The Ione bulletin. (Ione, Or.) 1913-1914, September 11, 1913, Image 4

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buy outside flour when-the home-made article,
White Star
brand costs let and is aqua) to any imported article.
We help pay your taxes and -V,v"
W hJn build vour roada. i i'u .:
- t s r -tin at. DM:A.frA
when by so doing you can SAVE .MONEY.
I S 1 Every Sack Guaranteed, J
Made by home labor frosathe best Mono County
Blue Stem. We will take wheat in exchange and
r.' save you money, .-. . -
-'s-u Heppner Milling CoV
Higfet Gash Price Paid
for 'Produce
; ''"in
Bring your eggs direct to the Goose
berry Store if you want the top prices.;
.. - .... re una w - .
General Merchandise '
A. L. Hudson - Gooseberry
Fir& class rigi lor hire at
i i - 1 m : j
for trip to all parts of the ccHU(ntry. , v
Jlcretui onvere rumuneo wnn an ngs n aewea , ,
JOHNBRYSON,;, Proprietor
- i
Famous "HAZELWOOD" Ice Cream Served at our New
Parlors. First Door East of the lone Hotel, Every Day.U.
k Billiards and Pocket Billiards
FRANK HOLMES, Proprietor
; ; i-
Farm Machinery. Livestock r
7 '
.. .
a nien iirruriKm
1 1 HorseshoanTure Sctiing
. - ? rT -
local no
; Miss Mabel Davidson left Wed
nesday to take in the Roand-up.
, The Turo-a-Lum Lumber Com
pany witt hare a ear of the choice
Rock Springs Lump Coal at Cecil
about October 1st All those who
want some oi this coal wiH please
write or see W. H Crone, Agent,
lone, Onv.--- ' "
' I will be in Xone every. Wednes
day to boy grain Office opposite
drug store. Other days call meat
Lexington. T J ' '";-3 ?
- --'.1. W. P. McMillan, "
Buying- for Kerr, Gifford & Co.
rank Nash -brought as In a
sample of com he raised up the
creek without irrigation. It is
mighty , good corn and will be
sent to the Eastern Land J&qw.,
Mrs. Young also gave us some
extra ftn potatoes. . 0 r
Edward Glock and family re
turned to Portland Wednesday
after spending some' time here
looking after his land interests.
They were former residents of
this vicinity. . The Bulletin will
keep them in touch with happen
ings here for the next 82 weeks.
Dr. P..-Ii.v Austin, the 'well
known absolute painless Dentist,
will be m lone Sept. 16 for tn
daysV Earnestly requests his for-,
mer patients to call on him for
examination and 'if any work
done by him has given, out or
proven unsatisf aatory he will
gladly make over free of charge,
Adv. . .- , , 'v-;
" Anyone desirmjf 'fosend ex
hipits to the County Fair, can
bring same to L.K. Harlan, sec
retary of the Commercial Club,
who will ship same to the-' fair
free of charge to you. If you send
them yourself , consign them to
the fair board and they will take
care of the freight kv
ill i r'-THT ffllrri n . Tk i W Trivk'.,: D
Made Frbni Morrow Gdtinty's ?
Ballplayer, pugilist, athletic
Thompson, who held down sec
ond base for Heppner during the
big Condon-Heppner game at
Heppner and for the same team
during the celebration aeries at
lone, hat been- appointed phy
sical director of the Multnomah
Grab ef ortiand. He si the
gentleman who discolored one of
Chas. Morris's lamps . whev the
umpire grabbed him from be
hind in the Palace HoteL r ,
, Beall ft Co.. of Portmnd sent
a representative here Tuesday
to confer with the businessmen
and eounetlmen regarding the
proposition of installing a roek
crusher here. ' They nave A sec
ond hand small machine which
can be mid down here for 700
or $800, i From the looks of
thing wt opine that lone-will
have macademised streets and
cement sidewalks within a reas
onably abort time. With our
Ane shade trees and green lawns
we would then have in truth "a
city beautiful." ' - .
Oar fora wt goTcraiMBt soot
bot tKtr lata rtralr jritk ttw
jMtftstloas of otlMra. Weaat
xapy ear srisbbafB, set M
xnpt tn tbtm.
It h trw ttat w arr nM
SawocraLj. far Hw sealalMrs.
dN tm is tht Saadi T tb mmj
and Mt T tb fw. Bat, wUt
S-mw aotre )tlc t
II auk la thatr prlvatt (Vapatoa.
ta cMai af aamiaace h sm
. rarosalaa. anS wbaa S ctHaas
j te as? ar WatlamUfciS aa ta
araTarrad to IW pablle aarrlra,
at aa fl Snmr af prlTtlasa. Sat
aa Aa nwari of BHrtt. Nattbar
It povarty a aaa. sat Sam SM
baaaSI Ma caantry wkatarar b
faraftanirttT of Us aaHHIas
TaacjdMM. -'
''" "" ' ' "- " fir V ' "
: : - lighter
Makes Whiter
- if.; - - -'
i ' 1 i"W-?r"'rr';.- v';'. --,;.: i
9f I
v i fin pv . m r k it : nr
ini hi if irv
;v ';
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:iiu'nm imv urn -TnTti Tr-THTc; vf-h.
. i.
Wallier estate
--- .
lone, Oregon
' Villi t
- - ' . . . ' - . v. . . L J-,. . t J
Remember that The BULLETIN keeps a . fine as
sortment of the - latest maerazme and Deriodicals.
Ask us about our dubbing rates with the Portland
j - . -
Why spoil your entire week by the drudgery of doing a family washing by hand.
when for a few dollars yon can get a '; "' t '
V ' in
1 herss sewer
that wiO operate your Washing Machine, Cream Separator, Pump, Spraying Outfit,
-"i '-''J' ' : and many other things around the Urm - I' .- " .'
- 3B",-J '-'
iSjiaiili 1 lanawy Star-
Your husband ruat have a horse or a cart to ride behind svharrow; a riding at
tachment (or his plow; a spring teat on hit wagon and fl feaiber cushion in his
rocking chair but he does not thifik ol makirig work Eghter around the house. Call
and see the Isttie labor saver and you will wonder vrhy you have been doing your U
laundry by hand and then having that bred leefing th rest oi the week.
Bara yaar Mms BMSa by
m law i mm
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