Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 28, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Sam Hughes Co.
III Mill Mlllllllll
Continued from first page.
We have always handled the bulk of the canning
berry business, and expect to thi3 season as well.
About JUNE 1st, we look for STRAWBERRIES to
be at their best, both as to quality and price.
We advise those wanting them for canning to leave
their orders and we will see that they are filled when
both price and quality reach the most ecomonical
This season we have made arrangements with some
lage growers this side of Portland to supply us, this
will insure fresh stock.
For your information let us caution you that practi
callly all berries will be packed in the new pint boxes.
This new package will necessitate your buying a
larger number of crates than formerly, of course the
price will be correspondingly lower.
hearing Ex-Senator Gordon, a south
erner of high rank, in addressing a
large Northern audience, he said,
"Ladies and gentlemen I very much
appreciate the reception you have
tendered me. As a representative of
my people, might I say, I deem my
self entitled to the same. If you re
member you'ins came down to see
we'ins once upon a time, and we'ins
gave you ins a very warm reception,
and after some more or less extend
ed acquaintance you'ins have ever
since been saying " we wnippea you .
But ladies and gentlemen, as an lm
oartial student of men and history,
having looked the things through and
through, up and down and rouna
about, I find it impossible to say
whether you ins whipped us, or we ins
wore uorselves out a whipping
you'ins". General Gordon also said
he once called a man to halt, and
said, "Why are you running?" and
lie not with standing he -wore the
blue, replied: "By gora Gineral I'm
runnin cause I can't fly." That sounds
good to me. I love our Southern
iolks but while there courses my veins
one drop of patriotic blood the
world shall never forget that the
cause for which they fought and shed
noble blood, was wiong and forevei
wrong, while those who were called
upon to resist and subdue were right
and eternally so.
Well! Says one, you never can re
side in the south. Listen to me, let
me reply the typical Southernei
New Shop juil opened lor buiineu in in the Garrlguei building on main street
We desire your patronage and will treat you right We can do all kind of Repair Work
Browers' Shoe Repairing Shop
shakes hands with courage, admires
fidelity to conviction, religiously, poli
tically or otherwise, but dreads the
coward and holds in everlasting con
tempt the fellow who like the chame
leon is gray when on the rock ana
green upon the grass.
Uur Southern brother is a rn
gious man, show him his duty from e
religious standpoint and he says with
Peter and John, ' We ought to obej
God rather than man." Several mer.
engaged in conversation in front oi
the church door after services. Some
enjoyed the sermon, other did not;
hot words ensue, several snots are
fired as many men are wounded, but
they will all be at Prayer Meeting
Wednesday night, provided they art
not jailed. Thus true to his con
victions is the typical Southerner.
The North and the South are only
now beginning to understand each
other. Only now are our Southerti
friends beginning to acknowledge the
greatness of Grant; only now are
our Northern folks beginning to ap
preciate the great beneficient, sweet
spirited General Robert E. Lee. It.
my mind's eye looking into the future
1 see tnem standing siue oy siue,
men of God, in the fore front at the
Federation of the worlds. I thus
speak of them as representatives ol
our great land North and South. .
And yet by a great many, grave
fears are entertained as to the future
well being of our Nation. Admitting
that we are not without cause foi
alarm Anarchy the lowest form oi
lawlessness; intemperence our gov
ernmental crime and licentiousness
bringing shame, disgrace, disease ano
death we find here and there. Bui
believing in "The God of Nations" wht
shall rule in righteousness and cause
the wrath of man again to praise hi.s
name and believing in the loyalty ot
our sons and daughters, there are
greater things in store for this be
loved land. For it is written inspir
ed of God, "Blessed is that Nation
whose God is the Lord."
I find a great deal of comfort and
inspiration in the words of President
Garfield, the utterance ot which quiet-
Best Meals in the City and at
the most reasonable prices
Everything neat and clean
Short orders served in quick and satisfactory style
gan to read the illustrations given in j
Harper's Weekly, and from this !
source learned my first lesson as to
j the affairs of government, the worth '
and the qualities of men and imbibed
a spirit of patriotism burning yet like '
Holy f ire, and because of lessons
learned upon that grand old farm
house hearthstone, never shal 1 my f
soul be lacking in love and admira-1
tion for our flag ami I'ailcn heros. i
At this point was enacted one of i
the most sublime scenes recorded in ;
the annuals of history, yea! ever wit- S
nessed by heaven or earth, secondary j
only it seems to me to the crucifixion
of him who said: "Father forgive
them for they know not what they
"Unconditional surrender" was de- 1 1
manded and secured, then the Grand
Army of the Republic and the North i
Land said through General Ulysses j
S. Grant to General Robert E. Lee :
and to the surviving constituency of
the confederacy, and to the entire !
Southland, "Go in peace." Oh! how i
Christ like. Though myriads of her
oest sons were crippled and diseased ,
and myriads more were sleeping sleep- !
ing in their bloody garments. "Go in
peace." How was this? Ah! my I
t'riends this was the hand of God writ-
ing upon the wall of human history; ;
Jod speaking through the Nation's j
"alien heros. Shall the memory of
their gallant deeds ever cease? Nay! j
not while there remains a surviving
son or daughter of loyal birth.
"John Brown's body lies moulder
ing the grave but his soul goes march
ing on." Lincoln, Grant, Garfield,
Hancock, Sheridan, McClellan and a
score or more ot other commanders
with thousands of privates none the !
,ess brave and enduring, serving
somewhere between the initial Fort
Sumpter and the final Appomatox,
some going all the way, "and from
Atlanta to the sea." And their mem
ory shall not, cannot perish.
they never perish who die in a great
The block may soak their core
fheir heads may sodden in the sun,
their limbs be stretched to city
gates or castle walls-
Years may come and years may go
Ana others share as dark a late,
But still their spirit walks abroad
And doth augment the weightier
thoughts of men.
And conduct the world at last to free
Beloved have we craves worth
decorating? Have we cause for pa
triotism .' Have we cause for loyalty
to God? There comes a voice from
:onscience, reason and history, yea
ane earth's balmy winds and heaven's
smiling benediction answers yes.
then let us observe this day "by way
of remembrance." Let there be no
lesecration but soul felt celebration.
Let there be music, let "America" a
ain be sung, let politico, religio pa
triotism fill the air with "glory to
3od in the highest, on earth peace,
good will to men, everywhere,
ior the rose today is blooming by the
winding Tennessee,
Today the lily lifts her crest where
stood the tents of Lee,
The bluebird feeds her little brood
within the cannon's mouth
And the gunboats are gone from
the rivers of the South.
The- Southern mocking bird is singing
, where the Northern canons tore
the pine,
For love has reared an alter fair
between the battle lines,
For peace has come and war's no
But deep within the Southern forests
and beneath old ocean's foam.
Are sleeping now our gallant men,
who never came home,
They sleep on Chickamauga's field
and within Shennadoah's glen,
Behind the rifle's pits once rilled
with armed men,
Peacefully they sleep beneath South
ern sod,
Sleeping with their brothers, wait
ing the call of God.
Equipped !
T C . c. J I l - J -I B
. B
Two.Sixtr Standard Model.
The greatest motorcycle value
e-er nchievrd. 7 ri. r. i win
equipped with Electric Head l.iflht. Electric Tail l.iitht, Electric Signal,
Two Sets Storage Batteries and Oorhin-Hrown Rear-Drive Speedomet
er, Price $260.00, See Catalog (or detailed description.
QfflUttMl FOR 1914.
60,000 brand-new red machines will go outover the Indian
trails during the coming year the greatest motorcycle produc
tion in the history of the industry.
They will flash forth fully armed with "Thirty-Eight Better
ments for 1914 !" Armed with powerful and beautiful Electrical
Equipment! Armed with a New Standard of Value which must
completely overturn all existing ideas of motorcycle worth.
All standard Indian models for 1914 come equipped with electric
head light, electric tail light, two sets high amperage storage bat
teries, electric signal, Gorbin - Brown rear-drive speedometer.
You cannot fully realize the 1414 Indian without a thorough study of the 1914
Indian Catalog. It makes plain a host of compelling Indian fncts that all motorcycle-interested
men can consider to their real profit. Send for the 1914 Indian
Catalog the most interesting volume of motorcycle literature you've ever read.
The 1914 line of Indian Motocycles consists of:
4 H.P. Single Service Model $200.00
7 H.P. Twin Two-Twenty-Five, Regular Model 225.00
7 H.P. Twin Two-Sixty, Standard Model 2o0.00
7 H.P. Twin Light Roadster Model 2o().00
7 H.P. Twin Two Speed, Regular Model 275.00
7 H.P. Twin Two Speed, Tourist Standard Model 300.00
7 H.P. Twin Hendee Special Model (with Hlectric Starter) 325.00
PriceM F.O.B. Factory
Agent (or Morrow County. LEXINGTON
Before you place the order for that piece of
Meat Market
Wholesale & Retail
Phone 563
The First National Bank
Oldest Bank in Morrow County
Capital, Surplus and Profits
$140,000 02
Your Banking Business Will be Appreciated
ed a mob in New York City on the as
sasination of Abraham Lincoln, lie
quoted Psalm 97:2. "Clouds ano
darkness are around about him,
Righteousness and judgement are the
habitations of his throne." Fellow
citizens, God reigns, and the Govern
ment at Washington lives.
Friends, our beloved Garfield whose
memory is cherished tenderly in a
million homes, whose tomb on tht
30th will be simply garlanded with
beautiful flowers, believed in God and
his Son, Jesus Christ, and knew bj
practical experience that no people
ever inhabited the footstool of the
eternal whose blood tingled with
truer heroism than those who fought
and died during the Civil War. lie
remembered the many, who at tht
call of the fallen chieftian said, "Here
am I send me." Many of those who
thus went forth joined the silent
army since which time year after yeai
large numbers have fallen into line.
I Brave men, fallen heros, God bless
I their memories and thus inspire with
in our nearts more perfect patriot
ism and loyalty to God.
Doubtless you have heard the fol
lowing incident: A company ol
Southern soldiers chanced to pass a
house over which the stars and stripes
i were floating. At the command ot
Stonewall Jackson, a volley was fired
and the riddled banner lull to th
ground, whereupon an old lady tot-
tering upon her cane, gathered it up.
holding it above her head and said:
j "Shoot if you must, this gray head of
I mine, but spare our country's flag."
: So it was when the cry came "to
! arms"; when the cause of humanity
' was at stake the gallant Grand Army
boys clothed in -blue faced the enemy
clad in gray, and said,
Miss Florence Olmstead and her
sister left Thursday morning for their
home in Idaho. Miss Olmstead was
still very ill when they left but word
was received that she is better since
she has arrived home.
Silas Beach arrived from Portland
Monday night to visit friends and rel
George Bink left Tuesday morning
Tor Montana where he will sheer
Milton Spurlock left Thursday
morning for Walla Walla.
H. L. McAlister and mother ar
rived home from Portland Sunday
Georg Mead was a Heppncr visitor
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pointer entertain
ed a few friends at their home Fri
day evening. All report a pleasant
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Doak left I ues-
day morning for Tillamook where they
will spend the summer.
Ralph Phillips shot himself acci
lentally Saturday.
Miss Leona Leach, Raymond White,
Itegmor Beck and Jnnnie McMillan
attended the show in Heppner Mon
lay night.
The pupils of the Lexington school
'-njoyed a picnic in the grove Friday.
I Mrs. R. II. Wilov return. .H from
shoot us if ortland Sunday evening.
Heppner Garage
Now Equipped with a Complete
Blacksmith's Shop
All Kinds of Repair Work Done Quickly
We have a furnace for making
all kinds of
Buggy, Wagon and Automobile
Michael Sepanak, Expert Workman,
is in charge of this department.
We are agents for
Ford, Overland and Mitchell
Doak made
jrvu limn,, Diai.c un in ,m;f., .... U f O i It
u,.n if vr.ii will. I. i.t iV,ui (in hcott and L.
the stars and stripes must yet wavejan auto trip over to Stanfield
o'er the land of the free, the home of j .Sunday where they went to see
the brave." And united in that senti- ; i)fMi,' i,r,,th.i-
ment, uou strengthening tneir ncans
! nnrl hunrlu. thpv Yiriiljii thnt. ri'Hiilu-
tion until there was absolutely noth-1 LOST Between power house and
ing left for gallant General Hubert hlevens place, Sunday, . in pocket
E. Iee to do but to surrender and on Look, Return to owner and receive
M5 UXS 'tll Bert Cason, Lone Uock.
their arms. i
And inasmuch my friends, as your j LOST A straight bar gold pin with
humble speaker's personal knowledge Elk' tooth and red star in renter,
of the Civil War was not to be of a Kin(kr wi ,eai(0 ,cnve t UefM
practical, experimental character, I -. , ., . ,
im clu,l I I ..., .,. i, ,i.,M t,ur. Ul"l or nouiy mr. r,. u.
for at thin point as a lad of live 1 be- Heppner. Suitable reward.
Gilliam & Bisbee
For anything in the HARDWARE LINE
We have it, will git it, or it is not made
We Specialize on the following:
The Dieting Cutting Machinery of all kinds.
The Rain, Webber and Ritlcndoili' wagons.
The Velie Carriages, Ruggies & Etc
The John Deere and Oliver Plows.
The Van Rrunt and Thomas Gram Drills.
The Dain, Buck Rakes and Stackers.
The Fairbanks and Stover Gasoline Engines.
The Russell Steam Engines and Threshers.
The Aermotor W ind Mills and Pumps.
The Stewart Sheep shearing Machines and extras.
The hiinp Sheep Drawling I.ipuid.
The Sherwin William Paints and Co!ors.
The Chinanel Varnishes and Graining Compound.
The Great Majestic Steel Range "The World's Rest."
The Diamond Edge Tools, every one Guaranteed.
The Sharplcss Tubular Cream Seperators.
The Community Silver Ware, Guaranteed for lifty years.
We try to keep a complete, up-to-date stock of everything car
ried in a first-class store, and we atk everybody (or a
liberal share of their patronage. We do our best
, to merit the same.
' Come and see us