1 TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1014. TIEPPNER HERAt.D, HEPPNER. OREGON. PACE THREE o GO TO ROSEBURG AND SEE WRECK DRYS HAVE MADE Bank Deposits Fall Off Half Mil lion Dollars in Dry Town ASSESSMENTS" MUCH HIGHER Real Estate Offered for Sale at Less Than Valuation But No Bidders O The Committee of One Hundred says: "If you want to find out what dry Oregon will do for Oregon, go to Roseburg and see what dry Koseburg has accomplished." Here's what it has done. It has cut down the bank deposits by over , $500,000, in spite of the fact that there are now four banks to the two in existence when Rose burg had licensed saloons, and that the population has increased in pro portion to the settling up of South ern Oregon by new settlers and im migration. When Roseburg had licensed sa loons the tax levy, on one-third of the valuation was two mills. Since Roseburg has gone dry the tax levy has varied from eight to ten mills on a full valuation; and in addition occupation taxes have been steadily increased. The Committee of One Hundred boasts that dry Roseburg has erected a $115,000 hotel. The hotel was erected in 1913, stood idle and ten antless for four months, and was rescued from the bankruptcy court by liberal business men of the city, among whom were E. L. Parrot, C. W. Parks, Joseph Micelli, A. N. Or cott and Henry Hart, all of whom are radically opposed to a dry town. The Committee of One Hundred also boasts of the armory as an achievement. The armory was built by state, county and city funds com bined, and is not yet completed. Over 140 leading business men have signed a petition calling for a local option election in Roseburg this year, and such an election will be held. Many empty store buildings are to be found on the leading business streets a condition that never ex isted when Roseburg had licensed saloons. Scores of dwelling houses are vacant for the first time in the history of the city. John Hunter, a leading contractor and formerly a supporter of the drys, is now advertising in Roseburg pa pers: Business block for sale for $500 less than present as sessed valuation. Another property owner has of fered four parcels of inside prop erty for fnlc at less than the as sessed aluation, and has not even received a tender. One of the leaders of the dry forces in Roseburg is a man who as a former agent of the Albany brew ery made his fortune, and who to day is the owner of a drug store. He was at one time prominent in politics, was repudiated by the vot ers of Douglas County, and is now said to be seeking to place lieuten ants in office through the dry move ment. Beggars are common on the streets, and many poor families are appeal ing to the local bankers for aid. And yet the Committee of One Hundred fays: "If you want to find out what Ore 9t, jVn drv do for Oregon ro to o s v-ivoseburi! and see what drv RoseburR ill between $M m yvfJI PUT YOUR AND VOTE AGAINSft (SAMPLE BALLOT) For Representative in Congress 12 JOHN DOE Vote for One 13 RICHARD ROE For United States Senator 18 JOHN DOE Vote for One 19 RICHARD ROE For Governor 22 JOHN DOE Vote for One 23 RICHARD ROE REFERRED TO PEOPL For an Amendment of Section 2, Article U, Etc, LY Vote YES ot NO 300 Yes 301 No 303 No For Amendment of Section 6, Etc, 304 Yes i 305 No Initiated by authority of TUTIONAL EIGHT 320 Yes 321 No Initiated by authority of and RCOM VENTILA 322 Yes 323 No Initiated by Joseph H. A! TlOftAL Ar.EF. 332 Yea A 7 a -x fmm Mrs. lfMMKMm4im v -ni V. MT ' "BUSINESS IS FIX E. Grand Jury in Wry Town Says Too Much Liquor Sold Haps Doctors. O. M. Yeager, Architect and Builder. Car of Yakima potatoes just re ceived Phelps Grocery Co. For Constitutional Amendment of Section 8, El 302 Yes Vote YES or NO Vote YES or NO ptavSERSAL CONST!. Vote YES or NO b EIGHT HOUR DAY .WORKERS, Eta Vote YES or NO .PROHIBITION CONSTITU- 1T, Etc., Vote YES or NO Constitutional Amendment initiated by Paul Turner, etc.-ABOLlSIIING DEATH PENALTY, etc, 334 Yes Vote YES or NO 33S No Hood River is one of the "dry" towns that the Committee of One Hundred hasn't said anything about. But "business is fine" there too, es pecially in the drug stores. The Oc tober grand jury spent some days looking into the matter, and reported on it. In fact about all the grand jury did was to probe the liquor sit uation in "dry" Hood River, thus spending the taxpayers' money to discover if prohibition prohibited. This is what they found out, as set forth in their formal report to the Circuit Court on October 6, IPH: "Nearly all of the time of thi. grand jufy has been taken up with consideration of alleged violations of the local option law within thN juris diction. We have received tin report of the sheriff of the county as to the quantity of intoxicating liquor shipped into this county during the last three months. By this report it appears that a large amount of liquor has been shipped to private individuals during the period, and presumably procured and used legally. It fur ther appears that the quantity re ceived by the drug stores during the period was considerably more than during the preceding three months, and too large to be disposed of In accordance with the section of the lo cal option law regulating the writing of prescriptions by physicians, and in this connection we call the attention of physicians of Hood River County to Section 4921 of Lord's Oregon Laws. "We recommend that the physi cians confine themselves more close ly to the letter of this section of the local option law." The report is signed by Jsseph Frazier, Jr., as foreman. U. F. Wigglesworth was Butter Creek on Tuesday. in from 500 posts for Company. sale Phelps Grocery FOUXD-Hajior's. -A watch. Inquire at ..OREGON FIRST... C. G. Casebeer, agent, Oregon Life Insurance Com pany. Best for Oregonians. LOST 5 ewea and one wether. Wether had bell on neck. Will pay reward for their return. Walt Rood. I am an agent for Mrs. Summers' famous home remedies. Samples sent on request. Mrs. Hardesty, Morgan, Oregon. For rag rugs and rag carpet weav ing and also rugs from old ingrain curpets, see the Heppner weaver just south of the Catholic Church. Show Case, 8-foot, for sale cheap Phelps Grocery Co. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN F. DYE, DENTIST Penianently located in Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 and 5. LIQUOR BUSINESS FINE SINCE EU GENE IS "DRV Southern Pacific Shipments Indicate How Normal Demand Is Still Met. !)r. II. T. ALLISON PHYSICIAN & SURGEONS Office Patterson Drug Store Heppner, - - Oregon Dr. A .P. CULBEKTSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Second Door North Minor & Co. Store. ta? lias accomplished.' o FIG EXE. Lane County's "model" prohibi- 1 tion city, and the seat of the ' state university, is NOT A "DRY" TOWN. From January I to October I of this year there were shipped into Eugene H)2.4."? QUARTS OF P.EFIi. From January 1 to October I of this ycir there were shipped into Eugene 3.490 QUARTS OF I.IQUOK. Of this annum there went to one drug More 524 QUARTS OF LIQUOR. Lxprcs company records show the.; figures. IS EUGENE "DRY"? VOTE 3.13 X NO. Big Blunder in Misleading "Prohibition" Campaign is Made. J. E. WHEELER, CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE OF ONE HUNDRED ADMITS IN PUBLIC PRINT That Prohibition is AN INFRINGEMENT OF PERSONAL LIBERTY. That the word "DISTRIBUTION" was DELIBERATELY LEFT OUT OF the proposed "prohibition" amendment. That "ANY CITIZEN" may ship liquor "direct from some other state" into "HIS OWN HOME." EVERY CLAIM HADE BY THE ANTI-PROHIBITION FORCES AGAINST THE PRO- EPOiEXE. The Committee, of One Hundred, together with other prnhihi tinn orgnni.iitions, boHsts thnt. Eugene, the sent of the I'niverHity of Oregon, ia one of their "model'' dry towns. And they sny "business is fine" there. Investigation proves that in the iini versity city at least one form of busi ncss is good the. mail order liquor business. From January 1 to October 1 thin yenr, the Southern Pnrifie alone has shipped into dry Eugeuo from outside points: 1 ,342 barrels of beer, 8i enses of liquor, fi!) kegs of I i ii or 21 burrels of liquor. This is enough liquor to stock eao luisy saloon for n yenr. Doubtless similnr nmounts have been sent in by the Oregon Electric It nil way, and by the several express com panics operating within the city. The reeoriis ilo not show the iiuiounts in eneh keg, ruse or barrel, hut the fig ures in any event indicate thnt there Inis lieen n vnst ninouut of liquor eon sunieil in "ilry" Mugene from which the eity hns received no license re turns at nil. The Committee of One Ilumlreil says "linsiness is fine in ilry towns," hut it hns failed to specify the kind of linsiness. OTficiiil records nt Eugene, the home of the state university, where hundreds of young men nnd women go f i "tn nil pnrts of the state, spi nk for tlienisi Ives. Eugene Matron Finds Liquor. KI'tiKNK. Though one of the on licemen hml fnileil to fin, liquor upon the person of n drunk pii ki d up on tin! stru ts hi re, Mrs. ,1. It, Cox, police ma Iron, succeeded in discovering tlirca quarts of whisky concealed in the prls oner's clothes, and ron I'iscHtcd the liquor. Heppner, Oregon. Drs. WINNARD & McMURDO PII YSKTANS & SURGEONS lleppiior, - Oregon Dr. 1 N. CHUISTENSON DENTIST Heppner, Oregon Offices with Drs. Winnard & McMurdo C. E. WOODSON ATTORN EV-AT-L AW Office in Palace Hotel. IIeppner, Ore. SAM E. VAN VACTOU ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OHice in Court Houwe, Heppner, Ore. WELLS & NYS ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Heppner, . - Orrgoa Alhanr A1.1MN Y. Bootlegger Guilty. A. .1. Miller, chnrgei! The Anti-Prohibition Forces Have Steadfastly Claimed: That "prohibition in an infringe ment of personal liberty". Mr. Wheeler admits it, word for word, in public print. That "prohibition will not prohibit." Mr. Wheeler' admission proves his f'nmmiltM (if Onn II tinilrccl Ik not trying to prohibit. That "prohibition does not mean "Dry Oregon." tut "or to the blow to the prexent healthy growth of TRUE TEMPERANCE SENTIMENT ,in the land. Mr. Wheelers ailtnis ' Hion proves it. I That "prohibitum would let down the bars to Itl.INU PIWJERS and iMOOT-I.EOfJERS. who would deal in deadly deroetion". The sr.nv law 'would allow any blind logger with a I HOME to hhip liipjor "direc t from some other state" to HIS HOME, for th BLIND PKiOER is as mm h of a "CITIZEN" as any other mun or I woman in Oregon. And the I. hud because he i NOP I.MiKR y ritv official, will make one barrel of I'W'r, iierause NhPECTION In federal, sl;ile nr Pl'RE WINE. ItKEK or Uol OK in. to a DOZEN BARRELS OK I'OISON. Ol.'S BEVERAGES that will make a new generation of imbeciles, idiot and criminals in Oregon. with violating the local option laws, has been convicted of ' 4 boot leggi ng ' ' b n jury in Judge Kelly's court. I.vi dt rice ngsinst the prisoner was strong, nd the jury reached a verdict with but little delav. Albany Has TweWe Cases. AIM A NY. Thomas Irving Terrill, a total rclnnriirit man, has loin fined :-n'i for selling deer in Ins place of I iimiicss in vi'.l'iti.n of the local op ton statutes. His trml Is tli fust if twtlve to follow doen indictments kaieled down by the September grand Jurv, each one relating to liquor lavf violations in Linn county. knaiteniseim; & joiinson ATTORNEYS AM) COUNCELORS AT LAW lone, .... Oregon MR. WHEELER'S THREE BLUNDERING ADMISSIONS ARE IRE BEST THREE REASONS II HIS MISNAMED, uinirimiin "nnniiiniTinti mriinnrirnj in mi iiintiuin iinunr m tut dtitt VV. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER Only complete set of abstract book in Morrow County. HEPPNER, . . OREGON FOR FINE UP-TO-DATE HOMES See T. C. DKNNISEE, ARCHITECT ANO CONTRACTOR. LOUS PEARSON I TAILOR !' Iipner, Oregon. G rnuniDiiiuii hivilnuu IS AN ALARMING MENACE 10 THE STATE Can Any Intelligent VcltT Fail To Sec The "Jokers"? I OR SM.E-A number of female "St. Andrrlnr Roller" ranary bird. 'Hume are high priced birds but I desire to Hell Ihem and am pricing Hu m at only fl each. Mr. Fph E ki lon, LcMiigton, Oregon. VOTE 333 X NO AND PUT AN END TO THlb "PROHIBITION" AGITATION (Taid Advertimer,t, Taxpayers r.dWg. Karnen' League of Oregon, Portland, Oregon.) I OR SUE -I have a fr choir. Lincoln Until In Heppner for sale. rr I rank Robert. I OK K U.E-Nnrnr fine M. V. M. l.tlhorn riMnler at fl each a Innj I bey Is.l. J. F. Ilardcstly, Mif- tix. On gun. I OR SXI.E Some kink) horar and mult, broke nr unbroken. 4j Imlt Mint h ct of Islington, f. E. Mm. i