PACE TWO HEPPNER HERALD; HPPKER, OREGON' Thursday, August 14, 1914. E. G. HARLAN EDITOR AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER TUESDAYS na FRIDAYS EDITORIAL SECTION L HEPPNER HERALD , K. HARLAN MANAGER SUBSCRIPTIONS $1 PER YEAR OUTSIDE COUNTY $1.15 OVER THE PLATE. Bill Jones had the speed of a cannon ball; He could loosen a brick from a three-foot wall. When he shot one across, it would hurtle by Too swift for even the surest eye. No one could hit him when he was right. As no eye could follow the ball's quick flight. . Bill should have starred in a big league role, But he stuck to the "minors" he lacked control. .Jack Smith had a curve like a loop the loop; It would start for your head with a sudden swoop, And break to your knee with a zigzag wave; And the league's best batters would roar and rave At the jump it took and the sudden swerve. Shade of the boomerang! wnat a curve! But Jack's still doomed to a "bush league" fate He could not "get it across the plate. Tom Brown had both the speed and curves, A combination which jarred the nerves'. He would steam 'em in by till they looked like peas, And they'd take a jump from your neck to your knees. V.nn. fkin lnut in tYta mnrat in tha inncrno hv linlc! He had thern all in the phantom swing. But he missed the mark of the truly great, Poor Tom he couldn't locate the plate. How is it with you, if I may ask? Have you "got control" of your daily task? Have you got control of your appetite? Of your temper and tongue in the bitter fight? Have you "got control" of your brawn and brain? Or are you laboring all in vain? It matters not what your daily role, Have you got control? Have you got control; It counts not what you may "have", my friend, When the story is told at the game's far end. The greatest brawn and the greatest brain The world has known may be yours in vain. The man "with control" is the one who mounts, And it's "how you use what you ve got that counts. Have you got "the bead ; Are you aiming straight .' How much of your efforts "goes over the plate"? A. . -O being the Russia, the State Which Has Never Been Humbled On Its Own Soil lives. Seventy five Russia enjoys the distinction of only European nation which lias never been humbled on her own soil by a conqueror. This is a unique honor and considering the antiquity of the state it is no mean distinc tion. The Russians are decendants of differ ent Tartar tribes which made Uieir way west from central Asia. They are mentioned in (J reek history, long before the birth of Christ. The first important mention made of them in Roman history occurred in the year 1576 when the Western (Jotlis appeared on the banks of the Lower Danube and besecched the Emperor of the East, Valens, to allow them to cross the river and settle in Thrace, saying that a terrible race. whom they were pow erloss to withstand, had invaded their terri tories and spared neitli er their homes or their years later under the terrible Attila they defeated the armies of the Eastern Emperor and turning west appearing in (Jam with seven hundred thousand men met the combined armies of Western Europi on the f anions battlefield t Chalons. Attili was defeated but escaped with his scatter' hosts across the Rhine. One year later lit appeared before Home again. All important cities in northern Italy had Iccii laid wast the Vcneti escaping to the morasses at th lieau ol the Adriatic lornied ne present city ol ellice. ,eo the (ireat, bishop of Holll saved the city from pillage alter pleading With Attila who withdrew his forces an when across the Danube he suddenly took sick and died. 1 he next great landmark in Russian his tory occurred in the reiirn of Vladimir tin (Ireat. After an investigation of the differ-1 cut religions of the world, Christianity was made the state religion. This was copied after the form in use at Constantinople and its adoption has lux I far reaching eonscueii pes in Russian hUtory. It ,f off Russia from sympathy with Catholic West and shut her out from all civilizing iiilluences that accompanied Latin Christianity. For this reason, coupled with the fact that they are an Astiatie people even today, Russia has stood alone and has had little intercourse witli European nations. The first severe reverses the Russian nation experienced were ill the last part of the Thirteenth Century when th' Mongols ravag ed their lands. Kuhlia Khan was one of them and they indicted the most terrible scourge that ever befell the human race, traversing Asia and Europe with torch and sword. The inhabitants of Russia found safety in the wood where they remained mi til able to drive back the invaders. Through all the wars that followed which engaged nearly every nation of Europe, Hits hill remained secluded in her ice and snows and forests. an tin and IVter the (heat ( Ills J ;) were the two most important ruler with which inter course with the other nation of Europe ir-t began. In his wars with sweden, Peter wrested from them the Haltic province which gave him an outlet to tin- sea on the er. The next import, nit military event country with no inhabitants but when he started to return, from behind every tree, cliff and hollow, the Russians harrassed the retreating French until they crossed their borders, depleted in numbers and worn out by the rough travel. It is the universal ver dict of critics that Xapoleon never recovered from his invasion of Russia and was the real cause of his defeat at "Waterloo. In the late war with Japan, Russia Avas humiliate! but her armies displayed the courage and valor'that characterize true sol diers. She was out-generalod and lighting a losing game. Thousands of miles from home, victories purchased even with small costs, eventually means defeat. Even if Germany should invade the Empire she would be greeted with the same reception as lias been given every other foe. "When Napoleon entered Moscow the citizens fired the town and destroyed the provisions to make his way impossible. "When the Ger mans readied Moscow or St. Petersburg they will find no combatants but they will on the way to Berlin. o riio lleppner Light Company has an adver tisement in this paper in which they offer or rent vacuum cleaners. If you wish to buy one of these, most likely the company might sell you one. A vacuum cleaner is A I LI 1 a new ming. Formerly brooms were in vogue but they passed out when the germ theory of disease came in, The Modern Way To Clean Is With a Vacuum Cleaner Emerson said, "Nothing is lens perfect for being small." Bacteria are so small that you can't see them with the eye, unless aided with a powerful microscope. Sweeping with a broom populates the air with these organ isms which grow and multiply rapidly when they enter the system. Ninety percent of our diseases are dust diseases, therefore, flic problem is to eliminate dust. It was dis covered some time back that oil would kill bacteria. One man applied it to cloths an I i l i i i i i now wv mt mini cimns auvoniscii in tvorv : i i i i . miii"'"ie ami paper in me realm. uu is used in the swamps of the Southern states to do away with the breeding places of inos quitos and ojher disease spreading insects A lew years ago a man was hauling a barrel of crude oil home and the bottom came out and it went on the road. It was noted that it mixed with the soil and the road was always hard and free from dust. That was the beginning of the road oiling industry. Wo wish to call attention to the articles on Socialism which are appearing in the Herald. Socialism is a "live" topic at the present time if what we hear from Germany is true. It is reported that the FOR SALE. Six Horses two geldings and four l-: r... mnroi; VOUm. weiKnillK iium 1450 to 1600 pounds. Inquire Herald Office, Heppner, Oregon. at ; The People's Cash Market is making special prices at the present time on bacon and hams. If you need any of these now it the time to take advant age of the reduced prices. It is a good habit to drop into their market occasionally, it will mean money in your pocket. The MAXWELL "25" Lightweight Cheap to run-ask for Demonstration. $750 f . o. b. factory Socialism and What it Means What Russia Will Gain By The War PROFESSIONAL COLUMN " The Jack Rabbit Garage Headquarters for OIL, GASOLINE, and all kinds of AUTO mobile Accessories. Expert Repair Work Kaiser ordered one hun dred Socialist members of the L'eichstag shot for their conduct in opposing the war. Social ism is no new thing but it is new to many people. There is much ahull Socialism which many people do imt know and it is th' purpose of these articles to tell what Social ism means. All that is asked by the writers is an open mind and the willingness to learn. As one Socialist said, "To agree with us you will have to think, to disagree you will have to think much harder." Taking Kussia' for an esample, probably the greatest good that will result from this war will be the general enlightenment of the people. Koine was a great conqueror because she was tutored bv those W In Oil she conquered. She assimilated the good vir lues of all those w ho she subdued. The only trouble with the people of Kussia is that they have not mingled w ith others of their kind. Stay ing at home cramps the brain and everyone who evcllldes others closes himself in. The reason that China occupies the place she does in the rank of nations is because she has slaved at home. No one evi r hear of a Columbus anions the Yellow race. Th- rulers of Kussia, with few exceptions, have ruled by fear; ignorance, superstition, and pov ei I v xtalking oiM idv in the empire Terrible ( l.'i."..'! ."M) j I Vee sellouts, libraries, and newspaper are an unknown ipianily to tin- common people. An ignorant pei-oii is of no account anv vn re. We pay some men P n thoitxtud do lai a ear to dil'eel the et ,," S. Kiis .ia will lleed less ten t llHI;Wli dollar llieil lifter the present war. Let us add that this is about the only beiu lil that wars confer. F. DYE, DENTIST Pemanently located in Odd Fellows building, Rooms 4 and 5. 1 r '" """ '" 1 " IB""1"" "IMBaH tj tjie country s In-toiv is the invasion by o Napoleon. As with the triumphal march of Sherman said, "Was is the Swedes in 17i'. under Kirn; Charles XII. is. If .m don't believi Napoleon found himself in possession of a Germany. Ib ll," and it ask the It Mill Kaiser Dr. H. T. ALLISON PHYSICIAN & SURGEONS Office Patterson Drug Store Heppner, - Oregon Dr. A .P. CULBERTSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. j Office Second Door North Minor & j Co. Store. j Heppner, - - Oregon This is a Personal Invitation To the People of Morrow County When in Portland Stop at The Imperial With Phil Metschan, Located on Washington Street at Broadway, formerly 7th St. Right in the Heart of the City. The Imperial Hotel Reasonable Rates Drs. WINNARD & McMURDO PII YSICIANS & SURGEONS Heppner, - - Oregon Dr. F. N. CHRISTENSON DENTIST Heppner, Oregon Offices with Drs. Winnard & McMurdo SEE HARLAN Before you place the order for that piece of CLASSY JOB PRINTING ! C. E. WOODSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon S. E. N0TS0N , ATTORN EY-AT-LAW I Office in Court House, Heppner, Ore. Wells & nys ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon Vic Groshen Ice Cold Beer, Either Bottle or Draught, To Quench The Thirst These Hot Summer Days Heppner, Oregon KNAPPENBERG & JOHNSON ATTORNEYS AND COUNCELORS AT LAW lone, .... Oregon HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS-Small Payment Down Stop Paying Rent Money Into Sombody's Pocket. Own Your own Home and be Independent. We invite your Inquiries. ." . ." .' BINNS' REAL ESTATE w. I SMITH, ABSTRACTER Only complete net of abstract books in Morrow County. HEPPNER, OREGON FOR FINE UP-TO-DATE HOMES See T. G. DENNISEE, ARCHITECT AND CONTRACTOR. ELKHORN RESTAURANT Best Meals in tbe City and at the most reasonable prices Everything neat and clean Short orders served in quick and satisfactory style LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR Heppner, Oregon. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OK THE STATE OF OKECON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. 3. II. Holder, I'lanititr.) vg. France M. Holder, Defendant.) To Frances M. Holder, the aWve named defendant: IX TIIK. NAME OF THE STATE OF OKEtiON: You are hereby com manded to appear in the above en 'ttli'd cause on or lieforc Friday, the 1:1st day of AukukI, A. I). l'.M I, to make tnswrr t the Complaint of plinnhlT lilt'd herein Hirniimt 'm, and in raw yii fail mi (u nw (he ptnintilT will ipply t' the Court for the relief'.I fur ill the Complaint lo-wil: For a decree of anid Court dixxolvini; the blind of matrimony cxintinir I. I wren plumtnT Hud defendant and for the oiMixly of the iniimr child of plaintiff and defendant, Onia Ethel Mulder, and for hui other and fur ther relief a to the Court may eem eiiiitnlilc and just. The time pren'riliod for the puhli onti'Mi of thin Summons U m week, ind tli date of the appenram of the defendant in Auirimt 21, ll'U. Tin iiinmiiiiH in published by order "f the llunoiable C. C. Patterson, Judye of the County Court of Morrow County, Oirgtui, hhh order wa made on the '.'th d.iy of July, A. I. I'M 4 The date of the firl iublieation of lhi Summon i the I'th d.iy of July, ii t a. I'liti K. Van Vaetor Altvinrjr for Plaintiff Peoples' Cash Market HENRY SCHWARZ, Proprietor Open for buxitiCKn vmhr urw ami a-pcriatcid management. Solicits and will appreciate your patronage. Fresh and Cured Meats The First National Bank OF HEPPNER Oldest Bank in Morrow County Capital, Surplus and Profits $140,000.90 Your Banking Business Will be Appreciated J. H. COX CONTRACTOR and BUILDER lions f)t tjiinmlr l'tiriih,d for Ml KiioU of Ittdldin'j. First Clt Work Only. I Make a Spx-inHy of and Hun CoiiiJitc r.'iuipmriii jor House Moving ob