PAGE TWO HEPPNER HERALP, HFPPN'ER, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1914. - v i , f si E. G. HARLAN EDITOR AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER TUESDAYS .nd FRIDAYS EDITORIAL SECTION HEPPNER HERALD L. K. HARLAN MANAGER SUBSCRIPTIONS $1.50 PER YEAR OUTSIDE COUNTY $1.50 The chief business of the state is to make good citizens and when she does not, as has veil been said, she is scheduled for the greased chute and its destination is Oblivion. Every child in the State should not only have a com mon school education but he should have a couple of years in some Enlarge the institution which will University Campus equip him with some profession by which he can add to the joy of living and make his time count. All State universities are endeavoring to couple up with the plain people by a system of correspondence. The idea seemed to have started with the International Correspondence School which made it work ar.d was adopted by the State as a matter of self-defense. This is right, beautiful and in the line of common sense. If the individual can't go to the Uni versity, then the University should go to him. This is what is being done in the State of Oregon. It is possible now to take most any course that you may desire by mail. Every thing has its excuse for existing and the fact that this department of the University has prospered seems to prove its right for existence. Not long ago we were told that a prominent lawyer down in the county seat of Wasco coun ty got his start reading law whila herding sheep, and strange tales are told of how people passing by could hear his lofty and impassioned pleas to the pensivo sheep. Think of how much easier it would have been for this man to have gotten in communication with the State Uni versity and had the hard kinks in the profes sion straightened by helpful minds. The course by mail can never grow old or obsolete for the continual tramp of feet march on, the youth of the land. The mass of humanity increases and life becomes more com plex. The struggle for existence becomes keener and we need all the equipment that we can get. The University is supplying this as never before. Those people who work in the open air, dig in the ground and build in the air, then buckle down to half an hour at their i' t-sons are hound to be winners. To slide, drift, loll and dwaddle, with no definite point in view is to arrive at the point of Nowhere and drift on the shoals of Uncertainty. To all mi n desirous of gettting up in the league stand in, bitter get into communication with the Extension Department of the University, you win he on the road to better things. o HM f i in- ci y a lew years ago was "Mack to the Kami." W hether it resulted in anyone going oacK is largely conjectural. Going back to the and cities to the profit of all concerned, especial ly the farmer. If you would be seeking your greatest good, remember the "Stay on the Farm" movement needs your interest and sup port. o Some of our good Democratic friends have been re-arranging some of their doctrines about States Rights, in view of some of the practices just indulged in by the A few more things present administration, which the govern- The Government Insur ment is doing. ance on International freight, the several new Tax schemes all show that it is the logical place of the Federal government to meet extraordi nery events in the transaction of business. What is at one time the evtraordinary tends to become the ordinary and so we find that the government assumes many of the practices which times of stress bring foith. This is no more discredit to the Democrats than it was when Thomas Jefferson bought an addition to the country when he was a champion of States Rights. The government lately went into a partner ship agreement with the people in the banking business and it would not be a surprise to the many to see them make an arrangement where by they would go into the telephone and tele graph business, saying nothing of taking over the entire express business and having an eye on the entire railroad traffic. Hides and Pelts Wanted Frank Wvner wants your hides, pelts and wool and will pay good prices for : same. Call on or phone him at ihe Heppner Milling Company's office at any time. FOR SALE O. I. C. boars. One; two-year old, weight 500 lbs., one five months old and several other pigs. All thoroughbred and registered stock. Archie Cox and Frank Lieuallen, Heppner, Oregon. LOST A brown mare, 6 years old and weighs about 1200 pounds. Is marked with a star on the fore-head and with a brand on the left should er C. K., with a Z directly below it. It was last seen about two weeks ago near Parker's Mill. O. E. Wright, of Heppner, is the owner and will give $10 reward for its return. The MAXWELL "25" Lightweight Cheap to run-ask for Demonstration. $750 f , o. b. factory NOTICE. My new Fall and Winter hats will be ready the first week in September. Mrs. D. B. DeLaney, Lexington, Ore. $10.00 REWARD. Strayed or stolen from Louis E. Fridley's ranch near Lexington about August 20; one small heavy-set dog, about eighteen months old but looks more like a pup. Answers to the name Donnie. Has a heavy coat of black curly hair with a small white spot under his chest. Very friendly disposition and wore a small collar when last seen. Address the Owner, John E. Kenny, Sunset, Idaho. Let O. M. Yeager do your carpenter work. The $50,000,00 a day they are burning up in Europe, to say nothing of the ruins they leave behind, as in Belgium where the whole country has been devasted, would feed a great many hungry mouth and build a great many sanitary cottages for European peasants who still live in huts and hovels. Of course, this view of the matter may be called narnby and pamby by the war lords, but some time it will be en forced and forced down the throats of the war lords. And when the people get sense enough to realize this they will kick their war lords into the deep oceans, to drown like rats. The People's Cash Market is making special prices at the present time on bacon and hams. It you need any of these now it the time to take advant age of the reduced prices. It is a ! good habit to drop into their market occasionally, it will mean money in your pocket. The Jack Rabbit Garage Headquarters for OIL, GASOLINE, and all kinds of AUTO mobile Accessories. Expert Repair Work This is a Personal Invitation To the People of Morrow County When in Portland Stop at The Imperial With Phil Metschan, Located on Washington Street at Broadway, formerly 7 th St. Right in the Heart of the City. The Imperial Hotel Reasonable Rates farm is pictured ;ls an easy thing but like manv theoretical things, one has to acquire the tech nique. The thing to do Helping Our is to stay on the farm, i arm rnentls. and so says Dr. Withy combe, the Republican nominee for Governoor. A short time ago it was our pleasure to talk with Mr. Withveomho nnd ho seems well pleased with the Stay" on the rami aliunde which he finds all over the stnte It is a well known fact that those cities which nave attracted world-wide attention in the day.' mhii iiiio passed always kept on chummy terms wild I he r;irm,.i-j ui ii nw mm; ut ':mie unpopular and the agrarians grew sick and despondent, the rule of the citv lagged nnd dissolution and death followed. Always and forever those cities prospered which kort n sympathetic eye on the farmer. No city is carefully seeking its future good when it does continually seek to U tter con I't'ons on the farms. This city can spend no i""ey which brings in bigger returns than tln.t sslu.h u ,H.,H in jm,iri,vinK nirjll t.0IU,. t "us. I.sety larg,. coi-poraticn has entered the rk ,111,1 ironi sell-defense V. ise. There are several imitations las oral moitusv ( , unity the hist ni'iubei- of aiKoniobiles. i.ue .-pace and make di '""'ie-4. i fie.f mat l',s ssise.s tn i-mii.. .... i . . mm hh you migni I ". insanity is greater among the farmers wives. I ho next improvement lie noted was n- niimiKT ot modern homes. These Miow time it appears Unit t!n. p,H,p,. un. .uisfi.-a with the land in- li'ii.l I t i i ' ' '"',M' 'i ""Mr permanent home. We are natures ,,f ,. urrim,inK!l imi, t, ,an M'"!'1 s" bad sslr, its g, f , 1 and lives in n m,,,,, Another ..hange is manifested i the diversity f product. Nearly every winner raise nr.'st of li"t the ml, Villa and Carranza are going to arbitrate their troubles. Civilized Foreign nations take notice. The trouble in Mexico will blosv over, accord ing to dispatches. No Mexican likes to ven ture out much in cold weather. o The fact that nil the nations are now trying to put the blame on the other, shows flint they are ashamed of the dirty war which they are fighting. SEE HARLAN Before you place the order for that piece of CLASSY JOB PRINTING See O. M. Yeager for estimates on Septic tanks, cement walks and basements. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN F. DYE, DENTIST Pemanenlly located in Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 and 5. Some of those politicians would make good soldiers," an old citizen remarked to Joe Wilkins lately. "How's that?" asks Joe. "Because, they are always dodging," was the response. o it before. We haven't heard much about those 80,000 Russians who were sent to France via England. It must have been a Russian Rear story. The Germans have been falling back for "strategic reasons." Siam is mobilizing her troops. All of its train ed elephants have been recalled which it is re ported will play great havoc with some of the large circuses. We understand that a man caire to the Hgg City to work in a store and had to send his family to Portland to live. Evidently they are as bad olf as sve are concerning houses. Dr. II. T. ALLISON PHYSICIAN & SURGEONS Office Patterson Drug Store Heppner, - Oregon Dr. A .P. CULBERTSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Second Door North Minor & Co. Store. Heppner, - - Oregon Vic Groshen Ice Cold Beer, Either Bottle or Draught, To Quench The Thirst These Hot Summer Days Heppner, Oregon 0 Drs. WINNARD & McMURDO I'll YSICIANS & SURGEONS Heppner, - - Oregon Dr. F. N. CIIRISTENSON DENTIST Heppner, Oregon Offices with Drs. Winnard & McMurdo HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS-Small Payment Down Stop Paying Rent Money Into Sombody's Pocket. Own Your own Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. . . BINNS' REAL ESTATE C. E. WOODSON ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon ELKHORN RESTAURANT Best Meals in the City and at the most reasonable prices Everything neat and clean Short orders served in quick and satisfactory style -o- D. K. Oilman. Herb Fant and ye editors are sve should do like-j thinking of sending in a remonstrance against the tax on casoline. Anvone rise liWim to iirn which looked this movement enn do an nou- i' "i V. ithycomhc when he was in time. One was the Automobiles nnnihi- -fant farms suburban u possum' ior uie farm o Kvoniliing is good in moderate quantities. Patriotism is a worthy sentiment hut Pat riotism gone to seed, is what o find in En rope today. 1) It is said that the Allies have been on the of fensive. They have been otfeusive for sonic sshat he eafs. which ssas a U'SV year iilm. 'I'll i 4 r..ti.l..v.. '"" ! d, ,..Met,t u.,1 others nnd to be inde i tl... great desideratum. Short Courses Rliral M;ul llHiU. Telephones and I airs, nil an be b. Some man asked us where old :?IS was. Esi dcntly he had not heard of the tax on gasoline. A largv number of people have heard of .Mor row County in late days as ho never heard of o Now is a pood time for someone V biuld a few good houses. Football team n(T.r oste.rand bettered by towns chronic kickers. employment for the S. E. NOTSON ATTORN EY-ATLAW . Office in Court Hounc, Heppner, Ore. WELLS & NYS ATTORN EYSAT-LAW I Heppner, Oregon KNAPPEN REIKI & JOHNSON ATTORNEYS AND COUNCEl.ORS AT LAW Jone, .... Oref.on W. L. SMITH. AHSTRACTF.R ()nly complete rt of abitract book in Morrow County. IIHTNKR. City Meat Market FRANK HALL, Prop. Retail Butcher Fat Stock Always Wanted at Market Prices. Phone 563 J. H. COX CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Phrmamt Miniatr Furnished j,r Ml Kinds of Buildings. First Class Work Oij. Make a $icialtii tj' and Have Compkte House Moving OREGON YOU FINE IT-YO-DATE HOMES See T. C. DENMSEE. AKOIUTIYT AMI CONTRACTOR. LOf IS PEAIISON TAILOR Heppner Garage All Kinds of Repair Work Done Quickly We are agents for Ford, Overland and Mitchell Automobiles. IBS h "J .hppntr, ,' . jmu Off goo.