Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 30, 1914, Image 1

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With which is consolidated The lone Bulletin.
A first class newspaper entered at the postnlnce nt lloppner. Oninm as smind-claas matter
Occupants of Rear Seat Thrown Out
But None of Passengers Ser
iously Injured.
Just after crossing the small bridge
in front of the Aclkins residence in
South Heppner in his automobile
Tuesday evening, Jim Hayes had some
trouble in some unaccountable man
ner with his gears and in the mixup
the car started back down the grade.
The hind wheels just barely missed
the bridge on one side and a post on
the other side and the machine drop
ped down over the 8-foot embank
ment. The front wheels of the car
remained on the bridge tilting the
car at about an 80-degree angle. Jim
held right on to the wheel. Mrs.
Hayes and one of her children, who
were in the back seat did not stop
when the machine lid. They kept
right on going. Nobody was serious
ly injured although it is a mystery
how they escaped with only a few
minor bruises. The car was not much
hurt either. The running board on
the right hand side was torn loose
from its supporters and bent and that
was about all that seemed to be wrong
with the machine. That the rear end
of the car is strongly constructed
was amply proven in this instance,
otherwise the heavy weight of the car
falling such a distance would surely
have made things fly in all directions.
A crowd of men removed the
car from its position on Wednesday.
They accomplished the feat by letting
the front wheels down into the ditch
and turning the car towards the west.
A rope was attached to the front
axle and when the engine was started
the men lugged on the rope until the
car was finally dragged into the road.
C. U.' Beymer is in
town from
Glad Tidings will ring in your ear If
you buy an 8-day Marathon Hay lor
E. C. Maddock arrived in town
Tuesday evening for a short visit.
Ben Buschke was up yesterday
from his Khea Creek ranch.
Don't forget the dance on Election
night. Music by Bowker's Orchestra
Harold Cohn went down to Portland
yesterday to spend a few days on
pleasure and business.
WANTED Girl to do general
housework in small family. Apply at
Herad ollice.
Mrs. Bert Stone returned home
Friday evening last from her visit in
Idaho anil Lustern Oregon points
FOR SALE Some good horses and
mules, broke or unbroken, 4Vi imles
southwest of Lexington. F. E. Mason.
Hervey Buuman from Willow Creek
near Lexington made a pleasant call
at the Herald ollice on Wednesday
You will miss it if you fail to see
the football game between lone and
Heppner High Schools next Tuesday
FOR SALE I have a few choice
Lincoln Bucks in ITcppner for sale.
Sec Frank Roberts.
Mrs. Ella Carroll was successfully
operated upon by Dr. McMurdo for
appendicitis last week at the Hepp
ner Sanatorium.
Dr. Ralph C. Swineburne is down
from Seattle on a visit to his grand
mother, Mrs. Eliza J. Ayers, and to
attend to business matters.
FOR SALE Some line S. C. M.
Leghorn rooster at $1 each as long
as they lust
J. F. llardestly, Mor-
gun, Oregon
Mir Sue Q.iick accompained her
sister. Miss. Geo. Thompson, from Ft.
Collins, Col., and will visit here for
some t.nif.
Mr. ami Mrs. F.d Pointer. Mrs. R.
It. Hue and daughter, Mrs. Burgoyne,
were up from Iexington Tuesday
t hopping with lotal merchants.
Don't forget that big Harvest Home
Supper Ht the Federated Churrh to
night (Friday.) The ladies have pre
pared a line ihnkeii nipper.
Dr. McMurdo ha been remodeling
the hou-e he r-cenl'v purchased Jut
one tloor north of tiie Hager sinters
and expect to move into iame in
short time.
The Palace Hotel ha' just installed
n psir f "penally "pupped rash
r t,'iti i . The- machines do away
with a large amount of bookkeeping
large amount of bookkeeping,
Minor & Co. have jnt purchased an
B i lirg trathme which w ill lie used '
for makir.g out their monthly bills!
and posting their ledgers.
Rev. N. Ferris Minister.
Our Motto:
With thyself practice the utmost
strictness as touching the things that
thou shalt believe and do. Unto all
others grant the utmost liberty.
Bible School at 9:45.
Divine Worship at 11:00.
No Evening Services on account of
Union Temperance Meeting.
Pastor Ferris, who has just return
ed from attending the Baptist State
Convention, will speak at both services
and give brief reptrts of Convention
A cordial invitation is extended to
all; strangers welcome.
Federated Christian Endeavor at
6:30 p. m.
The Federated Church Sundav
School elected officers for the ensuing
year on Sunday last. They are as
follows: Supt. A. M. Phelps: Asst.
Supt., Geo. Jackson; Primary Supt.,
Mrs. A. M. Phelps; Cradle Roll Supt.,
Miss Hager; Home Dept. Supt., Mrs.
Fred Tash; Secretary. Mrs. M.
Church; Treasurer, Mrs. F. N. Frye;
Choirister, Mr. Jackson; Organist,
Miss Melba Griffiths.
A young People's Class was organi
zed for Christian fVrvice with 15 en
rolled. All young people not attend
ing elsewhere are ureed to meet with
this class at 9:45 each Lord's Day
The Herald office received a verv
pleasant call from Mrs. Henry Coats
of Eightmile Center on Wednesday
and the Herald man discovered her
to be an interesting lady. Mrs.
Coats is much enthused over the pros
pects of a "Dry" Oregon and is of
the opinion that the measure will
carry. Belore departing Mrs. Coats
ordered the HeraM and the Weekly
Oregonian for the coming year.
Louis Summerfield has iust finished
a long run of work at R. F. Wiggles
worth's on Butter Creek and at Hynd
Brothers' in Sand Hollow. At Wig
glesworth's he painted the outside of
tne residence and painted and paper
ing me entire miei.or oi me Duua
ing. He was there twentv-five davs.
At Hynd's he papered several rooms,
oeing mere tour days.
Andy Rood Jr. was the victim of
foul play this week. A horse kicked
him when he wasn't looking. As the
result of which Andy is nursing a sore
arm and a number of other bruised
spots about his body, particularly his
leeungs. ine worst leature ot tne
accident lie; in the fact that Andy is
temporarily required to take it easv
about the house and being inactive
does not agree with him in any way.
Mr. Harry Duncan entertained a
number of his friends at a banquet
at the Palace Grill Wednesday even
ing. The occasion was simply a
jollification and the evening was most
pleasantly spent. Mr. Duncan prov
ing to be an admirable host. The
guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pat
terson. Dr. and Mrs. Allison. Misses
Josephine Camerson and Helen Ames
and Messrs. Gus Mallory, Harold
and Henry Cohn.
Lawrence Swick, the well known
Monument sheepman, delivered 2800
head of woolies to two different par
ties at Heppner this week. Mr.
Etulain of North Yakima received his
1900 head and the balance, which
were fine lambs, went to local parties.
While here Mr. Swick received a short
visit from his son, Calvin Swick a
Portland attorney. The younger Mr.
Swick is a graduate of the Anna Ar
bor, Mich., law school.
Ed Rood, the well known Portland
capitalist, and old time Morrow Coun
ty resident was in Heppner this week.
looking after business matters. He
went to lone yesterday.
Several teams have been hauling
lumber from Heppner this week for
Dan Henshaw's new residence build
ing in Blackhorse.
Dr. Winnard sold his Ford Car this
week to Frank Hall, the meatman.
Anyone knowing the whereabouts of
this young man will do him a favor
by sending his present address lo A
l SI'RAGUE, Carlisle, Wash.
Six miles from Olex, Gilliam County.
Good wheat land good water good
fences no buildings ill let first
two crops go for improvement on
L. O. RALSTON, Owner,
608 Market St., Portland.
On Ortibrr 30, lt, at my plare
2 mile southeast of Lexington, I will
isrll at public auction mr entire herd
I am"7 rows, aim one .o. 1 1 Mmpui
, Separator. h' " 1 O'clock.
R. W. Snider.
Sirr plare at Olrx. Gilliam County.
6H arm bottom land, nice orchard.
i ' ' no lnl h been
about 200 acres In all. Will
rrn 'H P on lime pa) menls.
L. O. RALSTON, Owner,
Market SI, Portland.
- bl ,
O ''" "S,
" .
Democratic Nominee for Treasurer of
Morrow County.
Mr. Hughes was born in Missouri
on Nov. 26, 1884 and with his parents
came to Oregon in 1884. They lived
in the John Day country for a num
ber of years and came to Morrow
County in 1896. Hanson was a stu
dent of the Heppner High School and
graduated with the class of '99. He
has grown up in the store business
witn nis iatner and the past nine
years has been junior partner in the
firm of Sam Hughes & Son. He is
well known as a member of the Odd
fellow Lodge and is at present Dis
trict Deputy Grand Master, of that
order Mr. Hughes has been making
an aggressive campaign for the office
he seeks, and although this is his first
entrance into the political arena he
informed the Herald that he expects
to come out a winner. There is no
doubt but that if Mr. Hughes was
elected ho would grve the county a
fine business administration in the
financial department.
Located in South Heppner and in
order to dispose of same in the next
two weeks 1 am offering same at a
remarkably low price. House has six
rooms with bath, sleeping porch, sur
rounded by fruit trees and berry
bushes. Fenced in chicken yard. Ir
quire of the owner, C. T. Humphries
or Herald office.
Rev. Crooks, pastor of the Methodist
Church, being absent next Sunday,
Professor V. F. Cooper, divine phreno
logist, will occupy the pulpit both
morning and evening. At 11 a. m.,
subject, "Hope as a Factor in Suc
cess." At 7:30 p. xn., subject, "Val
taire, Scepticism and Fanaticism," Il
lustrated by Plaster Cast, of Voltaire's
Head who Robert Ingersoll said caus
eded twenty million of people to re
nounce Christianity Everybody cor
dially invited.
Mrs. Matt Hughes of Rhea Creek,
who has been very iil at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Enoch Cave, in Hepp
ner, is gradually recovering, according
to the advices of her physician, Dr.
McMurdo. Mrs. Hughes had a bad
attack of pneumonia.
County Commissioner J. S. Young
and Judge Patterson were out along
upper Willow Creek near Bruce
Kelly's place where Andy Cook's road
crew is at work, on Tuesday. The
crew is repairing some of the grades
in that vicinity.
W. P. McMillan was in Heppner
Tuesday. He was nursing the bruises '
he received in the auto accident a few I
days ago, when his car turned turtle. ;
The car was consigned to the hospital
department of the Heppner Garage, i
but Mac is still able to be about.
E. H. Scott, v'ter known as
'Scotty," was the victim of pain
ful accident a few evenings ago.
While wrestling with a friend "Scotty"
twisted his leg so t vlly that the bone
was fractured and be is now laid up.
Persons contemplating a visit to
Hot Lake Springs, Oregon, who re
quire the service of a wheel chair oi
other special convenience, are request
ed by the manager to give notice ol
arrival in advance, so that proper care i
and attention may be assured. (
(Adv.) i
In Ihe city of Heppner, Oregon. j
There is a good restaurant in Hi pp
ner for sale. Loratrd on Main Slr'fl I
mid doing a first Has hunim-Mi. It j
is well equipped ilh everything
nerpssarjr lo do Ihe business.. .Clcai
and nral in every particular. . .Then
re some housrhnld rflVrta hirh il' .
,n ,he "!?. B'w n1 usrabli '.
rue it-.. . i ne rini man ran isse init
' plare and ir, ike money, as it is
I mnnry maker now and you know what j
it is lo buy business paying well
I Just drop a line lo Ihe owner or brt
trr yrt, slop in and talk il orr with
him. ..II is desirous of tusking a
Yours for business,
G O X (i LA N E
A number of Lexington Oddfellows,
among whom were W. T. Camobell,
Harve McAllister, Karl Eskelson.
Peter Peterson and Roy Campbell
were in Heppner Wednesday nicht to
attend a session of Willow Lodge No.
66, I. 0. 0. F the last two named
taking the first and second degrees
of Oddfellowship. L. W. Briggs and
L. K. Harlan also took the second de
gree. A banquet was served after the
business session and as usual Dr.
Winnard was the heaviest eater. In
fact, the refreshment committee have
difficulty quite often in providing
enough to satisfy the doctor's ap
petite, which is something enormous.
Rev. Ferris has just returned from
a visit to Willamette Valley and re
ports a fine time, having met a num
ber of old Ohio friends at Albany,
where he occupied the pulpit of tlie
First Baptist Church, attending dur
ing mid-week the Oregon liaptisl
State Convention. Rev. Ferris says,
'Never has Oregon seemed to big
and grand to me as now."
The lectures of P. -of. Cooper at the
Methodist Church have been well at
tended and highly appreciated by the
people. Prof. Cooper gives readings
eacn day at his room at the Star
Hotcl and in the
evening gives two j
or more public readings at the Church.
Mr. II. V. Gates departed on Tues
day to look alter h s extensive inti
sts in other places. Mr. Gates hi
been actively engaged in superintend
ing a number of improvements made
by the H. L. & V. Co., the jwst lew
Mrs. Wilt and daughter. Miss Doris,
accompained by Mr. ami Mrs. Leil
Mason, were up from loee on Tues
day. Miss Wilt anil Mrs. Mason are
pupils of Prof. Otto on the violin.
A good-sized gang of workmen have
been rushing work this week on the
foundation for the new blacksmith
shop being erected by Carpenter Cox
for Henry Ashbaugh.
Rev. Crooks will occupy the pulpit
of the Lexington Methodist Mnrch
Sunday evening. In the morning of
that day he will preach at Hod. don':,
school house at 1 1 o'clock .
E. G. Noble, saddle manufacturer,
was exhibiting to the Herald man an
order he received Monday from a
customer at Hudson,
reaches right out after
Wis. Gene
V i
To The Voters of Morron County.
I hereby respectfully foliiit Ihe sup
port of all voters at the general elec
tion, Nov. 3. If elected 1 piomiao to
give my personal attention to the
duties of the oil'ice and assure the peo
ple of Morrow County that fair, im
partial and courteous treatment will
lie accorded to all patrons of the
Democratic Candidate for County
To Morrow County Voters.
I hereby solicit the aupporl of all
voters at the general election for the
office of County Treasurer. If re
elected I will cmntinue to give the
atl'airs of the ollice the same careful I
attention 1 have given them in the
past, and conduct the ollice m a business-like
Yours respect full v,
Republican Nominee.
To Ihe Voters of Morrow County.
I earnestly solicit, your support at
the general election, to be held on
November M, for the ollice of County
Commissioner. In the event I am
elected 1 promise to faithfully per
form the duties of .said ollice with the
same care and attention 1 would give
to my private atl'airs. 1 will give as
much of my personal attention to the
county roads as 1 possibly can and
will endeavor to see that, all county
funds are handled in a judicial, econ
omical and sensible manner.
Yours respectfully,
1 lemocratic Nominee.
To the Voters of Morrow County.
I hereby solicit the support of the
voters of Morrow County for the
ollice of Countv Commissioner at, tin-
Kt(m.ral election, November It. If elec-
ted 1 promise to give this important
ollice tho attention it merits and de
vote my energies to an economical
administration of Countv affairs from
ls.the standpoint of the taxpayer.
1 shall consistently endeavor to
bring about some arrangement where
by monies expended on the county
ronods shall be of lasting and per
manent value, and eliminate so far as
possible needless extrnvagnmo in all
branches of County Government.
Yours respect I'u'lv,
GEO. J. cuiiuix,
Republican Nominee.
A NXIM'Xf E M i: N T.
It will be noted I ruin the olliral bul
bil, that there is bill one candidate lor
const able of Ihe litii justice of the
peace district. 'I his district enin
prist s the precincts of Ml. Vernon,
Mailt sun, Heppner and Gentry. Ily
ihe earnest sulicit at ion of his many
I lit nils, Marshal Met raw has const 'ill
cd It, lie a candidate lor (his ellicc. anil
asks Hint his name lie written in mi
Ihi' ballot when you vnti- on I iicsdav.
Mr. McCruw tan be highly recom
mended lor Ibis position and should
he lie elected, he promises laltliful per-
foriuuia'f of duly.
E PARI! 18
Young People at Doherty's Entertain
In Honor of Their Mother and
Mrs, Mike Kenny,
The children of Mrs. Jas. Doherty
arranged a very delightful surprise on
their mother and Mrs. Mike Kenny
and Tuesday night mw things pretty
lively about the Doherty mansion in
Blackhorse. Some fifty guests had
been invited to spend the evening and
they greatly enjoyed the spread pre
pareu ny tne Doherty s Dancing was
indulged in by most of those present
until nearly daylght the next morning.
Young and old alike had a jolly good
time and the guests feel greatly in
debted to their hosts for the pleasant
nine tney enjoy.
Phill Cohn has been active in tho
wheat-buying business the past week
and has purchased something over
i:S,00() sacks at various points on the
branch at prices nuiging as high as
$1.0:i2. Mr. Cohn bought only the
choices bluestem which will be ship
ped to the Wasco Warehouse Milling
Comany at The Dalles and milled in
to the famous "White River" flour.
Mr. Cohn is still on the lookout for
more bluestem and is prepared to pay
the highest price the market affords.
Mr. Bert Mason, a leading lone
merchant, was in the county seat on
Tuesday. Mr. Mason recently pur
chased the corner on Main Street op
posite the Bank of lone and is trying
to clear the title to the various lots.
As i(,on as the abstract is complete
M Mmsoii expects to start work on
his new concrete store building which
will be a great improvement for the
Egg City. Mr. Mason is one of the
most progressive merchants and citi
zens in the entire county.
Work is rapidly progresing on D.
C Well's new livo-room bungalow
house which is being erected for him
by Mr. Johnson on Mr. Wells' tract of
ground just below the Mountain Val
ley Farm. Mr. Wells is also having
Ihe necessary work done and tho pipe
laid to provide his place with fine
water from a spring a half-mile from
the house.
The Herald apologizes to its renders
for currying such h large amount of
advertising this issue but promises
to make up lor lack of news in this
issue ill the future. Election only
comes once in two years and the little
velvet we pick up at this time will
help us to provide our readers sumo
special news features in the issues to
Mr. and Mrs. F. Burroughs were in
the county seat yesterday from their
ranch on lower Rhea Creek. Mr.
UuiToughs is a diversified farmer in
I ruth ami raises utmost everythng
Ihat can be rased in this county.
Democratic Candidate fur
Joint Representative
Twenty second District, Umatilla ui
Morrow Counties.
Lower taxes, fewer
law s, economy in tran
Siictiny public business
especially in weeding
out useless commis
sions which arc .wal
lowing the taxpayers'
Paid Advertisement.