PAf;fi TWO HEPPNER HFRALP. HEPPNER. OREGON. TUESDAY", OCTOBER 20, 1014. E. G. HARLAN EDITOR EDITORIAL SECTION L. K. HARLAN MANAGER AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS HEPPNER HERALD SUBSCRIPTIONS $1.50 PER YEAR OUTSIDE COUNTY $1.50 THE FOOLISHNESS OF SOME PEOPLE There is living today in Belgium one of the irreatcst writers of all times. Maurice Maeter linck is his name. The reason we mention him is that the little hook which he wrote some time ago, "The Life of the Bee," would be in teresting and profitable reading for some of our friends. f you have read it, 'twill do no harm to read it again. The peculiarity about this book is that you read things into it, quite as much as you read things out of it. The more one reads, sees and travels, the more he finds out that the so-called gifted men are but expressing his own thoughts. Reading, at the least, is only self-discovery. Maeterlinck says that alone a bee has no intelligence, but that a hive of bees has great and wonderful intelli gence. A man alone, like a bee, has no intelli gence. All of our activities have other people in mind, the more we can fuse ourselves with humanity and work with humanity, forgetting l ". Mie greater will be our regard. n 'i H'gcnt community today knows that .i i.. to .succeed, certain prejudices, hates and lines of cleavage must be broken clown and dis carded. In the forward looking communities v irking together for a common good ... .! a common purpose, understanding, seem ingly, that they are a part and particle of one another, and that they can succeed only as they help other people. Now it so happens that the Government, disimus of showing the wonderful advantages :r h the I' arcel Post brings to the country n I the citizen of the small town, g..,nts permission to the Postmaster to make educational displays at Fairs and other gath erings of the people which will result in good. As is well known, one of the main objections of the Parcel Post before it was adopted was that it would injure the small towns, drive peo I !( to the cities, making farming undesirable and result m general disaster. We have a lurk ing niea uiai iL was 10 overcome tins leeling that such an order was issued. I'nl lo and behold, our friend and postmaster t the County Seat in Gilliam County does en--e rpace at the Tri-County fair and does place lor the enlightment and profit of the peo ple of that county, the cheapness of the Parcel "WEI" LEAGUE li FIGHT OVER CDiK Post in carrying the products of Sears and Roebuck and Montgomery Ward & Co. There on display were packages of different sizes and weights with the price of carriage from Sears and Roebuck's nearest distributing point. The entire affair looked like the Catalog Clique had been putting in time and a-third. Of course we were not surprised when the citizens and busi ness men promptly objected and the display was assigned to the scrap-heap. The government exists for all people and when we select a man to act in our capacity in any community, we expect him to work faith fully and well, to expect anything less would be folly. The Post Office department belongs to the people and exists because they support it, standby it and patronize it. To the degree that we expect a man to work for the interest of the people to whom he hands out the daily mail, do we believe that the post-office belongs to us. Every postmaster takes an oath that he will do his work to the best of his ability arid when he does not, the bonding companies burn the midnight oil to explain matters. But the big thing of the whole matter is that as communi ties we face the struggle for existence just the same as the individual and eternal vigelence is the price or more things than liberty. We can ill afford to trifle with those who are completely and continually out of tune with the spirit of the community, the spirit of co-operation, mutual helpfulness and do-it-together. To ob serve these tendencies requires but feeble per ception and to be unaware of them tokens the lagard and inefficient. Such is the scheme of life and to those who can not adjust them selves, the way is rocky, uncertain dark and dank. Only Two "Taxpayers and Wage Earners" CAUSE OF THE PRESENT WAR BREWERS PUT UP FUNDS At the Literary Program of the Heppner High School, held in the auditorium last Friday afternoon, Mr. Harley Adkins delivered a paper on "Who is Responsible For the Present European War." Mr. Adkins had pre pared a very interesting paper on this subject and we reprint it in full be low, feeling that many of our read ers will be greatly interested. "Negotiations between Austria, Germany, Russia, France and Eng land were carried on by letters, tele grams and conversations for a period of fifteen days preceeding the war. Both England and Russia have pub lished some of this official correspon dence in what is called their "white book." Here follows some of the im portant facts given by the Germans: KNOWING THAT OREGON DRY MEANS BETTER BUSI NESS FOR ALL LINES SAVE ONLY SALOONS. BY ORTON E. GOODWIN, Publicity Department, Committee of One Hundred. great Oregon campaign to "wet" has The first edition of the Echo Enterprise came to our table last Friday evening. Mr. Wm. R. Fletcher, who is associated with Harlan & Har lan in the publication of this new paper, has charge of the editorial department and his first edition proves that he is a high class man in that line. Success for the new paper is assured. England needs all her fighting men. dukes and lords take notice. Local On June 28, last the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, and his wife were assisinated at Sarjevo, the capi tal of Bosnia, by two Bosniacks Slavs, but subjects of Austria. Austria regarded this as the fruit of Servian agitation against Austria Hungary and began an investigation without indicating this fact to Servia. Soon after this Sir Edward Grey, the English Minister for Foreign Affairs wrote the English Ambassador at Berlin, expressing fear lest war should grow out of this incident. Four days later Austria presented an official pap er to the Servian Government saying'' that the Assasination at Serjevo w;f J planned in Belgrade, the Servian capN tal; that it was the culmination of a series of Servian agitations against Austria-Hungary, and - t"he Austrian Government demanded that Servia PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DYE, DENTIST Pemanently located in Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 and 5. FIMB AiUMBMIM WARE tern flPIECE J? SET THIS WEEK f Ti tit M SALE All this weak we are showing how easily and with what delightful satisfaction, any housewife of Heppner can operate the onarch Malleable Range Oik- l your local lownswomcn is cooking ami baking every clay at our store with a Monarch and we want you to come and ee. No factory expert is needed to explain the good features of this range, nor to prove to you that it will do YOUR work in YOUR kitchen in a dependable way. We are explaining the many exclu sive features of the Monarch and showing, for your benefit, at the same time, just how it operates to do away with kitchen drudgery and save you a great deal of and money as well. I l l TS soV YOU II IF. TOP THAT NKF.DS NO BLACKING. THE DUN.EX DRAFT tliat itiMiiet an ev. n kikir. 1,,-at. the tuple wall construction that makes the range last a l.le time aiul all ol the ret of the MONARCH features. Case Furniture Company The make failed. The exposure by Dr. Cora Talbott, secretary of the ' ' Taxpayer s ' and W age Earners' League," that the organization consisted of two persons, Mrs. Duniway and Dr. Talbott, and was fi nanced by the brewers and distillers to make Oregon "wet," threw the fat into the fire. The brewers and distillers know that all kinds of busi ness save theirs is better in a drv town They know this has been proved by figures and facts from Salem, Oregon City, Roseburg, Albany Newberg, Ashland, Corvallis, Pen dleton and many other towns. Organization Spread. Untruth. So they organized the "Taxpay ers' and Wage Earners' League" to spread misinformation about Ore gon dry. I They know bank deposits in dry towns have increased in number and amount. They know bad debts are almost unknown in all d towns. They know collections arc better. They know arrests from drunkenness are almost unknown. They know every dry town in Ore gon it prosperous. So, they became desperate. Taxpayers' League Is "Jolte." Then they organized the joke "Taxpayers' and Wage Earners' League." Dr. Talbott was secre tary. She became disgusted when she learned money was being col lected by the brewers and distil leries by the use of her name, and she resigned. Then Mrs. Duniway advertised lavishly, announcing that the money the "league" was using was pro vided by the brewers. The campaign of misinformation carried on by employes of the league, who are also employes of the breweries and distilleries, is now known all over Oregon. Brewers Spending Your Money. Every man, woman and child has to spend $20 a year with the saloons. If you do not drink, some one else has to pay YOl'H share. So, it is YOl'H money the Ore gon brewers and Eastern distil leries have been using to persuade YOl' Oregon wet will do YOU good. It is believed they expect to spend over $200,000 of YOl'H money. They know Oregon dry will put them out of business and help every : other kind of business in the state. Although the breweries and iiu. lilleries know Oregon dry is for belter business, prosperity and more work, they are fighting it. j No Saloons; Better Business. We have had bad times with the j saloon, haven't we? Why not try I no saloon? It can't make things worse ami is certain to make things bitter. The reason is: Money spent on the saloon can not be spent for groceries. Money spent In the saloons much of it goes East. Money spent for dry goods and groceries stays in the towns and makes better business. The members of the Committee of One Hundred are all Oregonians. Most of them are liusimt They ask you to vote Oregon dry, because they know, as the brew, ers also know, that Oregon dry means belter business, lower taxes, more work uiu! a return to pros pel ity. 1'or the experience of nil Ore gon dry towns has proved this to be the case. fill adrtiraM 7 CeaaltlM if Pot Huadita. Ttt atoti.a : , P.niaaa. Ore. (,Ud Tiding will ring In )our rar if )ou buy an 8-day Marathon lit) lor. Dr. H. T. ALLISON PHYSICIAN & SURGEONS Office Patterson Drug Store Heppner, - Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House, Heppner, Ore. WELLS & NYS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Heppner, - Oregon Dr. A .P. CULBERTSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Second Door North Minor Co. Store. Heppner, Oregon. Drs. WINNARD & McMURDO PH YSICIANS & SURGEONS Heppner, - - Oregon KNAPPENBERG & JOHNSON ATTORNEYS AND COUNCELORS AT LAW lone, .... Oregon Dr. F. N. CIIRISTENSON DENTIST Heppner, Oregon Offices with Drs. Winnard & McMurdo C. E. WOODSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER Only complete set of abstract books in Morrow County. HEPPNER, OREGON FOR FINE UP-TO-DATE HOMES See T. G. DENNISEE, ARCHITFJT AND CONTRACTOR. LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR Heppner, Oregon. ' The Ideal REAKFAST for this season of the year. Cerial (MUSH) and Cream Hot Cakes and Syrup We have a complete assortment. See windows for varieties. Phelps Grocery Co. j Vic Groshen Ice cuiu beer, Either Bottle or Draught, To Quench The Thirst These Hot Summer . Days Heppner, Oregon J. H. COX CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Plana ami Exttnuit, Fumixlud for All Kinds of Building?. First Chits Work Only. I Make a Sinrialty of and Have Complete K'litijniH nt for House Moving See O. M. ragrr for ratimatra on Srntic tank, rrim-nl walk and baar. mnle. Heppner Garage All Kinds of Repair Work Done Quickly We are agents for Ford, Overland and Mitchell Automobiles.