'i V 6 1 5- -,i .,. f a'- j - '" ""V ' ., , ; V.VV : ',-f.- V W4 '" :: '.:. - ... "'., y'1 y- Dr, Copeland, the wcH known Eye sight Specialist, may . consulted-- y I0NE, Monday, June 16, to Thursday 'fa. "-fe:T nC June 7 IRIUGON, Thoiyjune to Satur-S day," June 21.-; i - y ' er. - DR. M. W. DAVIS Guciranteed Dentistry ,T v :M (ONE, OREGON ' ' .-L' !" - , Robert Capen DRAYMAN AH kinds of Light and Heavy Hauling. .:-Wl Your Business Solicit ed and Satisfaction t Cuainteed Notice T. ; ; i Subscriptions -receiv- - ed at this omce tor any magazine or any newspaper published at same rate offered '-T,' ' - T!"'-'--.-vV--'-- , by any other -agencyJ Professional Diredory : Glen Y. Wells Office on May street opposite the ... , , Palace JloteL r All bwiiMu ctvan prompt and Hcppmr, Oregon V F. H. Robinson -lone, 'vrr'...1 : " Oregon CE Woodson v Palace Hotel. Building . ; J Heppiwr, Ora, :-"m"" r. Franks &'Calkins General Dray iv-' Line V We haul anything that can ; f J ..;, be hauled. Our rates are reason able and our service roe yery ;y)n CC. Chicks rrtyakianaiid ; ;; Surgeon : r'4---Iona,:''V-;tJ.?: Oregow FDye, D. NL D. -...Dentiat ;: f'V Permanentty ioeated hi Oddfet- Iowa bMg., rooms 8 and 4. Wort guaranteed. - i HappMf, Oragoa 1 bae LOg He. 135 JL 0. a F. meets every Saturday night Id their haU, lone,- Ore. 0. B. Bar low, noble grand; E. T. Perkins, secretary; Visiting brothen eor dially invited to attend. An ad rq the BoQetin will be read value for the by 6000 people every week. The small eost will give you bis; returns.- Try ltonea SEVERAL NEW LAWS ARE IN i v EFFECT NOW ,V .- "'-. The volume ' contatnlnsr the General Laws of Oregon enacted by the last legislature is now to print and the laws went : into effect June Irv. 1 -The inheritance law is changed so that in the event apereon-dies leaving neither husband nor wife nor lineal descenaant his proper ty descends in equal shares to his father and mother.! Heretofore, the father has been the heir to the exclusion of the mother. - . - The salary of circuit judges of the state is increased from $3000 to $4000 per year. v -Irrr- Hereafter any person who shall sell Intoxicating liquor to habit ual drunkards, or intoxicated per sona, shall be liable to the wif husband, parent or child of such intoxicted person for all damages resulting In-whole or in part there from, and the act of any agent, employe, bartender or servant is deemed the act of his principal. It is made a misdemeanor to sell adulterated lee cream,,, and that commodity is declared to be a product made from pure, whole some sweet cream and sugar, with or without flavoring, with- the addition of not to exceed one per cent by weight of milk fat, and thraddity shall not exceed 8-10 of 1 per cent; and sweet cream in this connection Is defined to be the pure, wholesome product of cow's milk. .' . ; ; 1 -v.-. Hereafter no county, clerk can issue a marriage llscense unless the applicant shall file m eertifi cate from a physician, duly au thorized - to practice medicine twithin the state, made under oath within ten days from the date of filing the same, showing that the 'in ale person thus seeking to en- enter the marriage relation is free from contagious er infectious vn- Negtect on the part of a hus band to support his wife or child ren is made a f ekmy and such ne glect may be punised by confine ment in the state prison for not less than three years, or by im prisonment in county jaif for not less than- thirty days nor' more than one year. ' v The state board of horticulture is given authority to declare quar antine against the pest known as the alfalfa- weevil, an insect which Is doing great damage to alfalfa, clover, vetch and similar forage plants, especially in Utah and Idaho. "- t 9 LOCAt IMS i. M. . Broch, brother of Mrs. R. N. Hymer, came in Monday eveninig to make " - a abort visit He has been working in Portland the last few weeks. w ; Wka Tea lay A Car . - be sura yon get your - moneys worth,: Re tat Fltte is the best money on the mar ket today. For particulars and demonstration see E. R. Lundell Agt for MorroW Co. Any limes Luclcy V, ; . BBSSmBBBSBSSSamBSBBBBSB7 : ; r4 - .V..- V ;. 8 ' whs .sidetrack prccrashnahon for action and decide definitely on men- building - .plana, '. The kind of lumber you would be satisfied with is as cheap now as you will over see if. and, at the prices we are quoting on the quality you would ex pect, we say, with all emphasis, BUILD NOW. With ow knowUdge of the dii. ferent woods and their application to home building we can doubtless show - you how you can attain your ideal home at a much less cost than you think, , Price per4housand Cor lumbar is. very, misleading to the inexperienced, but-when-a plan figured him'cioualyLand me right lumber apecined m the right -"place the total cost is often a pleasant revelation. Our business- requires this knowledge and we are sure we can satisfy you tn price, quality and service. ' Let's talk It over. . We have everything from joist to shingles. ; , - 4 '.-;i.rv-':,J-7;,fr Why Swat Flies all Summer Long? We carry in Stock r aD sizes of Screen DOORS and WINDOWS. -! if-.' Buckrake Teeth (or use in Haying Time TDM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. W. H. CR0NK, Manager I I0NE, OREGON 1 Mr. andMrs. WUroot werepas aengers for Portland Saturday. : dles caning cards printed in an attractive manner at the Bull etin ptocK y''-7uz,'m-i Mrs. Emma Dobyns and son Noel went to Portland l ast Sat urday for a short visit - t. . " Walter Robiaon and wife are at Collins Springs, Wash,, tak ing a short vacation. They left lone on Friday. .. : v . ; Mrs. Bert Mason left Saturday for Portland to visit several weeks with her parents and to take in the Rose Festival ,, Posters and sale bills of all aises printed at the Bulletin off ice. Mail orders filled same day received. ; . -Work on leveling Main street is pipgi easing rapidly and It be gins to take on the appearance of -metropolitan, throroughfare. Let the good work go en. That Johnson baby Is some kid according to Joe Knappenberg. Jot says that Johnson Is slowly recovering from his "son" stroke and is now able to be around again.' -- ';'; 1 - - The lone Livery Barn firit clas rigs for hiyc at - - i " ' all times Automobile . lor trip 16 aB p&&$ of th6 country .Careful driven furnished with all rigs if desired JOHN. BRYSON, Proprietor Subscribe for The Bulletin and get all the news of Morrow county for $1.50 a year. Highest Cash ; Price Paid 1 for. Produce ' aaaaaaBH Bring your eggs direct to the Goose-, berry Store if you want the top prices; ' Wa handle all lines of A ;i . General Merchandise and aur stock Is fresh and dean, L Hudson ' Gooseberry WALKER'S 'St C r7F7 Vlh t frF?F),(! Eii) IDlnUMf v - I o m ' " "' ' ' t ' ' . " 11 " " " ' " - amaaamaaasamamaay ' '; . it- f , ' 7 - .3.-. -