The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, April 12, 1916, Image 2

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A Strictly Home
Published Every Wednesday By -F.
Entered mi the Postofflce lone, Oregon, -
ate Second-clame matter
Subscription Rates
One Year ' $1,30
Six Months $lOO
Three Months 50o
Advertising Rates
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notice that your subscription
Will expire in three weeks?
Prompt renewals will prevent
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The Postal Dept requires all subscribers to be paid in advance
anUss other arranements are made. If you want the Ions
Journal let us know either in person or by letter. Subscrip
tion price note stover Unpaid subscriptions srs how due.
As the Editor Sees t
This town has many boosters
and you all know them, you ad
mire JhempjLjreBpect- them,
And your respect is more precious
to ths genuine booster than is
yourjfoldlt ie only the killer
who stands alone, without friends
without future Be s booster.
There may be a killer or two in
this town, but we hope not But
if there are any we hope they
will cease killing and go to boost
ing. - There is no honor or profit
in killing, but there Is much to
be gained through boosting. Be
'a booster! We need the booster
ws need more boosters... But we
can exist handsomely without
the killer, for the killer's princi
pal diversion in life is to take
a knock at the town, at its
people, at their wava, and at
everything and everybody con
nected therewith except the
killer. Be s booster! If there
are any killers in this town let's
convert them, so all can be boost
ers. The booster is of value to
every legitimate thing with
which hs comes in contact, while
the killer is not even of vslue to
himself. Heaven loves a booster
and hell is full of killers. Every
body be m booster for lone!
And what office do you want ?
Cheer up! At worst this life
Is just one blissful dream of
things W9 never get.
A wise man oft times changes
his mind. . Ths fool has no mind
to change.
Speaking of ths weather re
minds us that it continues to be
just jreather,
fell every stranger you meet
that this is a good town. In time
you may think so yourself.
Smile, and ths world gigtes
with you, ' Scowl, and you are
Just a grouch.
J I tat ask. la-auM t,.
then, only ths mean men can tell
lawalnv fui Si,
-It Is supposed that rats destroy
eery year at leaat a twentieth part
f the tugac- oan ia Jsaiea:
'amounting id vara to a little short
or a niliioQ dollars. The auger
aae is their favorite food, but they
also pre? apoa India, core, os sU
litem, sad ea away ef the roots.
Howe idea oaa tie formed of the
immense swarms ef (base deatme
ajrs awawlt last iafest this iaiaad
Paper Tor Morrow
Upon Application
from J he fact thai on a single
plantation 30,000 were destroyed in
une year. Traps of various,; kinds
are set 10 catcu mem, poison la re
iorica to, ana terriers and some
liinea farreu are employed. - They
are oi a much larger aixe than the
huropean rat
Hie Fatlirtoe Under firm.
" At the battle of the Modder river
an officer observed Pat taking shel
ter from the enemy's fire.y After
the engagement the officer, think
ing to take Pat down a peg, said:
. "Well, Pat, bow did you feel dur
ing the engagement P" ,
Veel?" aaidTar "1 felt mi If
every hair of my head was a band
of music, and they were all playing
'Home, Sweet Home,'" London
At tha Door.
1 thourht myaeU Indeed secure.
Bo fuat the door, oo Arm toe loekf
But, lo, he toddling mdim to luro
My pereat oar with timorous knoesv
My heart wars Mono could I withstand
The NtnM of my be by' a plea.
That timorous, baby knocking and
"Please let mo In; It'a only m."
t threw aalde the anflnlahed book
Regardless of Ita umptlne chars)
And, opcnlns wtrta the door. I took
Uy laughing, darling la say arm.
Who knows but In eterntty
1. Ilka iha truant child, a boll watt,
Tha slorlee of a Ufa to bo.
Jtayond th Heavenly Patssr-s gatof
And will that Heavenly lather
Tha truant'a auppllcatlng cry
Aa ai tha outar door 1 plead,
"'Tl L O Father, If
Truth of the
Brass Tacks
av Lore cot
right down to
about the advee
UMflMnta ta tfeaa
Tbejr par the
because tbey bring hue MUftB
RUSINK8S. He caa aaora thaa .
afford the espauaa boeaoaa ef
7TlmTmcraaad trade. That
where HIS PKOKIT eeeaea la.
Too ads. pay the RBADBB
bacauao tbo enable hist at go
wbere be la INVITED. Hekaewa
be will got GOOD SERVICE
and HONEST RETURN tor ale
That's where Kit
PROFIT ream In.
Eoal MtrmWDf that TBLE4
SOUETUtN-tbat really and
aoooatly sdvirttaes a MO
Adreruco avast era a SBLt
INtl story t toll It CONVINCING-
-t.r ssa hi detaI i. tw the
mtm KAOK ft IH-y OBfJT the ooontv tmb kkS
advertMai will anba RBAJa
Tbe aeeragw peresa -win t
where ha bj INVITED, anw SVM
RETURN b? ha taj traatoS
The etralnar nerar wag nude
that will take foul Butter out of
atlla. Jfenw a or will
To hare got to keep H oat
The tm&ag aanwrtaHon nra
aaetae a sraater appeeclatioa e(
the eow. and eeaeaqoenUy better
reaulto are earn to follow.
read tbe betters ee they wlM
keep os milking tod forat the
habit of porsiotatKrj. tahertUaoe
hae aometabif to So with per
Matener a milking, thoogn ear
and feed wllr eoeeuraca and ee
tabllab tbe babtt
Ton can make CaJriy good axle
from atalo creaaa, tmt
Tbe nana with twm cewa and a
aeparator 1m bettor eg than hie
neighbor with eight eowa and aa
machine. .
Tbe dairyman who will netl off
each aaaaon rare er three of hie
pooreat eoare will aeon lmprore
hla herd if be replaeee them by
beUere reload from hla beat eowa.
One ef New Verl
The eeUeetorTa effloa at tbe enetom
heuae la one ef tlwabow pLaeeg ft
Now York etty. Hkr ornate room wna
docorotod frost dentfna bj Oaaa OS
bart who drew tbe plana for the ens
torn bewan, and Will Ouornoey. Thla
blfh ealltagad apartasenb with tto oak
panoUng, mataJ palndnga of Dutab
ahlpa and OoloamI acanaa. and tto great
Oroplaco, eoet anrard oC25ffoa Tht
eeUlec ef ntoed gold flgaroe on a pur
ple BToand M a copy of aa eld Italian
calling, with original Bgtree, each aa
San. tridents, boats and ether appro
print eabjeeta. Tbe big Sreplaea
with wide hearth and blfh mantel
abelf, to ef gray atone. Below the
abolf to naeribad tbe htotory of the
flrot enetom booaa, whkm atood ea thla
pot Now Torfc Sua. ' '
Qarman Wenaea aa Salallara, -
Bomotntng like a century ago Prue
ala reee againet Napoleon, wbo waa al
ready weakened by tbe retreat from
Moscow, and wRh tbe betp of tb Aus
tria no and also of a very large' body
of Russians managed to drive to.
Kreocb army over tbe froaUor, aftet '
defeating It In tb bwmendoua two day
Mtruggle at Leipzig.
It appaara that eertala women play
fit S prominent part to this flgbtlng
Seventeea daughtera of Prosais were
at the front during tbla momentous
conflict They were moat capable aa
)WldlerB. able to com maud sod able to
obey, ss well aa being capttbletoT with
"landtag tb barusblpa of campaign
lug. To . dt some iDatiUK-ee. Marlu
Warder, n woman of Silesia, waa al
lowed to. serve aa a hussar to tbe
same regiment her fatisbnnd. wbo
was a wealthy havdowDer.-
Klenora Procbnaka la oiw of tbe beta
ter InSwfl of these benrfnee. She en
gaged, under tbe name of "Carl liens.'
In tbe Light Horse when only eighteen.
and several poets bav sung of her
eourage. A monument to bar memory
stands La rotsda m. - Wasb lnctoa Star.
Military Deeerotfena.
Medals as decora t loon for military
service war Brat issued la England by
Charles n tiMS
"What are the windows spaa fart"
old father William asid.
'Te let out duet, to let out duat"
aald Whits Wmga on parade.
?What mahaa you amlla so cr. ao
gmyr1 eld rather William aald.
Ta glad (or what I'm going to
watch." said White Wings en
"fr ther'rs etsanlng Up tM ty.
zou ess sesr ths kraoma a i
aw tan.
The males are is the kttehaai they
are washing pan and daw.
They're eleaned out all the oornera
sad avoir nook you'd wish.
For they're oteanlng p the oity la
the aotey
d rather
gonsr s
Thsy'Te aa
then ts thslr grea
ts White Wmgs ea
"Wnere sre ths totltag htubsndsr 2
old relator WUHam said. 2
-Tsejrre ion ute nouae ts wirer,
sakd White Wings on parade
Ter they're eleawlag ap the city.
Too sea hear them earns and
Tsny are aliasing stoves and fan
- eeiei tboy are seraplng ea? tbe
lTky are sattohms and ahmmg tm
yos'd this tha pipes wosM
Far thsrt ataastog up the atty to
i"Wssre that es Maah aesbiet the
bubC bIS nlkr WlllUn mm
firs but a esrtr dty - aaat WkKa
wisps a parade.
"What's that that esssske beneath
mj reatr set raibar Willises
" Tto oarpet sweepers new S sse."
said White Wtaupa en K - e.
"Per they're etossing sp tbe etty
HH the walls end easts ehsN
whsriw astsgsg- ths gsriase aatoe
spruvctlms phutta-H grew:
Ther'rs wUtawsshtaag ths a i Uses ee
tbatsU the dhrt wm ge.
rev they're el
Thar bara
ai a half a munea toiusss.
Thern rat to staeraia eaniarht to.
sa4 af ea-rhain eeaaa
The etralnar bot
easing an the elto to
"What annhoe ths hiaaiwles breaths
ss barer eat rather WUttaas
t guses ws esse. I swaea hre ast,
ssJi Whits Wtssn em patwse.
"Waal to that stswd that Bias as
kaghr eU Padhar Wuttaa
Thai ee wBsehag ws tB Wr
ream- aaat Whsto Wtoge en
parade. -
"Per tberre itaaasa e aba sRy:
tha era aw bag a tbe
Thamae Astoaaa, binlish KanerL S"
hsslass Ita avaetlees Ptaeee. .
"I am eery giad to bear that among
the objects of tbe American Ovic as
eoclabon to that of getUng rid of tbt
Impression tbst dtj planning baa
mainly to do with tbe large cities or
band reds ef t bo stands of Inhabitants,
and, Indeed, tbst H to net solely vuu
ceraed with tneee cities, but Ibnt one
of tbe main functions of city I'luiininj)
to to deal with I be small town ,awl
even with' tbe small village comuiunl
ty," so said Tbomss Aduois, tbe welt
known English town plauulug eipert
now elvle adrtoer to lite coiutulMdi
ef consarvatJon of Oanada, In opfiilnu
an address at tbe recent convention
of tbe American Civic aeaoclnthiu uo
tbe aupjocc "The atewunmle Busto ef
City Plan Ding."
Continuing, Mr. Adam aatd: "Town
planning does not deal with the bean
(location of tbe town, but town plan
sing. I unouM rather like to pot It la
eludes tbe embellishment of the ei
ternal feafurea of tbe town. btb In re
gard to Its nubile btilhUnga and In re
gajd to Ha tra importation. But tbest
matters are only part of what ulioiilt!
be protierly retntnled ad city planiilnii
And wbea wg eeme l analyse., in.
fnndamcuiMl thiiiKnn city life we flail
Unit really we ougtrt not to begin with
the embellishment or with the heautl
ful tn tbe city, but thnt after the ronft
of drll Hfe (lie two tbluKS tbrit matiei
are tle tmliwtrtiil aud the realdenllnl
aa the facta-les and home life. You
want not only to look ftirward for ibt
neit thirty, forty or flfty years In re
gnrtl to your wrk jtyalem. bill yon
waot-lo make Mure ihnt Id tbe net'
forty, fifty or nlxiy years every pernor
wbu biillda a new home will be a
cured agnlnxt dlamne which may l
rreeted by njtlilug llmr can be prr t
rented. Ton want to mnke anre that
the cundlthms ahull be healthy In re
gard lo bontfliig hh well aa In rejnirtf
to the general civic aaiect of (he ltj
Mr, Adams emihHnlxl tbe necesHlt
of prowr leglslativ etetst to gtre bih
nlclpnlltlea Kwer Ur carry ant luwi.
planning scberiies. He imlnted out thin
to have a auccesaful iifpll4iillnn of re
litilcUve-rwgutatloBs there miift Iw
operation between tbe owner awbSXii
municipality. "If you leurv Ibe nuitni
of your building derelnpuieut mill tli
buildings are up the owner Is not "nv
to submit to .restriction whh-h wll
lake away hla property. If you go tn
him twelve years before be will Join
roti In tne proper nennn rettiiHimn
whlcb will help blm properly to con
trol and reatrlct tbe pruerty no long a
jvu restrict everybody else In Ibe dl
trict accordlnsly.'' - -
In dosing Mr. AQuus anld: "Home
body Said tbiiryou In America ban
no war. Have you not? Von hnve att
war with Duteutlal deBrmlttthia aw
alum lire just as we have lu KunH
and yen have to fight It. Voh hart
wnr With all these diffli'liltW thiir
breed prevenluble dlseuse, with I ho,
dldk-ulties that alwaya vuufront na.
want to appeal to the American t'lrt
assoclatlon lo be up aocl didna Xm
only let It be said that this hemlphcn
to a place where there are liberty am
freedom, politically apeak log. but H h
also a hemisphere of homes."
Whet He Calls Her.
"Now, Willie," said the teacbei
of tha primary claw, "let us fei
whether tod can tell ue tbe Dame nt
this graceful looking animal wii'i
tha big pronged horns l1 Hiintert
go ap into tiie woods every fall It
shoot this beautiful creature. It i
vary croel of then to do so, is il
QotP Cant yon tell n eliat the
animal is called P Com, now, think
I am sot you know what il is
What does your fslher call roiu
mother when be comes horns al
night f
14 He calls her Betsy 'cause li
plagues bar."' Chicago Herald.
- Fatal thesk,
Peer Wet hereby died In s u at vans St.
Hia waa an sniiausl rate:
Tsar built aim s house and ButaneS H
laatae at tbs sra asUsasts. .
INPANTILI earalrsls Is ene
ef th meet baffling dtsassas
ths eaaalissl arwaasisei has as
sal with.
AroHsainh N is aswHasal lernety
is ehilatrasi, it sseMtissss visits
newlte. Death eften fsllews
within n week after Iwfeetiaw
mm4 eeaaetiewes In as Mttl tieae
na twrjr-aBM hswrs. Hinh fa
war, eteliriwaa anal
.aaartt Hs pessense.
Th Resacef slier InetHete was
vewwalaal in tSOl primarily ts sr.
ilFsal 4rt atJaWlasT psVarTt asvVff1!
tree aneM s eM the nlaw we.
It has eaaalvaS atnee Ms eeaa-
avhessw (ifts freea ths eil sast)
sate aaareeatinf esses then St,-
The asstHwts nrew swt
ef Jsett MeCer-
ef Me. Rssttsfsliee-e
nfwnswhllsVssa whe M 4 this
aefwt J lasses. The ehiWe seath
nwahswaal wHhht He imwSpar
Swat the Fly
a ant ths aetata
Ms eessMh as Siailias the has
W eaaasam assstaai SBBhssaBBaaakBBisBABSfe - - - -
ak eavaafl BBwelBj SOTalBiBnrapaaasl BBBfajBBBJBJ. fJBJ
tha Si e
eweeaaeessee as eee assesses
M. B. Haines, Prop.' West Main Street
.-1 '
FalrbanCa-Morse Gasoline Engine Prices Gut
lowet than ever for 1916. Am fully equipped
to instal and can save you money on your
pumping plants. Star Wind Mills Myers Pumps
Hoosier and Empire Jr. Drills, Case and Vulcan
Plows. Main Street, lone, Ore. on
i With the winter month ithend and thr gorTaTietiaon lirenkliiu
Into life Hguiii. you may want a new rujc or curix-t (or ytuir home
We Invite you to see pur new selection, benutlful in tit -tun, ex
cellent In quality, ann very reitHonntle In price, our curi nr& '
- popular, Httriicttveand dtirnhle, enilrm itiK tnuuy-Oeeigns mnkt-e
7 qualities anl prlres. Eticli one a pplendlil vttlne. For the kticlen '
Hoor we liitve a very high grmle linoleum whicn we rnn sell you-
-very misoDuble. Uther grades at lower prices, but all of (luallty.
S. E. Moore,
In tbe Circuit Court of tbe State ot
' Oreffon, for Morrow County.
Velmnleta Woolery Jackson.)
VB i 4
PrnnclB Gordon Jackson
To Francis Uordon Jackson, tbe
above named defendant:
la the feame of tbe State of Oregon
yon are be re by required to appear
und answer tbe complaint tiled
against, yon In the above entitled
suit on or before tbe 15th day
April, 1916, which la six weeks after
t be first day of nf arch 4916, tbe date
of tbe Orst publication of this earn
inone, and It yon fall to appear or
anawer, for want thereof tbe plajnti
will apply to tbe Court for the relief
prayed for In. her complaint, to wit
for decree dlaeolvlna: the bonds f
matrimony existing between the
plaintiff and the defendant and for
ever divorcing them, the one from
tbe other, and for aucfa other and
further rellef aa In equity ahaH ai
Tbla summons te publlahed by
order of tbs Honorable Gilbert W
Pbelpe, Judee of -the above entitled
Court made and entered on tbe 16th
day of Pebruary wis
TE. Johnson
Attorney for Plaintiff
Two second hand Incubators for
sale cheap- apply Journal office
' 40-42
Tneeuitorof this paper knows
where you can save three
hundred dollars ($300.00) on
the pridb of a handsome Player
Piano, slightly used.
MsvlRfl Picture trleka.
one of tbe most tbrt'lliu sreoss to
Ibe msvlns ptrtnre drawna sre taket
with tbe aid ef email ntudels. wbkl
are etnahlerably less than Hfr alze
It a. saock cheeper. f course, te ban.
ay a toy bulMlaf er to sink a mlnta
tare ship than to destroy aa oruruia
ts aaak a aaoeinf picture holiday The
akodela aasd tor tbis week ere carrtst)
oat with rrest attention te detalL and
the ptetarea ars taken with toe cam
em very eJose In the croeul te gt
ta proper perspsrtiTo. Tbs. aiovlaf
psetare aodlekcss, even wbea pari tut
Ose ekaeest attention, are CMpietslj
oaKslvssV Piaean BeraM.
Ths atraesa. Material.
A crockery dealer wan Jast cteafna
"P Mi atere far the day when eae ef
ale csatumsra, a pvrar, eaast Ski
sreat awvy. - - .
"Here.' said hs, H packed thai tor
fnll ef hatter sad the Isr snlK reaaa
Pertsps yevreaa ss
"Ok, yea; I eaar waa tha ready ra
ety. The natter waa atroaaat
tha Jar."Attaata Qenatllatlea.
RIGHT. . .
lone. Or.
V Dr. C. C. Chich
ruysicntn ana aurfrjeon
Dhuq Stork - Iokb, Obmon
Dr. M. W. Davis
Dbntist -
Dr. A. Hennig
Chihoi-eactm: Phtmcian
f H. Robinaon
Attorney at Law . -'
Practice In all State Courts
and TT a FwiaMi tWi..inMu
HaibHtbbbt Iohb. Uhmioa
Joa. X. Ktisxppatriberaf
Attorney' and Counsellor
at Law
Maw St. IOnbv Oimcqo
C. D. S perry
Fire Insuranea and Notary FablT
Haiti St, lone. Ore.
lone Lod No 135 IOOF
Meets every Saturday night fW
their halt. Idne, Ore., W H.
Cronk, N. G., John L. Clark,
V. G Joe. Mason, secresary.
Visiting Brothers - cordially
Good Turkey Pens Bert Mason
has a few for sale.
This office lias raceived , an
inquiry fnm a possible pur
chaser who wants to buy a.
good piece of residence proper.
y ear trie mismera section or
lone. Call at Journal office,,
lone. Ore (roti.
Leave your strk watebee and broken
Jewelry with Frank Chrteteneea
.to be repaired.
for Hale. Kent, or Kxehaaa.
1 acres near Ion, will accept
City property. Also have S7 arret
Valley tares SCft). lor cheaper lend.
Bob 67. Salem, Or.
Black Minobca, Buff Orpinrton
and R. L Red eockerela; earfrs
for hatching. Mm R. A.
Holdridge. Box 282, Dixon, OaJ..