HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1014. n : This is a Personal Invitation To the People of Morrow County When in Portland Slop at The Imperial With Phil Metschan, Located on Washington Street at Broadway, formerly 7th St. Right in the 1 leart of the City. The Imperial Hotel Reasonable Rates WELL DRI LUNG Done on short notice. I have never failed to get a good well. Others have give me the opportunity and I will give you a satisfactory well. See me at I leppner or at the Drill. W. D. Newlon THE FLORSHEIM SHOE IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU--AND The Holeproof Sox Just Hits the Spot and tho wearer too, wherever lie noes, will see people wearing the same kind of Hose. THE H.At'E TO ltl!Y IS AT Sam Hughes Co, Copyright, 1914, by Panama-Pacific International Exposition Co. Crocker Co, official photographers. H. S. THE LARGEST GLASS BUBBLE IN THE WORLD. STEEL framework of the great dome of the Palace of Horticulture at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915. The dome Is the largest ever constructed, being 152 feet In diameter and 186 feet high and surmounted by a basket thirty feet In diameter, which will be filled with growing flowers. The dome, lighted from within by whirling colored lights, will resembla a huge fire opaL Turkeys for Thanksgiving? If you have any for sale bring them to Roy Whiteis. I pay highest Cash price or allow you a larger amount in trade. I also wan all other kinds of poultry. JUST IX 1914 CROP ENGLISH WALNUTS. See me before sending away your orders for groceries. I fill all orders with quality for quality and price for price in competition with any Mail Order House. R.V. WHITEIS 10NE, - - - OREGON FOR REPRESENTATIVE Robert N. Stanfeild REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR Morrow and Umatilla Counties 2 (Paid A.lv.) v i v , I k . mm Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon Nj. 55 on the offcial ballot Kt'tjultir Republican nominee lor Senator, UHh Senatorial 1'iMru't comprising the coun ties! 1'MATIl.lA UNION ami MORROW. SOCIALIST STATE PARTY TICKET For United States Senator, B. F. Ramp, Brooks. For Governor, Wm. J. Smith, Port land. State Treasurer, B. J. Sloop, As toria. Attorney General, J. E. Hosmer, Silvertson. State Labor Commissioner, August Nikula, Astoria. State Superintendent of Public In struction, Flora I. Foreman, Quency. State Railroad Commissioner, I. 0. Pcurala, Portland. Justices Supreme Court: D. W. Robinson, Portland; D. N. Rannells, Astoria; A. G. Hotchkiss, Beaverton; and Chas. II. Otten, Portland. COUNTY TICKET For Clerk, C. E. Jones. For Treasurer, F. Burroughs. For Surveyor, John Ritchie. For Coroner, D. A. Porter. For Commissioner, C. J. Anderson. THIS IS THE GREATEST QUES TION OF THE IIOIR . Ity Heppner Branch No. 1 Sixty billions of dollars of toek and bonds drawing 5 per cent, three billions live hundred millions; thirty billions which are fictitious fraud, made of mere printed paper created by a trick and each year they take g billions, five hundred millions. This vast sum is taken from the masses of the American people through the pri vate ownership of these great wealth producing machines built on class legislation. That gives the copora tions this great taxing privilege, levying this great tribute on the Am- j ei iean people as the fudel lords did in the old European countries up to the signing of the Magna Carta of Eng land. This is the Question of Ihe Hour. Tho people of the United States have saved up and deposited in sav ings banks over ,r billions of money (ami there is less than 4 billions of all kinds in American money) at 4 per cent. They receive 1! hundred mil lions if dollars annually. They re- J !ceived the same ra forty years ago, j when the 2 hundred millions bought I what today requires 4 hundred tnil J : lions to pay for. I Today the railroads of the country are doing more to paralyze the coun- try's business than any other industry. lhey are asking u i per cent raise on freight riites. Thev have stoitned constructions and are trying to keep I it stopped until they are allowed to 1 J add further to the people's cost of living. Nothing has n greater and more direct eltect on the cost of living a than railroads. Every dollar they take from the people in the form of J freight and passenger rates is so much a aiMcil to the cost ot living. ...... THE EM m that England has taken over her rail roads, finances and called heads of manufacturers, realty dealers, etc., and fixed a price on all commodities, adopting the Socialist theory of pro duction and distribution in time of war, if not practical? Whey would it not be more so in times of peace? The cost of living will not decline un til these billions of money which are taken from the farmers and wage earners are re-distributed through co operation. When cornered by the Interstate Commerce Commission, former Presi dent Yoakum of the Frisco confessed that the only way to end looting by American railways and the scandalous financial transactions was for the Gov ernment to own and operate them. Turn to the published Congressional report and read the testimony of the New York bank presidents that their hanks had earned zsw per cent .on their capital stock in twenty years. And if one is puzzled he has but to observe the marble palaces in differ ent cities which have been built to get rid of the profits made from bor rowing the people's money at 4 and -''2 per cent and loaning it back at ;my old rate. And go through the country and lis ten to the hardest working men and women on earth, why it is they are ', compelled to work like slaves and are only allowed to retain enough ot their earnings to keep body and soul toget her that the holders of our 8 to 12 per cent mortgages may take the balance when 1)0 per cent of men and women who reach 05 years of age are either dependent on their children or charity for their support. This is a burning question with the people. Listen, do you hear any candidate in this state saying anything about these questions or offering any legisla tion to release the people from these burdens? NO. Only the Socialist party. Why do not uny of the other parties have anything to offer? It is because they are committed to the policies of the competitive system that has produced these condition and these conditions will grow harder to bear from year to year as long as we have this system of government based an competition until we have a gov ernmental system based upon co operation democratically managed. lou lurmers and wage earners of Oregon, you have no homes to lose by voting the Socialist ticket Nov. 3, but home to gain. (rani Advertisement.) The following articles having been re placed by new we are now offering them for sale. They can be had singly or in sets. All dining room table All dining room chairs Large assortment of plain white dining room dishes One large coffee mill One Oliver Typewriter One double adding Cash Register Palace Hotel Co. mwu SEE HARLAN Before you place the order for that piece of CLASSY JOB PRINTING I'OU SALE A number of female "St. Andrew sherg Hollers" canary birds. Those are high priced birds hut 1 desire lo sell them and am pricing them at only $1 each. Mrs. Kph Es kelson, Lexington, Oregon. .Mr. P. li. Rogers, former pi (.r nnd rancher at Morgan, has been in Heppner the Past few days looking lor a suitable place to rent. He has Why is it about decided lo located here. I CORN SHOW HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS-Small Payment Down Stop Paying Rent Money Into Sombody's Pocket. Own Your own Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. .' .' .' .' BINNS' REAL ESTATE A Man of Experience in husiiu-M .iml Limin e l.iot amendment to our tax law, making tax p,iiiiniU M.iv 1st antl November 1st without in terest or penally. l'.uoi less appropriation and retrenchment in public I'xpen.litiiie. t!ie abolishment ot all useless boards, ami the consolidation i ollu t wlu-ie possible. A man that knows the ilrmamU ol I'.aslern Oregon and aU.us le.uly to defend them. Consult YoLf Best Interests and Mark Your Ballot NO. r5 X will be prool that the Pacific Northwest raise as fine coifi as the "corn belt." It will be held under the auspices of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. at Walla Walla, Washington November 25 to 28, 1914 1 f fff fpttnlati fart lh WjUvU fIrm OOO .crr-a. hum tl I crop of thit nrvrit and bt ad dition In l'ilu Nnrthortl produit. dl ! on cnmprtititf exhibition. Low Round Trip Fare Titkrtt. Sthadulrt and lull information upon epplu atiort to any agrnl p the O-W. R. & N. ASK FOR PREMIUM LIST ELKHORN RESTAURANT Best Meals in the City and at the most reasonable prices Everything neat and clean Short orders served in quick and satisfactory style City Meat Market FRANK HALL, Prop. Retail Butcher Fat Stock Always Wanted at Market Prices. Thone 663 Peoples' Cash Market HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor Ofwii tr hut! in . utidir tu w ami rrrivncul nnntnjrun Si'iinlA (Tih ii ii7 (i''ivri'iir your xitrnigi Fresh and Cured Meats f " 0 J