Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 16, 1914, Image 1

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With which il contolidatsd The Ion Bulletin.
A first class newspaper entered at the postoffice at Heppner. Oregon as second-class matter
Lafe Penland Sells 5500-Acre Stock Ranch to Stantield Broth
ers Who Take Immediate Possession of Property.
Another deal in Morrow County dirt
was concluded this week when Stan
field Brothers of Stanfield and Echo
purchased the 5500-acre stock ranch
owned by Lafe Penland, lying about
16 miles south of Heppner. In the
deal were included some of the sheep
and cattle owned by Mr. Penland. The
approximate price paid by Stanfield
Brothers for the real and personal
property was $47,500. Possession has
already been given and the new
owners have taken charge. Mr. Hugh
Stanfield has been here most of the
week and has been busy laying plans
for the future handling of the ranch.
Mr. Penland has been in poor health
for some time and this is the reason
for his retiring from active life. In
speaking with Mr. Art Minor yester
day concerning this sale we heard a
number of compliments paid to Mr.
Penland. "You might state in the
paper that Morrow County loses from
participation in its active affairs one
of its very best citizens," said Mr.
Minor. 'I have ridden over the
range with Mr. Penland under various
adverse condition and have found him
to be a man of extraordinary grit and
perserverance. Furthermore, he is a
man of integrity, absolutely 'on the
square.' We can ill afford to lose
such men as Mr. Penland from the
rank of the stockmen and farmers.
He stands for the best interest of the
community and his heart and hand
have always been with us in the fight
for better things. You can say that
I, for one, and I know that I speak the
sentiments of many others, wish Mr.
Penland many happy days to enjoy
the fruits of his hard labor.
The Stanfield Brothers, who are the
new owners of the property are big,
broad-minded, liberal and successful
men of our neighboring county of
Umatilla and are strangers to only
a small part of the people of Morrow
County. Besides their extensive hold
ings on Butter Creek and the Uma
tilla River Valley, their bands of sheep
and cattle feed on various ranges
from this county as far east as
Wyoming. The Stanfields are also
interested in the banks of Echo and
Stanfield. Morrow County is for
tunate indeed in having such men in
terested in her commercial activities.
The land included is this sale is one
of the finest stock ranches in Eastern
Oregon. Besides it carries with it
an allotment of fine range land. Stan
field Brothers have had a portion of
the ranch rented for range land and
have been running a band of cattle
on same this season. They will now
stock it to the limit.
Wednesday was the 78th birthday of
one of Heppner's most prominent and
beloved citizens, "Uncle" Joe Williams,
City Recorder, and following his usual
custom Mr. Williams gave a birthday
dinner to the following invited guests;
Miss Leala and Lulu Campbell and
Miss Josephine Cameron, and his pal,
Master Sammy Van Vactor. The din
ner was a four-course affair, specially
prepared by the chef of the Palace
Hotel and served in the Palace Grill.
His seventy-eighth birthday found
Uncle Joe in good health and enjoying
life fully as much as any of his
friends. The Herald man found him
at the Palace Hotel in the evening and
drew him into conversation. "How
long have you been a resident of
Heppner, Mr. Williams?" was asked.
"I have been here for over thirty
years," was the answer. "My broth
er and I bought a band of goats in
California some thirty years ago, at
the price of one dollar per head and
decided to drive them overland to Ore
gon. We started from Reno, Nevada,
and wintered at Paisley, Oregon. In
the spriwr we came on north and fin
ally landed in Morrow County and I
have been here almost continuously
ever since. We sold our goats for
four dollars per hetd.
On the evening of his birthday Mr.
Williams invited lite friend, Frank
Roberts to have a cigar and smoke to
his good health. On inquiring the
reason and hnding that Mr. Williams
was just passing his seventy-eighth
milestone on the road of life, Mr.
Roberts hastened to explain that he
had a birthday of his own about once
every year and that it was that very
day. Thereupon congratulations were
mutually extended.
Mr. H. Taylor Hill has been up
from Portland this week settling up
his affairs with Mr. Jesse Hall, who
has hed the Balm Fork ranch, owned
by Mr. Hill, rented for some time.
Mr. Hill has just completed the sale
for this 1040-acre tract, which lies 6
miles southeast of town, and a Mr.
Bryant of Portland is the new owner.
Mr. Bryant will move on to the place
at once.
A Plain Statement of Facts
Readers of the Herald will no doubt
remember the following news item
which appeared in this paper the issue
of October 9, 1914:
"A move is on foot to establish a
creamery and ice plant at Stanfield.
Our friend Sparling is known to be in
that section of the country at the pres
ent time and is probably arousing the
people there to the fact that dairying
will make a community much more
solid and prosperous than fruit rais
ing. We wish Mr. Sparling the best
of success in his efforts to promote
the creamery proposition at Stanfield,
providing it is really he who is at the
head of the movement."
In the issue of The Heppner
Gazette-Times, dated October 15, 1914,
Mr. Sparling takes exception to the
above item and his article is charac
teristic of the man, in that Sparling
is the biggest liar that has hit these
parts in many a day, in the opinion of
practically every business man and
citizen of Hennner. many of whom we
have talked pesonally with concerning
Mr. Sparling since that gentleman
first arrved in Morrow County and
sought by every numns of misrepres
entation he could manufacture to
ingratiate himself and his convivial
personality into the confidence of our
best citizens.
We are accused in Mr. Sparling's
article of having stated that he WAS
the article reprinted above will show
whether or not there is any truth in
Mr. Sparling's statement. Mr. Sparl
ing was seen at a certain point three
miles from Stanfield, by the writer
personally, at the time the article ap
peared in the Stanfield Standard an
nouncing that a creamery was about
to be started there. Furthermore we
have the word of several Echo people
that Mr. Sparling inquired as to the
possibility of the re-establishment of
l ie r.cho t reamery in business, from
vhkh we deduced that he was inter
ested in the creamery business of that
Mr. Sparling did not read the item
vhich appeared in the Herald and
which we have reprinted above, lie
r Imits it in his statement. He onlv
II E A It I) the statement which he
Mr. R. F. Hynd, President of the
Heppner Milling Co., and former
prominent citizen of this county, ar
riven here Monday evening from Port
land and has been very busy attend
ing to business matters and shaking
hands with his many old friends. Mr.
Hynd, it will be remembered, was in
Scotland at the time of the outbreak
of the war and arrived in America only
a snon ume ago. ui course, ne nas
been busy answering many and diverse
questions concerning conditions in
Scotland since the war broke out. The
trip across the water on his return was
very rough but he greatly enjoyed the
trip by rail across Canada on the
Canadian Pacific Railway. Mr. Hynd
went out to Sand Hollow yesterday
where he was the guest of his
cousins, the Hynd Brothers and Miss
Anna Hynd.
Libby BcBee, the Cecil stockman
had some trouble with his auto while
at Parker'u Mill a few days ago rnd
the machine had to be towed into town
ar.d is now in the hospital at Albert
tfowker s crtablishrent.
John Hughes was over to Pendle
ton the first of the week to see Dr,
Storage Co., so long as he (Sparling)
was at the head of or largely interest
ed in the concern.) bparling mtro
duced himself to the community as
being a man with from $75,000 to
$100,000 ready cash to invest. . In
terested parties took measures to de
termine the accuracy of this and other
statements made by the man and
found them without, exception to be
absolutely false. In fact the real an-
ture of the man soon became appar
ent to the majority of our citizens and
we are sure we voice their sentiments
when we say that a person bearing a
more hypocritical, deceptive nature
and of a more artificial character has
never been seen in this county. By
every means of intrigue at his dis
posal this man has sought to mis
represent, through the columns of our
competitive paper, a small news item
which stated the truth in every posi
tive assertion contained in its lines and
which wished Mr. Sparling the best of
success PROVIDED it was really he
who was at the head of the Stanfield
In closing we will say that if Mr.
Sparling wishes us to do so we will
print in detail some of the statements
tie has made concerning various busi
ness men and citizens of Heppner,
which were copied as fast as he made
them, in the presence of witnesses,
and are being preserved for use at the
proper time.
L. K. Harlan.
Grade At John Day River Near
ly Completed We Are Told,
Mr. W. O. Minor and John Sprouls
came back Wednesday from the North
Fork of the John Day River, where
they had been to celiver some dyna
mite to be used on the Ritter Road.
Mr. Minor informs The Herald that
work on the grade at the river is pro
greasing rapidly. The road on the
other aide of the river is all completed
and on this side the grade is finished
for a stretch of about three miles,
leaving one more mile to finish. Mr.
Minor describes the road as being a
fine piece of work. The money sub
scribed by the various parties for the
building of the road is being judicious
ly spent, according to the views of
Mr. Minor.
L V. Gentry Among Buyers-Lambs Bring From $3 to $3.75
Ma Delivers Two Bands to Boylen.
On the 10th of October a very pleas
ant social gathering took place at the
home ot J. L. Jenkins on upper Eight
mile. This was given in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. T W.. Rinpee. who will
shortly return to their former home in
Missouri. Everyone reported a splen
did time. The following were among
the guests; Mr. and Mrs. Rippee, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Coats, The Misses
Picket, Miss Wooley, Mr. Frank More
land, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Cox and
daughter, Miss Vivian, Miss Maxwell,
.nr. and Mrs. Beckett. Miss Bellen-
brook, two Mr. Bellenbrooks', Mrs.
Harriet Stephens, Miss Brown, Mr.
Brown, Mr. Guy Fuller, Mr. Wright,
Mr. Spencer and Prof. Otto of Hepp
Several deals in sheep have been
made the past few days. In all sales
the prices have been good. They
range as follows: Coarse lambs, $3.00
to $3.75; line lambs, $3.00 to $3.25;
yearling ewes, $5.50; yearling weath
ers, $3.75. Among those who sold
and the buyers we note the following;
Emmett Cochran to L. V. Gentry, one
band; Emmet Cochran to T. F. Boy
len, band of ewes; Emmet Cochran
to L. E. McBee, band of coarse lambs;
F. M. Rounds to H. M. Hanson of
Long Creek, one band; Curtis Jackson
to L. V. Gentry, one band yearling
weathers; L. Sweek to F. Etulain of
N. Yakima, 1200 weathers, 900 coarse
lambs. Jas. Murtha of Rock Creek
delivered two bands of coarse lambs
to T. F. Boylen, on the latter's Butter
Civek ranch.
A party of hunters consisting of
Carl Troedson, Ed Weincr and Bert
and Earl Forbes of lone were in Hepp
ner Saturday on their way home from
the mountains where they had been on
a deer hunt. None of them were
lucky enough to bring home any veni
son. O. E. Rhul and Ed. McMillan of
Lexington who were in the mountains
at the same time managed to bring
home one buck.
W. B. Potter, the well known Spray
stockman, was in town yesterday at
tending to some business matters.
Mr. Potter reports things as being
very quiet in the interior country.
With Messrs. Waters and Wright he
recently disposed of some 2500 lambs
to Collin Bros., of North Yakima.
Hibernian Order To Meet Here
Three Days Next Month.
O. M. Yeager, Contractor, will do
your building, repairing, etc., and take
your wool, hay or anything of value
in exchange for the work.
News was received in Heppner that
little Miss Margaret Cronan, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cronan form
erly of lone but who now lives in
Portland was very ill with ptomaine
poisoning. The little girl is a niece of
Jus Mallory. She took first prize in
nor class at the baby contest at the
ivL.i morrow uounty j'uir. We ure
hoping for her safe recovery.
R. E. Jones who farmed the Dutton
wheat ranch just west of town the
past season has moved on to the Wash
Thompson place a few miles north
east of Heppner. He immediately
started doing his fall ploughing, as
sisted by the Stamp brothers.
The State Convention of the Hiber
nian Order will be held in this city on
November 13, 14 and 15. The plans
for the convention have been formu
lated but not completed, according to
Rev. Father O'Rourke, but we arc in
a position to state that a grand ball
will be given on the night of the 13th.
A large class of applicants will be
initiated on the 15th. This convention
will be largely attended, in fact there
will be several hundred delegates from
outside points.
I am an agent for Mra.
famous home remedies.
-nt on request. Mrs.
Morgan, Oregon,
Sa in pica
Hardest y,
jSocicty ;Qcfu s
Having purchased a 1915 Model
Maxwell "25," I am offering my
1914 model at a great bargain.
Will take a team of work horses
in part payment.
Dr. Winnard, Heppner, Ore.
In the city of Heppner, Oregon.
There ia a good restaurant In Hepp
ner for aale. Located on Main Street
and doing a first claaa business. It
ia well equipped with everything
neeesaary to do the buaineaa.. .Clean
and neat In every particular.. .There
are tome houaeheld effect which will
go in the aale, all new and useable
articlea.. .The right man ean take thi
la a
To The Voters of Morrow County.
I hereby respectfully solicit the sup
port of all voters at the general elec
tion, Nov. 3. If elected I promise to
give my personal attention to the
duties of the effice and assure the peo
ple of Morrow County that fair, im
partial and courteous treatment will
be accorded to all patrons of the
Democratic Candidate for County
Treasurer. ,
The Federated Church young people
assisted by the older members, expect
to celebrate Hallowe'en in a fitting
manner this year. Full particulars
ol the proposed entertainment will be
given in these columns soon.
r or rag rugs and rag carpet weav
ing ana also rugs Irom old ingrain
carpets, see the Heppner weaver just
toutn ot the Catholic I hurch.
The railroads are doinsr hie thine
for the Northwest through the publi
cation of literature that may induce
visitors to the Panama-Pacific Ex
position to plan their trips through
this section. The most recent publi
cation of this sort is the pamphlet
issued liy the U.-W. It. & N. system.
The scenic wonders along the line of .
the railroad from Kansas City to the
cities of the great Nortwest are
beautiful pictured in most realistic
colors. In its 64 pages the booklet
takes one on a quick trip throuirh
level, fertile valleys, over the rugged
Rockies, across rivers and lakes into
the beautiful cities of the far West
and Northwest, and cannot fail to im
press the most skeptic Easterner with
the grandeur of the West. Under an
unusually good panorama of Portland
appear these words: " 'The City of
Roses'. One of the cities of which
we as n nation are proud. Through
out all time shall the majestic, snow
crowned Mount Hood look down up
on it in immutable silence."
In setting up the announcement of
Hanson Hughes last issue we ommit
ted the name of the ollicc to which
Mr. Hughes aspires. However, this
was unintentional and has been cor
rected for this issue. Mr. Hughes is
making an aggressive campaign for
the Treasurership.
Quite a number of people from
Heppner attended the rag sewing
party given in the Lena Hall last Sat- p,c, ,nj mie BoneT, R
ed by Mrs. Hugh Currin. After the ' money -
rag sewing had come to a close thej" ' ,0 bu buaineaa paying well,
young folks present enjoyed the bal- Juat drop i line to the owner or bal
ance of the evening at dancing.'.-, , .. i .nj ..it ii ,
l . nltwm i. a ' f U . . II.. 1 . . L .. - - . L. - ...
, , "'""" prim- .i.u..k v m. V-'1 him... He ia dealroua of makin- a
llennner went! nr. and Mrs. "
H, and thereupon puts before the
. .it:- - .'i. ...il i. , . ...
j; iiuic un article wnicn deals Wlin our
k spectability and iur integrity. As
to both of these qualifications as com
l ured with those of Mr. Sparling, we
leave to our readers to draw their
t vn conclusions. In his usual un
tiuthful and deceiving manner he
further suites that the writer is in
the employ of a syndicate in the aubli
rutiitn of this paper. Mr. Sparling is
n plain linr and knows it. A state
ment whuh appears in this issue of
'the Herald, and which is published in
lomplianre with the order of the
United State Postal Department and
sworn to In-fore a notary public, gives
the exact statu of the ownership,
management, etc., of thm paper and
set forth any and all individuals and
lirms holding intercut in the Heppner
At this time The Herald would like
to nay a few words concerning Mr.
Sparling and hi activities in this
community. In our own office and in
the presence of witnesses this man has
ought to upbraid and stamp upon the
refutation ami personality of nearly
every huiw man in the city of
Heppner. I ne larger me concern, tne i re,
stronger, nas nis t mis tor
the rran that many of them refused
to subscribe for stis k or take any
active part in the operation of the
Morrow County Creamery and Cold
Heppner were: Dr. and Mr.
Winnard, The Misses Casey, Newton,
Schwittay, Walker, Long and Daven
port, Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Kookman, Mr.
and Mrs. Jackson, Mr. Harry Duncan
Dr. Dye and Henry Nagle
Mrs. Buster Kiethley and Mr.
Vaughn were at Lexington this week
visiting relatives.
To Morrow County Voters.
I hereby solicit the support of all
voters at the general election for the
office of County Treasurer. If re
elected I will continue to give the
affairs of the office the same careful
attention I have given them in the
past, and conduct the office in a business-like
Your respectfully,
Republican Nominee.
FOR SALE Some line S. ('. M.
Leghorn roosters at $1 each as long
is they last. J. F. Hardest ly, Mor
Kan, Oregon.
Mr. Phill Colin has just received
from a relative in Germany an olli-
'iiil publication showing the causes of
the present war. The book contains
opies of all the official messages ex
changed between Germany and the
other waring countries and is very in
teresting. The hook was sent to Mr.
Cohn by his cousin, Mr. Heppner, a
nephew of the gentleman whom this
town was named after.
Let er Buck at the Star Theatre
"The lllowout at Santa Banana"
A two reel rip snorter of a comedy
showing Bronco Iliisting, Hulldogging,
Hoping. It's a rough and ready 4th of
July celebration.
Don't Mis It.
Youra for buaineaa,
The Farmers' Protective league of
California, representing 30 rounlie.
Mr. Fred Elder arrived home Run-! met recently in California and adnpt-
day evening from a short viit in Port- jed plan to oppose the proposed uni-
land. vernal eight-hour law, tha water com-
mission act, and several other mea-
- , ,. . . , .. urea that were declared to le detri-
Twenty-three merrSer. of the Lad.e menU, , inUm of , j(.u,,ur. ,n
nm vi nic rroernwi v nurcn mri wivn f'm,t.hrnim
If tl-:. . A . 1 L VflllOrUl.
.urn. ninniru ai ner nome 1 ueoay
To the Voters of Morrow County.
I earnestly solicit your support at
the general election, to lie held on ;
November 3, for the office of County,
Commissioner. In the event I am
elected I promise to faithfully per
form the duties of said office with the
ame care and attention I would give
to my private anair. I will give as
much of my personal attention to the
county road as I possibly run and
will endeavor to see that all county
funds are handled in a judicial, eoii
omical and sensible manner.
Your respectfully,
Democratic Nominee.
The Herald know of two furnished
housekeeping room for rent at a
"rasonahle price. 'I bene are very de-
tirable room and anyone wishing to
rent rooms had better speak to us at
J. II Edwards of Sund Hollow was
in town yesterday on his way home
from Khea Creek, whither he hud gone
after a loud of winter apples. He pur
hased same from Louis Groshen.
and spent the afternoon sewing
apron, ihe Aid will hold an apron
ved for refreshment.
Mr. and Mr. Walter Richardson'
have been spending the week at Port
land where Mr. Richardson i a dele- j
rata to the Grand Lodge of the K. of
Wis, Srrivner h a smsll safe and
o shoorase which he will sell
heap. Look at them in Ihe ( ommer
'ial ( lub room m il to hi shop.
T 1(1 EH
The Corvallis Ga.etle-TimcH in an
able article on how to secure more in
dustries hits the nail on the head
when it says. "The conditions must
be changed if industries are to b-i
secured, not alone min mr-ng radical
legislation and high taxes, but an
nflimative scientific system of co
operation must be adopted to wh'i h
the given eoinmun must bend it
Show the individual or corporation
who has the money to spend in estab
lishing an industry that they will bo
protected from radical legislation and
high taxes, and they will be only too
glad to sUirt operation in any live
community. What better program
could the people of Oregon work for.
We all want industries in our midst
that furnish the payroll for our peo
ple, instead of agitator and freak
law that bankrupt the factories.
Never have we hud sue h an oppor
tunity to invite capital into the slain
as we have Noveinlier 3rd by showing
our disapproval of every measure on
the luillot that puts a straw in tbn
way of our future industrial develop.
To the Voter of Morrow County.
I hereby solicit the support of the
voter of Morrow County for the
oinca or i ounty i ommissioner at me
Hennner received a visit vesterdav 1 general election. November 3. If eler.
sale in the near future and the work from "Bill" Hanlev. Indenendent ran-1 ted I nronuse to irive this imnorUnt
done Tuesday wa in anticipation of didale for United Slate Senator. Mr. loffica the attention it merit and de
thi event. Coffee and Cake were er- llanley i the gentleman whose fea- vote my energies to an economical
lure o strongly resemble those of ' administration of County affairs from
the Hon. W. J. Bryan, and on variou the standpoint of the taxpayer.
orrasRlon these gentlemen have been I shall consistently endeavor to
mistaken for each other. i hrir.g about some arrangement where.
j by monie expended on the rounty
I roaod shall be of lating arid per
An auto loud, consisting of liert
Mason, J. E. Cronan mid M. II. Humes
Mine up from the Egg City Wednes
lay wiih John Itryson, to attend to
various business nutters.
..OREGON FIRST.. C G. ( as
agent, Oregon Life Insurance
psny. Iteat for OrcMonian.
( om-
Arthur Crawford is taking a few
days' va alion in Port 'and and 'I he
Valley, lie will al'end the meeting
of the Slut Editorial A km i.ilion at
LOST An Oregon Grape ring
left at the nash sink at Ihe O. K.
Restaurant. A lilieral rrrd will he
paid Ihe lnwlir if the ring is brought
to Mr. .inter at .Srriner' blacksmith
Mr. M. R. Fell went to IexingUn
Wednesday to visit relative. From
II M Yaier f iirnlkhea liliia. tiritil
si- it T- 11.11 It j .. i. i ' ' . . ' . " . ...
.-nr. ii. i. inn oi toriiano, wno na , mnent value, and eliminate so tar tree when he doe your building,
been in Heppner several day, lost possible needles extravagance in all
hi gkaasa yesterday and la offering branch of ( ounty Govern ment. Mrs, liertha Oilman writes from
a reward of $10 for their return.
there he will go on to her homa ttVinirr ran bring same either to this
Redmond. omc or una tnem direct to Mr. mil.
Yours restiert fully.
GEO. J ( t'KKiN,
Republican Nominee.
Hot ke to have the Herald sent in
'order 'bat. she may keep ported on
the I'x al happening.
Statement of the Ownership, Mana
gement, He., of the Heppner Herald,
published Semi Weekly at Heppner,
Oregon, for October, I'.llt.
Publisher, L. K. and E. G. Harlan;
Editor, E. G. Harlan; Managing Edi
tor, L. K. Harlan; ilusin Manager,
I.. K. Harlan; both of Heppner, Ore
gon, Mortgages, liens, bondholder or
other seeiirity holders: American Typa
rounders Co., Portland, Oregon; ,Mer
gunthiilcr Linotype Co., New York.
l Signed ( L. K. Harlan.
Subs. ribed and sworn to lfore me,
this UHih day of September, I'M 4
Glenn Y. Well, Notary Public.