BAf.E TWO HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER. OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTORER 2S, 1014. 1 Vicker Painter Summerfield Paper Hanger Wall Paper We Contract and Do Painting in all its Branches First door North of the Fair Building SCHOOL NOTES I Made-to-Order Fill ID 1111 SUITS I OVERCOATS $16.50 to $45 The buyer who wishes to be fitted with a suit of the latest style and high-grade workman ship is invited to inspect our large line of all-wool samples. These samples are the classiest ever shown in Heppner and are an assortment of fabrics which cannot be beat en anywhere. Expert measurements taken and fit absolutely guaranteed. If you want to look up-to-date and be up-to-date in your clothes, give your order to LOUIS PEARSON, Tailor Heppner j By Supt. S. E. Notson. I On the first inst. I visited the i school in District No. 32, which is un der the guidance of Miss Margaret Howard. The enrollment is ten. New window shades have been provided, and I several other improvements are con i templated. The outbuildings are good ! and in good condition, A new fence, ' a new porch, a stable for the horses of those who ride to school, and a cistern are among the recent improvements to the premises. The term will be nine months. In the Fairview district, Miss Mabel Wood is at the helm. The enrollment is eight. This school has three or four framed pictures, some of which are of the standard type. The pupils are ar ranging to have the flag displayed out side. The building will be repaired and the windows changed so the light will be admitted from the left side only. A new dictionary has been pur chased recently. The term will be eight months. Mrs. Alice Nichols presides over the Gooseberry school. The enrollment is ten. The opening exercises of this school are inspiring. Although the school had been in session only a few days, the pupils did some excellent singing. A can of water is kept, on the stove to furnish mositure for the atmosphere. At the Hale Ridge school, Miss Ruth Bowman and eight pupils were work ing busily. The boys have construct ed some play apparatus for the grounds. They have arranged to erect a flag pole, so the flag may be displayed outside. New window shades have been ordered. A closed jar for the water supply has also been order ed, and plans are being made to pur chase new desks. The board, patrons, teacher, and pupils are determined to make the school a standard school if possible. Miss Alice Wilkins teaches the Rocky Bluff school. The enrollment is ten. The pupils ae getting started nicely in the work of the term. This school has a good flag, but no flag pole has been erected as yet. There has been some talk of building a new schoolhouse, but it is not probable that this can be done until next year. How ever, some improvenent will probably be made in the wa of new outbuild ings, which it is hoped will be built before winter comes on. At Eightmile Center Mrs. Joyce Huys and 14 pupils are getting started nicely (n the work tf the term. Dur ing the past year a cistern has been built for the water supply and a new wood house and barn, combined, has been erected. Quite a number of new desks have been recently purchased. This school has a good book case for the library. It is expected that the literary debating society will resume its work soon. An exchange rises to remark that we don't need new laws nor the abolishment of others nearly so bad as we do the enforcement of those we have. If the howlers would spend one-half of the money for a campaign of law enforcement that they do for the enactment of new ones we would all be better off. The Ideal BREAKFAST John Jenkins, a prosperous Eight- mile rancher, was in the county seat since our last issue. Glenn Hayes and wife were in from the ranch in their machine Wednes day. Let O. M. Yeager draw your house, barn and cellar plans. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell were in from Blackhorse Wednesday. Mrs. Van Horn from Blackhorse visited the county seat Wednesday. 0. M. Yeager builds good houses, barns and cement cellars. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Matlock were in from Hinton Creek Wednesday. : for this season of the year. j Cerial (MUSH) and Cream : Hot Cakes and Syrup J We have a complete assortment. See windows for varieties. I Phelps Grocery Co. Chas. Repass was in from Parker's Mill way on Wednesday. Show Case, 8-foot, for sale cheap l'helpa Grocery Co. J. H. COX CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Plans and Estimates Furnished for All Kinds of Buildings. First Class Work Only. I Make a Specialty of and Have Complete Equipment for Wm. McMillan w9 up from Lexing ton several times this week looking after business matters. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN P. DYE, DENTIST Pemanently located in Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 and 5. IFflME APIECE 'WAKE THIS' WEEK sr ; .lira ir AltiT X i - 'T7- -1 1 hi""""!""! 1 . SPECIAL SALE Dr. IL T. ALLISON PHYSICIAN & SURGEONS Office Patterson Drug Store Heppner, Oregon Dr. A .P. CULBERTSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Second Door North Minor & Co. Store. Heppner, Oregon Drs. WINNARD & McMURDO PH YSICIANS & SURGEONS Heppner, . Oregon Dr. F. Ni CHRISTENSON DENTIST Heppner, Oregon Offices with Drs. Winnard & McMurdo M All this week we are showing how easily and with what delightful satisfaction, any housewife of Heppner can operate the onarcli Malleable Range One ol your town.swoim n is cooking ami baking every day at our store with a Monarch and we want you to come and see. Mo factory expert is needed to explain the good features of this range, nor to prove to you that it will do YOUR work in YOUR kitchen in a dependable way. We are explaining the many exclu sive features of the Monarch and showing, for your benefit, at the same time, just how it operates to do away with kitchen drudgery and save you a great deal of and money as well. Ill TSSIIOW YOU Till. TOP II I AT NF.EDS NO BLACKING. THE DUPLEX DRAFT insures , even baking beat, the triple wall construction that makei the range last a life time and all of the rest of the MONARCH feature. Case Furniture Company C. E. WOODSON ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Office In Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Ht-ppm-r, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Office in Court Hour, Heppner, Ore. WELLS &NYS ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon KNAITENHEKG & JOHNSON ATTORNEYS AND COINCELORS AT LAW lone, .... Oregon W. L. SMITH. AHSTKACTER Only complete ( of abitraet books In Morrow Count jr. HEPPNER, OREdON H)H FINE IP-VO-DATE HOMES Se T. C. PENN1SEE, ARCHITECT AND CONTRACTOR. LOUS rE ARSON TAILOR ! Irppmr, - t u Oregon. House Moving H eppner Oarage All Kinds of Repair Work Done Quickly We are agents for Ford, Overland and Mitchell Automobiles. Piir GILLIAM 1 A.'y 'iiiiyK I B1SBEE offer you stoves of every description THE GREAT MAJESTIC MALLEABLE RANGE (Which has no equal) down to a $9.00 Cook Stove Heaters from $2.00 to $40 Note the parts of the New Mission Heater for wood and coal, has duplex grates the same as a Steel Range. If you want something to make a fire in Come In And See Us We will be glad to show you what we have Gilliam & Bisbee The First National Bank OF HEPPNER Oldest Bank in Morrow County Capital, Surplus and Profits $140,000.00 Your Banking Business Will be Appreciated