PAftE TWO HEPPNER HERALTV IIEPPKER, OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1914. E.G. HARLAN EDITOR AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER TUESDAYS nd FRIDAYS EDITORIAL SECTION L HEPPNER HERALD K.HARLAN MANAGER SUBSCRIPTIONS $1.50 PER YEAR OUTSIDE COUNTY $1.50 THE LITTLE OLD TOWN. There are fancier towns than the little old town. There are towns that are bigger man mis; And the people who live in the tinier town All the city contentment may mips. There are things you can bcc in the wealthier town That you can t in a town tnat is small And yet, up or aown, There is no other town Like your own little town, after all. It may be that the street through the heart of the town : Isn't olng, isn't wide, isn't straight; But the neighbors you Know in your own mue iuw With a welcome your coming await. On the glittering streets of the glittering town, By the palace and pavement wan, In the midst of the throng, You will lonir. vou will long, For you own little townw, after all. It is hero by the stile in your own little town Father courted your mother, maid; It was here in the vale in your own little town That he builded a home in the shade. Jt was here on tho hill in your own little town That the school ana me uook you recan Ev'ry step of the way, So vour memories say. It's your own little town, after all. For it isn't by money you measure town, Or the miles that its border extends; For the best things you gather, whatever the town, Are contentment, and enjoyment, and friends . If you live and you work and you trado in your town, You ll find mat tno town, In spite of tho fact it is small, That vour own little town. Is the best little town, after all. Douglas Malloch. 0 'The Rov. Ferris handed us the verses about Little Old Town." They were sent along with nn offer of the pastorate of a "little old town" in Michigan where lie had lived years ago. They strike a sympathetic chord in our beings, and more "Tho Little especially in those who Old Town." have journeyed hero, far from their old homes in other lands or places. It is a fact in the studyof criminology, that criminals always return to their old home towns , where every ono knows them and where capture is the easiest. Thero rises in their breasts that longing and desire to be among the people o the little old town" that knows no barriers, Hundreds ot cases nre on record wliere men will voluntarily give themselves up rather than suffer I ho torture of staying away from their old home towns. A few years ago the late II. II. Rogers, of the Standard Oil Com pany, gave thousands of dollars to his littl old home town back in Massachusetts; whe Mrs. V llson died she was not buried in Washington, as she could have been, but among her relatives hack in her little old home town in Georgia. The editor happened to lie raised in a little old town back in Iowa, the home of former Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson, .lames Wilson, busy man that ho was, always came home to vote at every election, to visit with the boys who tilled the fields with him when they were young, and if I am not mistaken, you can find him there in the little old home town today. Yes, when you see a man who has lost from his sympathies these recollection of his old homo town, you have seen a defective, one who has missed one of the pleasures of life. To all people I would say, speak well of your little old home town, of the people in it, stand by them, and when trouble, sickness and deatli steal into your family you will havo the comforting sympathy, kindness ami help which shall serve as solace in vour period of stress. Man alone is like a leaf in tho storm, therefore let's stand together, stand for "the little old home town." o The Herald will issue its annual Uig Edition this year. Every edition in fact is a big edition, considering things too numerous to mention. We want pictures of Morrow County scenes. If you have eny, send them to us, they will be returned in good shape and with a copy of the edition. The edition this year will be an approach to the ideal, need less to say, it will surpass any effort of this kind ever made in the count v. Send the pictures. o It is thought that those Hindoos who tried to get in Canada a short time ago had inside in formation regarding to what was going to happen in Asia. o Dong says that he is expecting order any time. Ham and egg we suppose. n a talk with a certain man a few days ago, we lenrned of an ordinary happening which ins its prototype in every community. Two ranchers lived near a town, one was contented with his ranch, he spoke well of bis neigh bors, held a town office and Just a Bit supported everything of History w hich would help the town ; the other man stayed nt tome and worked, he associated little with neighbors, he patronized local stores as little s possible, and contributed to no public im provements. Both men grew rich and mov ed to Portland. The first often returned to see his old friends and occasionally brought tho whole family clown for a few weeks' stay. Now it so happened tht't after a series of reverses both men found it necessary to return to fanning. The one was gladly re ceived in the community, the bank loaned urn enough to start anew and he at once as sumed his old place in the lile of the town. The other man received the sympathy of the community for his circumstances and most of hem hoped that he would eventually get on lis feet again, but aside from this he found nothing. Little incidents such ns this go to make the panorama of life as it moves before us. Happy are those who possess more than a speaking acquaintance with the things which bring happiness and heaven on earth. o There has been a great deal said about the mail order business. If mail order houses continue to grow as they have, some predict that the time will come whey small towns will bo merely poetical references and the fiction writers shorn of their raw material for summer romances. Last A Mail Order week we heard a man ex Orphic. press his reason for trading at home. He said that out of the five hundred dollars which he spent for living expenses of his family, he might have saved fifty dollars by buying everything In Portland. Ho didn't know exactly but that was a liberal estimate. He said that it was worth fifty dollars to live in lleppner where ho could send his children to school, where they had the benefit cf church in fluence, wliere good doctors lived and where the influences about his family were better than in a large city. These, he thought, would not be a part of the community if bust ness was done via the bound booklets. Along with the tariff, currency, and inri- gration questions as being too vast in their scope for any country editor to tackle, we place the mail order business. o The other day a stranger walked into the District Attorney's office and asked that worthy gentleman if he was busy. There were several parties in the room, all vigorous ly smoking. The Dist. Atty. replied that there was a trial going on. The visitor watched them quietly for several minutes and then asked if it was a Quaker trial and what they had up for trial. The guardian of the peace pointed to a can of P. A. o Think or how much good coidd be accomp lished if all of the soldiers engaged in the war were engaged in swatting the fly. of this section, was a Heppner visitor, Saturday. 1 Frank Turner was in the county seat ; on business last Saturday. John Shaw, one of the regular j readers of the Semi-weekly, was in j the county seat last Saturday doing a little trading. Billy Straight was in last baturaay to find out a little war news. Waldo Vincent was in the city last Saturday to see hi? friends. BLACKHORSE items. ' The MAXWELL "25" Lightweight Cheap to run-ask for Demonstration. $750 f . o. b. factory Dan Henshaw made a trip to Hepp ner Saturday. Kent Rakes was in the county seat with a little produce last Saturday. Kent reports the baby doing nne. Mobilization of all fair products is about complete here. Uharles Brown ana son were in Heppner last Saturday transacting business. Oral Scott, one of the well known Blackhorse ranchers, was in Heppner last Saturday. Mr. Luttrell and family, all readers of the Semi-weekly and prominent people of Blackhorse, were in Heppner doing their trading last Saturday. The Jack Rabbit Garage Headquarters for OIL, GASOLINE, and all kinds of AUTO mobile Accessories. Expert Repair Work The Recent Trial The present war has brought several towns and cities, which had almost been lost, be fore the public eye again. o It is not a bad suggestion that during the present trouble in France, NVv York should become the style capital of the United States. Life here should lie distinctive enough to 1 I a . . iiuiiiMi an American ideal in dress. No, there is not an empty house in Heppner. EIGHTMILE ITEMS John Jenkins was in the county seat transacting business, Saturday. Emerson Keithley. one of the most DrosDerous ranchers in the Eightmile district, was in Heppner last Satur day. C. E. Jones was in Heppner Sat urday doing a little trading. Theodore Anderson, one of the regu lar semi-weekly readers, was in Hepp- ler the last of the week. Tim Rippee, one of the prosperous ranchers of this district, was in the county seat last Saturday. Ben Anderson, one of the well icnown wheat farmers of Eightmile, ma in Heppner the last of the week. Mrs. Walter Becket and children were in Heppner on Thursday doing their trading. Several new recruits with fair pro ducts have been enlisted here to take the place of any who displayed last year and are not going to this year. Threshing is being completed here now. Many good yields are reported. This is a Personal Invitation To the People of Morrow County When in Portland Stop at The Imperial With Phil Metschan, Located on Washington Street at Broadway, formerly 7th St. Right in the Heart of the City. The Imperial Hotel Reasonable Rates PROFESSIONAL COLUMN F. DYE, DENTIST Pemanently located in Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 and 5. SEE HARLAN Before you place the order for that piece of CLASSY JOB PRINTING Dr. H. T. ALLISON PHYSICIAN & SURGEONS Office Patterson Drug Store Heppner, - - Oregon Dr. A .P. CULBERTSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Second Door North Minor & Co. Store. Heppner, - - Oregon. Vic Groshen Ice Cold Beer, Either Bottle or Draught, To Quench The Thirst These Hot Summer Days Heppner, Oregon Drs. WINNARD & McMURDO PH YSICIANS & SURGEONS Heppner, - - Oregon Dr. F. N. CHRISTENSON DENTIST Heppner, Oregon Offices with Drs. Wlnnard & McMurdo HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS-Small Payment Down Stop Paying Rent Money Into Sombody's Pocket. Own Your own Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. .' . .' .' BINNS' REAL ESTATE Dowu in Portland tht'V are advocating com munity iiifc'iiiK. Think what votil.l liappcn if NomiHiuo Minted The W'aUli on 1 1 1 - Rhine. There will he few Uhiim tn Miipe. here if the Flowery Kingdom j;eN mixed in the fnioa. C. E. WOODSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Court House, Heppner, Ore. WELLS & NYS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon KNAPPENBERG & JOHNSON ATTORNEYS AND COUNCELORS AT LAW lone, .... Oregon ELKHORN RESTAURANT Best Meals in the City and at the most reasonable prices Everything neat and clean Short orders served in quick and satisfactory style City Meat Market Wholesale & Retail Butchers KINSMAN & HALL, Props. Phone 663 M.I-JSali-ifuv'JlJSi . .i"'" W"r:' ,l,e ftr"1 rrk 11 !n '"M'l''" J P-tent Move on inn wt'onti mommy in .-m-iiu'Iiiiht, i mil o (Mimdny, September Hth. lull,) the Hoard of K.mlt7.ntion of Morrow Comity, will attend nt the t oort lloum in Morrow County, Oregon, mul mib licly ex mi n the Aneineiit Koll (or Morrow County, Oregon, for the Yeur 11M4, and will correct nil error in valuRtion, deiwrlption or ipialitie of land, lot or other property acied by the Aiuwonor of Morrow County, Oregon, for tear r.M4. Ail ' ruMi.i inti'n-t.'il oi lim ing any, complaint ag int their M'ftHitint ! for Ihr year I'.'H, ahouM appear at that time. Petition for reduction of , aitmciit munt be irccntcd In writ-1 i. tced by oath of applicant or hiii attorney, and imi.iI It tiled with' them A miintvi 1 , i ' "' y petition or application j iii right and S;tH) g oir if you can o matit verified ami filed Khali ! furnith the goo.! Wo.l.ow W ilium ilol- not lx t-oimidered or acted upon ly tho ooaru. hated at Heppner, Oregon, August :t)th. I'.KI. J. J. WELLS, AimeMor Morrow County, Oregon lain, ltd I the I; of a rig that, you iuii afford to ouy i. nnd u or it will prove a profitable iiivent ii'cnl to keep and ue next year a you can get it for a priio that will warrant )ou in taking it in. Pon't take too long to think tin over or the . seller might decide to Keep it. lrop a line to the Hera t! or better vet. W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER j Only complete aet of abstract book in Morrow County. HEPPNER, . OREGON J. H. COX CONTRACTOR and BUILDER nana and Lstimates Furnwhed Jor All Kinds of BuildingaX t ira Liana ork Only. I Make a Specialty of and Hare Compktt Equipment for House Moving Thrmhlng Outfit for Sale, Here' a bargain for the man who use the phone ha a little upaie rah or who ran j furm.h bankable note. It coiiM.its of a h. p. Simple Kuiw ll Engine, aid tin' a ilmv: m :t.U?J i -..u - i. . i " - : two feel ... . Ur.u r!v I N-'! " '-..Heppner the la.t FOR FINE IPTO-DATE HOMES Se T. G. DENNISEE, ARCHITECT AND CONTRACTOR. IH TTFR 1 KKr K ITEMS LOUIS PEARSON ml your rhoua of a uaruen i uy gov. lh i. ,.. . w.. ' ..... l, I m . ; V V lR "HI 1I'J ernor t.tth r or a Jackson, Iwth of , who are at the Itai ihol TAILOR , ranm r'a Fiiviid, Frvd Crump, a proxpvroua farmer , Heppner, Oregon. Heppner Garage All Kinds of Repair Work Done Quickly We are agents for Ford, Overland and Mitchell Automobiles.