HEPPNER HERALP, HEPPNER PRECOX PACE P1X REV. FERRIS BEGINS PASTORATE Willie Howard of Butter Creek is doing business in Heppner. Walter Gordon is in Heppner from his Butter Creek homestead. W. B. Tucker of Sand Hollow visi ted the County Seat yesterday. Rev. Ferris preached his first ser mons as regular pastor of the Feder ated Church laat Sunday morning and evening. He was greeted by good sized congregations at each service. At the morning service three new members were taken into the Church. Rev. Ferris comes to the Federated Church very highly recommended. An Easterner by berth and training, he was ministarally educated in the "Southern Baptist Theological Semi nary" of Louisville, Ky., during the palmist days of the distinguished and lamented Dr. John A. Broadus. Rev. Ferris has held sfveral prominent pastorates in Ohio and Michigan and made for himself an enviable reputa tion as pastor and preacher. Besides Mrs. John Holkenberg is down from the mountains visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waters and Dr. and Mrs. Chick were visitors in Hepp ner from lone last Friday. County Fruit Inspector Wallbridge went down to Irrigon today to look after the orchards in that vicinity. Arthur Brock, who is connected with the State Printing Office at Salem, is in the city visiting hi3 brother, Clyde Brock. COUNTY F HOLDS MEETING A BIG OPPORTUNITY Wm. Hughes, an old-timer of this section, returned to his home at Port land after having spent a week here on business. J. C. McEntire and Pat Currin, sheep raisers of the "sand country" have sold their wool, realizing a trifle over 15c a pound. The Morrow County Fair Board met yesterday and transacted several im portant business items. The first step was to re-elect the officers to the same capacities they filled so satisfactorily last year. The copy for the premium list was completed and is now ready for the printer. It was decided to use the grounds just below Healy's Stables as a place to hold the fair in the future. They have been offered very satisfactory terms on a lease agreement but pre fer to buy the grounds outright. Whichever way the matter is settled, these grounds will be used in the fut ure for the fair. It is the plan of the directors to erect a large dancing pavilion on the grounds as soon as possible. They figure on a building 60 x 120, with a hanging platform for the orchestra. If erected this summer they intend renting it as ofted as possible. Boy to. CL 1 s El , ' M oap: John Vaughn, prominent local busi ness man, returned Saturday evening after having spent a week in Portland transacting business. serving well his own denomination, he has enjoyed a most extensive and profitable interdenominational rela tion. His sermon Sunday morning, entit led, "A Great Work," was especially interesting. He explained thut he ex pected to do the greatest work of his career in Heppner, inasmuch as he expected to help the. members of his congregation do the greatest work of their lives. Rev. Ferris preaches a very practical sermon and his delivery is excellent. At the morning service a feature much enjoyed by the congregation was a vocal duet by Miss Long and Mr. Brunton. Mack Smith received a telegram this morning conveying the sad mes sege that his father had passed away last night at Albany. Rev. Ferris went to Pendleton this morning to attend the Umatilla Bap tist Annual Association. He will re turn Saturday night. Dan Engleman was up from lone the first of the week. Dan has been painting things up at the Egg City for several weeks. Frank McNally and wife of Elgin, arrived here the first of the week. Mr. McNally was formerly engaged in business in Heppner. Ernest Moyer of Blackhor.se was a Heppner visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Del Ward went to lone last week to visit the Knappen bergs. Del came back again Tuesday but his better half remained at lone. Rev. Van Winkle, pastor of the Christian Church, returned home last evening from a brief visit in Portland and will conduct services as usual Sunday. . . II J. D. Stevens, prominent single tax debater of Portland, is in the city to day and will go out to Eightmile to visit his friends, the Robisons. Mrs. Frank Monahan came home Saturday evening from Condon, where she was operated upon several weeks ago, and is now feeling much better. IATURDAY, MAY 9th Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Spencer and Thos. Brennan motored over to Echo to see a ball game, but the dust storm was the principal thing in evidence that day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cronk, Mrs. Wil- lard Blake and Roy Whities of lone transacted business in Heppner yes terday for a short time. They moter- 3d up from the Egg City. Elmer Lewis, who is farming the John Her ranch, returned Saturday jvehing from a visit to his old home In Indiana Co., Penn. He is glad to be on Morrow County soil once more. Mrs. White, of Staples, Minn., who visited her brother, Jesse Beardsley, in Heppner, left yesterday for points in Gilliam County where she will visit other relatives before returning to her home. Roy Missildine and wife were trad ing in Heppner th -oi the week.- Mrs. Missildii r one of Morrow County'A 'tic chick en raisers. Her ii .vffrs are run ning full time. Hi Hi Hi. Hi. Hi w w Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi. Hi. Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi. Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi 1 250 Voter for a 25 cent purchase of these soaps YOU VOTE GETTERS--Jiere is a house hold necessity that will give your standing a boost. A good chance for everyone to advance his favorite contestant. 'to rn to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Dr. Turner, an eye specialist of Portland, who has been in Heppner for a few days, returned to his home yesterday. He is a brother of Mrs. Ray McAl lister of this city. to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to - to to to to to to Hand Soap Hand Paste Laundny Soap Soap Chips Boraxo Boraxaid Washing Powders Washing Compound 6-Reel Show, Including MEXICAN WAR ACTUAL BATTLES IN 2 REELS Bill Templeton of Spray brought his mother to Heppner the early part of the week to visit the family of John Cason. bill returned home but Mrs. Templeton will visit indefinite- Mrs. Siler and son, Marion, mother and brother of Mrs. Ernest Moyer of Blackhorse, left yesterday morning "or their home in Jefferson Co., Penn. They have been visiting the "Moyers iince the first of the year, and are favorably impressed with the Eastern Oregon country. A certain party who blew into town a few days ago and got a little too frisky in a local restaurant is now stopping at Hotel McCraw. The jaid party tanked up a little too-heavy and not being suited by the food dish ad up to him in the said restaurant, he proceeded to throw a cup of coffee in the waitress' face and followed this rash act with a few lines of bad talk that landed him before Recorder Wil liams. The judge fined him $20 and not having the said twenty he is lay ing out the fine at the city bastile at at the rate of $2 a day. A!so? 4 Other Special Reels m IE, 1.1 1IDAY IHI 10 AID 1. Munioipal Pap.r Work of D.nv.r. Employment has been given to a great uiany transient men and some women In the new Industry of baling the waste paper of the city, three car loads of which liHve been recently sold at a fair price. Phiw Is collected from the large stores nud from receiving cans on the strwt corners, la sorted, bate and shipped to market at about tbe rate of a carload a mouth. While not a big flimuclul tenett to the city, tbla method of unndlln the paper nerves the double purpose of gettiug rid of the waste paper without cost and at the same time furnishing work to jobless men. The revenue from this paer lndusrj low supports the faml lies of the men employed at It and lu addition adds a little to the geuera fund of the department HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. A strenuous week has just passed in which the Faculty evened up all old scores against the students. Quiz week, the terror of the under-class men. We are glad to say that no failures have been reported. The Tennis Club has been complet ed and the members are out on the court during their spare moments. Many sets have been played between the school rivals, but as the players lack experience no fancy games have yet been played. We believe by the end of school the girls will be able to claim the championship of the city. On account of the importance of covering all the .Physics worK, tne Senior English class will finish their English work this week in order to give the Physics class the extra per iod. As most of the Seniors are in this class it is impossible to take another year for it, but by taking this extra period the work will" be well overed. Class Poet Young has composed the following poem in appreciation of Emerson. Dr. Young has an un limited ability in poetry and as a lassie student is unsurpassed. The following is the learned Doctor's production. Ode To Emerson. Speak kind words to all about you, Remove the frown from off your face; Be thyself in all thy glory, And a heaven will be this place. Imitate and be a murderer: What are you in this wide world 1 rake the mask from off your person, And let the treasures be unfurled. May the first was supposed to be 'old clothes day" but only a few of the underclassmen came prepared, but they wore rags enough for all. The Seniors are one more step on their road to graduation. Supt. Hoff- n has ordered the diplomas. All the records and bibles were searched for middle names and when found surprised everyone, even the owners. Nathan, Kathryn, Agnes, Rauch, Franklin, were pretty bum, but think of Edmond. ELKHORN RESTAURANT Best Meals in the City and at the most reasonable prices Everything neat and clean Short orders served in quick and satisfactory style SHOE REPAIRING New Shop just opened for business in in the Garr!gues building on main street We desire your patronage and will treat you right We can do all kinds of Repair Work Browers' Shoe Repairing Shop i r hi a hi un Mil n nnnn in mi v UUh ifJUIJI III. IK MlnM.KIf I lllil UiJ hi un i luuii uuuuuiiii nun. nuv r Last Friday some of the High School boys participated in a farce ball game with the town regulars. The score wasn't bad at that but no telling what it would have been had it continued more than three innings. Manager Maddock of the High Sshool ball team recently received a challenge from lone saying that they will claim the championship of Mor row County if we do not ' play them on May 15. As yet the manager has not decided about the game. There have been two games played, lone winning one and Heppner winning the other. HE I BEST OF fill Ridgway's World Famous Teas They easily stand at the head of the list of all blends of Ceylon and India teas "H. M. B." originally blended especiaVM tor Uueen victoria, oometning T? li.. c: KM Especially i inc. 1-4 lb. tins, 25c 1-2 lb. tins, 50c SILVER LAKE 5 o'clock tea. A choice blend, better better than the usual English blend sold here. 1-2 lb. tins, 40c 1 lb. tins, at 70c SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or your Money Back PHELPS Ban J