Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, September 11, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1014.
The New Fall Book , of Styles
of the STAR TAILORING CO,, has just been received and we invite
your inspection of same.
Every man woman and. child should read the "The European War
at a Glance," a brand new book, and what has plunged Europe into
this terrible catastrophe. Money cannot buy this book, it is not for
sale, but in order to give our customers this valuable information,
we will gladly supply a copy of same free of charge with every Suit
of Overcoat Order.
Sam Hughes Co.
where. Christians and especially
every minister should subscribe for
theXhristian Socialist, of No. 5623,
Drexel Ave.. Chicago. Illinois, ana
come in contact with those already in
the Socialist Movement.
(Paid Adv.)
Religious Side cf Socialism
Please print the religious side of
Socialism. As the tlntform of iw
Socialist party puts it, Socialism is
purely an economic and political move
ment and has nothing directly to do
with religion. Indirectly it may have
something to do with religion, just as
it will have to do indirectly with edu
cation, just as it will have to do with
sports and a great many other things,
i Those who are religiously inclined
will, when Socialism prevails, have the
means to develop their peculiar phase
of religion as they cannot possibly do
now. The workers will have the
means to support the church, and the
church under their support will rep
resent their interests and will no
An Up-to-date General Repair
Any and All Kinds of Work
Promptly Done, Garage Work
A Specialty.
Hantaan, Oregon
doubt express religion in a way that
will vary considerably from that now
expressed. If Socialism was going
to prohibit religion, or atheism, or
do anything but give the utmost lib
erty pf belief, it would be too narrow
not only for you but also for the
Socialists. Whatever you many want
to be, Socialism will afford you an op
portunity to develope that.
What a disheartening record must
the Christian face after 1900 years of
Christian effort not more than one
person in sixty of the present genera
tion has been truly converted to Christ
by the method of individual salvation.
At this rate how long will it take to
save the world?
It will be in order now to consider
Why Christianity has made such slow
progress. Without going into de
tail it must be evident that so long as
man must struggle for a mere ani
mal existence, he never has and never
will develop his better nature or have
a desire to investigate spiritual
realms. To a man in extreme sick
ness, health is the only thought but
with health returned, he thinks of
other things. To attain the higher
ideal we must eliminate the mere
struggle for existence. Socialism
alone points out the remedy.
The Socialist does not underesti
mate the purified individual soul.
These are swept and garnished habi
tations in which the angels dwell and
look with unpolluted eyes upon the
world. But this is not all that is
needed. While the church labors to
save one soul, Poverty chushes a j
million into sin. The religion of the
i world must be built on the rock of
universal prosperity, and Justice is
that rock. Justice is now lacking,
men permanently love those things
that are beneficial to them. The
Church is beginning to see the logic
of industrial and social liberty and
when she acts as though she meant
to Help instead of Hindering Social
ism, the Kingdom will be close at
hand. Countless thousands of Chris
tians have espoused Socialism and
hundreds of Ministers of all denomina
itons have joined the Socialist party
and are preaching true Socialism
from the pulpits regularly. Chris
tian Socialism Fellowships are being
organized among church people every-
M. E. Rood is still single.
Miss Anna Garrett, is the new
waitress at the restaurant.
Will Luntsford and bride, formerly
Mrs. Lee, are at home to their many
friends in the Dorman house.
Karl Beach is having his old house
moved to other lots and it will then
be for rent or sale.
The Farmers Union woodsaw has
been running the last few days,
sawing the wood around town. .
Joe Moyer says that his baby son
is the best and prettiest that ever
There is a large number of wheat
wagons in Lextngton now and some
are making four trips a day.
Rev. Tabor and wife left for Baker
City on Wednesday morning. Rev.
Tabor has been the Methodist minister
for over two years and was very well
liked here.
Miss Lucy Davis, lady clerk at
Burgoyne's store, is enjoying a vaca
tion. Mr. Guy Nordyke may now be
seen selling butter and eggs from be
hind the counter.
Grandpa Devine is visiting here
these few days. He will be remem
bered as the gentleman who drove our
Educational wagon last year and he
is now instructing the son of Mr.
White in the same work.
Quite a number are taking advan
tage of the presence of Prof.' Steele
. ? .i . ,
ana are receiving aancing lessons on
Mondays and Ihursdays. Now is the
time to learn the popular and up-to-date
School commenced last Monday with
Prof. Doak as Principal and Miss
Fern as Assistant Principal. Minnie
Sutherland is at present the janitoress.
Two of the teachers have rented rooms
and are keeping house at Mrs. Mc
Alister's and two of them are board
ing at Mrs. Beach's.
HEPPNER, Sept. 11 Heavy firing
was heard here this afternoon and it
was thought that a body of Germans
were close upon the city. It was af
terwards found to be B. K. Searcy
and Shernt Shaw practicing for the
IRRIGON, via H. Jet., Sept. 10
The "Watch on the Rind" is becoming
more strict and it has been hard to
penetrate the lines. The opening of
school has caused much of this.
HEPPNER, Sept. 11 It was report
ed at this place by Private Jim Hud-
dleston that the city was relieved from
attack by water since Willow Creek
was dry.
IONE, Sept. 11 Several large Ger
man schooners were sunk here lately
according to reports.
HEPPNER, Sept. 11 Telephone
communication has been on the bum
here for some time but men are now
working on the lines.
CECIL, Sept. 11 Reports were cur
rent here that a strange character was
seen driving through the country and
stopping at nearly every house. It
afterwards proved to be W. E. Wall
bridge collecting fair exhibits.
HEPPNER. Sept. 11 The defend
ers of the city were reinforced by the
addition of Corporal Cornett who
bears a splendid record for service in
nt engagements, especially with the
HEPPNER, Sept. 11-Several bomb?
exploded in this city recently, one in
the moving picture theatre last Satur
day night.
LEXINGTON, Sept. 11 Large
numbers of the population are on the
move here. Many have food collected
to last several days and other valuable
articles which they will carry with
them to Heppner to stay during the
HEPPNER, Sept 11 In an inter
view with the Herald ocrrespondent
today, AI Binns Btated that there was
a large supply of . vegetables in the
city and it could stand a long siege.
YOU WILL inevitably judge any Studebaker car by ex
ceptionally high standards.
You will expect because it is a Studebaker a car pos
sessing extraordinary efficiency.
The Studebaker SIX although the lowest priced of all
"Sixes" welcomes precisely that high expectation on your
It invites the most searching scrutiny; it insists upon com
parison with any other "Six" at any price.
And this is beceuse it is rot only a Stvdebaker SIX, but a
manufactured "Six;" the product of more than six thousand
Studebaker manufacturing operations.
My new Fall and Winter hats will
be ready the first week in September.
Mrs. D. B. DeLaney, Lexington, Ore.
O. M. Yeager. Contractor, will do
your building, repairing, etc., and take
your wool, hay or anything ot value
in exchange for the work. .
$10.00 REWARD.
Straved or stolen from Louis E.
Fridloy's ranch near Lexington about
August 20; one small heavy-set flog,
about eighteen months old but looks
more like a pup. Answers to the
name Donnie. Hag a heavy coat of
black curly hair with a small white
spot under his chest. Very friendly
disposition and wore a small collar
when last seen. Address the Owner,
John E. Renny, Sunset, Idaho.
. .The Fair Board of the Second Annual Morrow County Fair,
Business Men and Citizens of Heppner, Plaintiffs
All citizens of said county, and all parties having for exhi
bition, such articles as grain, grasses, fruit3, vegetables, stock,
swine, poultry, cooking, works of art, also all children having
articles for exhibition, and to all parties interested in said fair,
To each and all of the above named defendants:
MENT, you and each of you are hereby invited and urged to
make your personal appearance at the fair grounds in the city
of Heppner on any one or all of the following dates, Sept. 17-18-19,
and at the earliest possible time before said dates, you
and each of you are requested to finish preparations for exhi
biting such articles as you may see fit and forward or bring
same to the offices of the undersigned.
You are hereby notified that the said Fair Board has made
preparations for your entertainment and the program each
day will contain such numbers as will please your individual
taste. Said program consists of high-priced attractions and
there will not be one dull hour from sunrise until bedtime.
George Caldwell has returned from
harvesting and is now working on the
government ditch.
Warren Corey came back from near
Dayton where he has been working
the latter part of the summer.
A Mr. Bacon, a relative of Mr.
James Bowers, is living in the Wilson
Mnrvet Cox and lamily are in town
and Mr. Cox is working on "Uncle
Sam's big ditch."
At the recent school election Mrs,
L. M. Davis was elected Clerk, Mr.
Kicker having resigned to teach
Mr. McCann, Principal, and Miss
r ,k. : i u n,.A I,
T auto, 1.1 1 o fiuiiim v irnLficL, ait tun
ing charge of the Irrigon schools in a
very commendable way.
Mr. Graybeal and family, Df Kamela,
are going to Bpend the winter again in
Irrigon. All the people of the town
ui'lcome them. They will move ii.
the Doering house.
The Irrigon people are planning to
.end a good general display of "blue
i-ibbnn" fruits to the Heppner Fair.
0. L. Roadruck is manager of the
Irrigon exhibition.
The old Dost office will be used as
the Government office here after the
surveying crew returns from Coyote
Springs, where they will work for six
or seven weeks. They are preparing
to move now. -
J. B.
Local Agent
"Buy It Because It's a Studebaker"
Peoples' Cash Market
Open for business under new and experienced management,
Solicits and will appreciate your patronage.
Fresh and Cured Meats
Gilliam & Bisbee
For anything in the HARDWARE LINE
We have it, will get it, or it is not made
We try to keep a complete, up-to-date stock of everything car
ried in a hrst-clas store, and we ask everybody lor a
liberal share of their patronage. We do our best
to merit the same.
In the meantime don't forget that there are only a
few more days before the fair in which to
prepare products for exhibition.
Any and all information will be gladly furnished by
Heppner, Oregon
Come and see us v .
ctf)w. wi&
..I U i' 'ju, .', ! ; U I'XV.f lift I
y.t ru.m w hi lb : r?f sf-rs s 1 a . I f . 1 tv I
nia uiiro year in mm uihm.w ; t.r , ,,m ; ." .pp. ; ' i T " ' ' I f ' It Lr IP t
FOR 8ALE-18 Poland ' WffCTV tOZT
ihoala. eHKibl. to registry. Alao one f W yff f,; , X Ty--" U '
good llurham cow. a heavy milker. - IjjM .,'' ' j. . - - M K CTT".
J.mea Bellamy, Castle Kock, Ore. Yfi
-'--f I it:','
in. ' . . . j '
There will be regular services at
all HeDnner Churches next Sunday.
The Christian Church will hold special
services for the older folks.
Rev. Goulder has returned from the
Methodist Church South Conference
and informs us that he will leave
Heppner after the Fair. He will re-
ceiva his appointment next ween
when the conference meets which de-;
idea this. He was transferred to his
old home conference, the Columbia
Conference. He said that the Con-!
ference was largely attended and ;
everyone was enthusiastic.
Rev. J. D. Crooks, the new pastor
of the M. E. Church South in Heppner
here next Sunday and hold
services both morninc and evening.
He comes here from Troy, Idaho.
Rev. Tabor, of Lexington, will leave
that town soon for Winirville, over
near Maker City. Just who will suc
ceed him we do not know yet.
Rev. W. A. Orr, former pastor of
the M. E. Church South here was ap
Dointed to this district again. This
Hides and Pelts Wanted
Frank Wyner wanta your hides, pelta
and wool and will py (rood prices for
same. Call on or phone him at The
Heppner Milling Company's uflko at
any time.
Any owners of a 1913 or 19U
atodt-l Ford car. h dwiirea to trade
aa me in on a new Studebaker should
re the local arent, J. ii. Spark
We hare put in a atork of Vacuum
clraitrra for family and Invite
you to call snd ae thrm. There Is
one larKC 1125 machine for rent at
the following ratra: 75c for four
hour.; ft for eiihl hoursj over four
knur, a til he charted for Hitht
houra. Thou wanting lo Upi the
large atachine can call the Hr
hmiw and HI deliver and call for
il when through... Part Ira M-ing ma
chine will he
the clranrr
notify aa that
11... Wr will
uh the Machine It rrsMHiahk rate.
Come in and look over the swellest line ol Samples ever
shown in Heppner
Klgn.. .1 anira in mm-
p rhirgcd from the time TTNl 1 f f '
! Phelps Grocery Lo.
II. I- m Tr. VV.
a m us