HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2.r, 1014. u OCAL Al PERSONA Death to headache glasses lilted by Drs. Lowe and Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Glasscock left Tues day for Pendleton where they will flay during the Round-Up. An umbrella was left at the Dis trict Attorney's of e last Saturday afternoon. Rememher that Drs. Lowe and Tur ner, eye specialists of Portland, will be in lleppncr again Sept. 27.28,2ft. Con sult them at the Palace Hotel Parlors. "Hog" Clark is tailing Frank Glass cock's place in the harbor shop while the latter is attending the Roundup. W. W. Smead said, "Don't forget to send me thesemi-wcekly while 1 am at the State Fair." HORSES FOR SALE 5 or H head old up. Inquire at Herald OHice. Harvc Rush, who ranic over from Canyon City to be on hand for the fair, left for his home last Tuesday. Miss Nellie Cooney who has been visiting Mrs. Frank Monohan in this city during the fair, returned to her home in Condon last Tuesday. R K. Searcy went to Condon last Tuesday to get his ramping outfit in preparation for a few weeks in the mountains. ' The Herald knows of a family which has two good rooms which they will rent to the right parties. If you are looking for good rooms, drop in the Herald oflire and tell us your wants. C. L. Barlow of lone interviewed the Chancellor of Exchequer of The Herald during the fair and put him self in good standing with our sub scription department. ..ORECON FIRST.. .'. G. Caseheer, agent, Oregon Life Insurance Com pany. Rest for Oregonians. O. M. Yeager furnishes blue prints free when he does your building. Chester Maddock and Walter Hayes will keep in touch with the happen ings of lleppncr and Morrow- county through the columns of the Herald while attending the U. of O. this sea For rag rugs and rag carpet weav ing and also rugs from old ingrain carpets, see the Heppner weaver just south of the Catholic Church. V. A. Fitzwald, representing Pain less Parker, the Portland dentist, was in our city on Wednesday night and gave his demonstration and talk on the streets. He is going over the state explaining the bill to be voted on this Fall making it possible for any graduate of a dental course to file his diploma with the State and be granted a permit to practice. He has a platform on the rear of his touring oar which ho uses ior his demonstrations. to INOR & CO.: Mrs. Louis Campbell returned to her home in Pendleton on Tuesday af ter spending a few days during fair week at the Campbell home in Heppner. Nearly every student at Corvallis and Salem from Morrow County is re ceiving the semi-weekly. How about your son or daughter? Have you one or more fresh dairy cows for sale? If so notifiy the Herald. A customer wants 10 fresh dairy rows al once. Inquire at The Herald Oflire. Carl Kirk, a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Crockett Kirk and who has been staying with them for the past few days, left for the Round-Up last Tues day. Ho lives in Eugene. O. M. Yeager builds good houses, barns and cement cellars. Peoples' Cash Market HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor Open for business under new and experienced management, Solicit and will appreciate your patronage. Fresh and Cured Meats Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Smith, from Rush, Kansas, left Heppner yesterday LOST A brown mare, 6 years old and weighs about 1200 pounds. Is marked with a star on the fore-head and with a brand on the left should- morning, homeward bound. They , er C. R., w ith a Z directly below it. have been visiting the Robert Powell family at Long Creek, Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. Powell accompanied them as far as Heppner. Wm. Srrivner has a small safe and two showcases which he will sell cheap. Look at them in the Commer cial Club rooms next to his shop. It was last seen about two weeks ago near Parker's Mill. (). E. Wright, of Heppner, is the owner and will give $10 reward for its return. m m Are Arriving Daily and We Are In a Position to Supply All NEW GOODS SILKS In Plain Colors, plaids and fancies, are now being shown to in all the season's most wanted shades. Must be seen to be Chas. Burchell of Lexington was in Heppner during the week and ordered Don't forget that Drs. Lowe and Turner, the well known eye specialists of Portland will be in Heppner again Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 27, 28 and 2J. at the Palace Hotel Parlors. Call and let them show you The Herald sent to his wife and ; ln(, m.w Kryptok double-vision glass daughter who are attending the Nor- ! ,ieh bears no unsightly lines or LADIES Bring in your old hats and have them re-trimmed and made up-to-date. We do expert tinting and dyeing, A full line of Sash and Girdle Ribbons. Don't forget about those Fay-Ideal Stock ings, which are especially good for the school children's use. We nave a com plete line, all sizes. HERREN MILLINERY PARLORS MRS. L. G. HERREN, Prop. mal school at Monmouth. Mrs. Hur- chell is taking a course in domestic science and Miss Burchell a course in teacher's training. FOR SALE 16 Poland China shoals, eligible to registry. Also one good Durham cow, a heavy milker. James Bellamy, Castle Rock, Ore. seams to catch dirt, strain the eyes or come apart. They look like a single pair, yet answer the purpose of two, enabling you to read or to do close work and see distant objects perfectly. Free demons! ration and satisfaction guaranteed. aqprcciated. Price 75c to $2.00 yard The City Council met last Monday night and allowed the salary of the four extra police added to the force during the fair. The second reading of the new ordnances concerning the Pest house and driving on the streets were read and with tTiis concluded the Council adjourned. NOTICE. My new Fall and Winter hats will be ready the first week in September. Mrs. I). B. DcLaney, Lexington, Ore. Stf The Wants for Yourself and Family. m W N W ri Such as might be used for Hair Bows, Sashes, Girdles etc., Nrtl ranging from 5 to 7 inches in width, m to to to Dress Goods Our line of dress goods includes the always popular Serges, Poplins, Cupes etc., beside many of the novelty weaves, shown in all the new colorings of the season. Come in and let us show them to you. Yes, most, everyone reads the scini- weckly. Everyone that can read. There are several great men by the name of Stovall. Some of them are baseball men others are in the coffee business. They all rank high in their respective leagues. George H. Stovall plays Class A ball for Kansas City and another George II. Stovall puts in some mighty swls for Clossett iml 1 levers, the men who made Gold en West codec climb into first division in the Coffee League. During the ! Fail' everyone who got anyplace near the pavilion was attracted by the sweet smelling odors issuing from a mill side. I here he w Ml to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Price 25c to 35c yard to to to to Mb mor & to. s to Fancy Ribbons Chas. Cason of Lone Rock, brother of Walter (Jason, was in Heppner to be at his brothers side during the trial. Mr. Cason is an old-timer in the Lone Rock country and has been a Methodist preacher for many years, booth on the was, Geo. 11. with the coffee cups.! French Burroughs, one of the Golden West is good coffee. It is not j scientific and successful ranchers of ; made to sell, necessarily, but we un- lower Rhea Creek, c?ld not forget the derstaml that you can buy most any Herald while attending the lair and gnmc 10 sun. your purse, ami you; handed us the price of his subscrip- j ran rest assured that whatever you tion. We expect to tell more aliout "uy is me nest ai uie price ana worm Mr. Burroughs in these columns at a , the money. All heavy hitters drink future date. i (Solden West coffee and if you want , jto get up among the lop liners, look Lincoln Bucks for Sale. j lo 'oul' ,,-"(1"L j I have on the way a car of the noted ; . . Coffin Brothers' Bucks. Those wish- , Lrl - M. Meager draw your house, ing same would do well to place or- bar" and cellar plans. ders with Jack llynd, Cetil, -if vgon. r 7 : ; fr. L. 3 it?. 3 J .3 if tS. Sf rf. if if 5f K if Sf if if f if j Special Sale Ol : ..v fstric J To 9 l.33iCit-l v Tl T1 Tl 1 FEDERATED CHURCH Rev. N. Ferris Minister. Our Motto: With thyself practice the utmost tness as touching the things thou halt believe and do. Unto all others grant the utmost liberty." Bible School at 9:4fi a. m. Divine Worship at 11 a. m. Sermon by the pastor who will speak briefly on the "Federated ( lunch and baptism, its place and purpose." You may depend that il will be considered and scriptural. Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. Good music and a most cordial wel conie awaits you. Strangers welcome. FOR SALE I have for sale several 10 and 20-acre tracts of Willow Creek bottom land, all under ditch, just outside the limits of the city of lone, and 14 of a mile of the schoolhouse. Some of these tracts are already seeded to alfalfa. Prices are reasonable and terms can be arranged to suit. These tracts can be made into ideal orchard and truck garden farms. Ike Howard IONE, OREGON. at the Fair Store, Saturday, September 26 REVIVAL. The Revival at the Christian Church will begin next Sunday morn- mg. 'lhe subject at 11 a. m.'will be, J "The Secret of Prayer." Evening theme, "What Think Ye of Christ." There will be services each eve J nine next week except Monday. The subject Tuesday evening will be, 'Fifteen Minutes in Hell." There will lie special music and discussion of .1 vital theme each evening. S-H-O-E-S of every description I specialize on "AMERICAN GENTLEMEN" dress shoes "JOMO1 and brand and A. A. work shoes CUTTER E. N. G0NTY The up-to-date repair man. Ladies' $25.00 Suits $16.50 Ladies' $30.00 Suits $19.00 We have just re received a lot of La dies' Suits of latest styles and beautiful fabrics which we sell at prices never witnessed here before. $25QQ Ladies Suits for $16.50 $30.oo Ladies Suits for $19PQ THIS IS rosmvF.i.Y THE biggest bargain in suits ever seen here, we are SI ILL SELLING THOSE BIG BARGAINS IN UNDERWEAR. HOSIERY AND IN EVERYTHING YOU NEED 1 lot of $3. Petticoats in all colors on sale at $1.98 YOU POSITIVELY CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS SUIT SALE COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF The FAIR STORE "The Store That Sells It For Less" MAURICE H. KOPPLE, Prop. Drs. I.or Turner, the well known eye specialist of Portland will be in leppner again Sunday. Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 27-l'S.2!), nt the Palace Hotel Pallors. Don't fail to consult them admit your eyes and slassen. V complete line of new aand up-to-! date ml rincM at llaylor'K. 'l he Herald Kditor noticed that Den nis McNamee was ahout the streets is usual yesterday hut he walked with a lighter step and a twinkle lurked in his eyes. I'pon impiiry, Dr. Allison informed us that the reason forDennis' apaieittly hapv frame of mind was d in to the fact that Mis. MrN'anie had pic "cnt.', him with a new lilt ,,, son c tci day inornine;. Walter fix hran of lone i.s a new ad dition to The Herald's mechanical force.. Walter was in our employ at the time the I'.ulletin was pnldishe'd at lone and after spending the summer m the harvest fields has now resumed work in our employ and will remain with us permanently. Meals at all Hours Table Supplied with the best the Market affords. PALACE HOTEL .lohn Kilkenny came hack i i.iy- nc,o from the mountains lie has his sheep feedine;. few where O. M. Ycaucr, the carpenter, was in town from his work to spend a day with his family diinutr the l air. Carl llhea, of r do, was amonu the passengers on the special train to the I air from l uiatilla County. Carl was formerly a resident of this city nod is always Had for a chance to pet hack to his eld st.iinpii'i; ground:.. s The funer il of lhe late t has,. Kar- h.irt w.i. held last Tuesday anil inter- ment was in the loooal cemetery. ! Ne.irlv every student from lleppncr 0 Hrn.tim: an nut of inwn Hchoid jrets the Hci.iM melt issue. It kmm as J "''ten a a letter ami carries nil the t iu to the al'-i'tit one. FREE GRANITEWARE FREE Your Choice of Stewpan, Milk Pan, Pie Tin, Spoon; Waih Pan, Water Cupt, or Soap Dish with each pur chase amounting to $2.50, or for 10c each. Large Dishpan free with $5 purchases, or 25c cash. Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Bread on hand every day. R. V. WHITEIS IONE, - - - OREGON