TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1914. PAfiE TWO HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPKER, OREGON. E.G. HARLAN EDITOR AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER TUESDAYS iru) FRIDAYS EDITORIAL SECTION HEPPNER HERALD L. K. HARLAN MANAGER SUBSCRIPTIONS $1 PER YEAR OUTSIDE COUNTY $1.15 As a mnttor of dollars and cents, George McDulTee received more for his part in the recent attempted hold-up than the robbers would have cleared had lie not spoiled their plans. The same business ability directed in honest and dishonest Doing Right Pays business always yields as a Matter of the biggest returns, Dollars and Cents, financially, to the per son directing it in hon est undertakings. It is a common observa tion that where the results which are striven for, even though they might not be determin ed in dollars and cents, are always greater to the person who tenaciously works with and for the right. Oflice-seeking, a desire to excell in any line of endeavor, where the money end is not considered, always furnish opportunity for the employment of open, straightforward efforts and the opposite, questionable and dishonorable practices. Telling the truth and fair dealing is a busi ness asset. Fire, flood, panics and war can destroy an institution but if it has established a name for square dealing, it can overcome these disasters and live. The man who deals in the questionable, that which is under the pale, is treading an uncertain path. In these days of opportunity and plenty there should be no need of misrepresentation, crooked dealings and an attempt to live without work. o The road going past the School in Ileppner needs attention. At the present time it is almost impassable and as the wheat-hauling season begins in earnest it will continue to get worse. The reason The Road By The seems to be that it is School Needs a new road and has not Attention. packed down hard enough to nfford good travel. One of the prominent business men of the town suggested that the city put two loads of straw on the stretch which will make a fine roadway. We believe if the Council will examine the place it will agree with this man and have the road repaired. With this exception Ileppner has the finest streets and roads leading into the city of any city for miles around. Let's fix the only objection able road. o e have received many inquiries, especially Iroiu the Middle-west and Eastern states in regard to the rrominent People and Indivi duals and Industries which Lave been ap pearing in the Herald. Most of them want ing to know it the articles are true to life and represent what can lie found here at th present time. We wish to say that these arti cles are true in every pnrtieulwr. In manv cases we have understated the facts believing that they would carry greate'1 conviction to the reader. The only purpose that the Herald has had in view in printing th"se articles has been to show the wonderful development of this country within the memory of the pres ent generation and to show, as a land of op-! Herald portunity, Morrow ( ounty and Oregon can not be surpassed. Most of these articles are about men and women who have come to Oregon from other states and they are well qualified to draw distinctions and in every case these decisions have been favorable to this county. Any man or woman w hose name has appeared under these heads will gladly answer any questions which interested parties might care to ask. The Herald wishes to say that no person has ever given nnythiuir for the article which has dealt with him in this paper. These are not written for monetary considera tion. We believe that the statement of what men and women have done here and now is the neatest advertisement to any community, hence these articles. We welcome sugges tions at all times concerning any business or person which will aid in the work of letting people know what kind of a country we live in. expected about 75 sacks of them from his patch and when he went out to digging them, found to his sorrow that Mr. Jackrabbit had beat him to it and now Mr. Evans is wondering where he can buy some spuds. Any owners of a 1913 or 1914 model Ford car, whe desires to trade same in on a new Studebaker should see the local agent, J. B. Sparks, at once. The present state of affairs in the world re veals the fact that the United States is a good place to live in. We have heard con-, siderable about the high cost of living, high taxes and other things which are aviating. Taxes in their last analysis are charges which the state levies for some service which it ren ders. In countries TTl fl T - ITT l 1- 1 i 1 wny n 13 worcn wnere tne state ,per More To Live In forms few services, The United States. taxes are low. No one ever heard of taxes, in the modern meaning of the term, being high in places where the state did not render these services. The first service which every state provides for is protection. Under this head comes the army, navy, inilita, courts, sheriffs, policemen, and a dozen other agencies where by the individual may live in peace and security. The other services which the state renders are almost without number. The reason why taxes are higher here than in Mexico is because the state does more for the individual and for no other reason. One day a man might be a millionaire and the next day a pauper m Mexico. If it is worth any thing to the individual to know that his pos sessions are safe and free from appropriation by a stronger party, then he should be willing to pay ior tins just the same as he pays an insurance company for protecting his house from fire. Why Articles On Prominent People Industries and Ind. Appear in Herald. The Best Way To Boost This County Is To Send Your Friends The Herald. The editors wish to say a word about the people who have made it possible for the Herald to be sent to many people, especially in the Middle-Western states. One man re cently ordered the paper sent to five persons who ho thought would be interested in this country if they receiv ed a paper published in the county. We have had at least twenty subscribers in the past few weeks pay for its delivery to parties in Iowa, Illinois, Minne sota and Missouri. One of the reasons why we placed the subscription price so low was to enable these public spirited persons to be able to do this. We want you to notice the paper, the pres ent issue, with the idea of forming an impres sion of the town, the people, the crops, the tut ure ot it, as if you were a stranger or as a man living on $L(U0 an acre land in Illinois. He fair with us and yourself and see if you don't form a favorable impression. The next time you want to send a friend some thing concerning the town, send him the We are always glad to furnish vou . I. 1 1!.! 1 wua auuiuouai copies ol any single issue and these to subscribers free of charge. If you are a subscriber and contemplate leaving town for a vacation, speak to us about it and the Herald will follow you and we will bear the expense. If you know of anyone who is interested in Ileppner or Morrow County, hand us his name and we will try to arrange so that they get the paper. FOR RENT Choice ranch, 720 acres in Black Horse Canyon. W. C. Sievers, Care of Sheriff's office, Portland, Oregon. People in Ileppner knew of the Pope's death before the people of Koine. The MAXWELL "25" Lightweight Cheap to run-ask for Demonstration. $7SO f . o. b. factory NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the second Monday in September, (Monday, September 14th, 1914,) the Board of Eaualization of Morrow County, will attend at the Court House in Morrow County, Oregon, and pub licly examine the Assessment Roll for Morrow Uounty, Oregon, tor tne xear 1914, and will correct all errors in valuation, description or qualities of lands, lots or other property assessed by the Assessor of Morrow County, Oregon, for Year 1914. All persons interested or having any complaint against their assessment for the year 1914, should appear at that time. Petitions for reduction of assessment must be presented in writ ing, verefied by oath of applicant or his attorney, and must be filed with the board the first week it is in ses sion, and any petition or application not so made verified and filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the board. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, August 20th, 1914. J. J. WELLS, Assessor Morrow County, Oregon The Jack Rabbit Garage Headquarters for OIL, GASOLINE, and all kinds of AUTO mobile Accessories. Expert Repair Work The People's Cash Market is making special prices at the present time on bacon and hams. If you need any of these now it the time to take advant age of the reduced prices. It is a good habit to drop into their market occasionally, it will mean money in your pocket. lbs., one black work horse, weight 1200 PROFESSIONAL COLUMN F. DYE, DENTIST Pemanently located in Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 and S. This is a Personal Invitation To the People of Morrow County When in Portland Stop at The Imperial With Phil Metschan, Located on Washington Street at Broadway, formerly 7th St. Right in the Heart of the City. The Imperial Hotel Reasonable Rates SEE HARLAN Before you place the order for that piece of CLASSY JOB PRINTING Dr. II. T. ALLISON PHYSICIAN & SURGEONS Office Patterson Drug Store Ileppner, Oregon Dr. A .P. CULBERTSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Second Door North Minor & Co. Store. Heppner, - - Oregon. Drs. WINNARD & McMURDO PH YSICIANS & SURGEONS Heppner, . Oregon Dr. F. N. CHR1STENSON DENTIST Ileppner, Oregon Offices with Drs. Winnard & McMurdo C. E. WOODSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon An Up-to-date General Repair Shop. Any and All Kinds of Work Promptly Done. Garage Work A Spsclally. OIL and GASOLINE nQSSEIl BROTHERS Hardman, Oregon l.KMMiTPN UK MS Frnrik IUirgoyne't new furniture d he had it in hi new has arrived an houxe Johnny McMillan hint HtrawHtack and iom good ituhble field ly tire lust week. Ward Ie and wife are nuiking preparation to move into the Wash ihkUmi country. Minn Kdith Pickett came in from harvi-Ktmif and i now vmituiK her aitr III lirppnrr. Mobilization of all farm prodm-tn ban Iwn onU'tt-d tn thin community for r air exhibition. Charley Ward. ho rrvently died in llartlman of Hn;hU 1'im'iim- a brother of Willi and Hert Ward of Oil I'lacv. The Farmer t'nion have brrn w. niC wihrJ in the community with their uuii.aw. 1 his la th tun to git your winter' wood cut. The fire at Morgan had one effect at U-tifigton, it gav the innurame men a nutnlier of policieii to write up. jMont of the in nil nine w for gruiii S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Court Iloune, Heppner, Or. WELLS & NYS ATTORN EYSAT-LAW Ileppner, Oregon KNAPPENBERG & JOHNSON ATTORNEYS AND COUNCILORS AT LAW lone, .... Oregon and furniture. Ed. Pointer took a trip to Portland to invest in milking machine. Rob ret Wilcox had one installed on his ranch Home time ago and is delighted with the results. Mr. David Hynd wan in U'Xington a ahort time ago from the Hynd Hi other ranch on Sand Hollow "fur lumber to erect new garage on their plBce. They piitvlmsed a new Over land car and will need a house for it. Iexington wan (urpriMtt when the news was obtained that Mis (lett.i Palmer and Franklin I'ox were mar ried in Ileppner. Hoth are well known in Islington, the bride having attend eil school in Islington. They he the best wishes of lxington people all through life' Juurnev. Ther i. another couple in lxmgton who will soon take upon themselves the holy ' ImmuI of wedlock in the near future. Hut more details will l given later.' Uxington is busy this week i.ttit,e AlU ""ITKCT and talking over the war news. Then, consistent with the war, the prices of . , wheat and other staple goods advanc-l LOL IS rLAICMjN Ing till we shout one minute at the ! great price of wheat and wevp th ' TAItllli next minute at the price of potatoes,! mii-un -speaking ol spmts, .Mr. r.vans, who' W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER Only complete Bet of abstract books In Morrow County. HEPPNER, . OREGON I FOR FINE UP-TO-DATE HOMES Se T. G. DENNISEE. AND CONTRACTOR. Vic Groshen Ice Cold Beer, Either Bottle or Draught, To Quench The Thirst These Hot Summer Days Heppner, Oregon HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS-Small Payment Down Stop Paying Rent Money Into Sombody's Pocket. Own Your own Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. . . . BINNS' REAL ESTATE ELKHORN RESTAURANT Best Meals in tbe City and at the most reasonable prices Everything neat and clean Short orders served in quick and satisfactory style Peoples' Cash Market HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor Open for business vnder new and experienced management. Solicits and icill appreciate your patronage. Fresh and Cured Meats J. H. COX CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Plans and Estimates Furnished for All Kinds of Buildings. First Class Work (). I Make a Specialty of and Haic Complete Equipment for House Moving live, on the vlil lu Porter ram li, Heppner, i;t Oregon. Heppner Garage AH Kinds of Repair Work Done Quickly We are agents for Ford, Overland and Mitchell Automobiles.