fpinw OCTOBER 2, 1314. E.G. HARLAN EDITOR AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER TUESDAYS nd FRIDAYS EDITORIAL SECTION HEPPNER HERALD HARLAN MANAGER SUBSCRIPTIONS $1.50 PER YEAR OUTSIDE COUNTY $1.50 Hides and Pelts Wanted Frank Wvncr wants your hides, pelts and wool and will pay Rood prices for same. Call on or phone him at the Heppner Milling Company's office at any time. Of ull the writers who lived in Kmi! during this Church. It is the manifestation that we that wonderful time which we call the Age are right only a part of the time and no man of Agustuf?, none now is so widely read as jean afford to say another is wholly wrong, pintnr-fh Plutarch whs a lecturer, a farmer ! Women 's Clubs are everywhere breaking FOR SALE O. I. C. boars. One two-year old, weight 500 lbs., one five months old and several other pigs. All thoroughbred and registered stock. ' Archie Cox and Frank Lieuallen, Heppner, Oregon. The MAXWELL "25" Lightweight-Cheap to run-ask for Demonstration. $750 f . o. b. factory and a Priest of Apollo. Practically all that we know of the great The Portland Ad. men of Greece and Club Quartet. Rome is what Plutarch tells us. His words are legal tender wherever thinkers meet. In the Life of Pericles he lias King Philip say t? Alexander, "Are you not ashamed to sing so well?" And Antisthenes, when he was told that Ismenias played excellently on the flute, answered, "Well, he is good for nothing else; otherwise he would not have played so well." Take any period of time you may you will find this same feeling expressed in the triatr ment and estimation of singers and musicians. There is only one exception that we know anything about and that is in. regard to the general estimation of the Portland Ad. Club Quartette. This is an organization in which ability has not been squandered on music alone but generously on character, good fel lowship and a desire to do and be like thost who pay their good Woodrow Wilson dol lars to be entertained. We arc told that they can do other tilings than sing. They are in terested in everything human and can carry on an intelligent conversation with the bus driver. This is something new for artists of their nature and kind. It is the modern artist, if you please. There is considerable academic discussion to the effect that liberal education does not associato itself with music and art. It is just as much to society to be modest, gentle and useful as it is to be learned, talented and still bo a cad. It is at good time to laugh when you see a mighty bundlo of pretence and affection coming down the street. Dignity is the mask of ignorance, that which makes the imps of comedy hold their sides when they behold us demanding obeisance because we have fallen heir to a. tupence of talent. in v lio s W no musicians and artists art among the very last in the list. Only ten per cent of them are college graduates, Fifty two percent of the lawyers are college graduates. No wonder the average person cares little to associate with them. They have been petted by society so long that most of their faculties have atrophied. Rut thanks to such organizations as the Portlam Ad. i lui), a new dav is dawning, lliey arc of the demos, and still sing splendidly, sonic tiling significant. We hope they will be with us during llie lecture course. I hey are striving to place their art in line with the spirit of the times, there is no bunko, pre tenec or sham in the show. o Love of fair play can be said to be one of the dominant characteristics of the American people. All anyone can ask is an etpia chance and it is when we do not get till that we experience commotion, conflict an other things too strong or printers ink to Het forth. A few days agi Much Meaning In we printed the motto of Thia Motto. the Federated Churn and the sentiment ex pressed in the few words struck sympatho tic. chord in our being. Tho motto reads "With thyself practice the utmost strictness as touching the things that thou shall h lieve and do. I'nto all others grant the ut most liberty." I his motto, ho Hev. Ferris tells us, was gleaned from the works of an old French philosopher living over two thou sand year ago. It matters liMle what fait you may embrace, what political stand you might take, what your views on citv better incut may be or your attitude on ativ otlic matters, the knowledge that your neighbor holds this feeling towards you will lessen the spirit of antagonism and misunderstanding w li ith is invariably the rule. We baud ourselves together with our kind down sectarian lines, simply because Meth odist women find that Baptist women are jompanionable and kind. Where a strong, stalwart young Presbyterian falls in love with a charming young Christian, either one or the other will soon shed all conscientious de nominational scruples concerning twecdledee and tweedledum. If men will ever grow treat enough so that they no longer fear other men and feel at home with all their kind, instead of merely a few, then will many sects disappear. o There is an old story about the man who lived four miles from Niagara Falls and i LOST A brown mare, fi years old 'and weighs about 1200 pounds. Is marked with a star on the fore-head and with a brand on the left should er C. K., with a Z directly below it. ; It was last seen about two weeks ago near Parker's Mill. O. E. Wright, of Heppner, is the owner and will give ! $10 reward for its return. The Jack Rabbit Garage Headquarters lor OIL, GASOLINE, and all kinds of AUTO mobile Accessories. Expert Repair Work - NOTICE. My new Fall and Winter hats will be ready the first week in September. ; Mrs. 1). li. DeLaney, Lexington, Ure. never thought it worth his time to go over and see them. This but reflects the average state of mind that The Ability to See many of us have con and Understand. cerning our own locali ty. We want to see others places, other people and their ways, forgetting that to master which is near. I he article appearing in the last edition of this paper concerning the granducr of Morrow County was written by one with an apprecia tive mind and heart. One who has traveled, seen and experienced and finds something in lis county equal to anything in this wide nation of ours. Life consists in exploration. The child is continually exploring his surroundings and continues till the dav ot Ins death. We are alwavs stretching out, looking for other worlds to conquer and in our haste we over- ook the nearest and close at hand, forgetting that to know thyself and the immediate sur roundings is the only sure way to form an ap preciation of what lies farther on. o t is with no mean measure of satisfaction that we heard that Morrow County took first honors at the State Fair in the I'lastem Oregon division. Through these columns we have been telling Miss Morrow County the people that we ha at the State Fair. just as good products as you can find any where and better than you will find in most places. Tillamook only succeeded in an nexing two more points in winning the honors in the first division, and one should remember that she is more favorably located and that the Morrow County exhibit had been shown once and was not in the pink of condition. When you mention the Nature-favored spots of this earth, don't forget to mention old Morrow County, the place where good things grow, where opportunity bumps into everyone and plenty and prosperity await those xx ill co-operate with Nature and Man. o Harry Cummings tells us that he raised one and one-half tons of tomatoes u a plot1 of ground one hundred feet long and sixteen feet wide. A few years ago Harry was call ed "Tomato Cunnnings" Concerning by those who said that the Tomatoes. red berries couldn't be grown here. Harry says that they must be supplied with shade to do well here and unless they do have hhade tiiey will not grow to advantage. Everyone see ing his exhibit at the fair could not hut be impressed with the number and size of the tomatiH's on every vine. Tomatoes like many other vegetables, fruits and grains were thought not practical to grow in this county, but Harry has shown that they can be successfully grown by grow ing them. This is one of the advantages of fairs, to show people what can be done. So much for "Tomato Cnmmiiigs." o It's encouraging to see so inanv people going in a social way because it is the law of our 'to the State Fair. One man came from nature. It is an instinct implanted deep in J twenty-live miles in the mountains to Hepp the heart of humanity, and has come to usjner to take the train. adown the ages from the time when self pre I o sen ation made . h.uship necessity. The Any young man can g.-t a good education strile of existence sets every man's hand right' at horn,, if he w ants it bad enough, against every other, and to stand against a; Drop us a line and we will tell vou how. greater foe clanship came in, ami certain men ! $10.00 REWARD. St raved or stolen from Louis E. i Fridlev's ranch near Lexington about August 20; one small heavy-set dog,' about eighteen months old but looks more like a pup. Answers to the ! name Donnie. Has a heavy coat of black curly hair with a small white I spot under his chest. Very friendly disposition and wore a small collar when last seen. Address the Owner, John E. Renny, Sunset, Idaho. This is a Personal Invitation To the People of Morrow County When in Portland Stop at The Imperial With Phil Metschan, Located on Washington Street at Broadway, formerly 7th St. Right in the Heart of the City. The Imperial Hotel Reasonable Rates Let O. M. Yeager do your carpenter i work. The People's Cash Market is making ! special prices at the present time on bacon and hams. It you need any ot these now it the time to take advant age of the reduced prices. It is a good habit to drop into their market j occasionally, it will mean money in your pocket. Sec O. M. Yeager for estimates on Septic tanks, cement walks and base- ments. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN i F. DYE, DENTIST I Pemancntly located in Odd Fellows I building, Rooms 4 and 5. SEE HARLAN Before you place the order for that piece of CLASSY JOB PRINTING Dr. II. T. ALLISON PHYSICIAN & SURGEONS Ollice Patterson Drug Store j Heppner, - - Oregon Dr. A .P. CULBERTSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Second Door North Minor & Co. Store. Hoppner, - - Oregon. Vic Groshen Ice Cold Beer, Either Bottle or Draught, To Quench The Thirst These Hot Summer Days Heppner, Oregon Drs. W'INNAIID & McMURDO PH YSICIANS & SURGEONS Heppner, Oregon Dr. F. N. CHRISTENSON DENTIST Hoppner, Oregon Offices with Drs. Winnard & McMurdo HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS-Small Payment Down Stop Paying Rent Money Into Sombody's Pocket. Own Your own Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. .' .' .' .' BINNS' REAL ESTATE C. E. WOODSON ATTORN EY-AT-LAW j Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM E. VAN V ACTOR i j ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon ELKHORN RESTAURANT Best Meals in the City and at the most reasonable prices Everything neat and clean Short orders served in quick and satisfactory style woiv In other turn fruity and fidelity. A religious tli'iuuiiiiiiitintt nit excuse fur ivr tain ihmi.1 furitiiiin n lit 1 1 Mn-ial community. A ri'iiiiniiiiity which does xaluaMe work for pxitl. 'riii- In I'cleaxap1 lit t !) them, linxu-v r, i mainly m social thine Nome mix it i Ihmhiis.. i. mi I.elieXc in haptiMii i im liiiT-Oi.ii mi. I the i. Hut ly -.prinkling. 'IIh ii- is tinu a greater mux rtneiit irniiiir mi aud ran see traces ,.f it in tin motto ofllMU-r attend tlu Kexival. Wo didn't hoar much ahout Mrs. I'ma Tilla I'nniity ut the State Fair. ,-.'.. ... TIuti xx ill ho plenty i.f good x rather iioxx, sincn 1lu Fair is ox rr An-I Mill th.-y call it tin- Tri County Fair. o S. E. NOTSON ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Office in Court House, Hoppner, Ore. City Meat Market Wholesale & Retail Butchers KINSMAN & HALL, Props. Phone 563 WELLS & NYS , ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW I Heppner, Oregon knappenheim; & johnson ATTORNEYS AM) COlNCLLORS AT LAW lone, .... Oregon , W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER I Only complete of abut rid book , in Morrow County. Hr.PPNKK, OREGON Hilt KINK I T-TO-IUTE HOMES J. H. COX CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Plans and Estimates Furnished for All Kinds of Buildings. First Class Work Only. I Make a SjH.-ialty of and Have Complete Equipment fvr House Moving T. (5. ARCHITECT DENMSEE. AM) CONTRACTOR. LOtIS PEAKSON TAILOU Heppner Garage All Kinds of Repair Work Done Quickly We are agents for Ford, Overland and Mitchell Automobiles. Hrppnrr, m Ottoii.