1 Heppm SEMI-WEEKLY With which is consolidated The lone Bulletin. A first class newspaper entered at the postoflice at Heppner. Oretron as second-class matter VOLUME 1 HEPPNER, OREGON, SEPT. 23, 1914 NUMBER 29 CHAS. EARHART IS KILLED INSTANTLY BY PISTOL SHOT Herald SEM WEEKLY FATAL SHOT FIRED BY CASQN 10 GIVES "SELF DEFENSE" AS REASON: IS GIVEN RELEAS E UPON DEMAND DF A. E. JOHNSON IE ATTORNEY hold him for. The body of Earhart is at present at Case's Undertaking Parlors in Heppner. Mr. Case said- yesterday that he had communicated with one of Earhart's brothers in the east and that if he did not hear before night i"rom another brother in Baker,' the funeral would be held today. If he heard from Baker the body would be held until tomorrow. Visitors to the fair, townspeople and I all in Heppner were shocked Satur day evening when the word was pas sed from lip to lip that a man had been killed on the main street. The crowds surged towards the spot in front of the Palace Hotel where the tragedy had occurred and where the dead body of Chas. A. Earhart lay on the sidewalk. Some said it was murder, others said it wa9 self-defense. Walter Cason, field deputy of Sheriff Evans, and who is also city marshal of lone, was the man who fired the fatal shot and when officers arrived on the .spot he said, "Here's his gun and here's mine, I shot in self ' defense." He was immediately taken into custody by the officers and a hearing was given him at the office of District Attorney Wells. After the hearing he agreed with the officers to remain in their custody and was taken to the court house where he spent Saturday and Sunday nights in jail. Coroner Chick was notified of the tragedy and ordered Justice Cornett to proceed wit hthe inquest. Justice Cornett selected the following jury: Geo. Currin, Frank Gilliam,Wm. Bar ratt, M. D. Clark, W. O. Minor and vnas. ihompson. I he inquest was held at the Court House beginning at 11 a. m. on Sunday. Walt Cason was the first witness called. He opened his remarks to the jury with the statement that he acted in self defense. He said Earhart came up the street within a few feet of him and remarked, "Walt, it is all off." Mr. Cason testified that Ear hart then drew his gun and fired one shot. He (Cason) then shot once or twice ana attempted to rush at Ear t hart. He grabbed Earhart'sgunbe . fore he could fall to the ground. " He testified that a few -seconds later Marshal McCraw arrived and he turn ed both guns over to him. Mr. Cason said he had not Bpoen to Earhart that day. He had seen him throught the window at Robert's saloon earlier in the evening. Hugh Rourke, who testified that he was standing about ten feet from the parties, said he heard three shots but couldn't tell who fired them. He saw no (runs. He heard no talk prior to the shooting. Marshal McCraw was the next wit ness called. He testified as follows he heard shots, two or three, and ran as fast as he could to the scene; he saw Earhart on the walk and Cason was standing: Cason handed him both guns', he did not examine the guns but turned them over to Sheriff Evans little later; he had Warned Cason earlier in the evening not to "rib" up anything with Earhart; he did not see Cason pick up the small gun; he did not see a gun about Earhart at any time. Sheriff Evans said that about ten minutes before the shooting Earhart came into Searcy's pluce and appeared very nervous. When he heard the shooting he ran for the scene. The balance of his testimony was practi cally the'same as McCraw's. Mr. Cason at this time identified the larger of the two guns as being his. Frank Roberts said that about seven o'clock he saw Mr. Cason standing outside the Rock Saloon and that he feared trouble. He said he told Ear hart thnt if there was about to be I trouble he didn't want it to happen in ! his place. A little later Earhart left and went u pthe street. Mr. Roberts testified that he then went and warned the marshal that he expected trouble between the two men. He said that Cason stood In front of his place somewhere lietween half hour and n hour. Cason was not inside the saloon that day that he knew of. Earhart bought another party drink during the evening but took cigar himself. Mr. Roberts did not know whether Earhart was armed or not, nd Earhart had not said anything to him about any trouble pending. Mr. Roberts didn't think he had ever seen Earhart have gun. Heputy Sheriff McDuffee said that he ordered the liody taken to Case's undertaking parlors. He saw Mr. Case remove the clothing and saw him take the various articles from his rlothing and examined the wound He said he and Mr. Case took almut dozen cartridges from the clothes, Mr. McDuffce at thla point opened the small revolver and compared the bullets found in Earhart's clothing with those in the revolver. They were identical. I Mr. McDuffet said he picked up the revolver ball that fell from the wound. He said that an abrasion on the frotil of Earhart's head aoemed to have been made by either the fall or a blow. Guy ( anon said that he was stand ing at the comer hy the Palace Hotel talking with his fa .her and that hi father had tM him he was going to stay clear of Earhart if he rnuld. Just a)oul that time they aaw Ear hart, alone, coming up the street to ward them. He testified that Ear hart pulled nut hi gun jut a he rims even with them and said. "Well, Walt, the game t on, and Earhart then fired at his father. He said his father sidestepped and fired. we man t know whether or not the two men had met prior to that dur ing the day. He couldn't tell whether Earhart was struck by his father or not. He said his father attempted to rush at Earhart as he fired. He testified that Earhart held, his arm just above his waist as he shot. He didn t know how many shots were fired. He did not see the gun taken away from Earhart but saw his father have it a few seconds later. He testified that when Earhart fell he (Guy) took hold of his father and held him and that his father moved only a toot or so. he said Earhart only groaned after the shooting. Ed. Case of Lone Rock testified that he was sitting on the steps at the south side of the hotel and that he heard men quarreling but didn't know who they were or where they were at and for all he Knew they might have been across tfie street. There was a small space between the first shot and the rest, he a:J. lie heard one man call another a liar. Both reports from the guns sounded about the same he said. M. L. Case said that he removed all the clothes and personal effects from the body. He found some money anu about a dozen cartridges. The wounc' was that of a rine ball, he said, and entered at the right side, passing through the heart and out the left side below the shoulder blade. Mr Case said he understood that Earhart was on his back when his brother ar rived to move the body. He said the cartridges were partly in one pocket and partly . in . another pocket of Eafharts overalls." -v v Rile; Miller said tKrt ha'came down from the direction of the Brewery saloon with Mr. Earhart a few minutes before the 6hooting and that Earhart told him he had better go tht other way 83 he (Earhart) might have trouble. Mr. Miller didn't know whether or not Earhart had a gun. W. U. Newlon was coming up the street and was about even with the steps in front of Woodson's office when he heard a shot fired, and then two more shots. He said he did not see one man strike at the other -as he fell. He said the two men were standing a little way from the tree at the corner, near the edge of the side walk. He noticed no difference in the sound of the shots. He saw no flash from the first shot and couldn't tell where the shots came from. Dr. Allison testified that death war Instantaneous and that the dead man could not have lived over 30 seconds, as the bullet passed through his heart The jury adjourned for dinner and resumed their session at the office of the District Attorney. They brought in a verdict to the enect tnat unas. A. Earhart came to his death from a pistol bullet from the hands of Wal ter Cason. Monday about noon a steady stream of autos poured into the city from lone and it seemed as though nearly every grown person from that place would soon be in Heppner. At 2:SC a large number of friends, headed by A. E. Johnson went in the direction o' the jail where Mr. Johnson demands from Sheriff Evans the release of Mr Cason. As there had been no com plaint iworn out agninst Cnsnn by private prosecutor, his release wap given forthwith and he lert tne jail ir the arms of his friends. A waiting auto at the foot of the steps bore him homeward and he arrived at lone an hour later. The score between Earhart and Cason is an old one and generally quite well .known to most of out readers. On July 3, 1008, Earhnrt in a fit of drunken rage, caused by what he considered just grievances, pro ceeded to "shoot un the town" during the celebration. He wounded differ ent partis and was finally wounded himself. He gave himself up and was brought by Mr. Cason, who war an offices at that time, to Heppner On the way here, he threatened Cason saying that if he lived to return he would shoot him and burn the town over his head. These words were heard by Mr. J. T. Knappenlierg. Other parties informed IVon that Earhart had made similar threats in The C. W. Lawson family will move to Portland in the Spring. Mrs. Lawson was in the city during the Fair and told us that the farm had been taken off their hands and they were going to enjoy life for three ,ears at least in Portland. Mrs. Lawson said that they wanted to be placed on our Portland list as they couldn't get along without the Herald. Kenneth Binns won the prize of $7. 50 offered by the First National Bank of Heppner, for the best essay on Di versified Farming in Morrow County He also walked away with $11.75 in prizes on his fair exhibits. He took a prize on every article he entered anu most of- them were first premiums. Not bad for a boy to do, wc think. Drs. Lowe & Turner, the well known eye specialists of Portland will be in Heppner again Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 27-28-29, at the Palace Hotel Parlors. Don't fail to consult them about your eyes and glasses. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Ward kept open house during the fair. Mr. Morgan Ward and wife, parents of Mr. Ward, were over from Lone Kock; Mr., and Mrs.. W. B. Jenks, of Monument: Carl Farnsworth and family of Cecil; A. E. Johnson and family, F. G. Jackson and wife and J. T. Knappenberg and family, all of lone were also in at tendance. J. X. Knappenberg was judged the biggest eater and A. E. Johnson was picked from the men 'oiks to wash dishes. The Second Annual Shoot held ir connection with the Fair was held last week and all events were closely con tested. The last day's shoot was ex ceedingly close and Adam Knoblock and Bob Watkins tied for second place after Loren Matteson barely won first. Below is given a summary of each day's events. Un Thursday in the 60 vard match with a rest, Joe Hayes was first; A. B. oearcy was second; John Sprouls was third and B. K. Searcy was fourth. The four winners in order in the 10 yard off-hand shoot held on Fri day were Gene Matteson, Elmer Mat teson, Jeff McFerrin and Harley Mat teson. The last shoot held on Saturday was a 60 yard match with Loren Matte son taking first; Adam Knoblock and Bob Watkins tying for second; Jeff McFerrin taking third place and B. K. Searcy fourth. SAL T I FAIR PASSES EHTQ RISTORY AS A SUCCESSFUL EVENT; BUILOIS ARE SOURCE OF GRATIFICATION Mr. L. A. Doble, a prominent Irri gon man, was in the city for the last two days of the fair. Mr. Doble ex pects great things from the Inigon country when the Government finishes the ditch there. A complete line of new aand up-to-date set rings at Haylor'a. noon p n i mtv mn rrno iYiUlinuvi bUUIill Ml Iran nnflipro II1LLII0 W rnHiOLO FROM TI PROMINENT SPEAKERS One of the most masterly addres ses ever heard in Heppner was made by Hon. R. A. Booth, candidate tor United States Senator on the Republi can ticket on Friday of Fair Week. It was delivered before the pioneers who had gathered from all parts of the country. Mr. Booth's, pr.ren were pioneers of Oregon and his ad dress was especially well received by many who are acquainted with him and his parents, the following ex tract was his appreciation of the work of the pioneer and the duty which de volves upon the present generation. "My knowledge of the pioneer does not come from historians' records or the romancers' talcs. I know them. They were and are my kin. The first thought of protection that came to mo was suggested by the tender care of a pioneer woman. The first emotion of my heart was born in response to her affection and in the years that have lince followed there has come to me no impluse more noble than the one to make more restful, more cheerful the declining years of that woman. "The words that I now speak are for the purpose of kindling a flame in lome heart that will make some work weary pioneer mother more happy. Out beneath the Bunny skies of South im Oregon a granite shaft bears the name of that pioneer woman. Moth ers of Oregon forgive me for speak ing in a manner in any sense personul to myself. I do it because there is no other way in which 1 can convey to you the regard, the reverence 1 have for you, for what I have said of my mother can he Ba:d also of you. Praise of Works Well Done. What you have given your chil Iren, your country, your race, the world, is beyond all words to describe. uch acts can never again come to any people. There is no more WeHt; .here are no more new worlds to sub- be; there is no other prize so valu. iblc, no other hands able to perform, io other hearts so strong and true. "It is left for us of a later genera tion to ennoble the work of the pioneers by transmitting the heroic character and integrity of purpose that they possessed to those who come after. To do less is to be unworthy of a place in the line of trasmission and a blot on their memory. What they jougni with their lives and service has been delivered only in small part, for out oi tne coming years will be an everlasting increasing heritage to all whose feet stand upon Oregon land and whose hunds labor for its de velopment." Judge William Galloway delivered a stirring speech before the Pioneers last Friday on the Fair grounds. Judge Galloway was born of Pioneer parents and most of what he snid he drew from his own experience in the early days of the state. His speech started by a tribute to the women present. The women who hod strug gled and sacrificed and born their part in the work of making homes in the new and unsettled country of the West. The one grtat mistake which those pioneers made was when they framed the State Constitution they forgot to give the women the right to vote. But two years ago the sons of the pioneers struck out the word male before the word citizen in the State Constitution and the law now allows both men and women to vote in the same manner. Women, he declared, had always been equal to men. On the plains when the father was struck dead with the fever or killed by the Indians, the mother mounted the wag on and whip in hund drove the oxen across and to Oregon. Women are now enjoying all the rights and pri vilcges the same as men and rightly so. The speech concluded with two or three incidents taken from his own experience showing the hard ships encountered by the Pioneers and explained to the younger people pres ent that we owe a great debt of grati tude to the Pioneers. The Second Annual Morrow County Fair has passed into history. Judged by any standard that you may please to choose, it was a revelation to the moat optomistic concerning its ultim ate success. For three days thous ands of people viewed the exhibits of every conceivable order or kind and everywhere were expressions of won lor and amazement heard. The result which this fair will have in demon strating that nearly everything can be grown here and improving quality and yield of ordinary products grown iiere will be far-reaching for good. It .vas an advance over last year's exhi bition in nearly every particular. This n the amount, quality and diversity of the exhibits and also amusement fea tures. The entertainment which was fur tished reflects very complimentary .ipon the fair management. No ex pense was spared to furnish high-class lttractions which were in themselves i source of education and polish-. Par ,ons' Band and orchestra, the Port- and Ad Club Quartet, the baloon nnd louble parachute drop, the speedier y our next United States Senator ion. R. A. Booth, of Eugene, and fudge Wm. Galloway, of Salem, al1 vere far above the average and ir general keeping with the high stan Uvrd of the fair. Another source of gratification' tc he visitors was the new home of the 'air. What six weeks before was r.n insightly feed yard and weed patch s now the most complete county fair grounds of any county in Easter Ore Ton. The dance hall, notably, could icarcely be improved upon. The main mvilion, 00x120 feet, is ample for all Durposes; the chicken house is well naile and much better than tho av uwe fair building, large and com modious; the stock department arrang ed mound the north end will hold a 'arge stock exhibit and will be im iroved next year and special induce ments made to have on hand a larger -xhibit in this department, which is the only department of the fair which -ould have been improved upon this year. In the main pavilion there were eleven booths arranged on the north and south sides. The first booth on the south side was tho Singer Sewing .uucnine display, in it were two sew ing machines running by electricity and one of them was a center of at traction as it wus muking funck work if various kinds. The second booth was Case Furni ture Company's display of furniture. Andy Rood and Jim liuddlestnn were anxious onlookers here as there vas a lign rending, "You furnish the girl and we'll furnish the home." The third booth contained the Chil dren's display. These represented the effort of children under fourteen years of age. At the front of the ex hibit at both ends and in the middle were large sunflowers, fourteen feet high. On the table in front were cukes and small vegetables of nil kinds. Un the west wall were a few samples of fancy work and a bird age, well made. Along the back were arranged flowers of many kinds, canned goods, fruits, vegetables. Trains, jellies and manual truinimr vurk consisting of stands, tables and other pieces. On the east wall were lozens of sewing exhibits consisting of all kinds of garments, many ot them which would make many grown ups hustle to excell. The Children's exhibit was one of 'ho main attractions of the entire 'air. One of the fair directors said ine exnibit mm mo't impresses me me rnimren s exhibit. I h The editor witnessed a remarkable utomobile demonstration last Monday hen A. U. Ilowker took him to the top of the hill on which the water sup lly is located just south of town. Tne Buick car went up the grade without the slightest difficulty ,a thing which we are told no other car has done. Alex Wilson was up from Rhea to tee the fair. He was guest at the family home, the Wilson Hotel, Alex laid that hi father was going to col lect his board bill and room bill but he I ifot out too early in the morning. Mr. Mike Marshall and children, who crime up from Castle Rock for 'he fsiir, returned Monday morning. Mn. Marshall was greatly surprised lo see all the good things which Mor row ( ounty ran produce. is me rnmiren exriibil. 1 hev are i the ones who will be the exhibitors land car. i in the future and I am glad to see that here was a lady came down on 1 hey are taking an interest in it. Sunday morning and gave a very en- Judge Patterson who hud charge of lertaiiiing lecture at the hall on Sun-; 'he exhibit said, "We have had day morning. great number of people visit our booth Mr. Anna Pickets took rhunre of land they all sneak in greatest nnisc the Lexington hotel while Mrs. Iiey-' "f 'he showing the boy and girls have mer attended the fair. 1 made," County Supt. of Schools, 8 Word was received here that the r" rlon, said, "The exhibit is an Im wife of Henry Burchcll of Portland. ' provements over last year. The sew died the ttth of this month. Henrv '"K department strike me as the im i well known in I,exington having commendable part of the display. Th wen a lormer resident or Ixington. worn ih oi nign oruer. mere are home one gained entrance to the 1 more vegetables, more com, the can yard of Mrs. John Mover and helned ""'K display Is larger, as is th themselves to a lot of the finest mchaniciil work. I consider it an ex (M-achea. In fart all (iff nf nna tr. rcedinglv Wide, well selected and mm They only asked 2 cent pound for I'limentary showing for the industry them, surely thia is cheap enough ' P ' " rveiiinc. of ihn rhil.lrn. ' without taking them for nothing. th. ugh mill , nir. iturgoyne i running again these nice days. Mis Merle ('Hinii. hael assorted the mail while Mis llaumnn attended their presence and for that reavm i Mr. Cason said he was on a continual ;....,.,, . . i ii i.. -.i.. Mr. I. M. I . Anderson left the coun nrntert hi life ' ly 'sU'rday for 'orvalli where he : the r air on Saturday . k.. .. i !,. i,.i i will linish college thi year. He says 'rnnp Wright wa amon ifwt t . -k- . ...a " that if he could change his five yean, in the Oregon Stale Pcni- , ne w"ul" " P'-nr. terttiaiy. Ha did o and w released in the summer of I'MH. In lone he J- Putnam, a well known Monu w regarded a despsraU- rharar- mcnt man. wa in the rity for the fir ter when under the intoxiration of I lifiunr. hut w univruillv well likwt . . when sober. In Heppner he wa re garded in much the sunie y. He had many warm friends here, and ome nf them were quit outrwiken ; in their belief that he had no gun on ' hi person when he met (vn.! However, the fart remain that no one vni willing to fie a complain; and rharge ( n with murder and that then-fore the officer had nothing to I.KMV.'ION ITEMS School hs conimencrd again af'-r week' vacation, attending the In stitute a-id the Vmr. Mr. and Mr. Ilrenher enjoyed a very pleasant Sundiiy at Hynd Hro. Ranch on Sand Hollow. While there Ihcy were treated to an enjoyable ride in the Hynd liros. Co. new Over- Knpt. NoIhoii bus curried on an m tive campaign for Industrial work among 'be school children and was much ratified at s.- it. his effort realized in the exhibit. When one consider that this year was a dry year and the ... L... . , I those wer numerous, no ran first Initial I who attended the Fair from taxing- " . 'hat the children deserve much .ton on Friday, and tuking advantage of the special train. '",r prize were awarucu in ha. Htmhell and nephew, Claud. "" exnimi compare.! are batching now on the foinu-r's ranch. Mr. Hun bell and daughter, llulda, have gone to Monument, Ore gon, where Mr. Hurchell will keep Ikhikb for her daughter, who will at tend school there. A ron rn 'ravel by auto or car riage now with some comfort since the welcome.1 nhowpr of rain. F.veri the wheat hauler are appreciating the twtter road. heard about the good quality of the beverage. In the next booth was the Irrigon display. Irrigon was well represented both in this display and in the fancy work, having over two hundred in tho lptter display. On the table in front were boxes of dried peaches, boxes of almonds, also pumpkins, corn, melons, turnips and ground cherries, all blue ribbon products and examples of fruit raisers who have mixed brains with dirt. Along the back were some of the finest boxed apples ever displayed in a Morrow County Fair and what will compare favorably with any grown in any state. Grapes and peaches of every kind were here in abundance and canned goods of all kinds. One row of peaches on trays had six blue ribbons in the seven trays. Above the display in the back was the word IRRIGON made of white grapes with blue grapes as a background, a commendable piece of work. The Irrigon display was or.e of the most attractive and most commented exhibits on the grounds. The fruit shown was well -displayed and the quality was pronounced by the judgss and men informed on fruita to second to none. Some of this fruit so im pressed the business men that a great deal of the credit of their intention to send it to the State Fair and the Land Show goes to the Irrigon people. Irri gon won the prizes for tne best Community and the best Fruit ex hibits. Mr. and Mrs. Rondruck were in charge of the booth and they are old hands at the job. Both are experienc ed fruit judges and come In for a large share for Irrigon s success. The last booth on the south side wus the Minor exhibit. This exhibit without question was one of the atel ier attractions and centers of interest during the three days of the fair. On the table in front were pumpkins, citrons, egg plants, grapes, onions, pop corn, field corn, potatoes of sev eral kinds and nine varities of apples. Arranged above these on the table were over seventy-five Jars of canned fruita and vegetables of all kinds. These were taken from the Minor eel lurs and not prepared for exhibit pur poses. One of the Interesting articles were the jellies. These were made by Mrs. Tom Pcttijohn on one of tho Minor ranches south of town and had they beon entered individually for rib bons they would have walked away with many firsts. The canned goose berries, one of Oscar's favoritea, were mistaken for olives and various other things. The canned beans, peas, plums, pickles, tomatoes, are what the Minor's put up for their sheep ranch es, over 1400 Jars being placed tn the cellars this year. In tho back of the display and on the west wall were the grains and grasses, over 125 kinds in all, and a more comprehensive idea of what will crow and to advantage in Morrow County could not be gained elsewhere. These were far superior to the general county exhibit in the quality and quantity of the yield, as was remark ed by the many people who examined them CHrefully. One can hardly ima gine that there were over 75 different kinds of grasses alone which theno brothers have been testing and grow ing, (nuns of all kinds were here in profusion. Mr. Booth wa greatly imnressed with the gruin and grns i exhibit and remarked in glowing terms of the Minor display. On the east side was a wire rage in which were Severn! Chinese, (iold ami Silver pheasants which attracted riu. h attention. Above thi wa a beautiful floral display made by plac ing the stem of flower in bottle. A swntstika design wa made of pur ple and while flower with an attrac lived colored bonier. There were doi.enp of vnritie of dahlie and a tors i'id roses sprinkled throughout the display. A table wa placed in front of the exhibit to rare for the rooking ex hibit nf the Minor Brother. Hera were tiie old-fashioned pumpkin pie, white ii'id brown bread, cake, but ter and t-.i.m. One of the thing worthy of men tion were the lgn which were dis tributed over the display. On tha rya exhibit was a card reading, "Rye A specie of grain grown and uaed for filler by sheepmen during tha Demo cratic Administration." Tha Butter ( re.k visitor appreciated a little notice when thry saw a dish of grass hopper with a sign reading, "Not -o lurge a Butter ( reek hopper but letter rustler." Another featura which tha Republican liked waa a China hen apparently giving up In i.erperation with a sign showing hr despondency reading, "Wheat It, K.gg I V. I'M!, can't do it-won't try." Ibis due. of rourae. to imnortatlon of wiin ihbi year Is annul three ' I riiria egg. times a huge. Competition wa keen j Ihn Minor exhibit took th Sweep, nnd the winners were hnl to pick. ' stake premium for tha ht Farm Next year, with tha experience of two j K.xhilut in tha fair, yi nr. behind them, the children's ex- The most lasting Impression which bunt will undoubtedly l. iMII, f ,,. ,,i,e can gain by looking over tha wonders of the fir. Watch for the Children' work not year!! In the fouith booth, wan given a denio'is'rHtion of Golden West ( olfees. I he looth was tastefully deem', d . 1 lie Ji st had to go down In tha ral- 1 With (liMfll and IIMi-l uvi f-,il1..k ami lur fit. I in lha fit.U in lk l.arni John Mcf'ormi.h who is si. k at hia h t vli.e ,nil wi.l.n e,e nr.e.1 Inland bring in what Uwy ha.1. . Thy hema I htill very In. ,.,11 , ,1. r. Many ..mplm" n . , re' (Continued on I'ge Two) Minor mhibit Is the fart that eveiy firmer ran hava Just what fhry have if they just want it bad enough. Thi, nis.i, i (he side attraction with them.