I J PACE TWO HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON' FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1914. I E. G. HARLAN EDITOR AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS EDITORIAL SECTION 1 HEPPNER HERALD . K. HARLAN MANAGER SUBSCRIPTIONS $1.50 PER YEAR OUTSIDE COUNTY $1.50 The modern fair is " I'tilmwtli of the i11 English fairs held iihmit the Twelfth (Vn inrv At Hint time the limit) function of the fair was to sell merchandise. They were operated liy private parties and were held annually in most places. At first they were held in church yards. Fairs, Old and Most of them were held Modern. just outside the town and feiits ami wooden booths were erected for flic merchants. When merchants from foreign towns or other Knji lish towns came, thev choose their booth or with assigned booths so that merchants of one kind could be kept together. After the fair was formally opened no dealer in the town could sell or buy unless within the fair grounds. The town ollicials resigned their duties and those in charge of the fair took control for the six or twelve days which the fairs lasled. Tolls were collected by those in charge and . . , 1 ! 1 ' 1 ' . i I .... 1 ... rood order ami lair ueniin were me rme. To prevent abuses and to settle disputes arising in I he nuns!, oi ine misy irauiu, me lord controlling Ihe fair appointed his officers to form courts and try the cases as they arose. A (vvid variety of cases came up, such as disputes to debts, false measurements, failure to perform contracts and many others. Some times the courts decided off band, somel hues juries heard Ihe case. This was called flic court of "pie powder" coming from pied poundre or dusty foot, from the travelers who freqiicnlcd the fairs. The law which the court administered was Known as tlie "law merchant" which was somewhat less riid fhan (lie common law. Amusement feat ures came in gradually and several hundred years later the original idea I i 1 l I' ii A J J I . I oi me lair was loreouen. i uie ureseni time tin' fair is a different institution than the old Knaiisli nioilel. The display of flic . products of the counlry and the opportunity of oxclmnning ideas, coupled with educa tional aniuseiueuls, now constitutes their main function. As such they justify (heir ritfht of existence. This is (he aim of (he Morrow County Fair, an institution operated by local pro le but state-wide ill its effects. Attend the Fair and associate yourself with the people who look, live and labor for tin future, it's a commendation to vourself to bo seen there. o I The school leacbers are iruiie. Kvcryoni with whom I hey came in contact speaks well nl them. Morrow ( ountv has trood teachers, belter than the average. They are wi trained and possess character plus. Thev think well of their pro Our Teachers lessnm. The greatest teacher is not neces sarilv the one who can impart the most facts but the one under who we become different men and women. The editor met many of them personally and from all appearances they rank hih. A well known business man it.. . i nl i . ... I . imi i jecciiin sam, i noii i care ll inv clilhl does not slock hi brains with fads, if he wil Xain a desire to studv and read and contnim this after he finishes school, (hat's all that 1 ask." lie asked about nil that any school can ie. Several of (he meii'vho addressed the teachers spoke well of Iheir intelligence, cnlhusiaMii, charader and appearance. The teachers need eeloueV support ill the mat ter of luakin, future citizens, lieineinhcr (he teacher. done by the bands, with the co-operation of the heart and head, of course, tie believes that we tfrow through expression, by working ourselvps into our acts, thoughts and ser vices. We develop as we live out loud. The Youth should feel himself a force in Nature, a live and vilal part in the scheme of things, hence he should be in the workshop and in the study that helps him to understand and interpret. This is real opportunity, of the kind the Constitution refers, if you like. Such an education does not prepare a per son to live, he lives at the time. He gradu ates with a working acquaintanceship with some profession by which he can earn his daily bread, a thing not to be overlooked in these days. Every graduate of the High Schools should be fitted to start life experi enced, seasoned, strong and self-reliant. Such is the trend of education at the present time and happy is he who has joined the foreward looking vanguard now well out up on the highwav. Hides and l'rlls Wanted . - i 1 1 . u',.nfl- u-unk vmir nines, pens 1 I I I l l J OH ....I. v.. j - mid wool and will pay trood prices lm same. Call on or phone nun ai. " Iteppner Milling Company s unite ai any time. FOR SALE (. I. C hars. One two-year old. weight 500 Ihs.. one five months old and several miiei All thorinmhhred and registered (stock. Archie Cox and Frank l.ieuallen. Heppner, uregon. The MAXWELL "25" Lightweight-Cheap to run-ask lor Demonstration. $750 f . o. b. factory Ve have nut in a stock of Vacuum cleaners for family use and invite you to call and see them. There is one large ?i. macnine ior irm iho fnllnuimr rates: 75c for four hours; $1 for eight hours; over four hours will be charged lor eigm hours. Those wanting to use me large machine can call the power house and we will deliver aim can i. it when through.. .I'arties using ma chine will be charged from the time the cleaner is delivered until mey , notify us that they are through wiln : it. ..We will also furnish a man to j usc'the machine at a reasonable rate, i II. L. & V. Co. The Jack Rabbit Garage Headquarters for OIL, GASOLINE, and all kinds of AUTO mobile Accessories. Expert Repair Work The National and American Leagues have been having plenty of trouble this year with the Federal League and now the Government proposes to put a tax on baseball tickets. Autos have been hit by the war. According to dispatches, some were hit pretty bad. Some people, said that Pres. Wilson was no politician. They will have another think coming when he decides to run again. $10.00 REWARD. SI raved or stolen from Louis E. , Fridley's ranch near Lexington about August 20; one small heavy-set dog. I about eighteen months old but looks ! more like a pup. Answers to the name Donnie. Has a heavy coat ot black curly hair with a small white spot under his chest. Very friendly 'disposition and wore a small collar when last seen. Address the Owner, John K. Kenny, Sunset, Idaho, This is a Personal Invitation To the People of Morrow County When in Portland Stop at The Imperial With Phil Metschan, Located on Washington Street at Broadway, formerly 7th St. Right in the Heart of the City. The Imperial Hotel Reasonable Rates There has been considerable unxiety in the lolitical camps about the people refusing cmster. I rohalilv they Hunk Hint Hie DooKs might he used against them it the country would get into war. - o All members of the Squads in different towns are urged to be at the Fair as there will be a general Squad meeting. This will be the first annual meeting, be at the first annual meet. -o- Bctfer send the semi-weekly to your sons and laughters when they leave for school. It keeps them in touch with the home folks and saves time with the pen. o icy are planning down in Washington to raise the taxes. Annul all they nave heen do ing is planning, so the announcement will not cause anv commotion. I'urkey has been gradually pushed out of i'ltirope ever since the Moslems gained pos session of the count rv. It looks like the final push is coming. o The Turks have been ordered to pray for the Germans. Napoleon said that the Lord was on the side of the heaviest artillery. o The Austrians have a motorcycle brigade. We are glad to know that some useful pur pose has been found for them. I ; r Let 0. M. Yeager do your carpenter work. 'I In People's Cash Market is making SEE HARLAN special prices at the present time on fteT.ulw ilXtime'tXfaXa Before you place the order for that piece of IgoodlMirXir'et CLASSY JOB PRINTING i occasionally, it will mean money in your pocket. i ' ! See (). M. Yeager for estimates on . Septic tanks, cement walks and base ments. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN i Vic Groshen I f. dye, j Ice Cold Beer, Either Bottle or dentist Draught, To Quench The eemanen.ly located in Odd FeHow, I JrSt JheSC Hot building, Rooms 4 and a. a ,, : Summer Dr. H. T. ALLISON DayS i-iivsitiAN & sukgeons : Heppner, Oregon Ollice Patterson Drug Store WE- 7 O Heppner, f ... Oregon "U"::, , houses for sale on easy ; r , ., . TERMS-Small Payment Down Heppner, - - Oregon. ! - - - Stop Paying Rent Money Into Sombody's Pocket. Own Your own Drs. W1NNARD& McMURDO Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. .' .' .' . I PHYSICIANS & SURGEON'S - BINNS' REAL ESTATE Dr. V. N. CHRISTENSON ' DENTIST ' M- -l- Wcll has it bei ti said that the only safe man is the man who can work intelligently with his hands. .u oilier swtem of training In dancing the main idea used to be to learn the new steps, now it consists of learning the new holts. Iveineinber the stangers in the city. See d it that they are well taken care of. o One man said that Heppner has a tine dry, he got more back than he sent. laun- o We should thank charge for air and This heaven that sunlight. no one can -o- tliat ne.ule of Natiiiv, this i nut of tune with the laws Theory is not cr i t n i rt .nil in the t raining of bov s to Trof. F. II. Shepherd, bo indusU ious, capable An Appreciation. ami energetic. These t hi iii;n come I' ruin Mac lice and nothing ,. It i n welcomed I'acti'1'" Ihal eiluealion is now dealing; witli espies sioii .in. I int Mi,,.Ssioii. (iixinu mil is taking Ihe place o pouring in. (hie i' Ihe men w ho U in hue w illi the spirit of the tunes in Hn, oil, i I'rof. I'ranL II Slwu bel'd. of Ihe Mie-oli A .4 1 i.'llll 111 ;it College. , happnie.l to 111. i t Mr. Sh, phe -, .1 ill ilii; tlie) Institute here I 1 1 i w, , , 1 1 1 . 1 III , s,. ,,f our lolivelsalion ,e I . 1, i Hie lll.lt lie Was III the new spaper I.11-1 tn at one time. promise.! not to tell ihe unfortunate i vperi Cllce ol bis lil',. and he reciprocated b au'lee ilia to keep Hie lad sc, let III, it I had served a sentence as an in! 1 nclor. Mr. Sh. ph. id', hobl.x is In, In nial wmk. iliisli i.d ..rk coiii.t. ,.f Manual Train itig, Met ham. ,d I 'r.iwnm', I'.askct Weaving and various oilu r kinds ( work which is cold weather insniirs are dissolved by beat. o "Hack to the farms," would sound I'ltirope now. inanv vows that goo.l Ml -o- Small change makes more noise than big Heppner, Oregon OITices with Drs. Winnard &. McMurdo ELKHORN RESTAURANT The Herald. Collier's Weekly and Xa Memoirs ,,1 for think of it. .oleoll s t iel lliall lei iiianx . secllls ,i c in ,. 1 , , Herald cos, tli same is worth more, l.oe lex els all thin o if semi Weekly I be schoolboy s except tin o si'i'cialii 11 motto: ' 11 - n th I'.-ll't i vptctolati To air in human, to dut on new s. 'Let Vr rip." si-b w alk. o ilivme, C. E. WOODSON ATTOUN E-AT-LAW Odiie in l'aluie Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM E. VAN VACTOK j A TTO It N E Y A T I , A W Heppner, OreRim S. E. NOTSON ATTOUN EY-ATLAW Ollire in Court llmie, Heppner, Ore. W ELLS & NYS ATTOUN EYSAT1.AW Heppner, Oregon KNAITEM5EK(J & JOHNSON ATTOUN ES AND tOl NlI I.OUS AT LAW lone, .... (Iriiiiin W. L. SMITH. AIISTU ( I I It Only rompli te m I of nbslr.icl book in Morrii Ciiunl). HEITNEU. OUKt.ON EOU I INK I I' TO DATE HOMES Sec T. C DE.NNISEE. lUTUTEt'T AND t'tlNTU (TOU. I.OI IS I'EAUSON TMl.ttU Best Meals in the City and at the most reasonable prices Everything neat and clean Short orders served in quick and satisfactory style City Meat Market Wholesale & Retail Butchers KINSMAN & HALL, Props. Phone 563 J. H. COX CONTRACTOR and BUILDER rhinxiind Kftimatr furnished fur All Kinds of Buildings. Fir( (' Work (hli. I Makr n $i.v(tlti of and Hare Complete r,("'"'if tar House Moving Heppner Garage All Kinds of Repair Work Done Quickly Wc arc agents for Ford, Overland and Mitchell Automobiles. Ht'upnrr, Oregon.