V-' -.- kchgAnkewscf - - TRFPiCTyrrYll I Sc2 "BIZ", kt the Test UU ml 113 WW HuM t m A O I 1 1 afw I r Yr r -- - ' v 7 1 A- TP ' I -, 3 2: CL .1 aaioon For all kinds of fancy Wines, VTpq1" CigarsH S Olympia" Beer on draught at all times Make my place your headquarters "i-:;;:?-;'when in Ion&$-!f r rank tngl - A,. eman, Proprietor J"'.-. V FOR SALE I have for sale an extra fine span of brood mares, one? .with c6lt by side; some fine driving horses' and one extra fine saddle horse. : ; V J. T. KNAPPENBERG 1 V:v . r l- - . -1- - tt. . '-.'.;,?- 4 IONE, OREGON A DR. Mi W. DAVIS uuarameea jjenusiry , 10NE OREGON 9 .ft Those who have finished heed ing in this vicinity the last week are W. G. Paimateer, H. O, Ety. Cortia Parker, Earl Honnui, and J, A. Troedaon. Chaa, Adams left for his home in Salem Sunday, after helping a k Ely thru harvest. :? : ; W. Q. Paimateer lost a valu able hone last week with spas modic cotie. --Jl,j -:, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Doney of Cecil paased thru Morgan Sat urday enmute to lone. - ; , The first-wheat, of' the season waa hauled to Morgan the first of the week. This wheat waa raised by Mr. Benedict sod Sam Dennis and waa a very fine grade of wheat ; A:.. Robert Sperry one of the base ball fans from lone haa signed 4p with Morgan for this season, at the B. 0. Co. z itW- - Boyd Logan from Cecil made a business trip to Morgan Friday Chester Broady left for a v'aH with his sister ft Corvallia, yes terday. ',t ':J Tom Savage is shaking hands with Morgan frienda. & W. Tomlin Gniahed stacking his second cutting of hay Tues day. ' - -:fi'---.:'r. '-v-f Edna Phillips returned to her home in Morgan Tuesday ; from Monmouth where she has been attending summer schooL H. A. Samuel former merchant of Morgan arrived Tuesday evening -to spend a few days with his old friends. Mr Samuels Is in the furniture business at WashougaL ,v . v ; . Ed Hears of tins place la spend ing a few days, with friends and relatives at Condon. . BBBBsaaalaSBlsB - iBsflsBHsflBHBflKiliiiHBBl BsslaBBlBBHasBBHBBBil f v rur nume Duuuers ' 1 3 , who sidetrack pneraatination fer actio and decide definitely oat Ifaeir buildmc " plans. Ana kmq el Nssoer yon would be aataned with m as cbaaa) now as yew wil ever aao it and. at the prices we we quoting on the qoafity yon would eav pect, we ay, with aH anwihseis, BUILD NOW. VVlth our knowUdge of the d& v : jarent woods and their, appKcation to homo buOdinff we can doubUsai show ;'r you how you can attain your ideal home at a much less cost then yon think. ' Price poMhousand far lumber is very tnitteading lo the ineapeihMtcadt but ,v when a plan is figured Judiciously and the right lumber spooned in the right V -i .- .-.-i . i- -i. 1 m. 1- rv. l,. M.tM. ki. i knowledge and we are sura we can aaoafy yon in price, quality and service. ' ": lS "iT Lot's talk k over. We have everything from krt to ahhvriea. v -c-'r 1 Why Swat Flies all Summer Lonj? .We carry in Stock : t: : all sizes of Screen DOORS and WMXIWi i , vuvaiaac ivcut ivi uw ui iiajuuj auuc .-... - ITJM-A-LUM LUMBER CO; W, H. CRONK, Manner - ' IONE, OREGON v i V " Serving the people of Morrow Coun- The Palace Hotel wher yoa can always got a square mea ffood bod , ' lid courteous treatment Make this place your headquartera when in -V' - I -i HEPPNER, OREGON v Auctioneer Farm Machinery, livestock Merchandise I WILL AUCTION OFF SOME FINE DAIRY COWS AT RHE SWIMC SATURDAY. ' See me regarding the iernia on these " .J'- ijr ? w' :-tr Z "V " E.E.M1UER P, or- ... 7 ; kryoor , ' - , - !i V ; Harneaa, CoBera, WWpa, dowea and ' -r .ims. We aUo carry a full hoe of i S-v-iy REMEbiES. v V Tiyafawofecasncollaa Cr a trial we are here lo please yon, ACICGZI&HIGGS.V 1. ; Cii Doco H:3 C 1 Jcb Printing Local Advertisements "and for sale; "Sec me before buying A. C Petteya. , ' - Empty bcrrela for sale - by Frank Engleman at the . Sham rock. r'' v -.r ' Why take chances on fireT W. W, Smeadwill give you SAFE insurance CHEAP. .'.fv: i ; Far Saltx Poland China Boar, two yeara old, weight bout 360. John Nolan, lone, Ore. ; I have for sale a complete thresh ing outfit, m good condition. B. X MiUer, Cecil, Ore.-f -: I desire to rent my house, part ly furnished to, family with no email children, -j Mrtv ' Emma Dobym. - - i - We give ft eheaper rata on SQtos than any other good com pany. Why take chances? Insure with W. W. Smead, -v. I have for aatTeiV head of t-year-oW Jersey and Holatein heifers which will bring calves this fali Ike Howard. " If y new umbrella waa. taken. evidently by mistake, from the Congregational church, Sunday, July 90. The party who exehaned umbrellaa with me will confer a favor by returning mine and getting their own. Seme caa be found at the church. . lira. C A. Low. - mam .who Anntvae. The am ta vttwm ta toto tk Mere i to fret W ww rkat fa bAw hMk Be win m wt ml tn mhm mmm BaeatwMi1 mm waa mm mmm-tmm kM wte pm memml mi brmt mtm p . HWO MkM MfrM em aw a OMf m a mnffm tt m iWteS rseL-J. D. y V'. '; -fit,' ' ' i Sale Posters printed at this office on short hotice-Orders filled same day I .a. - ..... Walkers waiice r s a- The Big Store Can Supply Your Harvest Needs Quickly and atr T , the Lowest Possible Prices. . See petore';rsr, US KTds': 1, '.A 1 Iff 'k - . . w , r . ' ran . L. 5 .Jr. t JtO 34 - . v V