Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 20, 1914, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER lfi, 1914.
This is a Personal Invitation
To the People of Morrow County
When in Portland Stop at The Imperial With Phil
Mctschan, Located on Washington Street at
Broadway, formerly 7th St. Right
in the Heart of the City.
The Imperial Hotel
Reasonable Rates
Done on short notice. I have never failed to
get a good well. Others have give me the
opportunity and I will give you a satisfactory
well. See mc at Heppner or at the Drill.
The Holeproof Sox Just Hits the Spot
.Hid I hi' wearer loo,
same kind ill II use.
wherever he (,''. will eo people wearing the
nii; i'i..u f, to ihjy is at
Sam Hughes Co.
Robert N. Stanfield
Morrow and Umatilla Counties
(Paul Adv.)
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V. V. Sineud arrived home Thurs
day evening from his trip to the Stale
Fair and Portland.
O. M. Yeager, Architect and Builder.
Ed. Kellogg, one of Morrow Coun
ty's old timers, is in the city.
Gus Molden of Hood River, who was
formerly in the shoe business in Hepp
ner, came in Thursday evening.
Mrs. Lillie Cohn and daughter, Mrs.
Gladys Slaughter, were passengers for
Portland bunday.
Car of Yakima potatoes just re
ccived Phelps Grocery Co.
Harry E. Wright, departed from
Heppner Friday on his way to Oak
land, California, where he will take up
the study of electrical engineering,
with the view of fitting himself for
that trade.
Frank Hall made a short business
trip down to Jordan Siding Saturday.
500 posts for
sale Phelps Grocery
R. F. Hynd made a business trip to
Jordan Siding Sunday. Mr. Hynd will
remain in Heppner all of this week
before returning to Portland.
Mrs. John Nash nd Mrs. Forkner
returned to Cecil Friday morning after
a short visit in Heppner.
Show Case, 8-foot, for sale cheap
Phelps Grocery Co.
Among our Friday visitors were
Herb and John Olden of Rhea Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Yeager were
passengers for Portland Sunday,
whore they expect to spend several
weeks looking after property interests.
0. M. Yeager builds good houses,
barns and cement cellars.
Mr. Johnson, who farms the Hughes
ranch south of town, went down to
Portland Sunday on a business trip.
Mr. I. W. Sperry, who had been visi
ting his brother, Geo. Sperry, Sr., in
Heppner several days, returned to his
home at Goldendale, Wash., Sunday.
Let O. M. Yeager draw your house,
barn and cellar plans.
Chester Titus, the lone jeweler,
made a business trip to Heppner Sat
urday evening.
Dr. Dye, of lone, visited his broth
er, Dr. F. B. Dye in Heppner, lust
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Whittington
were Saturday visitors in Heppner.
Old-Time Democrats Are Lukewarm
Toward Chamberlain This Year.
It is an open secret in Democratic
circles that in this campaign the party
is lukewarm toward George E. Cham
berlain's candidacy, whereas for the
first time in years the Republican
party is united on a candidate for
United Slates Senator. Old-time
Democrats, who have for years
worked enthusiastically for Chamber
lain each time he has heen a candi
date now regard hijn with apathy.
The Democrats who have Deen de
voting time and money for years to
the cause are letting it he known that
they regard Chamberlain as selfish.
They recall how he failed to recipro
cate. When he was a candidate, all
other nominees on the Democratic
ticket had to he ignored for fear
Chamberlain's chances might be in
jured. So far as the public was aware
Chamberlain was the only man run
ning on the Democratic ticket.
Finally when Chamberlain was In
position to reward the old friends by
giving them l'ederal appointments,
which he was in position to do as the
: senior Senator, he turned a deaf ear
' to their applications and permitted
: his junior colleague. Senator Harry
Lane, to fill the Federal pie counter
with I,ane's personal friends, who
; were not the Democrats who had de
voted years to electing Chamberlain
- to office. In this manner Chamher-
' lain lost supporters in every county
1 in the state, and these supporters were
mainly the men who have been re
sponsible for his past victories,
j Thus Chamberlain is entering the
I hardest campaign of his career with
dissatisfaction in the Democratic
ranks, brought on, declare i lie out
timers, by his own selfishness, and
confronted by a united Republican
party behind Booth, Republican can
date for United Slates Senator. And
as if these things were not sufficiently
serious, there is a feeling of dissatis
faction with business conditions, the
depression of the times, little work
and low wages, and a feeling that the
way to bring prosperity back is to vote
the Republican ticket straight, start
ing Willi llUOlll ami tliunig nun ma
last name.
Turkeys for Thanksgiving?
If you have any for sale bring them to Roy Whiteis. I pay highest
Cash price or allow you a larger amount in trade. I also wan all
other kinds of poultry.
See me before sending away your orders for groceries. I fill all
orders with quality for quality and price for price in competition with
uny Mail Order House.
For rag rugs and rag carpet weav
ing and also rugs from old ingrain
carpets, see the Heppner weaver just
south of the Catholic Church.
O. J. Cox and Henry Gay, Rhea
Creek dairymen, transacted business
m Heppner Saturday. Mr. uay nas
decided to give his ranch a name and
have some up-to-date stationery print
ed at The Herald office.
Ora Adkins, a Rhea Creek farmer,
made a business trip to the county
seat Saturday.
0. M. Yeager, Contractor, will do
your building, repairing, etc., and take
your wool, hay or anything of value
in exchange for the work.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Deos and two
little children, were up from the Junc
tion over Saturday to visit Mrs. Deos'
parents, the Wilson's.
Frank McCullough made his usual
Saturday trip to town last week.
Mulkey and Bourne For Booth.
Colonel Roosevelt's manager in Ore
gon In the last Presidential campaign,
Frederick W. Mulkey, has announced
his support of ft. A. Roolh, Republican
candidate for United States Senator.
Mulkey decided the Progressive party
was dead In Oregon, and, anyway, the
candidate on the Progressive ticket
for Senator is an es Democrat, an ex
Republican and bitterly opposed
Roosevelt In the Presidential cam
paign when the Colonel was the head
of the Progressive party. Itefore turn
ing Progressive, Mulkey was one of
the leading Republicans of Oregon.
Equally interesting is the fact that
Jonathan llourne. another ardent nd
mirer of Roosevelt, and who has been
at outs with Oregon Republican lead
ers for years, is backing the entile
ticket, has contributed fuUO to the Re
publican state campaign fund and is
personally supporting llooth. Cham
berlain's friends had confidently ex
pected llourne to help ilieir candidate,
but llourne has written a letter lay
ing the bliiiuo lor d ill times nt the
(). M. Yeager furnishes blue prints
free when he doc your building.
The following articles having been re
placed by new we are now offering
them for sale. Thev can be had
singly or in sets.
All dining room table
All dining room chairs
Large assortment of plain
white dining room dishes
One large coffee mill
One Oliver Typewriter
One double adding Cash
iotel Co.
Before you place the order for that piece o
Joe Hughes went down to Portland
Friday to attend to some business
Harry Quaekenbush, who works on
a Rhea Creek ranch, received n visit
from an old friend, F. J. lirowiiing, of
Portland last week. These two young
men had not seen each other since they
were Ik ys, some Z'l years ago.
Umatilla County,
..ORF.GON FIRST.. X. G. Cas.be. r,
Agent. Oregon Life Insurance Com
puny. Itcst for Oregonians.
N). 55
on the
' Miss Falith Hnrton, a student nt the
Heppner High School, who makes her
home with Mr. and Mrs. Harlan, sper.t
1 Sunday at the K.I. Pointer home near
Frank Glascock
visitor Friday.
was a Heppner
U.'Hiilur Republican nominee
lor Senator, l'.'th Senatorial
District comprising the coun
A Man of Experience
in Iiumih .in.l I. inning. I .i vol amendment to our tax l.w,
tu.ikiiiv; 1 1 p. iv in. iit M.iy lM and November lt without in
tctol 'i pcti.iliv I .not. ! appropi i.itions and letrenchment
in public Vi'inlituii"., the abolishment ol all useless board,
and llio i ,iii.ilul.Uioii oi oiluis where possible.
A m.ir. lli.it knurts the d.-m.iinU ol r.ttern OicRon nnd
.ilw.tv. wwl to defend them.
Consult Ycur Best Interests and Mailt Your Ballot
NO. 55 X
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There were three maiden who
l..vc. ft kllix.
Thejr lilt together beside the
On cried, "I li tllui, nnd I
would ill
If bill f.r one Any ha might
In. e me!"
Tint mvnii.t w tilnperv.1, "Ami I
would die
To k I ridden hln HIV or 111 n lie
llllll Krent "
The 1'ilnl on poka not, but
itiu-l Hfr
With dreHiii) Ihnt er
d fiile.
The kititf tie loved the (1't fr
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V I'le.t,
Ar.d let the OI!KO who Drier
n the Hire vt the threw h.
lo.ed him Ift
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Democratic Candidate far
Joint Representative
Twenty-second District, Umatilla and
Morrow Counties.
Lower taxes, fewer
laws, economy in tran
sacting public business
especially in weeding
out useless commis
sions which are swal
lowing the taxpayers'
Paid Advertisement.