CLOUDBURST IN DRY . : : : , ..i .', -V, ; FORKl Tom Carle FUNERAL Dsrscssrr aad EaaW ; y I0NE, OREGON t 3 1 1 . t Auctioneer Farm Machinery, Livestock Merchandise I will hold a Public Sale, in lone on JUNE 21, 1913, to bring in anything you have for sale. ........... E. E. MILLER THE IONE HOTEL Caters to the traaie of everybody wishing firft daaa accom onabona at vary reasonable price. Our tablet 'supplied with the finest the market affords. Commercial trade giv en special attention.' We employ white help exduaivelyM Seeds Family Dimmer Every Sudsy 50c plats M. B. HAINES, Prop. West Main Street WORST IN THE HISTORY OF THATiSECTION M M Water Claimed tole Deeper Than at Heppner Flood-Fruit and Alfalfa on Rock Creek ' All Gone-Cndn Damage Heavy - ICE CREAM PARLOR AND CONFECTIONERY Famous "HAZELWOOD" Ice Cream Served at our New Parlors, First Door East of the lone Hotel, Every Day.... Spedal Tables for the Ladies Billiard and Pool Tables at old stand. A Respectable -j Place at Which to Spend a Pleasant Hour. WM. RICE, PROPRIETOR Gooseberry, June 9, (Special to The Bulletin) -The biggest cloud burst in the history of this sec tion fell in Dry Fork last Satur day. The losses were very fceavy and those who know aav that there was more water than at Heppner when that awful disas ter occured in 1908. The water in Dry Fork was 20 feet deep Saturday. The ' following are some of the losses known at this writing. .- v - rl-.:- -- C. A. Lovgren, pumping plant, threshing machinery, 800 chick ens and 460 acres of grain. -y A, E DiUzell, barn, 1 col tv bug gy, wagon, grain and hay and 200 acres of irrain, - - i Fred Akers, all of his grain. R. A, Farrens, aharse, killed by lightning. -. Newt King, 12 pigs, 260 chick ens and most of his grain. J. . Frazier, 800 chickens and most of his grain. - a M.-Akers, 260 chickens and about 100 acres of grain. N. 11 Johnson, 160 acres of grain, Verne Jackson, a colt,' all his grain and numerous other things. " A. A. Stewart and Lee Scriv ner, 400 acres of grain. v- Frank Golden) $3000 worth of hogs, implements and improve ments. - W. A. Wilkin, 100 acres grain.' ' Burton ft Wilson, pumping ma chine, all their implements, 9 bogs, all their grain and alfalfa. A. L. Hudson, pump house and other damage. . ' "? The steel bridge above Flett's on Rock Creek-was taken out. al so Flett's house and many other houses on the creek. " All the al falfa and most of the fruit on Rock Creek is gone. ; The roads are washed out and most of them are impassible. - Hctmess - and Saddlery Complete line of Harness. Saddle, Whips, Glove. AD kinds of Strap Work done on short notice. Har ness and Shoe . Repairing given special attention. . BURGER & HIGGS . List your properly with R. N. Hymer General Real Estate Dealer, IONE, OREGON 4 have a large Bat of property in many other - statetv See me before you leave. I may have just what you want . Money to Loan on First Mortgages BLACKSMUHING General Repair -Work Horseshoeing-Tire Setting Automobile Repair Work JOHN H. WILT R. H. Zinter of Gcwseterry was in Saturday to meet his, sister who came from Spokane. "-' J. C. Devin and J. A Williams of Jordan Fork transacted busi ness in lone Saturday. -- - G, R. White of Lexington was here Saturday after harvest ex tras. ; y '.:-;- Mrs. Frank Englamait and Ruby are spending the week In ..Misa Merle Williams is a Port land visitor this week. n Heppner, Ore., Hay 23, 1918 To whom it may concern: During the past year. Dr. Herbert W. Cepelsnd, eyesight specialist, has fitted ft pairs of glasses for my self and family and all have giv en entire satisfaction. Dr. Cope land is skillful, careful and reli able and I take pleasure in rec ommending him to anyone need the services of an eyesight spec ialist (Signed) L. H. Brioxb Bank of lone Transacting a general banking busi ness. Deposits received aubfact to eight draft or check. Collections han dled and proceeds promptly remitted. Foreign drafts issued at reasonable rate. Interest Paid on Time Depositi We oflaf afl accoinodationa consistetw - with sound banking. The hmcW el this bank are) handled in a conserve r Uva toamw and are safely arrested. ; ' Officers: X E CRONATi Prea. T I MAHONEf; Vic4W X D. CRONAK Caahiar EMERSON'S FAILING MEMORY H Wh CtwtUw n, krt Hto Amsv MIHr Njw Wm. I tad as a Mlcw'iwt a naa a tad lost twa IbUUU wltS trotrm ud wImm UM- poc was wmy glad hi m Tilklaa wHS km after tm tn the Ubrarr. Bmaraoa mM: - f "I want to til 7o boat a mn ta Gtonnaar. Hla hdm I canaot timm bar." and a mwwwi tm and no HMtri tr l kla effort ta locall It "Tfcla, rrlMd wHe wboai wo havo takwi tea tontsnt. wboaa mamm alaa I caDot W mMnbor" af aaala com a dhtraat ld took at 'tae fallnro of hla faculty' caaaok fomombor Sia aaaw ottaar. M k Ml m o( ttk Owaaa Mae waaaa aaaW I sate ak fcreaS w. ' . It wsa fcarrow to aao Uw afoaata1 SnwaT of a atoat apJrlt aad Ua atta ttoa aa a waa eaclnaa of tola wmnlait powor. Aad rt a far aa 1 ewhl aoa. If waa oatr tho auMoty that wm ffa lnv Tm tatottrHwl atrooath waa still apnaroaf aad tea aatfaUHty of bia spirit waa pafoaps aroa bbbio sjasisasf taaa la ta raara wkoa aa waa kt ha fall inmilna of ataaaslf. j TMe aaaae oat to ttttto tttaea Ba waa wmaaxloaa at ttw taMo tsr tka koapttalltr afaMMS roaavskort. twoklsd aa aooa aftorl saw bus aa to kaosa o tke baartk taklaa oro tbal too afookeoaj votrS fao wood krakete ta avoalaa unlwaai Skat waa aatfcor hja- to ika ioow.-vwa Tka UK bff J- . Hoaaam UNCONSCIOUS Of FAME (Irota. Wblle Mr. Orato waa wsIUoe to-the park bs woafd porkapa aouca that oo or two paraooa looked at bloi with soaie attratloo. Ha waald at once torn to bis wife la alarav. - Bava I sot aaj dirt ea taj faea. Hnrttotf la tbara aartUna: tha BMttsr with any bsrr and bo would chitrk ate baadnar wttk both bands. "Way aio ibost paopls looking at mat - lira O rots' proud aosway waa, B vatMo jroa nr Oaoraa Grots, tbatwallp Onoa wbaa ba waa on a Matt ta Caw brtdsa "rot wlshad to aoa tba profea nnr of naiflrsl history, bat was told that tao profsjwar waa a baardbisirt' Ins something that ba con Id not ot tn totropted, "utrona awanlfyios: powar. powsttol llfbt, ablrt vImtoi ap, cannot ba botborod with asTbodr." Tba moo- ast Ustoriaa would bara ratlrod. bat hla wlfa pafakrtad that It waa Mr. Qroto wbo wished to sso tba profsssoc. b crted, Mr. GrotsI Olra LJ aw By coat. . I moat wasb my hands.", la a aitnuts ha had traDaformad bint aelf and would aot lat thorn go for two boats. C B. SPERRY v General Blackthing and Repair AVork v J Horseshoeing a Spedalty r See "BIZ" at the Shamrbck Saloon For aD kinids of fancy Wines; Liquors and Cigars : Fresh Been bottle or draught ' Make my place your headquarters v when in lone. V ?' Frank Englem; Proprietor ft I I McCORMIGK I I I I IVIOWKK. I r. Rakes and Stackii Outfits Do not take chances on having r MaMI erf tts?9arf 9At1alTfeUtwwV'' Oasrea Ovota. tba tasaoaa aathar as tha "Hi of Oraaea,- lsetbastoee aa that soajsct, was a -ana af pOrtrr Mai waa wholly ma- 4 Wm cdsw)rtty , MvTVaTftl ahatsataa Blast radro af tato tart ara airaa to Isais Paaaaaa Waaaaa af 5Sl aaaair. sm of wf to Uto. J x,i your old machine break down and have to let your hay spoil and . . v 1 It 1 ! men stand idle wniie you are making repairs. Gve me your orders for cutting machinery and repairs NOW and you can be ready without delay. " : Looat owaf your Mowers, Headers and Combroed Haryeateis and make out your fata at once and save phone and eocprcss charges. Letters and tfragtat dkaTges ara tots ctseapef and save yeaj tiwaa. BERT MASON aal " 3C - - 1 -K. a. V o I . ; J 3', a,.