The Ione bulletin. (Ione, Or.) 1913-1914, June 19, 1913, Image 1

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i The lone Commercial Club net
last Friday evening and trans
acted several. Hems of import
ance. -The committee on Consti
tution n By-Laws submitted
their report and their articles
were adopted by the Club after
careful consideration. . They can
: be found on page S and every
member should clip them out for
future reference.
'.( The matter of sending a dele
gate to Portland to confer with
. the afreets of a colony of Swedes
. who migrate from the
Middle West to the "Pacific Coast
was discussed and will receive
further attention at the meeting
wfHte'yPHdayttadHkvo weeks at Turner as delegates
ft probable .that -a-' delegate will
:-' be Appointed ta try; jind" induce
f ':" ' them to settle in Morroj? county
'J'-&rM':ii "j(yLaw provide for
r' ; certain cemmitteee to be appoimv
5 .-' rX,Cit pnee, president Knappen
'.terg Fill make knowj hi ap
; C pomtments,' to fill these positions.
tomorrow -mgnt. . A director
also to be elected, ' - V ;Vf;.
- t ri:Walter')Bm : and
daughteri, 'Marfe-' and': Sibyl;
9 .tMM aereral day at : Mrs;
yk the EigKtmjle country. ; ' ,
..' MclSoeerI'Chas.
McNsWv 4.. Knppenherg
-Knj& W.Qnywit rrawf.
; man last Saturday in J. H. Bry
' son's auto to attend an auction
I ' rV Sale.r ,
Mrs. Harlan and. little son
arrived' last Saturday evening
- from Condon and the editor's
, ts now settled in the
. rooms over the Bulletin office.
. , G. M. Akers, R, McElligott
' and Walt Smith who were cal-t-
led to Pendleton last week as ju
rors for the Federal Court are all
-y back and none of them were call"
J d upon to serve. l- - - r
I have for sale an extra fine span
of brood mares, one with colt by
side; some fine driving' horses arid
one extra fine saddle horse.
The Car With aas" .
at the Bank oi km.
J. D. Cronan, Agent
For Morrow County .
The lone orchestra will give a
dance Friday night, the 20th.
Mrs: Ida Parker has returned
to Hood River after visiting her
sister, Mrs. Tom Downing.
A force of O.-W. B, A N. Car
penters arrived here last night to
enlarge the stockyards.
Frank Engieman Is recovering
from his rheumatism and is ex
pected to return from Shipherd
Springs Saturday.
Beach Haines left for Portland
- l
yesterday to join Mrs. Haines.
They expect to be at home again
next Monday,
Dr. - -Copeland the eyesight
specialist - wen to Cecil . this
morning and will g on to Irrigon
Friday. - ; .
MissrldaZinter has returned to
Spokane after making a . short
visit at her brother's, R. H. Zinter
the Gooseberry rancher,
Mrs. Joe Waters and Mrs. Cyn
thia Walker left Monday to spend
feora the local Christian Church
to the State Convention.
Harold Mason returned .Tbtirs-
day last from Coryallia where, he
attended-college .the 'past yeai
He visited astral daysT in- forf
landen hi way home.
; While Heading a horse to a
neighboring tanch, Paul Troedeon
was struck 4n. the head: by the
herse and knocked uneonscicW,
Wften ne-esme to tne horse wbj
eating gtaes. nearby. .,' '
There -VUl "be several mules
and horses the sale on Sat
urday .the 21st . If you have any
tiling to sell or." wish to buy be an
hand W vo'cloek pr nl E. E.
Phil Doherty left Tuesday
morning overland tot North
Powder where he will summer
2 bands of sheep. Phil visited
the Bulletin" office before going
and ordered the paper sent to
him- therev
i The annual school meeting of
district No. 36 was held at the
Iorie school house Monday after
noon and E. L. Pad berg was
elected to serve as director, suc
ceeding Dr. Chick. E. T. Perkins
was re-elected secretary.
at aay Tone.
See or eel
Bird-Machine Wdl Make Flighty all Three Days-Baseball Ev-
. . ery Day and Horse Racing Street Sports, Program
, 7., ; a Park, etCj Will b Other Attractions- .-
'-';' " Large Crowds ire Expected. ". v" -
The contract has. been signed
the appearance and flight of an
aeroplane at tone all three days
of the monster celebration which
is to be held on July 8, 4 and V
This attraction alone should draw
thousands of people to the
ffying mactas ever seen in this
section of eaaern Oregon. The
machine will ubo be qn exhibit
ion eolhat the people can get a
glimpse of hVat-doBe range. It ia
an expensive attaction and ihe
cefebration -comriiittoe are to be
cqngratulated' on their enterprise
mg spiriLin-Bringing the ( first
aeroplaneinto this country ibr
the benefit of their visitor at the
bigcelebnatioii. n- j
The aeronkUM is bv no mesas
the onlyjittrkctien offered to the
.people of Morrow Oounty to ' at-
tend the eelebratknv Paseball
games will held each day and it
is possible that - a. ' dduble-hesder
Mary Fmeeai the 6 moriths
baby of nr.. and nra Ches.
Nannemaundied Friday nwrn
ing atS-A. M., 'snd-the body
rwas taken- to Heppner for burial
fen Tiius iiep 'rtnint
The parents have the sincere
sympathy of the community in
thier sad bereavement.
Ladies calling cards printed in
an attractive manner at the Bull
etin office. ;
Joe Cronan, Guy Cason and
Bob Sperry will be in the Hepp
ner line-up Sunday against the
Condon team when these .two
aggregations clash on the Hepp
ner diamond to tnetr lu-st gameH
this year;
Posters and sale bills of all
sises printed at the Bulletin off
ice. Mail orders filled same day
received. ..
- WetaYeaBnACar
be. sure you get your moneys
worth. Rm tat Fifth is the best
value for the money on the mar
ket today. For particulars and
demonstration see E. R. -Lundell
Agt for Morrow Co. -
There will be a sale and a trade
corral in lone July 8, 4 and &
where any one having stock for
sale or trade can put them en
exhibit and there will be-a man
in charge all the time to help
yon sell or trade. An auction
sale each- evening. " For farther
information see or write to
Miller, the auctioneer.
Plm DtMlpflfw limn M.m$Uym
An AS El-Amy SJan.
It to wrtl kmtwm that practtraltr all
if lb railway amploma of fru la
aava aarrad to tba army. Wbaa tar
mtmr tbm railway raaka Broa tba amy
eartala cra4Jta ara allow 4 faa tadr
arintary avrrlcat aae eartaJa aaaKtoaa
ara raaarrad Har araif awa. Tato artU
tary aapartaaea afcawi Its toSaaaea em
UMar daportaMBt aaal Slaetotla la rall
way aarrlcai Tvcaa to a aotteaaato
darllaaaa a ad prartakm a boat avary
tblac eoanaetaS with Garaan faU
wara. Ia raaaaet far aattirttr aaal
atrlct abaarraata mt tba ralaa tba Ow
mmm railway aaiatojaa baa aa aayarlar.
Tba travator wSI aat tmU a aatlea
tba fa mapa ataOaa aaaatar ataad
to at atlttoa aa baa atattaa slat-
rarai aa tba tntoi paaaaa 0roa
atatbm Ha wal a mm SaS tba
ptoyaaa caaaactoS wttb tba trate aarv
ka always at eflsaaea, aaaaiaaj mm
will be held on the 4th- ' The
Meppner team will be after the
scalps of the lone boys, with
wlood in their eyes, and exciting
game between these ancient
rivals are promised. Eightmile
fisafnd Lexington will probably be
rrepresented in the fracas and the
full program of ball games will
fcppear in our next issue-;
Street sports of various kindswill
ie held on theevening of the 4th.
NFifty dollars in cash prises will
be swarded for. these events.
The horse racing program as
published in our last issue will be
held on the afternoon of the 4th
and many prominent horsemen
have signified their intentions of
entering animals in these races.
The committee in charm of
(he program which will be held
at the nark on the momine of the
4th, reports everything progres-
inr fine, promising several inter
esting numbers. - -
raFltlt oftclXl, wUHa fRlnt rfVKt rG
law, caa thai taka a eaoaua of all am
nAayaaa In poaittooa of reapanalbllltr
'Wbaa ba allirbu at a atatloa bii rank
to at once ravofntoad, Tba atatbm maa
bir uamadlatelr aalataa and slvaa a
varbal raaort of tba altnaQoii at hla
ataUoa. It tab offleUI oaa into a alg-
Iowa Id barca
anclna bonaa tba forama aalutaa aad
flraa a briar raport af tba work to
protTaaa. Hallway Am Oaaatto. .
r .
Tkay Star Whara Tbay DavaJaa and
Navaa Sraw Any Htahar.
Soma aeopla tbreogbr caralaas ol
aarvattoa baliava that tba fork of a
fowat traa will gradually grow blgbar
from tba trouod. If tbay would to
vostlgata H woald ba foood that tba
forka aad Hbaada" of fralt traaa ara at
xactly tba uaa point wbara tbay
wera wbaa flnt aotod.
Tba atata foraatar to laapaeUng fc
roat aad catalpa groTaa throagbont
tba atata baa foaad owaari wbo bay
aot raawrad ooa part of tba fork of
taoao traaa that have formad forka
bekrw tba faaeapoat tongtb, baUoTlnK
that la ycara tba fork womld grow up
and a faneapoat con Id ba cut balow
tba fork. Tbla ammaona ballaf to tba
enmm of ao noch of Iba delay and Hag
tact of pruning to aarly Ufa of atraat
and roadalda trcaa. "
It abooM ba raaMmbarad that tor
baaa of a fork or a branch of a traa
will alwaya raiuaio at tba aama dto
taaca a bora tbo groand. Tba aide
brancbaa of aamo traaa. ancb aa tba
atat, uaoally coatlnno to grow apward.
wblla thoao of otbar traaa. aacb aa thr
aMploa, torllno upward wbaa yooug.
aad aa too traa grows oMar (ba walgbl
of tba brancbaa gradually brlnga It to
tba horlaoDtal. Tba latter often toakaa
Iba raasoval of torgo braDcbaa-ascsa-ary.
wbkb sot only apoila tba aym
aiatry of too traa. but naoally aUrta
docay, which aooa kUto tba traa. la
dtona Panaor.
Ths Wide, Wide WorM.
If awful bow aaaj aotna folks aat
watch tad dowa with a saw esperl-
bacaa tba poatmaatar f We-
la tba Hills, with a atcnhVaat
gtaata at "Boeeey- rrsser's bowed
(torai la tba Coscerd waaoa at tba door
"Tbat'a what boat blaa orer Uka that
Taa," aflar a etaara of brtarrofstloa
froai tba sal astaaer wba waa really
astaatag. "Ho oecsa ta bow over
asaa'a ha raanaad tba atas of tbla glabe
af own. Toa aaa. froas-oaa of tba
aottbara eanattaa ap "bore bar Boos.
mj want all tba way a tba state cap!
taL Wbaa ba oaaaa bark ba loohed
aatena with tbeweifbt o what he'd
garaarad, -
- 'I hril roa wbaC ha asr ta as right
bora, sea reel apeakta aboro a whhv
esT. V ths worM's as bis father way
aa Ha thai hVe a whopparf "-f oath's
A aWfaafeat aJssJieiV ' "
hoy a food atadaatr
Tea,'' rapOod Mr. Wealthy. -To s
eartata aataat ba Is. Tba way aa cHa
Mo ai aahar aad ass a pat ap wtth bat
anta shews thst ha la a
sadsifl atsdiut at hanwa Mare,''-
Miller tne - auctioneer, wit:
hold a sale in lone, Saturday.
Chas Calkins purchased the
jack from Joe Knappenberg
which was advertised in the
County School Superintendent
Notson of Heppner spent Tues
day in lone, looking after
business matters,
Elvena Davidson went to Hepp
ner this morning to submit to a
minor operation upon her neck
at the Heppner Sanatorium.
.An experienced engineer
wishes an engine to run through
the harvest season, v Guarantees
satisfaction. Call or phone Bul
letin offce. ,--.-. ;
If there is anything wrong
about the typograhical or editor
ial make-up of the Bulletin,
charge it to the arrival of a six
pound suffragette who was left
at the editor's home by the stork
yesterday noon.
Report of the Condition of
. , , No. 144
at Iona fn tba Stoto of Oragon, at the
ck)a.of buainaaa Juna 4, 1918.
Raaoareaa ' .
Loans and diacounta , 50,4M.ia
Orardrafta, aacurad mndun-
aaeorod t.
Stocks and other securities.
Purnitura and flxturs..
Dua from approved reserve
bajikj ... 10,329.(59
Cash on hand. , 2,608.11
Expansaa... . 2,011.88
TOTAL :..?.78, 418178
UaUiuiss , .
Capital stock paid in ...
. 8,000.00
Surplus "fund
Undivldad aroflU L&22.48
indrjUusl dapoatu subject 4
Demand eartiflcataa of do?
. poait. 406.88
Time certificates Of deposit . . 8,414.26
' TOTAL. : . 78,418.78
Stmts of Oregon, County of Morrow;
I, J. D. Cronan, Cashier of tba sbove
namod bank do soWAnly lyesr.thst the
above statement Is truo to ths best of
my knowledge and belief.
J. D. Cronan, Cashfsr, v '
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
18th day of Juna, 1818.
J. A. Wstara, Notary Publte, .
CORRECT A tteet: '-r
K. L. Fadbarg .
i. E. Cronan
See the Aeroplane
7 and many other attractions
during the big three-day
Celebration 1
lone, July 3, 4, 5
There will be n
Baseball Games Each Day
Horse Races, Foot Races
Bucking Contests and oth
er Sports of Various Kinds
Sawafsaaaaaaaal -
Given by Ion Commer
cial Club, Ionp, Ore. T
Gooseberry, July 17, Special
R. P. Fraser and crew are
busy getting the roads m shape
for travel again since they were
washed out a few weeks ago Sat-'
urday and considering the. dam
age done by the water the crew
is getting along very fast Mr.
Fraser is certainly a roadmaker.j
Chas. Ward, formerly of the
Dry Fork country is in a Port
land hospital in a very weak con
dition and is not expected to live.
His brother Bert Ward was call
ed to his' bedside leaving here
Since losing our their in the re
cent cloudburst Newt King and
J. B. Frazier are thinking of
going into eastern Washington
during harvest. r
H. A. Sewart and Lee Scrivner
are plowing up their 400 acres of
hajled out grain which they will
hsummer fallow 'for a crop next
year.. . --
"It Is not quite so much pleasure
to haul water from the Dry Fork
springs since the cloudburst
washed away A. I: Hudson's
pumping plant, v .
Harlan McCurdy-will take the
Belgian Horse Co's horse up to
Or E. Johnson's ranch near
Hardman next week. "
Pcy Fork School district held a
hneeting Monday and N. M. John-
Lovgren, was re-elected cler,
J. E. Frazier received a tele,
gram Tuesday calling him. to the
betiside of Ms sister Annie, , who
is reported worse at Milton. -
N. M. Johnson's sister arrived
Qt Saturday from Sweden. She
is no visinng uioi cergstromt
Mr J, Maggie Inskeep is reported
on the sick list .. .
Joe Knappenberg made a buis-
ness tnp to the county seat
- v.
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