Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, September 18, 1914, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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(Continued from piic five)
helm would lie working in other com
munities. Thesis Iliinirs coupled with
the fact Unit they turn out a first
rla.ss product commend themselves to
the business men of Ilic county. Buy
Iloppner flour, tell your friends to
huy Hcppner flour, for when the
Heppncr MilliiiR Company prospers
you will find that the article will he
paed around pretty penerally.
The Ileppner Milling Company ex
tends a cordial invitation to all people
to visit their mill and see the wonders
possible with wheat. Wheat is a
wonderful grain. The Egyptians used
wheat as a symbol of immortality,
worshipped it as the token of life, and
well they might, since it was the one
thing that sustained life and made
Egypt supreme in her day and genera
tion. The land that produces wheat
holds the key to the situation. Wheat
raisers rule the world. If you hirve
the thing that sustains life you arc
master of life itself.
Mrs. and Mrs. Nolan Lawson, of
the Hcppner Flats, were in the city
on Wednesday doing their trading.
Yes, most everyone reads the semi
weekly. Everyone that can read.
Correct Time-
BORG, Jeweler
Bring in your old hats and have them
re-trimmed and made up-to-date. We
do expert tinting and dyeing. A full
line of Sash and Girdle Ribbons.
Don't forget about those Fay-Ideal Stock
ings, which are especially good for the
school children's use. We have a com
plete line, all sizes.
MRS. L. G. HERREN, Prop.
A Frank Talk with the
Voters of Eastern and
Central Oregon
Eastern and Central
Oregon have been want
'ing and needing a United
States Senator for a lontf
A Senator at Washing
ton who would work for
thrir interests and would
got something forthe great,
big undeveloped interior
of Oregon.
William ll.nlry
Who would protect
their wool and farm pro
ducts; get Federal money
for irrigation and roads, and bring in eople to occupy
the land.
Who would collect some of the debts of Oregon
already long overdue, like the $8,000,000 due Oregon's
irrigation fund.
I want to talk frankly to the people of Eastern and
Central Oregon.
NOVLMIH U 3rd will be your opportunity to elect
such a man.
You All Know William Hanley.
Most of you call him "liill."
It's about time that you people of Eastern and
Central Oregon were waking up to your interests,
abandoning party squabbles and party prejudices, and
It's alxmt time to stop electing bankers and lawyers
to the United Slates Senate.
hy not elect your own man? The man you know,
a farmer and a Mi km.iii.
A man shn knows your needs and is your friend.
A doer and a getter.
Isn't it the wise thing to do?
Please think it over and talk it oerwith your friends
and neighbors.
Head his plntloim.
If you want a seat on the Hanley bandwagon, please,
w rite nie.
lMYron IVnMinl
TiMtUnd, Oi goo
(.! A I. fulfil ,n!r fin w i rwwiiH, Out Itiw, Uwii J
(Continued from l'age Five)
In conclusion, he said that tcachi'i
were the Kreatest force for pood in
the state. Upon them rests the re
sponsihility of making any brand of
citizens of the children under their
direction that they may wish. As
professional people, licy are the
lowest salaried people in the state.
$:i,ono is a small estimate of their
value. If they will adhere to strict
rules as to cleanliness, honesty and
application to work, many of the evils
of the present civilization would te
eliminated. The dignity of the pro
fession is realized by all and to be a
teacher is to be among the most re
spected and honored of the workers
of all fields.
Ike Howard and family, prominent
citizens of lone, were among the
county seat visitors last Wednesday.
S ALK Short horn Hull, three
years old. ( all at Herald ((Mice.
Andy Hayes is now square with the
Herald's financial department. He
says he appreciates a pood newspaper,
like the semi-weekly.
Mr. and Mrs. Pillard French, pros
perous ranchers on liuttcr Creek, were
in the city last Wednesday on business.
Clyde Gentry left for his home in
Lexington on Wednesday. He has
been in the city on a few days vacation.
Mr. Lawson and son expect to move
to town to spend the winter, but have
laid no plans for the future further
than this.
Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Hale are back
from the coast country where they
spent the past few months. They
may decide to remain here.
Let (). M. Y eager draw your house,
barn and cellar plans.
Miss Gertrude Reamer came in
from Monument las'i Tuesday and left
on Wednesday for Lexington where
she will attend school this winter.
Hick Turpin, the popular lone bar
ber, and his friend, Clarence Plyler,
of Grass Valley, came in Wednesday
to ride on the mcry-go-round during
the fair.
Lincoln Bucks for Sale.
I have on the way a car of the noted
Cnflin Brothers" Bucks. Those wish
ing same would do well to place or
ders with Jack Hynd, Cecil, Oregon.
Mrs. Claud Andrews and daughter
arrived in Heppner last Monday and
are here to stay. The Andrews
family have rooom? in the Fair store
building and expect to live here per
President Wm. Leach of the Mor
row County Fair, came up from his
home at Lexington Wednesday and is
now on the job at the fair grounds.
See the Skookums
They are daisies.
at Ilaylor's.
O. M. Yeager, Architect and Builder.
Claud Cox is now on our honor roll.
He enme across with the price of a
bushel and a half of wheat one day
this week.
Mrs. C. C. Chick is in the city from
lone for the fair.
Mrs. F. W. Sears of lone, came in
Wednesday for the fair.
Earl Moyer can get in the auto
narade if he so desires. He purchas
ed a Ford this week from the Ilepp
ner Garage.
Geo. Pursons and his band are reg
istered nt the Palace from Portland.
(). M. Yeager furnishes blue prints
free when he does your building.
(). M. Yeager builds good houses,
barns and cement cellars.
j W. 0. Bayless and family made this
city a short call last Wednesday.
Scott Brothers have also leased the
W. C. Lawson ranch of 520 acres.
They take possession of both places
A customer wants 10 fresh dairy
cows at once. Inquire at The Herald
Mr. and Mrs. ltoadruck are hen
: from Irrigon to look after the fair ex
hibit from that place.
M. E. Rood, manager of the Turn
i Lum Lumber Company of Lexing
ton, was in the city last Tuesday night
m business.
A few more of those 8 day Mara
thons at Baylor's. 21.
I'OK SAI.K IB Poland China
dioats, eligible to registry. Also one
ijood Durham cow, a heavy milker.
James I'xILinn, Castle Hock, Ore.
Chas. Read, the well known rancher
from near lone, came to Heppner Tues
day with some of his prize stock and
is entered same for exhibition at the
Don't forget the Herald among the
other things you send your children
away at school.
The Ladies of the Christian Church
will serve lunch each day during the
Fair in the brick building opposite
the grounds. A cozy rest room will
be fitted up which the public is cor
dially invited to use at any time dur
ing the Fair.
Mrs. Inez Freeland will receive the
next 1 01 issues of The Herald as the
gift of her son, who is visiting at the
Victor Wigglesworth home on Butter
A pocket book was lost between
Ileppner and Adams' ranch near Hard
man. A liberal reward will be paid
to finder if he will bring same to The
Herald office.
..OKKtiON FIRST... C. C. Casebeer,
agent, Oregon Life Insurance Com
pany. Best for Oregonians.
Will O'Rourke is back in Heppner
after visiting at Condon and working
some in the harvest fields in that
vicinity. Will expects to go to Mt.
Angel College again this winter.
An Up-to-date General Repair
. . i
Any and All Kinds of Work
Promptly Done. Garage Work
Hardman, Oregon
Elmer Reamer went to Portland
last Wednesday to spend a few dayt
looking after business.
Have you one or more fresh dairy
cows for sale? If so notiliv the
James Carty, n well known rancher
in Sand Hollow, was in the city las'
Wednesday on business.
HOUSES FOR SALK 5 or fl head
old up. Inquire at Herald Office.
Misses Lottie Russell, Marie .Sum
mers and Nellie Cooney arc in the city
'rom Condon to see the fair.
Memoirs of
Napoleon f
In Three lltiluinrs
This man can v.1 tlic hr.t
HoiuTal Kurou.m v;:r.
His person. i! iiU'imui, w ni'en
V his sec ret. itv, ll.non IX
wlenev.il, aie toll of tlic mist
ihsorbmu incidents eiwuHv in
i lew of the provn; imiui I uro
,K'an stniircli'.
tint hiimhc.l rjis ai; i, ln ambi
tion Ittttli'tl lliC ContllKMt in A m-A of
'iluoil Franco aloof, nmt,T In trailer
nip, fought i fcrmanv, Ku..m, Vi.tru,
ItiU , iml (Irral llnuin ,
Get these Memoirs
By ipfCul arrjni'mrnt w it h t ho ptiti
Ywhtn of I OI Mr R I hr National
Uv, f arr rruUlnl m ofK r a
ilrl nnmlvr of ihcvo ihriv vnl. nx
of ihr Memnir nt Napt-Unn hrv with
a miI. t i(.ii..n i,i v nlU r'ft ami
'hi parr 'I'hrnrfcf ivrmU hmittM
- lo JanllCr nt ll nu I'UlM
promptly .
Sherlock Holme Stories
Inclusively in Collier's
Vt ihr V' . III,
Ht ii h i" 'it ,
I W t t-i . .,
A ii it ifli' r t i
,1 i ,i ft .
.fc ti . .4 e ' i h
lift Vi I H .1 I.,!,
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it nut l
S(H'i ial Olfcr to our Readers
,i k f rt i- 4 l "I 1 iM
N t - it W t .
I ,r , '(-,,,,,. ft t. t
' H n i il s r 1 "w '
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"it. ti-w.n-l i lip.-.. .( r I r(f i
tOIIUR'Sflo -
Herald $1.50.
... .,. ,v
TheNewSIX $1 O O P
5-Pai.enger 1 jtfL
tit JVj- Jlf m'm"'"mrimm- ffr-
V '
Twi body Btvlrv Tivr r.irnRfr and Seven- Crowned FenHrrs.
Ytnpet T.mnuK. l.iphtfnetl Cluicli Operation.
MicrlbaM-imliM. rOl'nun.ls Licliter.
hi i..- i ..i... i. ... ... in " i... i --1
Ni'ii-I.f AiiiK Lutnn-ation System.
I.-ittiT ' . 1 v e Hprtiinitt.
Nrw, Kftntist-Siltni iiib Muffler.
nii'i!jr n Huiuj.
( V1l.il .r H.ulumr.
1 filter Kn-i-i'"-atiiiK P.nt.
J4x(-in. Ood-lruli Ttrrs on 0- D. Dcniounuble
Kirrii; hatcty irc-idun Kcar.
Roomier From ami Hear t omparlmentl.
i oiituiuoiH AliiHiinutu Foul Burfid.
)ir-Tan 'I'vpc I'"p.
It, ilt in K. mi an. t fli'nr VUinn Vrntilalitig Wind
sliukl, Attaihn KigtJIy ti'iop.
Scientific Anti-Rumhlc Casnline Tank in Cow?.
Magnetic, Nnn-Lcaktng (Jasoline (tflutre, the
only One Approved by Iniurance Underwriter!.
Full -Floating Rear Axle, Shaft Locking into
Taper at Hub.
Full Equipment of 13 Tiniken Roller Rearing!.
Irreversible Steering.
Inter-Locking 1r nit ion and Lighting Switch!.
24 I"ti?ishiriff Operation! in Fainting Bodita
Studebakcr Blue.
New FOUR Touring Car
.uyxt 'I omiii;i
T" R ! Sulci: 1-nr-l1
1 hrr ,L.rr R. j.Uiii,
Kn Stride (5-n.i.. Small VW 0', i. h
M t.ir; K-if iO."l.i., rn R,.h, 1 at.-t,
M .HII..1.1 Lit S- i-,,
Sm krlr-t, N. n I ,init I.iihf k-it i t S tnn,
I i.fer V.Nf Or v.',t-:
P-e-.-J S-rrl p.,.. R .U.
Vnn.ilif I'i.i n v.
1 ubutai KaJuU ( wi'H Ami'iary W'atrr Tank.
Crowned Ff-Ii.tris.
pininnim IT-aJIieritJ,
I'D 1 'iiii 1 1 I -nr.
' 1 I ' i in. Ili.U.
1! l.-"J fc.l.tfc.lrr C'arUireu
!lrl to
One-Man T pe Tp.
Biuli-m Rtn and Clear Viten Ventilatiaf
V ir.dihiciJ, AitachiMit RiriJiy to1p.
Full Kloaiiuc Rear Axle. Shaft Locking lata
Taper at Hub.
Full Equipment of 13 Timaea Roller Btarinca,
tinr (".anpr, thr (i,!y Irfcvernhtf S'eennf.
t nun i ui r guiprreni.
ttra Run and Carrier.
(.V I). Lc mount jM Knohmr Or er at too is Paiotina Bedica
.1 i n Krai. bluUcbkcf B.u.
4 'rr An ! b I ii - it a ii. r ndm riirt .
Criifn 'tis - "'"- rn in rVth C "mi'irrmrnM
New FOUR Roadster
v i 1 a i w -n -m u m
v, i s r.
J. B. SPARKS, Agent for Morrow County
i r