f. r,r rorrt heppner herald, heppner. qreoon. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 9U. Mi: Kd. ('lark arrived home Tuesday for the Institute about Domestic Science, was a guest at the Rev. Ferris homo and left for Dallas, Oregon, Wedncs- I d:iy morning to do similar work. Hotel Parlors. Don't fail to consult them about your eyes and glasses. For the next few weeks, O. M. I Veacer, the carpenter contractor, will came up from Portland Tuesday to Call of 1)'" MaMor" will be ' at the K. F. Wigglesworth farm on ' pc, fonM a Bjmjlar service clurin;; the : ltnl I r-r f reek, and nnvnne wisninff to of M inr-tcr llanir-akcr s ". . . 't. ,iair. n at. the Christian Church (). SI. leaner, Contractor, will do your building, repairing, etc., and take your wool Everyone here will he at the fair the latter part of the week. Meet them there. Mr Httv Turnlmll who Void rh:irii. 1v U'illium Tanner has taken his of the Hennuer I.iirht Co's exhibit in sli. ,.o l,-.,k to the river for the winter. . Hi the Scrivener building some time ago, fiiritfifiiifililllllZlZi Hi Sunday : "Tht tool iiiiij; Sehool of Keening Christ." il niu: ic at 1 ; 1 1 1 serviec. Helen Cowgill 10 addressed the from the O. A. teachers during consult mm on me sunjeri or nunn- : iiig or repairing, please call him at that place. ! WHEAT MARKET IUue'-tem Forty fold $1.00 .87 Drs. Lowe K Turner, the well known eye specialists of Portland will be in Hoppner again Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 27-28-29, at the Palace hay or anything of value in exchange for the work. Misses Winiford and Jennie Roe came in from Monument last Tuesday and departed the .'ollowing day for Lexington, where they will attend school. They will stay with Mr. and Mrs. Clint Roc. The First National Bank OF HEPPNER Oldest Bank in Morrow County Capital, Surplus and Profits $1 40,000.00 Your Banking Business Will be Appreciated W. D. Newlon has had his Velio car thoroughly overhauled hy Henry Nagle of the Jack Rabbit Garage and I is now ready to speed over the chuck holes again. W. ). has asked permi sion from the fair management to al low him to enter his ear in the auto parade and has asked for the position immediately following ",'MiS". SOCIALIST STATU PARTY TICKET For United States Senator, B. F. Ramp, Crooks. For Governor, Wm. J. Smith, Port land. State Treasurer, B. J. Sloop, As toria. Attorney General, J. E. Hosmer, Silvcrton. State Labor Commissioner, August Nikula, Astoria. State Superintendent of Public In struction, Flora I. foreman, Quincy. Slate Railroad Commissioner, I. O. Peurala, Portland. Justices Supreme Court: D. W. Robinson, Portland; I). N. Rannells, Astoria; A. G. Hotchkiss, Bcavcrton; and ( lias. II. Ottcn, Portland. NOTICE. My new Fall and Winter hals will be ready (he first week in September. Mrs. I). H. DeLaney, Lexington, Ore. Make Our Store Your Headquarters while attending the Morrow County Fair "Micn The Devil Was Sick." Capitalism is sick. It is deathly sick. It is writhing in its death agony over a large section of Europe. Being sick it is repentant. It is anxious to make terms with its enemy, and (he enemy that it fears and hates is not Germany or Russia or France or Austria, but the working class. While the war still rages and its near Parker's Mill. O. E. Wright, of outcome is in doubt, it is hard to fol Heppner, is the owner and will give low the example of 1K71, when Bis $10 reward for its return. marck helped the "hated French" to crush the workers of Paris. It would Al Slocum is in the city from Port- : ,lt mv be miite safe to attempt to Heppner is the best : llKP Russian Cossacks against German Social-Democrats, nor German Uhlans against French Socialists, although I LOST A brown mare, (j years old land weighs about 1200 pounds. Is i marked with a star on the li ft should jand with a brand on the left should jcr C. R., with a Z directly below it. jit was last seen about (wo weeks ago land. Al says Heppner is the best town in Oregon, lie autoed all over Central, Southern and Western Orc- J I gon several weeks and says the peo- I pic of Morrow County are not aware 2 of the real value of their land as com J j pared with land selling in other locali- 1 tics at a much higher figure. N N Hi al m Hi N N N c ontest FOR THE ig Prizes ENDS SEPTEMBER 19 Get your votes in mor &Co. to n n to to to m to to to m to m m m m m m m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Wm. Scrivner lias a small safe and ! two showcases which he w ill sell cheap. Look at them in the Commer cial Club rooms next to his shop. Jhelps Grocery Co. j Mrs. F. M. Bayless and daughter and Mrs. Vess Ilinton, of Dayton, Washington, also a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bayless, made the semi-weekly a call on Wednesday and were shown through our plant. Mrs. Hinton is here to visit her folks and will remain during the fair. i; yoi; ski: it in the herald you know it is so. R. Earnest Leisure SHINGLING CONTRACTOR Shingling and Lathing RATES REASONABLE Al.'ress Heppner, Oregon. See me at the Star Hotel (East Oregonian.) ECHO, Ore., Sept. 11 Mrs. J Jordan gave a reception last even ing at Iter home on Dale street in ' honor of Miss Helen Aiken of Hepp- ner, who has spent the summer with I Mrs. Jordon and who expects to leave for her home to attend school. The undersigned firms will close on Saturday of this week. Farmers Union Warehouse Co. Heppner Milling Company. Phill Conn. GRAND i With this issue of the semi-weekly we offer a clubbing rate with Col lier's Weekly. The statement in the jad. tells all about it. Here is a chance I to get the semi-weekly anil Collier's j Weekly and the Memoirs of Napoleon i for three Woodrow dollars or less than the price of three bushels of the stall' of life. Think that over and then send in the cash. OPE NINGI SA K K S T. The parlors of the Federated Church will be open for fair use by those in need of a place for ipiiet and rest during the fair. You are conic and we trust our people ma; thus do you a kindness. Pastor Fen i. this may easily come later, as it did 1:1 years ago. But just now rulers arc sick and repenlanl. So Belgian clercials rush j to grant long refused privileges to the i workers of that nation. Food for the children in the schools, protection for the co-operatives, long refused, was eagerly proffered when war threaten ed. The Russian c.ardon, realizing its urgent need for absolution from its hideous sins against the Jewish and Polish workers within its realm, has hastened to reform and to promise ritizenship to the first and national autonomy to the second. It is not a coincidence that the Jews and the Poles in Russia's grip are the I backbone of the revolutionary move ment that has been the one breath of , healthy life in the decaying caress of I the Russian bear. England's rulers hastened to press into law the demand for state feeding of school children, for which the Soci ali. Is of that country have been work ing lor years. So the story goes all along the line. War has always been the opportunity of subject classes. When the master needs fighting men he must grant them some sort of alleviation of their slavery. But in this case there are 10,000, 000 united workers who know what they want ami who, when the masters come to confess their sins will not be ea y in the penance inflicted. This compact body of revolutionary workers will se to it that these ad vantages once gained arc not lost when the war is ended, as has been the case so many times before. When the Russian devil was sick with the Japanese war he granted a fiiiiiiiiiliiiiilllliiii... FOR SALE I have for sale several 10 and 20-aere tracts of Willow Creek bottom land, all under ditch, just outside the limits of the city of lone, and Vj, of a mile of the schoolhouse. Some of these tracts are already seeded to alfalfa. Prices are reasonable and terms can be arranged to suit. These tracts can bo made into ideal orchard and truck garden farms. Ike Howard IONE, OREGON. S-H-O-E-S of every description I specialize on "AMERICAN GENTLEMEN" dress shoes and "JOMO" brand and A. A. CUTTER work shoes E. N. G0NTY The up-to-date repair man. AT THE air Store ; Jl'ST ARRIVLD. At the Jack Rabbit (laniue, the new I J j 1915 MAXWF.I.L "2:,," Electric lights Jnd dtarter, center control, left hand . drive, worm xtecring gear, 3 forward J'.HpeedH, '4 elliptic npriiign, gasoline J tank in danh cowl, iidjuMaldc drivers urat. speedometer, carburetor adjust 2 mcnt, Kan tiller, etc., on instrument hoard, mohair lop, genuine leather up hoUtrring, clear ision windshield. j $7."il f. o. b, factory. J Call or phone for demonstration, i Dr. Calvin White, the Stale Health Officer, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J Dr. Allison while in the city during ; the Institute. J : ! I P Rk KR'S Mli ril FMS. wel- win le series of reforms, but when he may was well again, "the devil of a monk was he" and all the reforms were rescinded. When this war is over there will be such a ca d ing out of the devils ol auto, racy ami capitalism that they will be able to do little harm in the future. (Paid Advertisement) I; you want bnrgians you bet c ome to ihe Fair Store to trade 0 VI, H. K APPLE j PRORIETOR I 2 1 Mr. R. Ilogeland and F.. M. Mat tcson hit cutting wood ami po t . al the present tune. . I Mr. J. II. Drum i. getting ready i haul hay to Haidti an. a i Mm. Fail Ciatm-i has gone to 2 Rood's ('hh)oii to teach school fi i the ! cetnio" year. t Walter Drum is building H new hen a houw. "There's nothing too good for 2 ,tbr hens," Walter says. Al Ayer is building it new addi tion to hi woodshed. Mrs. Ilattie Ciewdson is feeling ten ypur Jonngrr mure she ha a rrw sou in law. Mr. ( owduy nml faintly have loos ed back ! their homestead again. O. A. Iloskins was seen in I'.iikei's Mill b-t Sunday. Se rial months before the wareloud Inn -t oer Europe, King (ieorge of l'ni:!anil sent (apt C. B. daunt of the lo al N i y on a special mission to the "lit! I States. apt. (.aunt is now in Pittsburgh n,ws;:eating the various processes ot manufacturing armor plate. One of his lir.-t places of call was the DcRoy Motor Car Co., Pittsburgh Studebakei le.iler . where he arranged for thr g naming of his Studebaker "Six" whi.li be bad bought ill Loudon. "Oi' com .e, I must have an Amer I an car," Capt. (Jaunt told Mr. De i:.. "Why? Well, His Majesty ord cu d me to, for one reason. "I. tore 1 left, he gave me my in t : net .on... " 'I no as the Ameiicans do,' he aid. 'Make their ways your ways, lie -uic to diive an American car. You'd I. i have it a Studchakor. They arc l i e, log people, and they'll take good car of ou.' "So I called to pay my respect to Piesident Wilson ,1 drove to the i White ll.oi-e iii my Studebaker car V' i ley be sure, I called the Prrsi .b i t', attention to it, ton. He laughed .'I .ml I hid done the right thing. . ,;oi o !v from policy point of view. M Inn the in" t el in g point, a well." Meals at all Hours During the Fair Our dining Room will bo open as follows: From 6 a. m. to 11 a. m., short orders; 11 a. m. to 2:30 p. m., regular dinner; 2:30 p. m. to 5 p. m., short orders; from 5 p. m. to 8:30 p. m., regular supper; from 8:30 p. m. to 12 p. m., short orders. Table Supplied with the best the Market affords. PALACE HOTEL FREE GRANITEWARE FREE Your Choice of Stewpan, Milk Pan, Fie Tin, Spoon; Waih Pan, Water Cupi, or Soap Diin with each pur chase amounting to $2.50, or for 10c each. Large Dishpan free with $S purchaiei, or 25c caih. Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Bread on hand every day. R. V. WH1TEIS IONE, - . . OREGON