X rib D -!'. r- i w,p"'1"1 i 'I" .0. I . - - in -w Dr; Ccpeland, the wefl known Eye g jf Specialist, may be consulted- Hardman, Saturday and Sunday, July 12-13. Herater,! Monday and Tiiesday. July 14-15. Lexington, Wednesday, July 16. f hm ;;: Thursday, July, 17. -Morgan, Friday, July ilL. : Ced, ; Monday, July 21 Irrig .l 24. - - DR. M; W. DAVIS Guaranteed Dentistry Capen DRAYMAN jrj. i Afl IuikU ol light and Heavy Your Business Solicit ed aad Satisfaction Guaranteed - r Notice - 4 Subsaipons receiv- ed at, thU office for any magazine or any - newspaper published at same, rate offered ; by any other agency. Frank & Calkins General Dray Line W haul anything that can ty-,. b hauled. ; , vui laics sue rcoMm- aMe and our service the rJ I " 111 Al If Llf'b; . .. . - - . . S Professional ! Diredory , Glen X Wells v Attomey-at-Law-' . Office on Hay street opposite the - JPalace Hotel . 1 ; AH bomneaw riren prompt od - - . caranu -Heppner, Oregon F. H. Robinson ' J- - Lawyer lone. Oregon: C E. Woodson - Palace Hotel Buildinjr Heppner, Ore. Dr. C. C Chick Physician' and Surgeon - lone, Oiegom F. Dye, D. M. D. vvr "'Dentist Permanently located In Oddfel lows bide., room 8 and 4. .Work guaranteed. ( , Heppner, '- Oregon IWga 13S.10.0.JF. very Satorday night in FHeirhaH. lone. Ore O. RBar- noble grand; E. T. Perkins, ctary. Visiting brothers eor jly invited to attend. , : An ad m the Bulletin will be read by 6000 people every week. The small cost will give you big re turns. Try it once. -. OCCZUICIAICLD j-v coNarrmmoN AftiatoL Th oaaao af th. Mii.Urlh,apM hm MM InbUH nAjMttkb MwtottM ikl fa. Ur On (mm fmd Tteinhr to Imi OmdvTOm. InMi IIL W nu fat afaetad in MofdMM wHh tb Mr- J -Artlda IV, ArtldY. nro-tmra r ma udmi prmnt at anr rani toMtlnc. PROVtPKO. that Udtn motto J tha SBaoT MiJai flliha4 Ik Tka BYLAWS -.1-- fc-3 i ;innvBTLn "" -W UtiMi f Im and OMuitr. On., of Md awteaaa laidlr and favot- ama to a pnra ad public cplritaa Mminmratlaa of publle affai!, aaay timmu bar o tfcfc aaortanai. i' 1 Saetlanl CkabMdi tar iMMbanMp maka amdhatian tta anftliia' aaxkiraad b m " ' tka Sao. MCular matin of U aaaoctatio or U a iillm ot Ox tiarda- thanad for that punosa. aall prwiat tha aD- pbcatkai ir nhis ud tt aaall aa aeeatttad. PB ROVIDED. not non tha K Mm an oaak amlnal hi or aar adiawtew at aadi malai or eaeial tamOna, and tharwapon tka applicant abal ba daolarad a at ibar upon tha paymaat of tlM mambMlpfaattailniaajaCUM CasattUr Uni and Br-Lawa. Baatknl. Taa i.linlilh faaalwillaaHia of U.00 parabU on tha riBBinc of tb oMMtlbatkaiJ and br-lawa. and than ahaOalM ba a Monthtr Tail oraaaaaMMntoiaUiatthaflistianau anitHn of aacftaMKta. Sacrtkni. Tha anthhrOW a A iba ahall baarln Mth and ba payabla at tba tut raw tar Basunf altar which ha ahaD hava baab ataet a Nactannoa or nfnaal to par daa ar othar M- anumai to tha lancbuw ror mora than m am attar noOca, ahall mpand tha aanaqnant and c ctuda him troM tha wblkiw of tha aodatiaa and 1ft tha twant ot hla daUnoancr for two month Moot hari p man m lorranaa ana wtr CM a U' ml BorttonaV' af ottoiM ar ba raaatrad ay tha noani of Dtnetora upon pajinaut OC an ana and toUMtfapnof ttto into. Baettaii Afl an triad and datanUM 5 itinaMiMtt tha Board of Plraoow ae- Babarf ' Manatl o Kaha. t.. Tha tana at Ae far afl aMoaia t thla aoebrtlott ahall ba for caw raar fnan tha data at thalr HatMon, or until thaar niiniai nra -laaUd and anaHBad. lactlanft Tha Ftaald t ahall aiarlda at al irifariefthtaiii iiWiiinWbhr4nfdbpjw Sactamf. IbthaabaaaM trttafwaW tba Vloa-PrwUant ahall prfarn allot (ha dotiat at aid oflkft. aad in tha abaoooa of both tb Fnal. dontand Vtoo-rWdont, than tbo aaaoclatkai at Its ramlar or spadal maatuw. or tb Board of Dt roctora at thotr ran lor or aiiaeial aiaallna ahall aktet a Praaidant nra odl who ahall narfana aB of IM dwuaa ot tho rrarMant at that Hatlnn. ninth, a. m - - af thai lifli n ahall roealTO, roeolpt for and dlabnrao aflTand of thla aaaoetation. to Ma naato andto ito bohaU ahaM ondorae all chaclta, notam, warranto and othar avf doneo of tndobtadnaai. antbariaaj or Um Board of Diraetani of thla aaaodatkm: Bo ahall toah a thhr noort to tho Board of Dlraetora af thai oriorian of ail toutir rochwad and tb aamraa wharoCrou. and of afl diabnrtomnot af thotoma: Andaltb oxplrotion of-Wa tanai afaaTte abaH torn oror oil nwnara, baok. and atbarpropartr af thi aatnrlatinn ta hlaanoaaaaar In affW hla roeaipt thorafor. fcJlbWtharcordofajftootlnn of thi w ori'- and of tho rd af D eWra. andnat thi f " "t mtnt-jm- aav' aaoV ot W oneo, OjJ U-no.tr all mourn? avOacUd to tho traaaurar.ta'fw hla oaaalpt tharafor. and parforai nwfa othar doth aa ahall bo nraacrihad by tho Beard or tho AoMahnttoa. At tb annonl amtlni ho ahaJI Braooit a fall ronort of tho bnalnaaa and dotns-a of tho AaaoetoUoa for tha prac diner r. and aftor tho tor Iniltua of hla tarai of of flaa ahalldoHTorBllaank.iul othar ptopartv ofth ABtoototfcto to hto eiwatr to Offteo. Bortknt, rWBaofDtroatori tha DTooortr al tho AaaodoUoo and aaoetttlon and appaovod Jt. PftOvEbB D, that it ihall Inrar atlniloliladiiaai htanml tha ount oo hand to ha tanqoitq frittobttta row of T. TlmooftW Board af 3 thotr MOottaM. or twa-thtnto of tho BMmbara thai Aiaootottom. at an Aoooatoton toMUnaj, hall eartatitoto a aainai tor tha oettonaf ArtoPI UL Saeifont Tnofbltowhai' ewdtta eonrhtton thr eh. aboil ha u- Buint. 1 by tha praaidant. anil ahaO oontinua la ofOco ono-ronr:- Coannfttaa an 01 r tntvrval,: A rittoa on roada: A taaararttoa an trajupartstwa. LaaiallUaa an anhHe nailer and acemaalUaa an pnblkltr. Caounittaa an Public Folic ahaJI nka ntnrr njport to tbo bmrlatlBn with arpbuia. la af all pobK annitijon anltabh) tor " ' or action nr tha aaaoetation. and anipa tha afforta of oor parson who oan aid In aoeaainc a para d DnbHa anlrltod adodntotratl aT MniOrioai. Coantr and Btnto affaira. AB othar eommTttoa to ropart whan laatractad to do ao br tha Board of tfiroctor or by thla aaaoclathm. Bpadol commit- moT ba appohitod a any tamo or dlroatanaf atolittotlaa. Arttola It. ttto ansiu af aha - '- tkto ahall ba bold on tha mat oMotinf to oach raar, at which dm tha now offlcon ahall ba toatollad Ithaowoja labaSi tattlna t. Thorax of thlaoapxhv tiontbalaa hahl on tha fed af ah toonta, BpoetaJ piHna bht bo a tha rraaiaoat ana opoa roaoaot to rt In wrHan of aMo. bar It ht to aa to dn. PKOVIDKn that two dan nottoo af tha nnraoaa tharaaf ihafl bapaatadon abvlhrtfn In front of tha apaoriattaa or aaMWhad for ana 1 to wooklr nw pop or to Morrow Ooantp or 1 -rtr I Any Timers Lucky tM For Home Builders ; who kletrmck fjrootinaiJon for action and decide definitely on their buiHing . plan. The kind of lumber you would be MtuAed with if as cheap now a you , will ever aee h and, at the prices we are quoting on the quality you would ex v pect, we say, with ail emphasis, BUILD NOW, With our knowledge of the dii .. forent woods and their apphcation to home building we can doubtless show ' you how you can attain your ideal home at a much less cost than you think. rnce pechousand tor lumber ts very misleading to the inexperienced, but when a plan b figured judiciously and the right lumber specified in the right place the total cost is often a pleasant revalation. . Our business requires this knowledge and we are sure we can satisfy you in price, quality and service. Let's talk H oyer We have everything horn joist to shingles. Why Swat Pes all Summer Long? We TUM - A W. H. CRONK, I araood. Ohaflha oAea Toaotad. Illlll 1 1 I ft III if limhi In la ullii aa if tha aaaoeUtlon or board of dlraetora. aioaut at apaeiaiaMatlncaihaJlbaaP follow: -CallJw tb roil oi BBambon; Baadlnt tbo mlnutaa of provfoua nootlnn: Bpoclal ordar of tho dor: UnBnlahad baolnaoa; lUporta of Spoelal Committoao; R porta of ataadlao- oomndttoaa; Dtoaniatoai hUooaUaoaona atottan: Adjourn man t. Soctlan A Tha maaam n tha W oaoat. ton of tha aaaoeUtlon hall ba anansed for In ad vance by tb coaunHtoo on Pobbe Policy, but op portopity ahall alao ha oRorod for too Introdiio- bar of tha Board of Otractora bar vrtttoc an. provod f ahaia for dtocnoatoo, SotOon 1 ataatlncs of a acmnlttaa a ba itall. - t t- rr -n i 1 Artiala V. ' Saaahoi f. ba - xiMrf .Tt U of tha aoaoriaxior. oa tha tnd ToaadaJ In Doc aoohar aah r aor A ovajortty of tha rtaa caatat oeb wuhf ahafl W roquyad to ohwt any an- , v Artlela Vfc . Brrin t Tha pjanoa-omant of iho idbj af tho aa tlatlan ahall ha roatod la tha Board of tHraat amaadaJlaatopbtotoaMMtbaoMdoto thoto. SootionS. Mono bat hMmbor ahall b admtttad h tho room of tb aaaoclaUon. PROVIDED, that anw toltarin the Oar may obtato adaialcB totho aanoriattnW ppon appllcatlan to tbo kcraury by any toaatbar on hhi or hor-bahalf. Any mam bar tony aloo Inrlto on await f pabrttaorlnn of tha Mil on nn awiim iiian arntia i n i irohiaba'froai th aaanilaiiamhi nap oMnoor ot to tha attotoBa at ttiV HV.rw M rahm all toaoHnpp of tha aaaoctotka. ooramlttaa no board of dirctara hail ba condoctad In thalr paocooanro aeoanuiK to aa bum at Bthat Onaa tooor Eobart.- lUnoat Mm Saettoa l. Watthar tha Board of Dhnrtora, : I pumiiinjiB, owmi nw hmii ai or into aaaocm tiori (hall Mtmnlt Lhl aoaaelntlah to any nndar takinn or propoalUoci. pntil tho plan af tha trm ahafl havo boon pranntid at a martin of tha aa- BBcinuan. mutiiiu ancnaiioai a majorltr of ,Wft?Hd?toth"t torfany Mcabor who ahafl auhaaquantly oppoaa, oatoldo of tho gnu I Hon rooaaa. anr ontarpria aa docidad apon, than ba nbiact to dfoalpUna and a or hr tho aaaoohMMn. lartlan A Mo lalail.all-. Km. -a k. .i lowod at any tin m tha aaaoeiatJon mom, nor OMd or othar BaBBtoba allowad diutoa ' 1. Ma OT Mbrnl of torn nianoa, na ooard of dirarton or any oamrnlt. ooa annu on nran lor nunneataaa ' aanopt thppaah tha Boeiwury at tha hawwai SooomA la aaat nf a ru la rn nr & ko-l'ftT toooototlon ahall a ajiambaT to fdl onah rwn fa, tk. pir?d.,Ur,V,t raTiJar raaatin.- of tha a aaatatton onto onch aoaT ahall bar oaanrrod. ! ayba aadij at Majority rata, and tnt mootina af flu ndmaat BhaB ho Mad with tho Baerotory and by aim postal to a eooapieuDa ptoao la th aatrrai UrwtodanBtortoaataMaBn to tmm all sizes of Screen DOORS and WINDOWS. Buckrake Teeth for use in Haying Time " - LUM. LUMBER CO, Manager -;l IK., The lone 4 ; . rirsi ciass ngs ror nire at fTr,, v. i-n I,, I, T.11 i ''-ivf:Aiitbmobfle for trips to all partif of die t6iuiltyr '5- uffcnu arrvers rurnisnea witn ail ngs it dewed JOIHW BRYSON,:Proprifitor Subscribe for The BuUetin and get alt the news of Morrow county for $1.50 a year. Highest Cash Price Paid for Produce Bring your eggs direct to the Goose berry Store if you want the top prices We handle all lines oi .. ,. : - ' General Meixhanciise '"'" and our iVssh s clean. A. L Hudson 3C carry in Stock V IONE, OREGON i h'mAfi : 1 i 'f is. l'--V '.V. Gooseberry Liverf Bairn 1 WALKER'S If I I: 1-4 - -.1 r