. "1 . - I. Volume S IONS, ORBOOM. mPRIL 12. 1818 - Ncttn 46 W Tv T T TTT I TT-T TT T TTT Tv T , A 11 Vi IN ULf r v :e -li Via V iN n. . lone Journal Suspends With This Issue Brief Statement With this issue of the lone Journal we lay down the editor ial mm for a time. About two yean ago in April we landed in lone one Sunday afternoon to take active management of the Bulletin owned by L. K. Harlan, of Heppner. After running the Bulletin for several weeks we learned that Mr. Harlan was fig uring on removing his plant to a more DroSDerouB fteld the busi- at that time waa not bringing ui enough cash to pay expenses. A few d'ayi afterwards several of the local business men spoke to us about starting a new paper provided Mr. Harlan was still in.' the notion of leaving lone with-. out any paper. As aeon as it be- came known for a fact that the Bulletin was going to withers, W. H. Cronk -came to us with an;ever torun agajn nrr Kt h wanted WIto ,act from his distressing dis- mt jinother Dlant and stort a'eriPtion J doubted my ability to new paper.. -We told him at thst.P1" cleanly printed paper time that we were not able to;wnW near " food as theHt buy a new plant because unfor- tle Ione Bulleti'n. At that time seen expenses had exhausted , 1 netood that an offer of $100 what surplus funds we had en hand. That' all .right. Sears ' -nti't nMH tahnv new out-' fit if we can make the deal we have in mind. He stated that he and Bert Ma son would see about it and let - me know. This was about the first part of May' 1914. In a few days Mr. Cronk came . to see me and stated that they (meaning himself and Mason) - had been to Heppner and made the deal for what was known as .'the old Times plant ' My understanding was th,at the plant would be shipped at once to roe at lone. Matters . hung this way for about a week when one morning 1 was Intro- Do Yon Know the Multiplication . Table? - By MOSS. 10 jam knew IS what that? tbar - abacwa la? . MKa MOTtha am mt a HEW da oca Ifa atav plj anoUMT aint for tfc MOLT1- PLICATION TABL PrUMioraa wh a Oraaft DSt iMopBcr (bora abool KB B. ti wbo tawcM ttaa neorelUoa af tfat Mawrtcal an autbaaaattcai rvtattooa ml tftlass. Too bar aaca aa abaeM, a Httl MdH fraaw travataetf bf wttK wire, aa wUck ma woadM kaada, aaai for wnt Ins. yrlwipaUr by tba CHumm . ararati twUuttba PrUwaoraaa abawj wttfe ratadoa tat BBNHriT jmm ecrlva Croaa ear ADVtfWIBINa PAOBST An jmm HDLTIPLTINO ADVANTAOBST lis mwwwr t aS. TM'd 4 raw brnTiam HIT ar MISS sal OCT STUNOI BW pamw jmm fmM siaacaS at tba mom. okcb in a oasAT whilb. itrrnxuQcrm.1. sat yaa'd ba MISTAKEN. Multiply rmmr raaaeaa of SAT INO MONBT swi aattfeaa BBT TBB GOODS by awfetaiK B roar w a roixow thb adsv CLOSBLT aH Mm Of The Cause :, aucea w a mue amaii sizea per- maenmery to run even pasaw son with sharp shifty eyes who dically. Ha again evaded the Mr. Cronk said was Mr. Craw-matter afidpfiraited to com ford. I shook his hand and got down fn a ahorwhiW and ftx p down to business by inquiring ir the plant had been shipped a Cronk had to! me ir wouM. b He said thalit had not. as he wanted to hve a talk with thef sale, this he promised to do ione ousiness Men and see it they really meant to suppocUmo' in starting a new paper. . A little later in the day Mr. Crawford (and I talked about the printing PlMt that he had and from his conversation i understood that it d,d not mount to T mh as praetially worn out and discarded years ago. He at the large press had outaoora xoraiong t,mr and W would have been grabbed, up aageny oy mm noneat little man his good will thrown in. He aia ra time to set lection of historic junk. During the conversation he conveyed the impression to me that his main idea was to help me all he could .to get started in lone. By doing this he could drive Mr. Harlan whom he seemed to hate) from the Ione field. L Before he left Te assured me that the plant would be shipped at once and I could use it as long as I wanted it and in case I de sired to purchase, a reasonable price would be fixed and small payments accepted until the out fit was paid for. or in eaae I wanted to lease it, a reasonable rental would be fixed. In case I found that a sew plant could be secured his outfit wss to be returned. This agreement was verbal and was understood both by Mr. Crawford and myself as well as Mr. Cronk who later on. (after talking with Mr. Craw- ford) eorreeted himself by saying that a time limit of six months had been fixed. We don't blatr.e Bill for he has mdoubt made mistakes before. In a few days the printing out fit ? arrived and as soon as it came to my view I realized that friend Crawford was a gxd and true man like unto our friend George of historic times, who never told a lie. He had indeed told the truth but not all of it as I was to find out later. With the assistance of Mr. V. Crawford and his son Spencer. and several other husky men then collection of relics flnallv reaehwl I the present Journal office. -At this time it will be well to ment-j mn tne whole hearted kindness of Mr. L. K. Harlan who came in and offered the use of hie new 1 we kenned that Brother Craw plant to print my paper on until ford wanted his $675 or good the oM machinery eould be set up-and get rwwniiig. -His pteat wss ia use for about a month be- fore my courage was sufficiently strong enough to cut loose and trust to my newly acquired box of trouble. For the next six months H was a, life and death struggle to get outs weekly p4- per and bat for a liberal swnpf of mw printing material bougit from the type -foundery by mi- aelf there would sot have beep much of a paper printed. Along about the first of Janu ary, 1915 I again tried to t Mr. Crawford to set a price tuff and make out a con EZX time there had been over $MD spent by myself getting the eW I the papers. Matter mt 4hu until sometime 9 ay whep was again asked to aei a price his stuf and makewutaaontr a lew days. Yvneo asKeo a the matter a iho't time later i commenced to hedge and qui and after mun- explapttory sometimes tailed. "buH.M stpoig ordinary people bia BusUy qo6ted a orice af 1650. js . Think of H friends, (a few" ths before he would hare glad to takeJlOO and eoaei the purchaser cheated at than, but now after my labor had put the old machinery in motion and given it a new lease of life h rants to cash w on my labor, -'i Then, I realised what kind of scheme I was into and then wai the time it came to me 'that seme one must bavs gives Bill CronkV a "bum steer" for Bill told m0 that Crawford was the "squaresf man in Morrow County1 why sen Bill getting eloouent and ever Crawford tells you he will do. you can depend upon' He then went on and told me about Mr. Crawford's being; such a godly man, why says Bill "He praetially runs the church and I know he'll do you good" and af ter thinking the matter over we realise that . Bill must have had inside information. -About June we received a very stem letter from our devout and godly friend, Mr. Crawford and in It be stated that he must have his $660 by July 10. After bust lisg around we secured $76 and left for Heppner and paid it to Mr. Crawford receiving in return his receipt showing a balance of $676. but no contract yet. . Matters, ran along evenly un til Mr. Crawford moved to Ione, at that time the matter of a con tract was again mentioned to him by ma and he told me to make up Sr list of the stuff and to in clude' everything there was in the office and he would have the contract made out at ones and sea if the Bank af Ione wouldn't loan him the money on it He impressed upon me the import ance of including everything I had, aa be explained he wanted to make a good showing to the Bank Directors when be soplied for a loan. However, when the list was made out my stuff was not Included and the contract was made out without II. This contract is still in the hands of Brother Crawford aa far aa I know. Early in March, 1916, Brother Crawford called at the Journal office and asked ua to come over to thai bank and onoa our arrival bankable security and must have see war by Monday, it then near Friday noon, otherwise be wanted possession of bis stmt aa he had received an offer from local parties who wanted to buy ft. however fab thought that they would eonsent to boy what saat- i erisi I had and pay bm 1175; My two years work and business was not considered worth anything. - That evening while talking the matter over with a friend he made an offer to give his note at the bank for two roars or for me to get another signer, the both to give a one year note. Satur day afternoon both of the good sound business men and myself met Brother Crawford at -the Bank of lone ready to meet his terms. Ptrttrnr the matter to him direct m very short order 1 asked him to complete the busi ness He turned a sickly white and his lips commenced to work and tor a moment it looked aa if he was going' to refuse point blank, finally he managed to say that .-there was no hurry, as he mast see these other parties be fore ho would go thru with the business, and for us all to some back Monday morning and the papers would be ready to sign. As we left the bank together one of my sureities remarked to the other that he was going to staj with me and the other answered "you bet. and ff Sears fails we'll take the plant and run it oursel ves. . Saturday evening and again Sunday, Brother Crawford was seen talking to one of the sureties with the result that b failed to .make his word good on Monday morning. There- beinv no one else to take his placs we at onoa made readv to leave low That 'morning Brother Crawford aaw fit to remind us that we came to Ione with nothing and going away the aame way would not nuke matters a worse for us. es matter it really looks as if Broth er Crawford for some unknown reason did not want us here and took this unfair method of get ting us out of his field. Many times has. he said that the field was only, largo enough for one management- and that directed and controled by himself. We leave this city for somewhere, without any definite plans other thsn to get sway from tho place where such things can be done. At first we felt somewhat angr but that has passed. During our brief stay we have met many fine people and during the past few weeks their kindly words of cheer has glsddened our hearU Hnflitno Ih k.... An.w,m Tkr:. .j . VI1IVUJVU WIU w WW W lit I press our sincere thanks for th Lf-- support they have given us. T our subscribers we extend a full measure of our thanks for their patronage; The Ione Journol with this issue suspends for a short period of time until we can find a new location or proc ure another plant. If we decide to return we assure our subscri bers that it will be as a free and independent man and not bearing the yoke of any political boss. Bsptist Church Services Sunday School: every Sunday 10 s, m. Preaching service every second and fourth Sunday of each month, at 11:00 A. M. and 7:30 P.M. ' Christian Endeavor at :30 P. M. The Union Aid meets every Thur sday afternoon at the homes of the members at 2:00 P. M Choir practice every other Satur day night The atrasigee is assured a hearty welcome. . Bar.' K. T. Starker pastor. "Doherty Bros have moved their sheep to McDonald Canyon. Political Candidates :-n,;::;SKbwingUp - f People Ta Have - -. ,ir Dick 'Turpin requested that we remove his -ad -from four col umns but the form had. already went to press. " Ike Howard has prepared to put a SO inch Iron pipe under the K. R. track below Alex Lindsays and extending ditch down to his ranch on the north side of road. Mr. Bufflngton is 1 man, he is working on ranch getting it in shai 4ry busy is erotic Mr. and Mrs. frank family of Heppner wei all and in lone, Sunday. Mr. Hall is tho enterprising Heppner Jfoteher. H 80 ACRE8partl fruit and part ly rich bottom land, cheap near Oakland, DouglasXoT. Or. Ad dress Mrs. H. L. James, 1330 Third East, Salt Lake City, Utah. , fcr. . 41-eO . s b , - - Marry for sure Siiceffs ,-try si old Responsible Club tistablu hed many Years Guarantee satisfaction over 60,000, mem bers many Wealthy. Testimor .la La, and Descriptions Fret tox.26 Oakland CeWr- J -CS If, as a St, Louis clergyman says, the secret of longevity i the loose collar, may not a bait gown be looked upon as a ticket to great age? - t v ' In this great land of onrs a't men are equal, but many are net wjlling to admit it. You Can save money by subscrib ing four your magazines thr ough us. Write to-day for oui latest free catalogue of special low offers. The Jackson Msgs sine Agency. 642 Hyde St., San Francisco. CsL 41-0 black m. bu orm and B, I. Red cockerels; eggs tor naicnina;. - , , , Mrs..R. A. Holdridge, Box 282, Dixon, Csl. fCongregstionst Ohurch Services at lone, Oregon Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Preaching services, every first and third Sunday of each mon th at 11.00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor 6:80 p. m. Ladies missionary meeting on the first Tuesday in each mon th at 2:00 p. m. Prayer meeting and Bible study Wednesdsy, 7:80 p. m. Dorcas Society meeting over the Holgate Butcher shop, Thurs day 2:00 p. m. Choir practice every other Satur day night . ' - Lexington. " Preach services every second end fourth Sundays of each month at 11:00 a. m. and evening. Sunday school atfe&O p. m, ' Christian Endeavorat 7:00 p. m. Ladies Aid Society meets every Wednesday at 2:00p, m. Strangers are cordially Invited to attend services. , Eev. J. L. Jones Pastor. A Good Choice , A key-note may be as long at a diplomatic note, . . . - - i "To Tell Of Economies". Sayd a headline. The Diwil by to pra ctice 'era. , .nam a presidential canaidate) ".y -1 meets an Ohio law there's noth- -V' ' 111 iJ..iS. 1 ... . ing left but to burn -his plankbe : y hind him. 'i , S.j. It's a wise trench that know ' ' ' which side its fighting. ... .. . . . '. THE WISE CANIDATE. The seeker for public office who dob- visitprsisesses the wisdom neoessarv to Qualify him for the position . alive to the fact that the voter of today has to be shown, that deeds count for more than empty words and cheap cigars.; A few years ago the candidate circulat ed around passing out rag weed. in ths guise of cigars and de claiming upon the glories of the' republic in general and the voter In particular. He promised every thing and delivered little or no thing. Today he geek to the editor of the local paper contracts for' a liberal amount of legitimate display advertising apace, and ttndlyway he reached only a few of the voters, whereas by the present method he talks thru the medi um of his advertisement to every voter in the community. What he says is on record in cold type snd carrjes conviction. It Is the method that produces tangible results, that gets the votes, that appeals to the intelligence of an honest people. Keep your eye on the advertising columns of this paper, and see what your candi dates have to say. Play Safe! Keep Out of The Quicksanda. By MOSS. ; .:X a SBIDOl St A saaaat te ereaa SOM1- tbi no. it asm jom BOMB- wubbb. Thar tret taut brtdfos t wooS, alUMUsattMnaaa aactoat atona brtdaa ta OUaa. Xraaa built slo tamem Drtoge of boats acroaa tba HoUaapat la 480 B. a. raaabllns Uw aoa tooa aridgaa tba anay sallea a tba praarat 4my. Trajaa'a mmgtMfmt ,ataaa brMga acrow tba Oaaaba, 4.T10 faat Mns. aa bollt A. D. US. ComlDS W MODBBM T1MBB. tba Brooklya brids. SXM foot lonf and 180 foot Us, was started tn less, and sow Ibore aro two otbar auapoaoloa brldsaa of ora sroatar wondar aaar ay acroaa tba mom rlvor. A brtrtse la Mut Si arses SO MKT HI NO. H OBTS joe SOU EW HERB. BACH AD. to tale paper Is a BUI dob, bum sv s sMwaaat a bp roe cross tfea QDlcav SANUS of OKLAT sad LAND yon oa tbe BANKS ef CBB-TAINTV-' -. ron'U SAVB TIMS) and fLAt SAJB ao Sot HONEST SJCBV UB tai BUOUX OOODS If roe PATRON I ZB tbo ADVBBTta BBS ta THIS PAPVJL - Tho aaarebaat wbo ADVBSV T1SBB the TBAB ROUND M S PBieTTT BAFB ONB S TIB UP TO. . - V ,-v.