FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 1914. PACE FOl'R HEPPNER HERALD. HEPPNER, OREGON- r' announces ler on nineteen I;ujt6reh fourteen at Ier plate of business on jfHitin Jstmt in Heppner, (Oregon nub respectfully solitits the inspection of tlje labies of J'fepptcr mib (iHnrrofu Couuh) . One of our Castle Rock readers has some good hogs for sale. Kcad his ad. Bob Warren, one of the progressive wheat farmers on the Heppner Flats, braved the dust to come to Heppner the first of the week. Mrs. C. E. Woodson and children went to Poitland yesterday and ex pect to visit there two or three months. Ed and Charlie Huston went down I to Albany yesterday, having received j the message that their father was j very ill and not expected to live. .NOTICE. My new Fall and Winter hats will he ready the first week in September. Mrs. I). B. DeLaney, Lexington, Ore. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT. Public Land Sale. DeDartment of the Interior, U. S. , J. A. Waters, popular business man Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, ol lone and republican nominee for : July 14th, 1114. County Clerk, spent a day in Hepp ner tms weeK. The People's Cash Market has just received a shipment of fresh Eastern Oysters, the large kind that you all like. NOTICE is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Act of Congress approved March 28, 1912 (37 Stat., 77), pursuant to the application of Patrick Curran, Serial No. 0UJJ7, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.00 per acre, at W. R .Cochran and Mr. Davis of j 9:3 o'clock ,M" " i"htfcytnf lone have been drumming up busi- September ,1914 , at this office, the f ol nn in t.h lif inB..rm. lin in Hi lowing tract of land: NE,4 NW, NW ViNE'i, Sec. 10 T. 1 N., R. 25 E. Willamette Meridian. Any persons claiming adversely the above-deseribed land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, ness in the life insurance line in and about Heppner the past few days. Considerable wheat has been roll- ing into the warehouses this week. Even the drivers looks happy sitting I on the "over a dollar" a bushel wheat. Aaron Templeton with his mother ! and family are in Heppner, from j Spray, and are visiting at the John ! Cason home. Register. IONE ITEMS ; Mrs. Sprouls, sister-in-law of John Sprouls, is here on a visit from Monu ment and is taking osteopathic treat ments from Dr. Condor. LOCAL ANBLPERSOHAL O. M. Y eager, Architect and Builder. E. C. Maddock is again at Condon. Let 0. M. Yeager do your carpenter work. Henrv Chaoin was in from Hardman to see the semi-weekly editors on Wed nesday. Henry gathers the happen ings for us in Hardman. May Scrancc, one of Morrow County's most successful teachers, was a Heppner visitor, Tuesday. Chester Saling made this office a business call last Wednesday for a few jobs of printing. Chester reports everyone contented in Hardman. West McNabb was ud town. Thurs- ' Inv 1 . Mr. F. Griffin was in town last Sat-1 irday on business. j Mr. Gus Glock came up from Port in l.icf Tnocrluv tin waa fnlrnn nut o tne Keitman rancn mat. evening oy m m m m m w m m M M M Ml Mi Ml Mi at Minor & Go's i mm Bi Miss Josephine Richardson returned Tuesday night trom her vacation. Henry Neel came over from Gil liam County Wednesday in his auto. W. B. Tucker, of Sand Hollow, visit ed Heppner Wednesday. You people who trade at lone read White's, ud. Allie Conlee, of Fossil, nephew of Mrs. Al Binns, spent a few hours in the city Wednesday. Mr. Conlee lived in Heppner twenty years ago. Put your advertising in a paper with a circulation. More people read the Herald than any other paper in these parts. Miss Ester Cox, daughter of Cash ier (Jox, ot tne Arlington DanK, is vibiting at the Shurte home in south Heppner. Jack Dcvore made a business trip to Heppner Tuesday. Arthur Dykestra and Phil were in Heppner Tuesday. Jones O. M. Yeagcr builds good houses, barns and cement cellars. Mrs. Henry Coats drove down from Hardman Saturday. T. L. Dorman was a Heppner visi tor, Tuesday. John Howell was down from Hard man the first of the week. Walter Kilcup visited the county seat, Tuesday. Fuul Hisler spent several days in town this week. O. M. Yeager furnishes blue prints free when he does your building. The Herald is printing a large num ber of ladies calling cards. The most approved cards come from the Herald office. Mi Ml Ml Ml Ml Mi Mi Mi O. M. Yeager, Contractor, will do your building, repairing, etc., and take your wool, hay or anything ot value in exchange for the work. fhe improvement work going on in the Palace Hotel dining rooms is worthy of notice and when completed will be fully noted in these columns. Reading maketh a full man, wrote Francis Bacon years ago. To get full of facts and fresh news, read the Herald, the semi-weekly. Among Tuesday's visitors we notic ed Herb Olden, Ed. Huston and Mr. and Mrs. Tim Rippee and children trom Eightmile. Whiteis' store at lone is offering a fine piece of graniteware free to their customers. Herald. See their ad in the A 1 , 1 1 t Tallinn nira, in T una T? rw ' U cant the required currency which will in- "esday on business. sure the Semi-weekly coming regular ly for one year. Frank Wyner went to lone, Wed- James Bellamy is now in good standing with the financial dep't. Wm. Driscoll, our carpet weaver, is now among the wide circle of readers of the seint-weckly. uv 11 for the Semi-weekly which wo hasten to acknowledge. 0. M. Yeager has a crew of men at work on the school house in the Jim Hayes district. Chas. Fuller was in from McKin ney Creek the first of the week. Roy Ashbaugh is traveling in style. He purchased one of tho mighty Fords from the Heppner Garage. Mrs. Mary Bartholomew returned Wednesday from Estacada, where she spent some timo visiting her children. W. T. Goulder went to Weston yes terday to attend tho church confer ence. Mr. Guilder reports a new eight and one half pound boy born at Joe Moy- er a In Hliiekhorac Wednesday. The ANNUAL FALL OPENING of tho HERREN MILLINERY PARLORS will be held on SATURDAY, SEPT. 5, 1914. At that time there will be shown the correct styles in Fall and Winter hats. The public is cordially invited to attend this and it will be arranged to afford you a pleasant and profitable visit. For your inspection will be hats of every approved design, taste fully trimmed and moderate in price. Special orders of any size or de scription of hats which we do not have in stock will be taken and these filled by telegraph in two days time. Prof. Otto's piano-player will fur nish music and Ice cream and cake will be served to all visitors. I hnve with me again this year, Miss l.ucile Willford, whose ability is well known to Heppner people and who will be glad to assist patrons in their selection of hats. Frank Elliott a well known Butter Creek rancher, was in the city the first of the week. Bob Thompson came in from his up-to-date ranch the first of the week. Oscar Keithley, one of the well known readers of the semi-weekly, was in on Tuesday to look over the war news. HORSES FOR SALE 5 or 6 head of young work horses, from 3 years old up. Inquire at Herald till ice. Tilden Williams, prominent man of Eightmile, was in transacting busi ness on Tuesday. Link Craddick, a prominent Eight mile farmer, made lk'ppner a call, Tuesday. Anson Wright, one of the largest diecp men in the state, was in from Hardman tho first of the week. Jim Knighten, a on the Fluts was lays ago. well-to-do rancher in the city a few LONDON, Sept. 1 The German are concentrating their cflorts to crush the Franco-British allies on the left and In the renter. The develop ments made in the lighting during the last ten days shows that the Germans are trying to surround the Allies with the idea of rutting them oil their bssv of supplies. The llllie hIbIiM that imtxirlant niwu wait about lo be made public. Mr. Reitman Buflington and Ritchie have opened ip their new meat market and it cer tainly looks swell inside. Willard Blake was out to the Reit man ranch, Sunday. It is rumored that school will not start till the 21st of September on account of Teachers' Institute and .he Fair which occupy the week start ing with the 14th. Wm. Corson is seen on the streets of Tone once more after a short absence. John Calkins made a visit to lone, Wednesday. Frank Engleman has secured all the 'atest pieces for his piano for the social Saturday night dances this winter. . Edgar Ball came over to the Egg i City Wednesday. I A suggestion was made the other j lay to have a football team here this winter, why not? A social dance was held in the rink last Saturday night. A good time was reported by those present. "Brick" Coshaw was "copped" in the kitchen one night last week. Tell as about it "Brick." Several of the local merchants have made improvements by the way of new signs in the past week. ftiiss Mae Smith who has been work ing in the lone Hotel left for Portland last Wednesday morning. Ike Howard was down town, Wed nesday. Laston McMurray was in town Wednesday. b red Shield made a visit to lone, Wednesday. The wheat market here at this writ ing is: Bluestem $1.02 Forty-fold 88-90 Club 86 Turkey Red 90-93 Mr. Chas. Benedict was in doing some trading Wednesday. I he city coucil met last Tuesday night and transacted the usual busi ness. They will give property owners notice to clean up the trash and cut j the weeds on their property. Walt fuycar has installed a new watering trough in front of his cafe. I I ii nad me word, welcome across I the front. j Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Davidson left I overland for the Toppenish fair and roundup last Monday morning, j Frank Lindsay was in town Monday. ! L. K. and E. G. Harlan were in ! lown in their auto last Friday. Mearl Blake went out last Friday 'o work on the Trcodson threshing- machine. A big harvest Ball will be pulled iff in the rink the fifteenth of Sep-; tcmber in lone. E. T. Perkins returned home last I Friday from Seaside where he has x-en for his health for the last three weeks. j Mrs. F. S. Bender returned last j Tuesday from Seaside where she has j been for the past two weeks. j Walt Smith took Mrs. W. C. Cason. Miss Opal Cochran, Marie Cason and i Murinl lason out for 1000 votes will be given for every dollar paid on book accounts between the 1st and 19th of September. Be quick to accept the advantages of this offering and remember THERE AKE ONLY FOUR WEEKS remaining of the contest. Every minute spent now in acquiring votes means a big advancement of your excellent possibilities. The contest lasting through the "Bigger and Better" Morrow County Fair gives yem opportunities otherwise lost. You will be associated with people from all parts of the county, thus enabling you to boost your standing. List of Prizes to be given away September 19. 1st prize, $200 De Lux Grafnola 2nd prize, Colonial Queen Sewing Machine. 3rd prize, Gold Watch, 20 yr- case. 4t,h prize, Handsome Gold Watch. 5th prize, Beautiful Toilet Set. m m to to m to n to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to FOR SALE I have for sale several 10 and 20-acre tracts of Willow Creek bottom land, all under ditch, just outside the limits of the city of lone, and 14, of a mile of the schoolhouse. Some of these tracts are already seeded to alfalfa. Prices are reasonable and terms can be arranged to suit. These tracts can be made into ideal orchard and truck garden farms. Ike Howard IONE, OREGON. S-H-O-E-S of every description I specialize on "AMERICAN GENTLEMEN" dress shoes and "JOMO" brand and A. A. CUTTER work shoes E. N. G0NTY The up-to-date repair man. A 2000 Foot Well Would be undertaken just as readily as a 100 foot well by VV. D. Newlon, the man who has never drilled a dry hole, and who has been the most successful well driller in Morrow County. If yon want a well, just write to VV. D. NEWLON Address, i leppner, Oregon inv riila nn from j ny this week. " "r KartiPKt Howell was in from thp Burroughs ranch last Wednesday where he has been working for the 1 1 last four months. TO W HOM IT M AY CONCERN : Mrs. John Grose, of Walla Walla, This is to certify that I took up the Wjish., is here visiting friends and following horses on September 2, ,nl '!'? IStU. and am holding same at Irrigon, M- Brondy was up trading Wed Oregon, for the payment of costs and iwwlay. ... damages. "'Is i''le Perkrns left for Tort- i . . . , iand last Tuesday morning. One sorre mare cr.h brand on Mf j Bpown'who ha.Ven visit- ! iiii ""uu,u,r ",,u " ing Mr. and Mrs. Jackson left One brown horse, three white fret for Earnest Leisure SHINGLING CONTRACTOR Shingling and Lathing ' " RATES REASONABLE Addrru Hrppncr, Orrgon. Sec me at the Star Hotel while fare and undisliiiKuisliablr brand on right shoulder. One horse, mouse rolor, rrsb brand on right shoulder. One horse, spotted, with rrsb brand on right shoulder. All of the stave mentioned xtock will I solj at public auction at Irri gon, Oregon, on the day of September. l!'M, at 6 o'clock p. m., to satisfy cot of taking up, rare and keeping the same and further damag es. W. A. WAU'OLB i Portland Tuesday. The nmn who expects to travel on his face should rememler that the con . due tor has orders to punch all tickets. Chas. Rend was in town last Tues day on business. flill Windsor purchased the Tom Grabill house one day last week from John Cochran. The Cason home was the scene of a pretty party given by Miss Marie Canon to a few of her friends. Those invited were Ethyl Sperry, Opal I'sd MEALS AT ALL HOURS 15,c 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, 50c ill PALACE HOTEL berg. Opal Cochran, l.innie Penning ton, Pulles I'erkins, Agnes $10.00 UKW AKD. Strayed or stoUn from Louis K. Kridb j's rsnch near lin(Um about Augu.1 20; one .mail hit).Ml dog. about eighteen months old but lucks more like a pup. Anirs to the name Ikmnir. Has a hravy rMl of blsck rurly hair with a smalt white spot under his cbrt. Wry friendly disposition and wore a smsll rnllar hen last M-n. Addrru the Owner. , John L. Hrnny, Sun(, Idaho. Penning ton, Joe Heeilev, Hob Sperry, Eat Kluli Kunniiln IUmIc Mini Irrigon, Oregon. YKhaw. Everyone reported a tine time and hope that this will not be the In it. The inside of the Matt llalverson threnhing mnrhine burned while on the old Ivugla nlare last Friday. It was extinguished by the crew and not much damage was done, only de laying the threihing until a few minor irpsirs rould I sevurrd. They re sumed threshing last Tuesday. lie who feels sure that the world has an nening for him is apt to fall Into a hole. FREE GRANITEWARE FREE You Qoice of Stewpin, Milk Pan, Pie Tin, Spoon; Wain Pan, Water Cupi, or Soap Dish with each pur chase amounting to $25.0, or for 10c each. Larje Dishpan free with $S purchases, or 25c cash. Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Bread on hand every day. R. V. WHITEIS IONE, - - . OREGON 4, U