Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, September 22, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TUESDAY,' SEPTEMBER. 22, 1914
'. home the latter part of the week. ;
Mrs. Kiassick returned home Sunday i
i morning.
..OREGOX FIRST... C. G. Casobe-cr,
agent, Oregon Life Insurance Com- i
pany. Best for Oregonians. I
Tt has been brought to my attention that the Anti-Saloon League, fol
lowing the same tactics it has followed in every campaign heretofore, is
trying tu besmirch this organization and to carry on a vicious campaign of
untruths. No name seems to he. too good to be dragged into the mud by
them. I have rclial le information that a statement has been made to the
Anti-Saloon League and to the Committee of One Hundred by Mrs. Cora
C. Talbott, former secretary of the Taxpayers' and Wage-Earners- League,
that she war, brought into this work by me under the impression that it
was a Women's Suffrage movement, and her duties would be those of a
physician while I made speeches throughout the state. I also understand
that Mrs. Talbott makes the statement that funds have been collected with
out authority, and in some way the Brewers' Association has been collect
ing these funds. These two statements are absolutely untrue. The collec
tion of funds was authorized by me as president, and the secretary was
ordered to have a letter sent out in connection with this work. I under
stand that Mrs. Talbott, in this purported letter, in the hands of the Anti
Saloon League and the Committee of One Hundred, states that she ob
jected to the raising of funds under her signature as secretary. How did
the good lady think the work of this league was to be carried on? Why did
she think Mr. Eortzmeyer, cashier of the Scandinavian-American Bank, was
appointed treasurer of this league? Did she think we would ask the brew
ers to put up the money surreptitiously? If so, she reckoned without her
host. I have always fought in the open, and now, in my 80th year, and
probably in my last campaign, I do not intend to change the principles I
have always fought for, nor depart from my honesty of purpose in advo
cacy of equal rights for all the people by no means excluding women, for
whose interests I have spent my life to ohtain the ballot. My chief con
cern in their behalf has always been to secure for them their economic in
dependence, as married mothers within the home, which alone will enable
any woman to quit the business of marrying inebriates or raising drunkards.
The moneys collected are in the hands of Treasurer Rortzmeyer, and
all those who have donated have received a letter acknowledging receipt
there.-if. Any one so desiring may inquire from our treasurer as to whether
the money has been put in his hands, and I am quite sure he will advise
them of receipt of their donation. If there is any one who has paid their
money into this organization under misapprehension as donation for carry
ing on this work, this league will be only too glad to refund it.
It is indeed strange that Mrs. Talbott thought this was a Suffrage move
ment when she went to the Portland Hotel, engaged the dining-room for
our first luncheon for organization and arranged for the payment of this
luncheon, and went so far as to get speakers to express their views against
The real break between Mrs. Talbott and myself was caused when I
found out that she had gone to the Brewers' Association and told them she
could be of good service to them in connection with this league, and asked
and received a salary from the Brewers' Association on the ground that she
was putting in her time and needed the money. On the 26th of August a
meeting was held between Mrs. Talbott and myself for the purpose of get
ting matters straightened out before starting the general organization. At
this meeting a statement was signed by myself as president and .Mrs. Tal
bott as secretary that the two letters sent out by myself, as well as the let
ter sent out by the publicity department, were approved. This statement
ended with the sentence: "After discussing generally the affairs of the
league, the officers ratified all work that had been done up to date by the
publicity bureau and officers of the association."
I have lived in this state for 60 years, during all of which time I have
toiled and worked for the people of my state, and I am willing to leave it to
the public to decide as to whether I would lend myself in any way to any
. organization or any act that could be construed as anything but honorable.
Every one in this state knows Mrs. Duniway and her family. 1 whh further
to say that, if the occasion arises and I deem it necessary to go further into
this matter, 1 wiil le glad to publish some additional facts in theseTame
papers not necessary to publish now, and will meet the conditions as they
arise. If the Anti-Saloon League, by its paid foreign agitators or Commit
tee of One Hundred, think they can becloud this issue by trying to drag into
the mud my name or others, they are very much mistaken. I expect to
carry this work on to the conclusion of this campaign, and then allow the
people to judge as to whether wc will control our own affairs in the State
of Oregon or allow the paid agitators of the Last to show us what to do.
, Abigail Scott Duniwat)
(Paid Advertlnemmt by Taxpyer" and Wnn Etrntra'
League ef Orrton,
O. M. Yeager furnished blue prints
free when he dura your building.
Mr-land Mrs. J. L. Kincaid visited
Heppner the latter part of the week.
They were pleased with the fair and
returned to their home in lone after
the festivities.
Yes, most everyone reads the semi
weekly. Everyone that can read.
Mrs. Josephine Johnson, of Port
land, a pioneer of 18154 took Fair
Week to visit the George Currin
family in Heppner and to renew old
Let 0. M. Yeager draw your house,
barn and cellar plans.
This may be a dry country but you
would have a hard time to make Fred
Lucas believe it since W. D. Newlon
drilled him a well and struck a fine
flow at 25 feet. W. D. has to drill hit
first dry hole.
Lincoln Bucks for Sale.
I have on the way a car of the noted
Coffin Brothers' Bucks. Those wish
ing same would do well to place or
ders with Jack Hynd, Cecil, Oregon.
Phelps Grocery Co,
Last Sunday night the barn on the
J. V. Beckett place in Eightmile
burned. Bob Allstott is living on the
place and two of his horses, one mule
and ten sets of harness were lost.
O. M. Yeager builds good houses,
barns and cement cellars.
Earnie Sharkey climbed the flag
pole yesterday and put a new rope
through the pulley. This is regarded
as no small task considering- the
height and smallncss of the pole at
the top.
For rag rugs and rag carpet weav
ing and also rugs from old ingrain
carpets, see the Heppner weaver just
south of the Catholic Church.
Gilliam & Bisbee
For anything in the HARDWARE LINE
We have it, will get it, or it is not made
We try to keep a complete, up-to-date stock of everything car
ried in a first-class store, and we ask everybody for a
liberal share of their patronage. We do our best
to merit the same.
Come and see us
Ed. E. Bartholomew of Glenwood,
Wash., registered as a "Pioneer of
1886." Mr. Bartholomew spent a
large part of his life in Morrow Coun
ty and still has a longing for the old
Wm. Scrivner has a small safe and
two showcases which he will sell
cheap. Lock at them in the Commer
cial Club rooms next to his shop.
The Young People of the Federated
Church will hold a social and reeep
tion in the parlors of the Federated
Church next Friday night in honor of
tho teachers of the Heppner School
at Eight o'clock. They and their
friends are cordially invited to be
FOR SALE 16 Poland China
shoals, eligible to registry. Also one
good Durham cow, a heavy milker.
James Bellamy, Castle Kock, Ore.
"Uncle Billy" Moreland and Vireil
Stephens, both well known Hardman
men were in for the fair. The editor
was in Hardman some time ago and
these men said that they would he in
for the fair sure. "Uncle Billv" ex
hibited one of his hund-made violins
which many people were surprised to
know was made by a Morrow County
The New Fall Book of Styles
of the STAR TAILORING CO,, litis just been received and we invite
your inspection of same.
Every man woman and child should read the "The European War
at a Glance," a brand new book, und what has plunged Europe into
this terrible catastrophe. Money cannot buy this book, it is not for
salo, but in order to give our customers this valuable information,
we will gladly supply a copy of same free of chargo with every Suit
of Overcoat Order.
Sam Hughes Co.
LOST A brown mare, 6 years old
and weighs about 1200 pounds. Is
marked with a star on the fore-head
and with a brand on the left should
er C. R, with a Z directly below it.
It wag last seen about two weeks ago
near Parker's Mill. O. K. Wright, of
Heppner, is the owner and will give
$10 reward for ita return.
Done on short notice. I have never failed to
get a good well. Others have give me the
opportunity and I will give you a satisfactory
well. See me at Heppner or at the Drill.
W. D. Newlon
A customer wants 10 fresh dairy
cow at once. Inquire at The Herald
O. M. Yeager, Architect and Builder.
W. R. Karn wan up from Lexington
for the fair.
Stanfleld Brothers, of
here for the fair.
Echo, were
Mri. Lowe and Mri. McMurray,
were up for the fair.
Miss Audrey Woolcry left for her
home at lone yesterday after upending
a day ut the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Al. Ayers from
Parker's Mill, yit over to Redmond
on .Sunday on a nhort visit.
Have you one or more freah dairy
rowa fur aale? If ao not i fly the
HORSF.S mil BALE 8 or head
old up. Inquire at Herald Office.
George N. Ely registered from
Morgan, Ore., ai a pioneer of 185.
S. R. Oldaker. the Hermitnn cream
ery man, attended the fair, Pioneer
Cal. Robinnon. of I-one Rock, xpent
the greater part of the week in
A few more of Ihone 8 day Mara
Ihona at Haylor'a. 21.
Mr. Geary Taylor, of Pendleton,
formerly Mi Prater, vixited rair
Week at the J. II. Cox home.
Mrs. Crow, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Booher, of l,exington, was
another Fair visitor, coming in on
We would like to hear him play
Dan Tucker.
See the Kkookume at
They are daiaiee.
(Special to the Herald.)
Dr. Gaunt returned from Sulem the
Irst of the week. He is going to lo
cate there as soon as he can soil his
drug ftore here.
Hardman is the only town in Mor
row County which can boast of hav
ing a millionaire "I'm it," Will
Howard Lane, of Ix-xington, and
Scott Furlong had an exchange of
i ukIii! greetings here the other day.
: Scott, now thinks more of Howard
i than any one else i't the county.
I T. II. Deen is working for Jay
! Ronton in hit; blacksmith shop.
I Daniel and N. 11. leathers camn in
from a hunting trip in the mountains
id in SUITS
Mik Merle McCarly i home1
from The Dalles for the fair, return-:
it.g to aehool the funl of the week.
Don't forget the Herald among the
other thing you aend your children
i away at hool.
I .on Waltnl.ergcr and family and
Roy Neil and wife, f Butter Creek,
iniled relative in the city, i air
Henhaw exhibited the violin
was marked L year oia. .h. other duv. Dun micci...H..,i in ...
..i tA . . ( : - -
ting two lug buck. Dan nays that the
, next ine he kills niu.it be a big one
; for ho doe not want to use his lust
Haylor'a. ; tug on anything mall.
1 J. P. liadlcy has been taking care
or the Jlore Kentaurant while J. B.
Everyone was wondering who ex- , Adam has been attending the fair
hibited the baby underwear 47 year J t Heppner.
old. It wa entered by a man who j If anyone ha any old gusoline en
weigh 'JDi pound. j lu "ell. they hud better talk with
i lay Rofmen before disponing of them.
Any tliut are worn out and won't run
are wanted.
Dr. Gaunt wa railed down on Rhea
Mr. Art Minor and daughter, Mis j
Blanche, left for Portland Sunday,
and Mi Blanche ha entered the St.
Mury'a Academy, a girl's school.
George Aiken left yesterday morn
ing fur Portland fr a hort bum-
Dfu trip.
W. E. Severance, one of our promin
ent Hardman reader, wa In the city
for the fair.
The exhibit from the "Mayflower
Mine" in which D. B. Stalter and
other are interested attracted much
(). M. Yeager, Contractor, will do
your building, repairing, etc., and take
your wool, hay or anything of value
in exchange for the work.
Mr. r'.d.. Hurley, iter nf Mr. J.
J. Well, wa in the city at the Well
home during the Fair, fche left for
her home in Ontario on Monday.
fOR 8AI K Short hor Bull, three
years eld. tall al Herald Office.
My new Fall and Winter halt will
be ready the hrl week in September.
Mr. 1). II. DeLaney, Lexington, Ore.
Mr. William Krasoick, of Portland
was guest at the W. P. Scrivner
( reck to see M. . Biddle who in re
Hit ted very ill.
(i. A. Rleakman i pretty buy
bringing the sport homo from the
fair, i
Frank Howell ha )een driving the ,
tage for J. C. Owen for the laxt few ;
Kill ru-long who ha been herding'
'or A. K. Wright l taking a few days'
j Sam McDaniel ha ictarted hi xawi
; mill. The wind last rriduy blew the
' ii"i,ka Hack down and part of the
h m wu damaged,
i Advertiwment or any new item
I 'or the Herald will -e gladly received
I y Henry Chapel, the Hardman
' eprenentatiive for the Herald. You
1 ill know H'.-nry.
1 e
' e
: e
i a
$16.50 to $45
The buyer who wihhes to be fitted with a suit
of the latest style and high grade workman
ship is invited to inspect our large line of
all-wool samples. These samples are the
classiest ever shown in Heppner and are an
assortment of fabrics which cannot be beat
en anywhere. Expert measurements taken
and fit absolutely guaranteed.
If you want to look up to date and be up
to date in your clothes, give your order to
Tailor 1