VCV 1 OI'R HEPPN'FR HERALD, HEPPVER, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1914. The First National Bank OF HEPPNER Oldest Bank in Morrow County Capital, Surplus and Profits $140,000.00 Your Banking Business Will be Appreciated LOCAL AND PERSONAL Lincoln Biii-ku for Sale. I have on I hi" way a tar of Iho noted Collin Urol hers' Bucks. Those wish inj; hh mi would do well to place or ders willi Jack lljnd, Cecil, Oregon. Hum anyone here seen Sparling Renienilier newlywcds.. the semi-weekly, you SuscesstilErglsh Waterworks i HORSES FOR SALE 5 or fi head ! old up. Inquire at Herald Oflice. liliitiiiiii f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 Ralph Bence was in from the Lex ington country, Tuesday. Tim Rippee was transacting ness in lleppner, Tuesday. busi- O. M. Yeager buildn good houses, barns and cement cellars. Ralph Bcckct was in town last Tues day on business. II' YOU SHE IT IN THE HERALD YOU KNOW IT IS SO. I E. L. Freeland, of Galloway, was in the city on Wednesday. S-H-O-E-S of every description I specialise on "AMKKICAN CENTLKMKN" dress hIkii's "JOMO' anil brand and A. work Hlioes A. CUTTER E. N. GONTY The up-to-date repair man. Young Bros, and Mrs. Egbet Young were in lleppner Tuesday. ..OREGON FIRST... C. G. Casebeer, agent, Oregon Life Insurance Com pany. BchI for OregoniaiiH. The Herald knows of two furnished roorrm which can be rented at a reasonable price. These are very de sirable rooms and anyone wishing lo rent rooms had better speak to us al once. Alex Wilson left for Rhea on Wed nesday for a visit with his brother. In its management of the Sheffield waterworks, according to a consular I trade report, the municipality has con sidered it its duty to provide the best j service at the lowest possible charge. The system consists of a series of high lying reservoirs which supply entirely by gravitation an extensive area, in cluding a wide range of heights. The gathering grounds are elevations j ranging from tSOO to 1,400 feet, where the average rainfall is about forty Inches per annum. This water is in tercepted and impounded in twelve artificial basins, formed by earthen embankments carried across the nat ural valleys, drain an area of 2,400 acres and have a total capacity of H.000,000,000 gallons. From these ba sins the water is coneveyed along a water course and through trunk mains, varying in diameter from fifteen to j twenty-four inches, to service reBer- j voirs within the city, some of which are "high (level," to feed the high? r j parts of the district, while others are j "low level," to supply the city proper. From these twelve reservoirs of an ag gregate capacity of 83,000,000 gallons j between 12,01X1,000 and 16,000,000 gal- j Inns of water ner dav nearly one-half i of which is for trade and manufactur- j Hi Hi Hi Hi h Hi. Hi m Hi m Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi WINTERS is last approaching and now is the time to buy your winter merchandise. Our stocks were never more complete and we cordially invite you to call and inspect them. to m to to m New Wool Coatings in new and desirable shades New Broadcloths fashions most sought for fabric, for Suits and Coats. New Silk Novelties in a wonderful variety of Patterns And Colorings. Supt. S. E. Notson transacted busi ness in Lexington last Wednesday. Dr. Winnard is in Portland attend ing to business matters relative lo insurance. CHARLES A. BARRETT ! Athena, Umatilla County, : Oregon : J. M. dates, from the John Day country, shipped a load of hogs yes terday. Many hogs are conning to j the local market lately and these are I bringing good prices. I ', ' ' ' ' "f tj f 1 . ! l i I -,'. 1 I i t I Republican Nominee forStateSen- ator 1 9th Senatorial Diitrict.Com- priding Morrow, Umatilla and Union Counties. l'.iographicnl Native of the State of Maine. Resident, of Uniiitilln Counly, Oregon for 42 years. Have held the oflice of Mayor, Councilman and Chnirmnn of Athena and School liirector of the Athena district for many years. Member of the Oregon Legis-' lathe Assembly two terms and Senator for the l!Mh District one lerni, now n candidate for re elertion. With the experience already had in legislative mailers I believe (hat I can render valuable service to the people ol the District and Slate. Have for many years been engaged in farming and in the f. Trin implement businc;;: and know the requirement of the fanner Hi'H bn;.ine;.:. man. Stale iulcie. I', 1 f.noi an amended tax law by which tin bur den of t.iMilimi :)ia II be distributed equitably anil the time of tax payment t lived al dale , when there is ready money in the country, one hull' payable May 1:1 and one half Nov. 1st in each year without interest . penalty. I favor sii'h legislation as will assure a lower tin rale and to that end there niu.l be rigid pinning i appropriations and the abandon ment or coir ion of public olliccs and commissions wherever possible. I faun such amendment lo the Corrupt Practices Act as will make it clear, ica onahle anil cUVi'live ami give it teeth to punish where its spirit is not ol. served. I lavnr the enactment of such statutes as will insure law enforce ment without lecourse to martial law. I also favor the placing of initiative fictitious in the hands of the inily Clerks and registration olVuers of the several ro- pi "hil'it ing the employment of paid circulators. favor I' the Direct Primary law so that candidates for Mrs. Hank Vance went to the W. Bayless ranch last Tuesday for week's visit. Mrs. William Kummerland and daughter were in lleppner, Tuesday, trading with our merchants. For rag rugs and rag carpet weav ing and also rugs from old ingrain carpels, see (he lleppner weaver just south of the Catholic Church. Kather O'Rourkc and Miss Margaret O'Rourko left Wednesday morning for Willows. They spent the day with Pnt Karley. Jim lluddleson is enjoying a visit from his brother Ouy lluddleston of Sounlh llend, Wash.., who he has not seen for nineteen years. Cuii Williamson left for the "Lone some Lands" last week, tins says that he will have a few verses for us in the near future. Wm. Krrivnrr has a small safe and two showcases which he will sell ! cheap. Look al them in the Commer cial Club rooms next lo his shop. big purposes are distributed through out the city and district by means of 500 miles of pipes varying from six to twenty-four inches in diameter. The exceptional purity and softness of the water make it pleasant to drink and satisfactory for general household purposes. Cor manufacturing nnd en gineering purposes It is unrivaled, with the exception that its very purity and softness make It attack the inside of new lend piping. This, however, was overcome by the following simple treat ment: In a cement vnt chalk and wa ter are thoroughly mixed by means of revolving fans, then the milky liqnld discharged into the guide basin, where It mixes freely with the water supply for the town. This apparatus is work ed by a three throw hydraulic ram un der pressure of water from one of the higher reservoirs at a cost of 2 cents for every 'J.filKl gallons of water treat ed. Such Is the system of water sup ply evolved by the corporation in the twenty-live years that It has been op erating. In 1SSS the municipality took over Hie city's water supply and paid $10,-1-.;5S8 to a previously operating com piiiy. Since the transfer $2,137,935 has. been spent upon additional works and extensions of mains. The working ex penses In 1887 were l&tiO per cent of the Income, while those of 1!H3 were only 17. i io per cent In spite of the fact Hint wages have Increased during the Interim by more than 70 per cent In 1SS7 the Income was $303,831; since then It has Increased greatly, amount ing In I'.lKI to $1,113,800. Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi New Art Linens Linen Towelings, Hucks, Handkerchiefs Linens and Art Linens in a good assortment of quality and weights. inor & Co. to to to to to to to to n to to to to to to to to to M to to to to to to Aoenis for S BUTTERICK PATTERNS-ROYAL WORCHESTER CORSETS to Meals at all Hours The editor's wife was nearly flight- ' J ened to death last Sunday. At first . we thought that some irate subscriber tried to do nvvay with her hut we af- J forwards learned thai Roy Stamp's team had broken away and nearly run her down on the stieel leading to the , depot. FREE free: sevcuil (' cinrls nti, Hie aim minimi public i lb. i may have the elcitiou either to circulate petitions or to I':IV '': able clei t ion fee to the ( onnly or Stale as the rase may be. I he petition is In i 'inning a nuisance to every registered voter. (Si:ui',l CHARLKS A. P.ARIvT.TT. a.lMili cnnnl am Inn i cl by .1. D. Pl.imondon, Athena, tire.) r'lir Ihi net few weeks, (1. M. Yeager, (he rarpcnli-r contractor, will be at the H. I'. MggleNworth farm on Hotter Creek, and anyone wishing to consult him on the subject of build ing or repairing, please rail him al thai place. I mm Table Supplied with the best the Market affords. PALACE HOTEL The Herald has a few scholarships in the International Correspondence Schools which we can offer to sonii' young fellows who can not afford to go to college. If you have n desire to increase your batting average nnd get into belter company, all you need lo do is to put those spare hours to advantage and you are on the toad to better things. j Memoirs ofj 1 Napoleon : In Three hulumrs 2 2 Tliis ni-iii caused tlic last I I mMieral 1 .tircpcan war. I m llis personal memoirs I Paid Peoples' Cash Market IlLNRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor ii ir iVft a, nul,r ,,,r(. , nVncn iimntuicm, nt, Sn'ii'.i iiml n ill riiirrVi'irrY imr ;m, riinj'C. Fresh and Cured Meats New Hats Arrived W.iIiiii lb, In l, .lav. !,,. rcrvitcil uiKe IihI t the 1 "'" -lib-li b.U. IIii.c me I lie Ulnt mint nee of Ihr inaikil uml li,, ,, liiitini: Ilii in an n smi i, , nl htttiiiK hl m correct and at ii ,..on, Id, ,i i, Wr have aUn rnnviil .aliipli n nnd Uhi.nt alt le ,dli lor I miIi.-' I ml. in. I Mm,, tiuu an,! lr. .. . Ihi w ir. i iimIi t i.ii. Mini iui.ii mill liiiriiil I hi- ulinn.1 in nl of I lie in Inra ami I lie nc nlvle. In pl.iv .mil tun arc iol l In mil ami inMrt anil illlliulut IIU.llll V mill I I le. li til ,tl I V , llli sr. HEttREN MILLINERY PARLORS MKS. I.e.. III.KU1N. IVop. KLSTAl RANT I UK SALL. In the city of Hcppaer. Oregon. 1 here In a good rcslaiirunl In llepp ner for aale. Located on Main St reel and doing a lirsl clan hiiHiitc. Il la well equipped with evertlhing nireaaary lo do (he liuniiiiNa.. .( lean and neal in every particular.. .There are anme hmin hold rflTrrla which will go In the aale, all new and useable art idea.. .The right man ran lake thin place and make money, a it is a money maker mm nnd )ou know what it la In buy a hiinineaa pa) nig well. Jual drop a hue In the owner or hel ler Jet. aliip in and lalk il iner with him. ..He i dciirinm of inakinx a rhaniic. iniin for lniini . ; n ; LANK I lU SAI K.-l ord car in run ning comlilion. im.1 model and recrnll) otrrhaulrd. Will like a Iram of work luilwa a, part pa) mi ni. Inqulie at II. laid I'ttice. written . , llaron I )c a I... I,;. . ... ... i ' ,-1 ' " '- Meiiwal, ate full of the most J absorbing incidents e-pectallv in view of the preven; l.uro- a (H-aii iru(;cle. ? mt liiiiiibrd ipjii ago, hi ambi- ( a ti.m hailn-d il.e t'onlinrnl in a mm ol blend r 'r.-in. e alonr, under In leader Uip, I, niejit ( icrmanv, Kuia, Ausirii, I i.ilv , and ( oral It; nam tin t u ". s FREE GRANITEWARE FREE Your Choice of Stewpan, Milk Pan, Pie Tin, Spoon; Wash Pan, Water Cups, or Soap Dish with each pur chase amounting to $2.50, or for 10c each. Large Dish pan free with $5 purchases, or 25c cash. Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Bread on hand every day. R. V. WHITEIS I0NE, OREGON Of Interest To All Voters j Get these Memoirs:!; Free : Tk I : : 1Y1I ) sprnal arrangement with the puh I ihrr nl (Ol l.lrR'S. I hp National N pcklv, p arr riuhlril to nrfrr ft lim- itetl nnmhrr il thr ihrrr-volumr wit 9 nt thr Memoir ol Napoleon Irrr with 2 a -war' nk nptinn 10 l olltrr n! tHi paper, l'hf nHrr i tnrth linutrt 2 t" t' 'Ivanta' "t ' )nl' tmM fti't J 9 pfompily. 9 2 Sherlock llolmc Stories J Kxclusivcly in Collier's 0 VI tlfrbii II 1M -pwfc ! 4 t 0 q m il ha f mra fti tu'l iltrlrf . '9) 1 S "'I Pt!A.'f ' f 4 .ir(at if I irr!' ' i '6 fnptojiir t s At tt m 11 irtMar t M II f k - 'f "4 ' l J. R. Ruth Special Offer loour Readers j r. , h m rt, ),( m i if a t a t oil S I.V U IN.Uml I lima ' hiwU. rliuililc o M.n 0n I imhI Ihirham row. a hia millnr. Jamr. IU llamv, allt Kmk. Ore A romplelr bur nl nr aand Mi.i,. dalr wi nii a llav lor'n. -r rfc ''i il i r -i ' . h i. i. -i a . . .a, i" ik 1.1 m"-i... a k of . of Portland As a taxyayer of this state I will address the taxpayers of this community concerning the real issue of the Ore gon Dry movement. A business man's views why we can't afford to ex periment with Prohibition A BUSINESS TALK DEALING WITH FACTS The date is OCT. 14. Place will be announced later. nfiHtli t. t '(' n..,.u ii i-i::.ii-3?l? 1