have one machine in the lone district Shortly. If you want satisfactory work done on time address nie at Lexington, Oregon. W. D. NEWLON THE FLORSHEIM SHOE IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU- AND The Holeproof Sox Just Hits the Spot and tin- wt'aror too, wlurivii' ho kocs, will see people wearing the name kind of 1 1 : ,. 11 IK I TACK TO I1LY IS AT Sam Hughes Co. FOR REPRESENTATIVE Robert N. Stanfield REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR Morrow and Umatilla Counties ll'.ii.l Adv.) (Continued from first page) I 1 census of 1910 we had only 44'jO. There is not a vacant dwelling in the city. Apartment houses are all filled. One of the biggest hotels in the Northwest, the new Hotel Pendleton, just com pleted, is taking care of families who can find no other suitable domiciles, whi!a some people who wanted to live in Pendleton could not find houses and were compelled to live in tents, and quite a number could not locate here at all. There are more men car penters, plumbers, masons, painters, mechanics and all classes of labors, at work in Pendleton today" than ever before, and they are all earning good money. I would like to hear from some of ' the responsible local dry people in an swer to the above statements, but not from paid agents or professional agi tators. JOSEPH ELL. j The above article appeared in the Sunday Orcgonian of October 23. The gentleman whose signature appears above, has been a councilman for many years in Pendleton and is well quali fied to speak on this or any other : similar subject The same conditions existed in Heppner under prohibition. Every citizen knows it to be a fact. Anyone who wanted booze got plenty of it, such as it was, and drunks were more common on the streets of Hepp ner than they are now. During the time the town was dry no improvements were made to speak of. Since then our little town has been going ahead at a steady gate. It is a matter of common knowledge that the First National Bank of Heppner has more deposits than any bank in the same size town in the State. We have a fine large school building, a garage second to none in the country, a new furnishing store, a new black-: smith shop in course of construction. $20,000 worth of improvements to the Heppner Light & Water Co's plant, : permanent fair buildings, our streets are in the best condition they ever j were, the churches are all in good fin- j ancial shape, and every residence and ! nearly every business house is occupied j The undersigned believes in better- ing conditions in every way possible, j but prohibition did not do it before, but made it worse, and if conditions were worse in Pendleton and Heppner when prohibition was in force before, what reason have we to believe they will be bettered by a second trial. (Paid Adv.) GEO. C. AIKEN. Turkeys for Thanksgiving? If you have any for sale bring them to Roy Whiteis. I pay highest Cash price or allow you a larger amount in trade. I also wan all other kinds of poultry. JUST IX 1914 CROP ENGLISH WALNUTS. See me before sending away your orders for groceries. I fill all orders with quality for quality and price for price in competition with any Mail Order House. R. V. WHITEIS IONE, ... OREGON It dose not appear to The Herald that the Dentistry Bill is deserving of a place on the ballot, and should be defeated by the voters. Under the present law a dentist, who feels he has been unjustly treated by the Slate Board of Examiners in apply ing for a license to practice has re course in the courts of the state. Just mark your ballot 341 X No and kill another one of those needless laws. We have a surplus of them now. FOR SA South Portal to Palace of Food Products, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915 : ,i : v ' u i f . v I w i JjjiU The following articles having been re placed by new we are now offering them for sale. They can be had singly or in sets. All dining room table All dining room chairs Large assortment of plain white dining room dishes One large coffee mill One Oliver Typewriter One double adding Cash Register Palace Hotel Co. SEE HARLAN Before you place the order for that piece of CLASSY JOB PRINTING t SWT Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon No. 55 on the ottlcial ballot Ki'uulttr Republican nominee for Senator, 19th Senatorial Pi-liit comprising the coun lio. of UMATILLA. UNION nd MORROW. i CopyrlKht, 1914, by ranuiim-TneMc Inlvi -national Kxiunltln Co. THIS portal In probably thp most liioilcrn in ferllni; of any doorwij to n ny of thp inn I n group of cxlill.lt palaces. 'Dip portal In Italian rcn HlnKniK'e In form ti ml treatment, but mmh of tlm ornamentation is of more rivent origin. The photograph give no hlea of the great dlmen tons of this portal, which Is Hlxty-slx feet In height to the tip of the orna mentation surmounting the arch. The eagles above the line of pilasters of the portal are six feet tn height. The Imposition palac es are constructed of gray ish cream plaster In imitation of Travertine marble. For Sale! HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS-Small Payment Down Stop Paying Rent Money Into Sombody'i Pocket. Own Your own Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. ." .' BINNS' REAL ESTATE A General Store doing a paying Cash Business. Inquire at Herald office ELKHORN RESTAURANT Best Meals in the City and at the most reasonable prices Everything neat and clean Short orders served in quick and satisfactory style A Man of Experience in lumncis and f, 11111111;:. I .iwis amendment to our tax laws, making t.x p,im nts M.iy 1st ami November 1st without in terest or penally. I'avois less apptoptiationa and retrenchment in public rxpeiidituies; the abolishment of nil useless boards, and the consolidation ( ollu is wlieie possible. A man that knows the demands of Kaslern Oregon and alwas icady to defend them. Consult Your Ei'st Inlercsts and Mark Your -Ballot NO. 5S X 'a I , m Allirio. On j White River Flour I MADE FROM City Meat Market FRANK HALL. Pron. Retail Butcher Fat Stock Always Wanted at Market Prices. Phone S63 Morrow County's Finest Bluestem the Best Milling Wheat Known. For Sale by the Sv?ck, Barrel or carload PHILL C0HN, Heppner, Oregon Peoples' Cash Market HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor n ti forhn;ii,- ,ul,r , n,l rx rii ncd management, Solicit ami will aiii-tciatc your imtrunagr. Fresh and Cured Meats