p.Kc.r. mm HEPPNFR TIKRAT.D, HEPPKER, OKEOOV. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1914. This is a Personal Invitation To the People of Morrow County When in Portland Stop at The Imperial With Phil Metschan, Located on Washington Street at Broadway, formerly 7th St. Right in the Heart of the City. The Imperial Hotel Reasonable Rates LUNG Done on short notice. I have never failed to get a good well. Others have give me the opportunity and I will give you a satisfactory well. See me at Heppner or at the Drill. W D. New! on SOCIALIST STATE PARTY TICKET For United States Senator, B Ramp, Brooks. For Governor, Wm. J. Smith, Tort land. State Treasurer, B. J. Sloop, As toria. Attorney General, J. E. Silvertson. State Labor Commissioner, August Nikula, Astoria. State Superintendent of Public In struction, Flora I. Foreman, Juency. , State Railroad Commissioner, I. 0. Peurala, Portland. Justices Supreme Court: D. W. Robinson, Portland; D. N. Rannells, Astoria; A. G. Hotchkiss, Beaverton; and Chas. H. Otten, Portland. COUNTY TICKET For Clerk, C. E. Jones. For Treasurer, F. Burroughs. For Surveyor, John Ritchie. For Coroner, D. A. Porter. For Commissioner, C. J. Anderson. j merce Commission, upon that subject, ' which control has been very frequent F. y and beneficially exercised, does that not constitute a reason, if not a very (rood argument, for public owner ship of railways and transportation routes." As a matter of National j policy more desirable in view of the Hosmer, ! failure of Commissions to regulate I nronerlv. As soon as the valuation HE FLORSHEIM SHOE IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU- AND The Holeproof Sox Just Hits the Spot and Ihc nearer loo, wherever he goes, will sec people wearing the Ha me kind of Hose. THE PLACE TO BUY IS AT Sam Hughes Co. FOR REPRESENTATIVE Robert N. Stanfield REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR Mmew and Umatilla Counties WITH THE GROWTH OF SOCIAL ISM PROPAGANDA AND ITS COMMON-SENSE PROGRAM By Heppner Branch No. 1 Entering every legislative body to day in this country and every civilized country Socialism is compelling th old parties to take up its immediate demands. This is shown in Congress when on Sept. 30 such Senators as Kenyon of Iowa, Borah of Idaho, Thomas of Colorado and Martsen of New Jersey advocated the National Ownership of Railroads as being cheaper than spending millions of dol lars improving rivers and would-be rivers and would-be harbors, on the plea that such improvements will tend by competition with railroads to re duce freight rates, is wasted. That the railroads control the boat lines is well known. That regulation of freight rates by the Interstate Com merce Commission has been and will be a complete failure. That the only solution of the problem is for the Government to own and operate the railroads and other transportation lines. These are the statement s made on the floor of the United States Senate by these Senators. Listen to this: Senator Kenyon was discussing the Pork Barrel Rivers and Harbors Bill. He said: "Mr. President, we have spent enough money on the Mis sissippi River from its source to its mouth to build a railroad on each side of the river, so if we are doing this work to control railroad rates, we are engaging in a most expensive way of doing it." Thomas Cites Reason. Senator Thomas said: "Mr. Presi dent, if the expenditure contemplated by many of these items is designed to regulate freight rates, and is neces sary, notwithstanding the control giv en by the law to the Interstate Com- . (Paid Adv.) now going on shall be completed for the taking over of the railway lines and operating them as general public agencies for the common welfare of the people, Senator Thomas referred to the defiance by the New York Cen tral of the decision of the Supreme Court in the Union Pacific Merger Case, and asked Senator Martsen if this did not indicate that the roads are greater than the Government. Senator Martsen said, "They are un questionably greater than the Gov ernment itself." And it all conspires to one argument. My hope and daily j prayers are for Government owner ship of every line of them." As the growth of Socialism in Ger- j many grew, Bismark gave the Ger- j man workers one sap after another, i Look over the railroads, old age pens ions, widow's pensions, shorter hours j in mines and industries, more sanitary j conditions, better schools, complusory education, better houses, thinking it would stop the growth of Socialism, but it grew from one member in the Riechstag in 1877 until in 1914 it has 111 members, and is the strongest political party in Germany in number of vites. And if it had its just repres entation as to votes cast it would have the largest party members in the Reichstag. The same could be said of all the European countries. In Sweden the Socialist party in their last elec tion added 14 new members in the Landstrom, making a total of 78 mem bers. This rising tide has caused 37 nations to own their rairoads and are operating them successfully. This same sentiment has given us our par cels post and will compel the postal officials to extend it until it wil be a parces post in service as well as in name. And the same sentiment will make the banking business of this country under the postal system. Then you won't see this Government turn $1,000,000,000 of currency to the large banking interests of the country to move the crops, charging them 8 per cent interest on the amount. It has made the farmer get up at daylight to move that 8 per cent crop allright. We all call him a jolly good fellow. The Socialists would have loaned him that money which was his own credit, based vpon his own land values and produce. The Farmer's Equity Society of Wisconsin, at Madison, in their convention which represented 10,000 farmers of that state, endorsed the Socialist candidate for Governor of Wisconsin. Wake up, you farmers of Morrow County. Vote to own all the tools of production and Distri bution. (Pair Adv.) Turkeys for Thanksgiving? If you have any for sale bring them to Roy Whiteis. I pay highest Cash price or allow you a larger amount in trade. I also wan all other kinds of poultry. JUST IN 1914 CROP ENGLISH WALNUTS. See me before sending away your orders for groceries. I fill all orders with quality for quality and price for price in competition with any Mail Order House. R. V. WHITEIS IONE, - - - OREGON South Portal to Palace of Food Products, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Fipncisco, 1915 r .. . ... . . , T i ' I. , i .'" A' ' ? ; . ,. ." i yfi" i- a 'i r r i S('i A Alii i Athena, Umatilla County, Oregon N). 55 cn the ctf cial ballot ii'Hiihir Republican nominee r Senator, lO'li Senatorial ''istiict comprising the covin lift i.f UMATIl.lA UNION inJ MORROW. A Man o( Experience in Ihimiu' a:ul l.nniinn. l avoi amendment to our tax laws, jtiakinc lav .u mi nU M.iy lt anJ November lt without in terest or pen.iliy. 1 avoi les appropriation and retrenchment in puMii ep 'inliluies; the abolishment of all um'Icm board, and the lonMiIul.ilion of otliei heie possible. A man that knos (lie demand of Kastern Oregon and alwa icady to defend them. Consult Your Bast Interests and Mark Your Ballot NO. 55 X I I , '.. ..!. ...O ! J l I' .i..-.!-'ti. Athrt.. IW J J ' t 1 , , f ' . It . ; ,) 1 I The following articles having been re placed by new we are now offering them for sale. They can be had singly or in sets. All dining room table All dining room chairs Large assortment of plain white dining room dishes One large coffee mill One Oliver Typewriter One double adding Cash Register alace SEE HARLAN Before vou Dlace the order for that Diece o CLASSY JOB PRINTING Qotel Co HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS-Small Payment Down Stop Paying Rent Money Into Sombody's Pocket. Own Your own Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. .' .' .' . BINNS' REAL ESTATE ELKHORN RESTAURANT Eest Meals in the City and at the most reasonable prices Everything neat and clean Short orders served n quick and satisfactory style City Meat Market FRANK HALL, Prop. Retail Butcher Fat Stock Always Wanted at Market Prices. Phone 663 0 CO 0t)rltiL 1914, l)r l-iim-ri i.'.t lull i...itlnul I i-i lu'n l'o TUl '..rliil pr.'lmlily ll-.r iim. i.utrn In f.-.-lins of ny it.N.ry t unjf of lh llmlii t;r..in if fttiil it lahuv. Tin- Ttnl I llntlan frn (ilHt in form nn. I lr. il inriil. .ut mm h of th orimnti'iiliillon la f ninr n-ri. nrlklii 'I'tn- plioi.i aih i!t- n Mm of tti rl tlluu-n Imi of lhl ihtIiiI, l,lh Is tty ! r.i-l In h.ljil t.i Ihv tip of th orim ifliLltlon liniioillilllllt tin f 'i I I f f ik-lm Ih Hi llllff of tlllM of ttw ortnl r pit fwt In Illicit Thf ;i..i:i..u .n ! r cvutruavd of gru- Peoples' Cash Market HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor (; for hii.ili, .-w vn.Ur vnr and rjrUtu-ul wiincjcmott, licit uiul tail iijipri ciutr yur ii!ronogr. Fresh and Cured Me ats