i (,V, HUT HEPPNER HERALD, HFPPNER, OREGON. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1014. This is a Personal Invitation To the People of Morrow County When in Portland Stop at The Imperial With Phil Metschan, Located on Washington Street at Broadway, formerly 7th St. Right in the Heart of the City. The Imperial Hotel Reasonable Rates LOCAL AND PERSONAL ILLING Done on short notice, lhave never failed to get a good well. Others have give me the opportunity and I will give you a satisfactory well. See me at Heppner or at the Drill. w D Newlon Mrs. Oscar Borg left for Portland yesterday morning and expects to visit in the metropolis for a month or more. Frank Hall and Bob Thompson each shipped a car of hogs to Portland Sunday. Chancey Wilson of Monument was transacting business in Heppner Fri day. Mrs. Wilson is a brother of Mrs. Dell Ward. FOR SALE A number of female "St. Andrewsberg Rollers" canary birds. Those are high priced birds but I desire to sell them and am pricing them at only $1 each. Mrs. Eph Es kelson, Lexington, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox and family have gone to Jordan Siding where they recently purchased the Swaggart-Mill ranch. W. G. Scott, the Lexineton banker and booster, made one of his frequent irips to ine county Beat jr riday. THE FLORSHEIM SHOE IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU -AND The Holeproof Sox Just Hits the Spot wherever he goes, will see people wearing the Mr. and Mrs. H.ram Tash departed yesterday morning for Buhl, Idaho, where they will spend several weeks visiting a son. Mayor Smead left on Sunday for Portland where he has charge of the Morrow County exhibit at the Manu facturers' and Land Products Show, which opened Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wells expect to move into their new 5-room bungalow ; just below town within the next few j weeks and become regular tarmers. I Accordingly, Mrs. Wells gave the Herald man an order for butter paper yesterday. They give possession of the rooming nouse, wnicn tney nave handled for some years past, to the new leasee, Mrs. Jesse Hall, the first of the month. FOR SALE Some good horses and mules, broke or unbroken, imles southwest of Lexington. F. E. Mason. Turkeys for Thanksgiving? If you have any for sale bring them to Roy Whiteis. I pay highest Cash price or allow you a larger amount in trade. I also wan all other kinds of poultry. JUST IN 1914 CROP ENGLISH WALNUTS. Prof. V. F. Cooper, the blind phrenologist, who has been giving free lectures and examinations at lone and Lexington last week, arrived here last night and gave his first lecture at the M. E. Church South at 7:30. He will also give a lecture tonight and will continue for several nights. FOR SALE I have a few choice Lincoln Bucks in Heppner for sale. See Frank Roberts. See me before sending away your orders for groceries. I fill all orders with quality for quality and price for price in competition with any Mail Order House. R. V. WHITEIS IONE, - - - OREGON FOR SALE Some fine S. C. M. Leghorn roosters at $1 each as long as they last. J. F. Hardestly, Mor gan, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Hale and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hale are at Walla Walla visiting their mother, Mrs. Ed. Hale. Mr. Benjamin F. Cox, son of F. D, Cox, and Miss Viola Floreon, daugh-! tor of S. W. Floreon, were united in marriage Sunday afternoon at 2:30; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Gentry in Heppner, Judge C. C. Pat terson officiating. tnly a few friends i were present. The newlyweds left i yesterday tor the Cox nome on ttin-, ton Creek where they will visit a tew days before leaving for the Floreon lace where they rvill make their ome. The Herald joins their many friends in extending congratulations. John Olden and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Olden of Arizona, parents of Mr. Olden, were in Heppner on Friday last. and the wearer too, same kind of Hose. STRAYED OR STOLEN My black and white bulldog, answers to name "Romeo." Please return or notify Henry Aiken. Till: PLACE TO BUY IS AT Sam Hughes Co. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Knappenberg were up from their home at lone yes terday to attend to some business mat ters connected with the transfer of the White House Dairy Ranch to Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Johnson. The lecture on Socialism by "Pap" Davis at the Club building Friday evening was well attended and close attention was given the speaker's re marks. His talk was well worth hearing and he gave his audience much food for thought. Mr. Davis also spoke at Lexington and lone FOR REPRESENTATIVE Robert N. Stanfield REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR Morrow and Umatilla Counties The Herald knows of only one vacant house in Heppner. It has been vacated only a few days and will not remain long. Poor old Salem has five hundred vacant houses. RESTAURANT "FOR SALE. In the city of Heppner, Oregon. There is a good restaurant in Hepp ner for sale. Located on Main Street and doing a first class business. It is well equipped with everything necessary to do the business.. .Clean and neat in every particular.. .There are some household effects which will so in the sale, all new and useable articles.. .The right man can take this place and make money, as it is a money maker now and you know what it is to buy a business paying well, Just drop a line to the owner or bet ter yet, stop in and talk it over with him... He is desirous of making a change. Yours for business, GONG LANE NOTICE!! MR. G. MATTHEWS OF NORTH YAKIMA, WASHINGTON WILL BE IN HEPPNER WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS TO TAKE ORDERS FOR POTATOES IN LARGE OR SMALL AMOUNTS. MR. MATTHEWS WILL BE FOUND AT THE PALACE HOTEL. LEXINGTON ITEMS B. C. Miller and L. E. McBce were up from Cecil since our last issue. Mrs. Craig is entertaining her sister-in-law, Miss Craig of Drain,! Oregon. The bridge gang of the 0. W. R. & N. Co., were in here for a few days and while here, the men put down new lloors in the Iront room upstairs and in the waiting room downstairs of the depot. These were long needed im- firovements and certainly helps the ooks of thing around the depot. j Howard Lane has bought a wood 1 saw and runs it by the power of his automobile. It is certainly great to saw the wood. I Emil Swanson was up yesterday. from lone J. B. Sparks took an auto load of game Saturday. Heppner people to lone for the foot ball The following articles having been re placed by new we are now offering them for sale. They can be had singly or in sets. All dining room table All dining room chairs Large assortment of plain white dining room dishes One large coffee mill One Oliver Typewriter One double adding Cash Register Palace Hotel Co. SEE HARLAN X"h"U;i you place the order for that piece of W. P. McMillan, manager for the Kerr Clifford Co., had quite an acci- r uii ii I "v ;,. , Athena, ! ! -. t .- ' ':, I ' u ! Na. I x V il I (Paid Adv.) The dances given in Heppner and at lone, for which music was furnish ed by liowker's Orchestra of Portland, were largely ntemlecl ana hugely en joyed. Iwo auto loads of Heppner people were at lone Friday night und on Saturday night quite a number of lone and Iexington people came to Heppner. It is hoped that this musi cal organization will be heard in Heppner more thin season. Umatilla County, Orep 55 on the ballot olticlal Glad Tidings will ring in your ear if you buy an 8-day Marathon Halor THE Mr. McMillan with two others were in the car, when it upset, breaking Mr. McMillian's shoulder, blacking the eyes and cutting the faces of the oth er occupants. One wheel was torn off of the auto. Mr. :.icilillan is some better at this time. The new post office building is about completed and the new postmistress will assume charge about Monday, Oct. l!tS, liM I. The building is loent- i cil n'n ut .'iO leet northwcci ut the j present office. Jack Frost has visited Lexington the Inst two nights. Pretty good sign th.1t winter is not far away. CLASSY JOB PRINTING Regular Republican nominee lor Senator, l'.th Senatorial District comprising the conn tin of UMATU.IA UNION a.ul MORROW. A Man of Experience J in ItiiMiti'Mt ami l.imiin. I'avott amemlment to our tax law, 2 making lax payments May lt ami November ltt without in- leiest or penally. Favors loss appropriations and retrenchment in public expeinlilutes; the abolishment ol all useless boards, and the consolidation ol otlieis where possible. A man tli.it knows the demands ol Kaslern Oregon and always teady to defend them. Consult Ycur Best Interests and Mark Your Ballot no. r5 x CORN SHOW will be proof that the Pacific Northwest raises as fine corn as the "corn belt." It will be held under the auspices ol the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. Walla Walla", Washington November 25 to 28, 1914 1-V ff rprnnlativ tars tha U,UUU c,,,m oi iooo set. tiom th 1914 crop ol this nrwrat and bl ad dilion to Pacific Northl product. ill b on romprlitit tahitntion. Low Round Trip Fare Tukt. 5hlul and tut) information upon application lo any agnt ol In OAV. R. & N. ASK FOR PREMIUM LIST ft I y J v i ' f 1 -t ; 1 c : " I M The proposed Dentistry Bill will license to practice rlcnti-tr in On p'ti a graduate ffom a cul!tj;c course of two vcars of six ir."tiths each J2 MONTHS TO MAKE A DENTIST !') I't.iin a lni n-1- to pursue the buinc of a barber in Orrti-n t!ie law require a pcr n to have at lcat three years' 'pcci.il pri '.trail' n in slip nr c 'liege 36 MONTHS TO MAKE A BARBER The b.iibi-r '-.iv a man nuit have three vc.trs' actti.'t ri'iruue. rni; fe'l-w from a dental college can operate on t'ae tii' tuh f a e!,iM after 2 tnotitli' Mudy. Is the Mouth of a Child as Vital as His Father's Beard? Dtfeat the Dentistry Bill Vote 341 X NO lfi4 A4rtixmM, Oittt S.iit M Drtul iJttK. M. C. tarfHat, ttawUTJ, M( taiKlnl foiU4, Ot.f t ) V