Thursday, August 14, 1414. HEPPNER HER'ALD, HEPPNER. OREGON. PACE THRKE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED TRACT. Public Land Sale. Department of the Interior, U. S Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July 14th, 1914. NOTICE is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Act of Congress approved March 28, 1912 (37 Stat., 77), pursuant to the application of Patrick Curran, Serial No. 012397, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $2.00 per acre, at 9:30 o'clock A. M., on the 11th day of September, 1914, at this office, the fol lowing tract of land: NEH NWLi, NWHNEVj, Sec. 10 T. 1 N., R. 25 E. Willamette Meridian. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. INDUSTRIES and INDIVIDUALS Men and Businesses With Whom Pros perity and Success are Associa ted in This County. By E. G. II. The word pharmacy comes from the Greek meaning witchcraft. In the healing of disease, the supernatural has had an important place. In years in the University of Buffa- ' that they desire. The Edison machine overpaid. They ar.s the lo. He worked in the old Phill ; was playing when I entered. I remem- men of the community Cohn store in this city and then in ler the first phonograph I ever saw. Washington, returning, however, to It was one of those kind in which you Ilcppner and locating where he is at' put a nickle and placed the two rub thc present time in the year 1899. (her tube to your ears and "hoard the The store consisted of a small room pig squeal." It was a great invention and the stock was not large. As his but it locks mighty crude when placed trade grew he grew with it. To the j beside one of Edison's latest mintages, south of him was a millinery store i Machines ranging from thirty dollars which in a few years moved and the ' up to two hundred and fifty dollars progressive j County can well be proud of an in fer this is stitution like the Rexall Store. A implied in fact that they must be tom is useful only as it can be used, lo keep m line with the latest im- provements and additions to their i"8 ,t w'" Slrve- makc "sc l'f 1,10 profession. Ilcppner and Morrow l'exall Store. space was added to the store making a frontage of forty-five feet. The Patterson store is more com monly known as the "Rexall Store." It gets this appellation from the fact Hebert W. Copeland EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Morrow County Dates For August Aug. 20, 21, 22 at Palace Hotel Hepp ner.. . Aug. 23, 24 at Beymer's, Lex ington.. .Aug. 25, 26 at Carle's, lone. "The window of the soul" THE EYE, Most precious gift to man! As the busy years of life go by, Preserve it while you can. early days all disease was thought to that it handles the Rexall line of pre parations. This is a sort of co-opera' live system and has over seven thous and branches in this country and Canada. Thus you can see the im mense buying and selling advantages of an organization of this nature. The financial and personal manage ment of any store applying for mem bership is r:ost minutely scrutinized and any store displaying the "Rexall" emblem is a safe place to trade. Ia the main salesroom the cases are arranged in a square, the entrance be ing from the northeast corner. In one of the first cases you see is dis played fancy sets of Persian Ivory, come from God as a punishment for sin. The Egyptians were the world's first students of medicine. Magi cal rites and incantations were prac ticed upon the patient to drive out the demon that was within. The famous Greek Hippocrates, did n.uch to emancipate the art of heal iig from superstition and ignorance and make it a scientific study, that he is called the "Father of Medicine." His central doctrine was that there are laws of disease as well as laws or healthy life. His works are the basis of modern medical science. Progress was slow because their feelings re- School children needing" glasses should be fitted at this time. Do not start the boy or girl into school work this year with defective eyesight un corrected. It means misery and bad lessons for the child. & P, An Up-to-date General Repair Shop, Any and Ail Kinds of Work Promptly Done. Garage Work A Specialty. EN OIL and GASOLINE 61 Kardman, Oregon spectmg the body cr.used them to look toilet sets and toilet articles. These with horror on its deliberate mutila- range from modest sums to the more tion. Surprising as it may seem the . elaborate soiling for twenty-five dol statement of Aristotle the son of a j lars the set. For service and ex physician and well acquainted with , quisiteness of workmanship, nothing the dissection of animals, regarded the i excels Persian Ivory. The next case brain as a "lump of cold substance, on the north side which attracts at- quite unfit to be the seat and organ j tention is filled with purses and ladies of sensus communis, "but attributed jiiandoags. No matter what your the thinking faculty to the heart, the brain being useful mainly" to supply fluids for lubricating the eyes." Physicians at one time compounded their own drugs but as the science de veloped it was found that one man could not care for patients and keep up with the new methods of manu facture. Gradually a class sprung up which devoted its entire time to the developing of drugs and their manufacture. They were called pharmacists. The pharmacist at the present time knows all that's worth knowing about the latest and most needs are for monetary purses, you can find a suitable article here and at a reasonable price. Being a printer, I did not glance at them long; I was interested in the next case which was filled with brushes and files for the teeth and nails. The toothbrush is a modern thing. Very few people use a toothbrush industriously, skilfully and opportunely. There are a vast number of diseases which spring from and unhealthy mouth. Pyorrhea is a disease which comes from an uncleanly condition superinduced by some slight accident to the gums. Nails should T is (improved preparations with which be cleaned by some of the instruments disease is combatted and which makes its entrance into the system a diffi cult thing. A few days ago I paid Mr. B. R. Patterson, of this city, a short visit. Mr. Patterson and his father, J. A. Patterson, are the owners of one of the finest pharmacies in this state. Mr. Patterson was born back in York state just about forty years ago. He chased the elusive "elements" for three which the Rexall store handles. The next time you visit a physician's office take a peek at the waste substances which lurk beneath your nails. On the west side of the room are the patent medicines and the Edison phonographs with supplies. Whether you believe in patent medicines or not matters little, many people do and these people are supplied with the fresh medicines in any size or quanity THE M0RR SECOND ANNUAL 0W COUNTY FAIR HEPPNER, September 17, 18, 19 Free Attractions Daily Best Talent on the Coast has been Engaged to Entertain the Visitors Send or Bring in Your Ex hibits Early Don't Delay Buildings Now Being Erected in Which to Display Your ProductsNo Lack of Space Your Help is Needed to Make This the Greatest County Fair in Eastern Oregon Eor Premium Lists, Information, etc., address the SECRETARY, Morrow County Fair HEPPNER, OREGON are kept in stock. These are finished in different woods and will harmonize with your house furnishings. Mr. Patterson said that he sold more high priced machines; than the cheaper grades. The day I happened in he sold an eiehtv-dollar ohonpcranh. Records of all descriptions are re ceived monthly and I listened to a few selections from El Trovatore and some from the Follies of 1914. Grand Opera, Comic Opera, readings, speech es, anything to suit your mood can be heard on the Edison. On the west side I saw books of all description. The late copyrights, the works of the past masters, all are there for your inspection and selec tion. Emerson was once asked by a student, "How may I become great?" "'Eat great men," replied Emerson. What he meant was to read. Besides books, all school supplies are handled by Patterson's. It is perfectly safe to send your children to the Rexall store for their school supplies, if you don't, they are liable to go there any way. Children are always welcome to this store. Oa i . .... . . . stationery 01 tne best grades is a specialty with the Rexall store. At the present time we meet few people, we get to know many by our corres pondence. Your writing mirrors your character and to protect your self be exact in your correspondence. I also noted our worthy contemporary, the Oregonian, on the counter. This store has handled the paper for fifteen years and while I seldom advocate reading any but the local paper, the Oregonian will make you think all that any paper .ean do. This store is the home of the East man kodak. Supplies for all models of cameras are here in profusion. Spalding has his agency here. Tennis supplies, baseball articles, in fact any thing' that is known to the sporting fraternity can be purchased here. Candies, pipes and cigars and every thing that makes life more pleasant during our stay on earth are on the shelves or in the cases of the Rexall store. At Christmas, so I am told, this store is overflowing witk appro priate gifts. The stock of cut glass is materially enlarged, giving a wide 'selection. The stock, however, at all times is exceptionally large for a city of this size. The prescription department is : Mr. Patterson's sacred spot. Here 1 i saw a still which makes the distilled i water which is used exclusively in all , prescriptions. Pills and other pre parations are made while you wait j Guesswork has been eliminated and I you don't take your life in your hands when you accept a preparation with a Rexall Store label on the outside. The various serums used in the modern attack on disease ar all handled here and to those of you who have never seen these, I would say, drop in at any time and ask to see them and I learn how they are prepared. It is j liberal education initself to know I the progress that has been made in ' this branch of medical science. I asked Mr. Patterson if his trade in any certain department was grow ing and if the people were buying more and better goods. Ho told me that he was building up a good trade on toilet articles. He has sold more Rexall hair tonic in the last year than in all of the preceeding years that he had been in business. Tooth pastes, soaps and face preparations are dis poned of in great quanities. Fancy stationery U now the call. It used to be that people bought a tablet and pencil and made that do, but not now, its the handy Rexall self-filler and a box of Symphony tawn, the lcHt at one dollar per pound. The first requisite for a man is to be a Rood animal, tiaid mime great man years ago. Here is a poetic re mark that we just discovered was true day before yesterday. We owe it to ourselves and to ill with whom we come in daily contact to keep in rfwt health. Only the people who are healthy art able to do the right kind of work and to g't the right kind ff pii'ixf action out of the work. The Hible says, "Tbey who are well need no physician," which is true but tFle fine art of keeping well is thing that has n-cejvrd I' mi little at tention in the pant. Not long ago I received omc valuable Information 'torn my ,if innurunre company on the null jut of keening well. I have ptwe -hi ned that the Aio'M'iiilioii of l.if! Iiimirmi' fr'nidfiitH h i l'u working lo rdocnte the pulilic in Die s HiokI iuiHirtuiit wime in world, J thu wirmc of irnpliylatii'M. r'.M-ry ir d druggist i inli r't i hihI n- iprrt Willi kh" phyi imiH for hm he prf-rilM lo kwp On; ty j (M.lilic well. 1 As a rlasi thry lire far' Women Can Do Great Work by Helping Along the Go to Church Movement is up to the women to make the men GO TO C1IUKCI1. It is unnecessary to sav that women have a wonderful in fluence with men. It is not enough Unit n woman go to church. She should insist on her father, brother, husband or sweetheart attending divine service. And there is no denying that if the women will take an interest iu the GO TO CIIUHC1I movement it will be a wonderful help. n DOES ANY ONE DOUBT THAT THE YOUNG GIRL WHO HAS A SWEETHEART CAN INDUCE HER YOUNG MAN TO ATTEND CHURCH? IF SHE CANT PREVAIL ON HIM TO GO TO THE HOUSE OF GOD SHE SHOULD DROP HIM. HE WILL NOT MAKE A GOOD HUSBAND. IF THERE IS A GIRL WHO HAS A BROTHER WHO DOES NOT ATTEND CHURCH LET HER BEGIN RIGHT NOW TO START HIM ON THE RIGHT PATH. LET THE LOVING WIFE PLEAD WITH HER HUSBAND TO GO TO CHURCH WITH THE SAME FERVOR THAT SHE ASKS FOR AN EASTER BONNET. SHE GENERALLY GETS THE EASTER BONNET. IT WILL BE JUST AS EASY-PROBABLY A GREAT DEAL EASIER TO GET HER HUS BAND TO GO TO CHURCH. Men will not deny women anything. If some of the women of the country would put one-half the energy into the GO TO CHUHCll movement (bat they' do into other uplift work the churches wouldn't bold the crowds. The wife should tell her hus band Unit when he was married he went to church; that when their child was born be went to church. Women ean and must make the men GO TO CHUHCll. The churches are the very life of the nation. If the attendance bus fulkn oil it is due to carelessness. Men need but to be reminded and they will do their part. Make the men GO TO CHUHCll next Sunday! Then make them go the following Sunday! Heppner Garage All Kinds of Repair Work Done Quickly We are agents for Ford, Overland and Mitchell Automobiles. K.OI ! COME TO Gilliam & Bisbee For anything in the HARDWARE LINE We have it, will get it, or it is not made We try to keep a complete, up-to-date stock of everything car ried in a hrst-class store, and we ask everybody for a liberal share of their patronage. We do our best to merit the same. Come and see us YOUR NEW SUIT That you expect to wear during the MORROW COUNTY FAIR Should be ordered very soon The new Fall Samples of the THE ROYAL TAILORS are now on display. Every suit guaranteed all wool, perfect fit and complete satisfaction. Phelps Grocery Co. !tlvr Hi ir. prit In Silk Faced Hose The Famous Holt proof brand, sold withe the usual guarantee. Triced at 50c the pair Sam Hushes Co, inilli''ii'i', J thry work long h'rtJN aixl lire nut