J I pace torn HEPPKER HERALD, HEPPNFR, ORECOV. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1914. Entrance to a Vast Exhibit Palace at Panama- CHAMBERLAIN NOT m. :e: ".' ' i ! C ITnnScn Tn 1 0 1 rnimAni rnitiiu E. S. Wood Reviews Sena' tor's Record Recalls Re fusal to Help Bryan. Z. .rry-" ' T T t ii -''"W.'yPijj..H.yiTf' i Tj Wi h; MM cw ft I h&&w'AYf& pknismkn f4 !A fcy t'ahaina-rai: Copyright, l'( lflc International Exposition Co. THIS photograph shows the smt western portal or entrance way of tlie Inure 1'alaoo f I'ood F'roriuots. The half dome 1b known as tbe Hall' Iiotnc ol' Vljrur and Is I Hi feet In height. Brilliant, riotous colors are employed in the mosaic In (Lib vault of the half dome, which wag designed Ir.v .IiiIoh (iiicrin, America's most celebrated decorative artist. L Li O. M. Vcajjcr, Architect and Builder. Car of Yakima potatoes just re ceived I Helps tiniccry u. I.ou T'avi.lson was in town Tues lay attending to business matters. ATTRACTIVE BOOK ON THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNA TIONAL EXPOSITION AND PANAMA CANAL MAILED FREE OF CHARGE. A HANDSOME book of sixty pnges, profusely Illustrated In colors and K'vliitf detailed descriptions of the Panama-Pacific Interna tional Kxp.slUon to be held In San Francisco from Feb 20 to Dec 4, 11)1.1, and of the Panama canal and canal region, will be mailed by the Imposition free of charge to all Inquirers The booklet 1b Intended as a general guide to prospective visitors and will also con tain Information concerning the great engineering feat which th Expo sition In to celebrate. Write to the Manager. Bureau of Publications, Panama-Pacific International Imposition, Exposition Building, San Fran cisco, for booklet. FOR REPRESENTATIVE Robert N. Stanfield REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR Morrow and Umatilla Counties tl'aal Adv.) With a long memory, Colonel C. t. S. Wood has been telling the voters in Portland the history of George E. Chamberlain regarding popular laws and issues. Colonel Wood has been unsparing of Chamberlain's political record and night after night he has been declaring Chamberlain a double dealer, who wants to agree with peo ple on both Bides of every question and who holds no opinion other than that of perpetuating Chamberlain in office. In 1903, Wood and T. T. Geer were candidates for the popular vote for United States Senator. In that cam paign Wood says he wanted to make an active fight, but that Chamberlain, fearing Wood might Jeopardize Cham berlain's chances for election as Gov ernor, insisted that Wood remain quiet. As Geer received the popular vote, Wood wrote the Democratic members of the Legislature asking them to support Geer for Senator When these Democrats asked Cham berlain for advice he told them tr leave the Republicans fight it. out without Democratic help. This atti tude on the part of Chamberlain, as Berts Colonel Wood, was in direel conflict with the spirit and principk of the prirrviry. Again, says Colonel Wood, Cham berlain himself wrote to A. D. Still man, of Umatilla, recommending that the Democrats hold an assembly tr make nominations. Later when ihi Republicans held an assembly Hi": were assailed by the Chamberlain newspapers and charged with trying to undermine the direct primary and return to machine methodB. In his campaigns for Governor Chamberlain, says Wood, argued that the Legislature and Governor should be of opposite political parties. Cham berlain now argucB that Congress should be of the same political com plexlon as the President. When nominated for Senator as a Democrat In 1908, Chamberlain posed as a non-partisan, declares Colonel Wood, knowing that only with Rcpub lican votes he could be elected. At that time Roosevelt was Immensely popular in Oregon and Chamberlain announced that he was a Roosevelt Democrat. In December, 1908, Roose velt met Chamberlain In the East and greeted him as Senator to be. When Roosevelt bolted the Republican ticket and much of his popularity waned, Chamberlain attackeil Roosevelt, al though the latter, when President, had gone as far as he could to bring about Chamberlain's election by a Republic an Legislature. In the campaign of 1908, continues Colonel Wood, Chamberlain refused to attend the Bryan rally In Portland and again absented himself from Portland when Judge Alton H. Parker came to speak for Bryan. Chamber lain was afraid that his plea of mm partisanship would not hold good if he was present at these Democratic ral lies for Bryan. Colonel Wood has stigmatized Chamberlain as selfish, as a man whose sole desire Is to look alter him self, lie calls attention to the Cham berlain cards displayed In this cam palgn whereon there Is no hint of any parly designation. Somewhat similar talks are being ma le by T. T. Geer, ex Governor, nlio Is also reviewing the political changes which Chamberlain has assumed In his office seeking career Colonel Wood Is Interested In defeating Chain berlain because Wood does not eon slder Chamberlain a Democrat. (loci says Chamberlain Is not a liepiibli.an but Is "a man of pretense." County Superintendent S. E. Xotson as at Lexington Tuesday. Let O. M. Y eager draw your house, barn and cellar plans. Jesse Hale was laid up one day this week with an attack of the quinsy. Miss Vivian Cox has been assisting: at the Iieppner postollico the past few weeks. O. 51. Yeager builds good houses, barns and cement cellars. County Superintendent Notson is down in the Banana licit on a tour of inspection. Sheriff Evans went to yesterday to investigate shooting' alVuii'. Lexington an alleged I'OU SLE I have a few choice Lincoln Bucks in Iuppncr for sale. See Frank Huberts. FREE GRANITEWARE FREE Your Choice of Stewpan, Milk Pan, Pie Tin, Spoon; Wash Pan, Water Cups, or Soap Dish with each pur chase amounting to $2.50, or for 10c each. Large Dishpan free with $5 purchases, or 25c cash. Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Bread on hand every day. R. V. WHITEIS IONE, - - - OREGON IF YOU SEE IT IN THE HERALD YOU KNOW IT IS SO. A. I,, Sloeum went to Portland Wed nesday to visit his family. Al. says Iieppner is the best small town on the map. C. P.. Sperry, the well known lone grain buyer, was in Iieppner during the week arraiiciiie; for the shipment several cars of wheat. Show Case, 8-foot, Phelps Grocery Co. fur sale cheap .1. T. Thornton, of Portland, lias been demonstrating a Studebaker "Six" in Iieppner for several days, lie went to Portland Wednesday. licit Stone was a little under the weather Wednesday and did not ap pear at his usual stand in Noble's. He sull'ered from pluerisy. )()() posts for Company. sale Phelps Grocery I'OU SALK Some good horses and mules, broke or unbroken, imlcs southwest of Lexington. F. K. Mason. Wm, lieamev, Alfred Anderson and wife, (!. W. Cox and Oscar Shaver were over from Monument yesterday, each attending to various business matters. D. K. (iilman went down the line this morning on one of his frequent husi uess trips. IIOI' I.AKF. MANAGF.U WOl'Ll) I.IKi: NOTICK OF ARRIVAL IN ADVAM K. Persons contemplating; a visit to Hot Lake Springs, Oregon, who re quire the service id' a wheel chair or other special convenience, are request ed by the manager to give notice of arrival in advance, so that proper care anil attention inav be assured. (Adv.) TO THE PUBLIC! Owing to the regulations of the Industrial Welfare Commission of Oregon, which prohibits female employees worktng more than 54 hours per week-or 7 hrs. and 45 min. per day. it will be necessary for us to rearrange the opening and closing of our grill room. Hours in the future will be as follows: 6.00 a. m. to 3.00 p. m. 4.00 p. m. to 8.00 p. m. PALACE HOTEL October 13, 1914 CO. The First National Bank OF HEPPNER Oldest Bank in Morrow County Capital, Surplus and Profits $140,000.00 I NO'I'ICL' All County Script up to October I. PHI, will he paid upon presentation at my ollice. Interest ceased on that date. I'rauk t.illiain Treasurer of Morrow Co. Your Banking Business Will be Appreciated Peoples' Cash Market HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor Open far biisincM under new and experienced management, Solicit and will appreciate your patronage. Fresh and Cured Meats I ,-5 ' . j Atnena, ' I ! No. Vjv; i J Umatilla County, Oregon 55 on the ballot otticlal AGASSIZ AND A HERRING. Regular Republican nominee for Senator, 19th Senatorial PiMiit t comprising the court lit of UMATILLA. UNION mul MORROW. A Man of Experience III l)UMIU'S Mini 1.11111111. I :ivoi allien. Iinenl lit nut In l..u making lax pa mt nli May 1st and November lt without in terest or penallv. I'avoiu e nppropiintion nnd retrenchment in puhlic expenditures; the aKolihment ol nil uele hoards, ami the consolidation ol other where possible. A m, hi thai knows the demands of Faster n Oregon nnd alwa! readv In defend (hem. Consult Your Best Interests and Mark Your Ballot NO. 55 X And a Student Who Finally Succeeded In Making Discovery. A Rtiident -1 1 1. 1 1 I In Ak'IisI.'h claax. Fer Neieral days Auasl. palil mi allm Hun In him whatever. At lentlli, tired of timdlnu annuel tille, the Hi ml, tit mkeil AkiihsI. to che him unmet hlnu , d'i. AKasnl.'it reply was tn Inn, I him n lieirlnir Mini to nay, "Sillily this." The vtihlmt w im len Ihlered, but set nlioiit 'Kind) Iiik" It The next day Akm7. ilxkeil linn Hhal he had learneil iiUuit the herrlni:. The student replied Mint It hud two r,i many tins ami uch urn I hii h mill klnus. "No. lie!" AiiiiH-Ox cried "SI inly It more. Thie thlnus are net liiip,'i taut." The next day tin, I the next ll xpe rt I'll 'i was repeate.l. The feiirtli il.iy AkiikhU. nuaiii denmiuliil InlWniat inn ll'niit the new rutting i.pivlnicii. In a ileHrati nttemi t lit liunmr the cm , dent replleil. "Well, f ti sum- ell Ih(Ii slilex," "T!iat' It !" slmiiteil Aii:i-l. ' T'nit's It! A mni',lh l-n't the mine mi ,.,ih lde, nil n.Kier ln't, thmi-.iii.U f s Imernt uf the ,-u nre imt. tu n .inn tin, en,, t tt it t K ymi'xe f,,inl n tnrtlni! pnlnt In n new um In the evnlntimi uf hf,.." ! 1,'f.h, tint Mm lent lenriie.l mere from Ihnr one le,,i iiImmU the , u n title tnetli.Hl of utility than he ,n. tune leiirnol In j . r' lei.l ii; mid ltiir.n. Tin. t, xtit ,.ii!, ,,,, ttinutil hint tlie fu,l; Ata.-iA ti.tit hltn the iM, h, ,.f IcHrntiiai n 1 f, u World W ork WeekeninQ. "So ton think thoro la ji t el iin aelllim Mr Nnk.i,a an nut,"" "Sure! He ii.,h . an t lie n I In h id one, now bv' ar.iilm; he , m h( ferd It "-I'm k. ' - . ; i t . r J I ' J (j J : S ' I i J V, j ll A j t i . i ti X GEORGE H. BISHOP FREEWATER-MILTON, OREGON. Demoaalic Candidate for Joint Representative Twenty-second District, UmatiOa Morrow Counties. and Lower taxes, fewer laws, economy in tran sacting public business especially in weeding out useless commis sions which are swal lowing the taxpayers' money. Paid Advertisement.