The Palace Grill Bids You Welcome We are now at your service, better fitted than ever to satisfy your wants in this line. We are endeavor ing to add every improving feature possible to our dining service for the benefit of our patrons. OUR PRICES ARE REASONABLE MUSH and CEREALS (With Cream) R. Oats $ .10 Cornflakes $ .10 Cream of Wheat 10 Grape-Nuts 10 OYSTERS Eastern Raw, dozen AO dozen 70 Milk Stew, dozen 50 dozen 80 Roasts, Pan dozen 50 dozen 1.00 Fried, dozen f X0 1 dozen 1.00 Olympias Cocktail 25 Stew 50 Fried 50 Pan Roast 50 RELISHES Sliced Tomatoes $ .10 Lettuce 05 Sweet Pickles 05 Sour Pickles 05 Dill Pickles 05 Ripe Olives $ .10 Green Olives 10 Cold Slaw 10 Pickled Beets 05 FISH Salt Mackerel, $ .35 whole 60 Salmon Steak 35 Halibut $ .35 Smelt 35 EGGS AND OMELETS (2) With Meat or Fish Orders 10 Boiled $ .20 Fried 20 Scrambled 20 Shirred 25 Poached 20 Poached on Toast 25 Eggs with Ham or Bacon .35 Vienna Style 40 Omelets Plain $ .25 Ham 35 Rum 50 Cheese 35 Jelly 35 Spanish 35 STEAKS, CHOPS, CUTLETS Plain Steak $ .35 Rib Steak 40 T Bone .50 Small Sirloin 40 Sirloin (cut for 2) 90 Hamburger Steak 25 Pork Sausage 35 Mutton Chops 35 Veal Cutlets $ .35 breaded 40 Fried Ham 30 Bacon . 25 . Liver and Bacon .35 Pork Chops 35 Rasher of Bacon with order 15 SAUCES Spanish ? .10 Mushroom 40 Tomato 10 Tartar or Country Gravy $ .10 Plain Cream . . . ., 10 POULTRY AND GAME IN SEASON "Fried Spring Chickun, $ .50 whole 90 VEGETABLES Garden Peas $-10 Spinach . .10 with egg 15 Ptring Beans 10 . French Peas 15 Stewed Tomatoes 10 Succotash 10 Fried Onions 10 .Stewed Corn 10 with Maryland Style $ .75 Ready to serve Potatoes free Meat, Fish or Eggs. German Fried ? .10 Cottage Fry 10 Shoe String 10 French Fry 10 Lyonaise 10 Minced in Cream 15 Hashed Brown 10 Asparagus 15 Au Gratin 15 Mushrooms w rriea sweet Potatoes iu SANDWICHES Boiled Ham $ .10 Fried Ham 10 Ham and Egg 20 Fried Egg 10 Roast Beef, Pork, Mutton or Veal 10 Chicken $ .25 Club House o0 Sardine 15 Swiss Cheese Sandwich 10 Brick Cheese 10 COLD MEATS WITH POTATO SALAD Ham . .? .35 Tongue '. 35 Assorted Meats $.35 Cold Chicken 50 SALADS Lobster $ .25 Chicken 25 Potato 10 Cold Slaw 10 Shrimp $ .25 Combination 35 Fruit 25 Lettuce and Tomato Salad 20 CHEESE (With Crackers) American $ -10 Brick Swiss 10 .10 FRUITS AND PRESERVES Stewed Prunes $ .10 Sliced Orange 10 Pineapple .10 Canned Pears 10 Canned Peaches 10 Canned Strawberries 15 Assorted Preserves $ .15 Apple Sauce 10 Sliced Bananas with Cream 15 Baked Apples with Cream 15 Grape Fruit 16 and .25 COFFEE, TEAS, MILK Cup of Coffee $ .05 Pot of Coffee 10-.15 Green or Black Tea 10 Pot Chocolate 10 Milk, glass $ .05 Cream, glass 20 Half and Half 15 NO SERVICE LESS THAN 16c Open from 6 a. m. to 9 p. m. Wine List on back page. CHAMPAGNES. Pts. G. H. Mumm's Extra Dry 12.50 White Seal Extra Dry 2.50 WINES. Glass Pts Qts California Sauterne ? .15 $ .50 $ .75 California Reisling 15 California Claret 15 Sherry 15 Port 15 .50 .50 .50 75 .75 .75 .75 BRANDIES. Drink James Hennessy 3 Star $ .15 California Brandy i 15 Apricot Brandy 15 Peach Brandy 15 Blackberry Brandy 15 CORDIALS. Drink Cream de Mint ? .15 Vermouth 15 WHISKIES. Drink All leading brands $ .15 BEERS. Qt. Pt. Glass Budweiser $ .50 $ .25 $ .10 Olympia 35 :Z0 .10 Walla Walla 25 .15 Olympia on draught 10 ALE. Pt. Bass Ale, Dogs' Head $.35 Guinness Stout 35 MINERAL WATERS, ETC. Qt. Pt. GIbrs White Rock $ .40 $ .20 $ .10 Red Raven Split 15 Grape Juice 10 Ginger Ale 35 .. .10 MIXED DRINKS Gin Fizz plain $ .15 Silver Fizz 20 Golden Fizz 20 Royal Fizz 20 Sloe Fizz 20 Milk Shake 15 Claret Punch 15 WhiBkey Sour 15 Gin Rickey 15 Sloe Gin Rickey 15 Old Fashioned Cocktail Lemonade Seltzer Lemonade . . Claret Lemonade . . . Egg Lemonade High Ball Sherry and Egg. . . , WhiBkey Cocktail . , Manhattan Cocktail Martini Cocktail . . , .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 All leading brands of cigars and cigarettes. No Wlnel or Liquon Served on Sundays WE INTEND TO MAKE A SPECIALTY OF 35c SUNDAY DINNERS THE FINEST IN THE CITY What We Served Last Sunday SPECIAL .35 DINNER, JULY 19, 1914. Including Soup, Meat Order, Potatoes, Garden Peas, Pie or Watermelon, Ice Tea, Milk, Tea or Coffee. "SOUP Chicken Broth RELISHES California Celery .10 Sliced Tomatoes .10 Sliced Cucumbers .10 Ripe Olive .10 FISH Baked Salmon with Tomato Sauce .35 ENTREES Chicken Fricassee with Dumplings .35 Chicken Gibblets on Toast .35 Beef Stew with Fresh Vegetables .25 Fried Chicken Liver and Bacon .25 ROAST Baked Stuffed Young Chicken .35 Leg of Lamb and Jelly .35 Shoulder of Pork and Apple Sauce .35 Sirloin of Beef and Brown Gravy .35 REAL FRIED SPRING CHICKEN .50 VEGETABLES Mashed New Potatoes, Garden Peas PASTRY Green Apple, Fresh Blackberry, Lemon Pics Baked Apples and Cream 10 Vt Cantaloupe .10 Fresh Raspberries and t ream .10 ICE CREAM & CAKE .15 You Can Eat With Us Cheaper Than You Can Prepare a Sunday Dinner at Home, And The Housewife is Saved a Deal of WORK and WORRY SHORT ORDERS Served at All Hours of the Day, 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Buy as much or as little as you like The Palace Hotel Grill J. L. Wilkins, Proprietor What We Will Serve Next Sunday July 26, 1914 SPECIAL .35 DINNER SUNDAY JULY 26,1914 Will Include Soup, Order of Meat, Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Peas, Pio V4 Cantaloup, Tea, Coffee, Iced Tea or Molk SOUP Cream of Chicken RELISHES Sliced Tomatoes .10 Sliced Cucumbers .10 Ripe 01ivr:; .10 Shrimp Salad .25 Pickled Beets .10 Potato Salad .10 ENTREES Cream Oysters on Toast .35 Chicken Frirasse with Dumplings .35 Short Ribs of Beef, Brown Gravy .35 Chicken Giblets with Rice .25 ROASTS Sirloin of Beef .35 Leg of Mutton with Jelly .35 Roast Pork with Apple Sauce .35 Stuffed Young Chicken .35 I) E S S K It T Green Apple, Blackberry, Gooseberry and Imon Pie, Sliced Bananas and Cream .10 Fresh Peaches and Cream .10 Sliced Pineapple .10 Frenh Raspberries with Cream .10 Water melon .10 Cantaloup .10 ICE CREAM and CAKE .15 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Arther Ginn, of Hardman, was in Hennner over Sunday. W. G. Scott, the Uxington banker, was in town. Saturday. Grover Cox and wife returned from Portland last week. A. W. Brown and wife went to Lex ington, Tuesday on business. Fred Lucas, who live on the Hepp ncr Flats, was seen in town Tuesday. Frank Moycr and Dave Brown, both of Blackhorse, were Heppncr visitors Tuesday. V. M. Ray, of lone, was up to the County neat on Tuesday and Wednes day on business. Henry ORourke went to the Junc tion last Saturday. The friends of Henry know why. Charley Vaughn and wife went to The Dalles on Saturday and returned with a new Case car for John Broa-nam. C. E. Jones, the weeder man, went to lone yesterday. John Shaw, of Butter Creek, made a business call to Heppner Tuesday. Andy Cook left with his road out fit, Monday, to work the Ritter road. C. D. Robinson and wife, well known people of Lone Rock, were in Hepp nir Wednesday. Will Rarrett has been having his Ed. Hunt was in Heppner, Wednes day and took out some new horse millinery that our friend Noble acll. Will Bush, of Muskegon, Mich., has been visiting hii brother on Willow Creek near Heppner. He left on Monday morning for Seattle. The Heppner Garage is now equip ped so that alt power machinery ia operated by electricity. The employee r.r nut into first-class condition for a all smile around th Heppner garage trip to Austin. Oregon. Mrs. Mary Griffith returned to Charley Vaughn and wife, Mr. and Pendleton, Monday morning. She has Mrs. Frank Gilliam and dughter.'heen in Heppner taking care of Mack 0nl IDCnt Sunday in the mountains. Gentry and wife who have been ick. F - ... ' r-t- t . l r j I . If r,i Miller of lone was in ueppner miss r.iizaoein rtanoer ipiv urpp- thel atter part of last week and took : down a traction engine for R. B. Wil-1 cox. , B. K. Scarry left Heppner this week for Condon. He will spend two v.V. in the mountains hunting and fishing. .... . Mrs. Mary Blahm left for her home in Walla Walla, Mond.y mornb t Sic has been vision at the r. i. vu.hi home - hile 'n llef-jrier. j ner last Saturday for Portland. She will stay there for a few week and then go to Lo Angeles where she ex pects to stay for some time. Prof. W. F. Allison and family who have been visting at the home of the Prof.'i brother, Ir. H. T. Allison, left last Saturday for Pendleton where I they will visit Dr. Roydon'i family. I Mrs. Allison la a lister of Dr. Boydon's wife. E. C. Cummings of Hardman went through Heppner Monday morning for Lexington. II will help Frank Moyer harvest R. F. Wigglesworth, the prominent sheep man of Butter Creek, was in Heppner, Tuesday In his car and took out some hardware. Rev. Goulder spend hi spare moment these days perusing the new catalog of playground equipments which recently came to his office. Mrs. F. P. Vaughn wa called to Centralia, Washingtonn, last Friday on account of the neriou sirknes of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Harvey Vaughn, who I not expected to live. Mr. E. D. Brown ha leen to Port land for a few days thi week and returned last Tuesday night His daughter, Mr. Ruth Livingston, re turned with n. ' Mr. Livingston will come to Heppner soon the John Hughes has the medal for good. Al. Florence came into town on Tuesday. Art Reld came in from the mill last Saturday with two load of lumber and cord wood. The Van Vartor family and the Mahoney family motored to the moun tain where they spent Sunday. Miss Flossie Kirk returned to her home in lone, Tuesday morning. She has been in Heppner since last Saturday. Rev. Goulder will I the only Protestant preacher in town Sunday and he invite the good people of all congregation to worship at the M. K. ( hurrh South on that day. Oscar Borg and wife, Mis M. Claire Turner and Mr. Andy Hayes took pleasant trip to the mountains in Mr. Borg' car last Sunday. Mr. Borg Rummer School, which he Is attending, said that Oscar enjoyed the trip im i over. Next year he will havt'menslry as he had worked hard the rha'e of the Science Jlepartnunt of j past week getting that safe in the Pendleton High School. .wall. Leave your meat order with the People' Cash Market. All kind of good meat at reasonable price. Yes, madame, we have chicken for Sun day dinner. G. R. Whita came up from Ixing ton Tuesday. Kmmett Cochran was in from Monu ment the first of the week. Cal. Robinson, ont of the most up-to-date stock farmer in the Iahw Rock country, was in Heppner with his son yesterday. Going on a picnic? Stop In at the People' Cash Market and gel some fine ham for ndirhe. Other meat for pirnir or lunche at all time. Price so that you ran afford to buy it. Tuesday night two auto loads of Heppner young people spent a very enjoyable time at Camp Cohn, in th i mountains Those who marie the trip were leala Campbell, Lucille Culhert son, Lula Campbell, Dorothy Klocuni, the j Henry Odin, Harold Cohn, Emery Klocum and Arthur McAtce.