IONE BULLETIN L. K. HARLAN. Pubfekar Printed Evfy Thuraday SUBSCRIPTION: OhYmi Month Thraa Month Striata Copiaa 1 SO .79c -50t ftc ADVERTISING: DiinlaT. On liwartwn. Dr lath Z$C DupJar, R(Ur. pw tn.h. 12 1-Sc Local. Fml InMrtton. pr iina 10c Local. Subaaiiucal lucrtioiw. p( a Sc Thursday, June 12, 1913 YeBe Journalism The jury in the libel case against the Portland News, re turned a verdict of not (fuilty. Evidently they were not satisfied beyond a doubt that the editor of The News was malicious and un truthfull when he called County Sutlgc Cleeton and County Com missioner Lightner "plain rob bers" last January. According to the evidence produced at the trial Commissioner Lightner did not nurchase certain artices for the new county court house ac cording to the letter of the law but saw a more effective way of doing th? buying and at the trial it was not proven that any if raft had been made, as was charged by The News. To one who is posted on the matter, the sensational "news" appearing in such papers as the Portland News, does not appeal at all. Being personally acquain ted with the reporters of several such papers we know that they are told to write up articles a guinst public officials or other wise prominent people wholly up on suspicion and w4th utter dis regard for the truth. These ar ticles appeal to those looking for sensational matter who accept thorn as the truth. The reporter suspicions something; be writes it up as if it were a proven fact; the paper sells like hotcakes on the streets and the circulation manager and publisher have aH tained their object. Their large circulation is an inducement for the advertisers to use their col umns. The publisher of any pri vately owned newspaper is in the business for whatever returns he can make on his investment and any business man who claims a dilferent motive tells an untruth. The cry, then put up by the yel low journals, that they are pub lished simply to protect the inter ests of the so-called "common people", is a deliberate lie, as any fair-minded person will ad mit. On the other hand, papers issued by labor unions, such as the Portland Labor Press, never seek to mislead the public and do not conduct their official or gan for the primary purpose of selling advertising space. If a person really wants to get the truth in any matter where pub lic officials are exposed in their crookedness let them read reli able paers who are after the absolute truth, and not read pa mpers of the Portland News type whose sole object Is to spread - sensational and untruthful mat ter for the purpose of gaining a larger circulation. Such papers as The News are not tit to enter the home. This is the opinion of The Bulletin regarding all yellow journal and sensational publica tions and we don't care who knows it, Ntw Law la Effect In another column we mention some of the new laws that went into effect June 2. ' The laws making it a felany for a husband to neglect to aup poft hit wife or children, and the physical examination of bride grooms are very Important Rarely win a man be tent to the penitentiary for neglect of hit family. But the existanes of this law will be a constant ehib over the headi of men who view their family relations lightly. At so it may be the nvens of o tar will the physical requirement law. The lawr making a liquor deal er liable whenever he or anyone in his employ sells liquor to an habitual drunkard or an Intoxi cated person, will help confine the liquor traffic to its proper channel Is. Under the new law if a man commits a crime, or is injured, or causes any damage, the saloonkeeper who sold the liquor is financially responsible under the law for whatever dam age his family may suffer. Here after it will be for the saloon man's own benefit to see that he sells liauor only to men who can and do control their habits. PLAYER RELEASES HIMSELF. Pitaharv Alt League President, Takes Action to'Conlorm Wtth Rule. Ts hand your own release to jouraelf he an unusual occurrence. Yet I Ilia- at wbut took phu-e wbi I'tfcfier - Wll- hid B. Bunks was reTeae by the !fTiid Haplda (Mich.) Central leiitfue hih. He was toe only member of the pitching staff not yet th condition, and a it waa necessary to reduce the num ber of players to conform to the leujfua limit Eaatck was the vlctlpi. The release waa drawn up by Presi dent WilHum B. Essie k of the Grand Ka.ids club with' all th customary (Mulls. President Essie It then placed himself before a mirror and made, a Hecb, In which be expressed his re gret that the league rules made it uec itssury for hias to release his favorite oltrber. The document was tendered by the president's riifht band and accepted by hln li-ft. Thus President Etplck re- rwiHfd himself aa a pitcher of the team f which be la president and majority tock holder. Kaalck ts a warm weather pltrncr and saya be probably will slgu himself 'lira In In mldseason. PI to hap Teney Ooeen't Believa In Tips. Krd Toney, the Cub Dinger, can't aee the sense of buying a new $3 but and hen paying 80 cents a day to the hotel lat rbeck hp adits to watch It while he eata. Fie flmirea tbui In ten days he will have handed out enough to buy miotln r hnt. so he wears his old cap and eata wltb It In bis uqeket. Sullivan Thinks Well ef Henry. Hilly Sullivan considers John ilenry at WssbliiKton the beat catcher In the American league, particularly la throw ing to base. Morrow County People are invited Jo .: . Celebrate the 4th of July where a monster progriam is ranged in cash prizes for Horse Ra dbg, Buck ing Contests, Street Sp rts and , ; Baseball Games EsuJijD . Music furnished by afBni'": band during the day, 1 iBig ; Dance nirtner Celebration - Basell and IONE WINS SECOND GAME FROM HEPPNER - (Continued from first page) 3 batteries Rietman, were: Hepppn6r, '". ,0l Thornton and Rood; lone, Harlan and Cronanv ' ' T Notes oltat Catat ' The ball playera were registered si the Palace Hotel where they were given a fine me a) and shown ever courtesy by the management. The lone sports who bet on' the game brought back about $200 of Heppner money. A new grandstand has been erected on the Hejtpner grounds which baawevK The way Cronan'a bat looked to the Heppner Pitcher. - , fair seating capacity and makes it de cidedly more pleasant for the feminhas fair to attend the games. "Ginger" Ganger officiated as one at the umpires and was apparently ner vous as It waa his first attempt with the indicator. "v Joe Cronan had a good day with tbe stick getting three fair bingles two of which were for extra bases. The Bulletin editor had fine control of his epti ball and none of the Heppner batters could get within a foot of It. Several of them were heard to say that they had never before seen a ball JB through such motions. i It is reported that Heppner ;at w'pff IONE, OREGON for the benefit of visitors. each night . Fdr iniormauon aaaress tommii Commercial Cllb strengthen their team with ontsis'a play; 'ti for toe nan game with looa. Jodg Cecil Hale pulled down eata big ones in center in rUpcaar. ing from the last two game between these aneieut rivals they will need con siderable help to down the Ion lade. IOWA BOY LATEST CUE WIZARD Mare Youth Aateniahee Billiard ( parts by Hia Skill. The attention of tbe Millard enthnel anta throughout the country was at tracted by the brjlltanf work of a mere boy. Welker Cochran of afanaoo, Ia who has tarred In more than one ame teur tournament daring tbe last wta ler. The youngster usee bis cue hi a phe nomenal manner, and in one rooms mem defeated the veteran Oonklln. While the young- J a peases player, Koy Yamada. waa winning applause by tbe clever game which be pot op he was forced to share tbe Hmellght wttb tbe youngster from tbe Hawkey State, lowana are confident that Welke Cocbrnn will some day bring a national I'hamfilonshlp to bis native a tats. H Is now study! Mr tbe game under the tutelage of Professor Per kins . to Chicago. - Griffith Wife Leave IftnaJree Alene. Believing that all tbe umpire In the American league have bee Instntfted to be strict with blm. Ciarfc Griffltb bna sworn oft arguing wltb them, and be even has gone ao far 4 to bat sr suit of clot bee that be will not got pat tbe Set all season, - being ar their an lone PRAISK JOE BIRMINGHAM. Cy Vewna aelievee Nape Marts gar la Awether Fielder Jew. Cy Toonc to Inks that Joe Birming ham. dereUod'a manager, wlil be an otbar Fielder im Tbe aforesaid Fielder piloted tbe White Box. then tbe httleas woSaera, t the world title. Toang beltevee that "Blrmy" will be mnch the same sort of a beady man ager that Jones was. "Birmingham exercises - Judgment like Jones." ears tbe veteran pitcher. 'He--has an Ideal personality, and 1 can't conceive of any fellow who baa a decent die position being antagouls rtc to him. -His knowledge of baseball and Its rrteks Is so extraordtoary as to be at times hd canny. He baa a fine. Intel ligent ciase of fellowa to deal wltb Bls experience end training bsve Btted hbn to obtain the best possible re sults." , hanks Improving ae Hitter. Manager Grlffltb baa forced Howard hanks to crowd tbe plate Instead of drawing beck as- he used' to, and as a remit tbt young Senator outfielder la said to be mnch improved bitter. Abstracts Champion ; Headers, Mowers, Reapers Myers Pump Outfits Wonder Windmills PAUL BALSIGER - -t For Sale The Business and lone Meat C : 7 TV M V,- : A Special Price Given on Smoked Meats and Lard. Call and Get my Prices Before Purchasing Elsewhere. ; Everything CUiaranteed , , . .; W. Cochran, Prop. PUYEAR'S CAFE ri -Schiit - Ice cold Beer on draught : .fClttyinp bottles 5 s y ,:; - The fayfa'-'SkSi y Imported ?nd Domestic Cgars Xif.'. '. .,,",''.'.;.;,. ssfaasfjajasaassa t , ;,J ' '.Z' ' " ,MsStrsjet---. s t fmpnt&a COBB'S THROWING ARM WEAK. V ... . y , .,-- Runners New Teh Wg Chaneea -Balls Hit I t Hi Territory. - -NotwltbvUndltig tbe fact that Ty ;. Oobb hi Jnet as great a ball player to- ;. day aa be ever waa. It h ahw traa that bis weak throwing arm la going t prove a handheap te hla seam, any ball bit Into hia territory entitles; rnnner to take deaperate chances og tbe bases, for Cobb is anable te throw . tbe bell any distance. Hut he la a wonderful nea oa the Inside, es he demoostrated recently ;V when be went an tbe way from drat ts- third when OeindU dropped John- " son's assist and then followed thls" sprinting feat by soccessfiiUy steeling uome. . j - -, - . TIGERS AT MORGAN Mun'i Tifirers will play th ' Morgan Mnta on the Uttor'g diamond this Sunday. TheTfgra have taken two of th three games already played and the Muts will try-to even np the series with this came. The only complete aet of abstract books in Morrow county. W. L. SMITH, Heppner. ,, Oregon v - . J.) yuy?y dealer in r "or Trade Building of the Market r - ID 1 ing boom uttdeairablea from en tar WMMMMIIMMIiaasJaaMd; ing the married state, 8o ... -- .A-