The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, March 22, 1916, Image 3

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- i. ' if r
1t1C Rom Festival Dn AoverWeee
Sssnery of Famewa CteN Mvar
Some people do not believe I can quote prices on
large orders or small, but use your curiosityand
Pmid Advertiaing
Political List
For County Treasurer
X wish to Ann on dc to tbe Demo
The Egg City Cash Store
Joe Mason, Prop. ' .. lone, Oregon
"You've P ( ( I
To Earn 'r '
cratic voter of Morrow County,
Oregon that I will eek the
nomination lor the oflie of County
Treasurer at the eoralng Primary
Election to be bt ld In. slaj. M16.
Hanson HuoHiea
It Isn't a question alone of whether you
want a better salary it's a hard condition
of life that' you must face to protect your
self and those dependent upon you.
Ycm can't stand still if- you don't want
to go backward, you moat go forward
that is, you've got to torn mart.
Earning more meant holding a better
position independence, happiness, and a
ehanee-to orovide forth future.
Thousands upon thousands who once -held few,
poorly paid positions now earn high salaries at a
result of letting the Intbrxational Cobjhspond
bhcb Schools show them how to accomplish the
change. During last year about 4,000 students vol
nntinlv tenoned increase in salary amounting to
over two million dollars! Every month an average of 300 men voluntarily
report to nr advancement to position and earnings. ' Why not make
lUUKlunmunumio' ,
..- Simply mark on the coupon',
the position you wish to secure,
-then tear out and mail the coupon
to the International Correspond
ence Schools. This puts -you
under no obligation whatever hut
- allows our experts to adapt a
Course to your individual seeds ,
and circumstances,
rev're got to earn ater money.
raw . C. S. will ft yea.
For Sheriff :-
t annminM mvsflf a candidate for
the olBce of Sheriff, subject to the
will of the Republican voter, at tne
Primary Election to be held May Why
1016. .".
. . Quo, McDcrran
For County Clerk
To the Reoublfcan Voter ol
Morrow County: I hereby announce
tUnt will be a candidate ror w
office" of County Uiera as i unm-
riee to be held Hay nren, iw.
- Respectfully.
J A. Wane.
For District Attorney
l turhv announce that I am a
candidate for the nomination do the
Republican ticket for th office of
District Attorney for Morrow uuunu
at the ensuing election, . -
8. E. Notboh. '
Walter-Tber do say ye're a great
anno at Welsh rabbit, sir. The
pinhmftjrhH da. ehl The Walter
fiat sir. Ot beerd wan man say y
nude waa that was worta ail taa
threnbi it gar aim either he ate hV
CTflvl CWf riilrtCfXc KawJ
" .... Box an, Scnurtoa, Fa.
Hum wlili, vliknl IsRku
srofiiiio Man vhlck I han n
Vtrtoe Is tta own record, for which
reason it isn't necessary to advents V
n.niM.iMli Hauls
roultry rmlas
AdwtUlaa Maa
Skow CuS Wridas .
Window Trimming
ArrfcM I l.J Ir.ftt-
.m-"" ; Notice to Creditors
l.mlnl tori
plantM . imb Fkr f
Mia. Pm
Ml Spjrillt
nary ftndnr
I tlamubcnrias
WW yom tmkt dart lerfeyf tf &erjtr.
H. A. Meek, Route Mgr.
202 McKay Bldg. Portland, Oregon
Fob s a lb My seven year old per
chebnmare HeniUta. State Fair
champion and dam of five State
prise winners. Also my air . year
old blac stallion, "Dandy," State
Fair prise winner and sir of prise
winner. Fred W. Spine. 1 mike
west of Lebanon, Om SW
Vou Can save money by subscrib
ing four your magazine" thr
ough u. Write to-day for our
latest free catalogue of special
low offers. The Jackson Maga
zine Agency. 642 Hyde St,
San Francisco, Cal. 41-60
14. xuv -we imve lri number
wealthy member. This club Is one
. k tti.iaat sind most successful;
strictly confidential, particulars
Th ivtUble Club. MrB Wru-
wi. n.. OA klnnd. Cal t7 W
Baby Chicks from large, healthy
vigorous and heavy-laying
thoroughbred single-corn b
White Leghorns, $10 per 100
and $90 per 1.000; $2 per 100
when order is booked and bal
ance 5 days before delivery
White Plumage Poultry Farm
and Hatchery, Exeter, Cal.
41 44
hi Bnnniuf TelvnhoDellne. Fr
tile river bottom land. Center of
auRarbcet growing district, fact
ory assured. Will subdivide
a HMrrWt. Grants Ym
" emm ... l-40
n...t '5onrr. all In cultivation
running water through pi'". lr
hniidinos. orchard, near school
and postofflce; for terms and pnr-r,nU-nlnri
addrrM Harry imnlHi.
.- n . H K S7-8W
V..... nura bred Scotch Cnllle
pupple. month old. UaW W OP
FemaleU H. M Acxiey, "
mnn. V. Conntv, Qrpg'iW. 4
wa.rwi t.i. with $UA to buy
.iinnr fsnch and tak artlvf
partnership, a hoaseteeper and
the raining of the poultry. WW
whMt. am 47 years of m.
Indnstrtooa, careful manager,
wlthetetui hablte. Hav daughter
twelve year qfagw. Box
way. Oregon
Id the County Court of th State of
Oregon, for Morrow County,
In the klatter of the Estate 1
Hsnnsh II. Blake, deceased 1
The uDderslKMd. having been ap
pointed by the County Court of t In-
State ot Oregon, for Morrow bounty
Administrator of tbe estate or a an
nan M. Blake, deceased, and having
nuanfled as such, notice Is hen-by
given to th creditor of, and. all
persons having claims against sat i
rlaceaaed. to D resent them verified.
aa reaulred by law, within six
month alter the trat publtcatloo of
tbt notice to said administrator
at the office of hi attorney Jos
T. K Happen berg la one. Morrow
County, Oregon.
ur r Rlak
Administrator ot th Estate of
Hannah M. Blai, deceased.
Dated Febrnanr lit. 191S
nata of First ooulieaUoa. Febrnarj
iah iqih - a8-R
- Portland 1914 Rob restival poster
Is the first publicity, national in scope.
to bo forth advertUing the beauuee or.
the Columbia rlrer. The festival will
b held June 7. I and f. Opening day
Will ulineat n wuopsi awuwuuii w
Ute Columbia river highway. Tb
oster carries th slogan "For To
bom in Portland Orows." Th poster
s-aa donated by Fred O. Cooper, for
mer Oregon boy, now famous as an
artlsL Th design will soon hang la
transportation offices all over th
United Stat.
lai ana lha Kilt.
In his book. "Fortx-on Tears In In
dia," Lord Roberts tall th followlni
amusing story: - -
-A cartons Incident hsnoened at tbt
Alambaeh. I waa emotored inside th
Incloeure when all at one 1 beard a
sola and commotion some Uttl dl
MnM off. Uettln on to tbe roof. 1
looked over the olaln and saw out
troops flying In every direction. There
waa no Brine, no enemv hi slKht. but
avMentlv sotttethln was wrons: so 1
mounted my horse and rod to the
scene of confusion. -where 1 found that
the tenomintons fllsht of our troops
was cansed by mfnriated bees, wblcb
had been disturbed bv SB officer of tbe
Ninth lancer thoughtlessly tbmstlnc
B lane into their nest. Tber were
no serious conseaueuces. -but tbe hbzb
ktoder were heard to remark on tut
unaultabtlttT of their dress for an en
counter with an enemy of that desert p-
ipi m.ih. t aibeu laud, goud
buildings, young orcnara,
spring-. Are acie plowed, eight In
K.i.nm hnnth. 10 mile to
n.n mhn eHines. Sclo, Oregon,
i.ivn i-Hk KA1.R From ao to 1U
S20 to per acre, goon eon
etury cleared, gMl spring water
ad creek. In an old bum. no Im
provement, close to school and
road. In thickly a-ttlud nHghbor
hood. Smile from lUlnter, Oregon,
good dairy and bnyeouutry. Also,
fa wanted, a ranrb to rent in con
nection with wile. One third en-h
balance tint to eult, alMtraet title
Buy direct from the owner. John
W.Thnrston. Bwinier.lttvBron. 3W 41
Notice to Creditor.
Is th County Court of tbe Stat of
Orearon. for Morrow County.
! h w Kttar d th Eatat 1
m f
irvtn Btale. . deceased. 1
The nndersla-ned. having been ap
pointed by th County Court of the
state ofOvearoa. for Morrow Uousty
Administrator of the estate of Irvtn
Bbak deceased, and having qualified
aa each, notice le hereby given to
tbe creditor of. and all person hav
Ing claim against said deceased, to
nMMii them verified, aa required by
law. within six month after tbe
first publication of this notice, to
anld administrator at th uitlc of
his attorney, Jos. T. K nappeo berg
la lose. Morrow County. Oregon.
W. J. Blak
tAii.i.tMiif c th Estate of
Irvtn Blake, deceased.
nMl rf liruerv lfitb. I91C
mate of First' DUblleatloB, rebrtmry
iath 11 a en-
m AritEfl Dartly ruit and part
ly rich bottom land, cheap near
Oakland. Douglas Co., Or. Ad
dress Mrs. H. L. James, 1J30
Third East, Salt -Lake City.
ITtah 41-60
White KingFlglons; prise wtaaers;
. ... anuab breeding stork
cm to marlet: Mated pairs etle
- ioOndosr- C. W.lav-
ts Bo Ba rornlng. California fMS
Notice for Publication
for to--a-egsr Incubator, nearly
)fw.worked well last year.
J. T. Knaimenherg. V"-
For Sale- good mlk cowa, for
full particulars inquire uist
placed mile weat of lone. 41-48 eaiarmit.
! Ortf m AMismy
llihjasj was riirlBSlly based aps
tte Idea that sjsterlal wtsw-werv
bass and cbat by s series ef
Udsttssteauoms th seed or sable part
that Saally th P"
gold. wK b th tsasMBiarten -Ma
rbsnaja . . ,
gl mi- sisu iipiwahi,-
!) MrOraw say It east the Hew
M Wallssaai Bafi-OOO hi Lnirr
nrtiMstn1 tbe Interior. 0.
Laad Office at Th Ualiea, Orrgo
Frbraary 1st lfllC
If otle Is hereby give) that Mary
nii rt lone. Oresroa. who on
March iBth lMw, aaada Home tend
No. 0165. lor BP- BI.
awunai Mr TcwnsMp l-Sonth. Range
tVKast, Willamette Meridian, ha
awa aotie of mteatloa o
vasur nroof. to BtabHsh
rials to the laad abov described.
hatn C C. Pattersoa, D. B. Commls- Heppsar. Ofegoa. oath
atsa. tat March 191. uaimaat
a bUiiis(s- Joaa a. wav
Haas. Vraah H. WSsoa, Bdgar I
n-M -Jt AAitaai EawktSBBBl OJI
H. Frank Woodeoek
A Tlnkw Iwaalrad Waanee.
A tinker baa estsbUsbed himself op-
posit our nous and stunned my ears
all day long with bis incessant -ha bv
Bstring. "la my disgust at never- bat!
able to Snd a detached bouse protect
ed from every kind of noise 1 was on
th pout ot deciding to give up com
posing altogether until th tiro whet.
this IndJapenaabl condition should bt
fulfilled. But tt was precisely m;
rag over th tinker that in a moment
of agitation, gave me tb them for
Siegfried' furious cot burst against tn
humrlliur Ulma. 1 d la Ted over the
childishly quarrelsome Poller them In
G minor to my slater, furiously singing
tbe words at th same time, which
mad u all laugh bo much that 1 de
ckled to make on mora effort This
resulted In my writing down a good
part of tbe first scene by tbe time Llast
arrived. Oct. IS (1866). Bkbard Wag
bt Hi AatoMograpny.
Mete1 a Snaka Sheds it SkiW
The bntnan akin it shed in tucb
minnta niece that It ordinanlf
coma awav nnnotlCM. out in
akin of a snake comes away whole
ten ae thre times a Tear and is
drawn off inside out from the bead
heekward aa th crtur Creep
Ihmnoh sum hush, to- wblCD It
left attached. Before U is shed th
skin lose Ha color, and tbe eras
become dim. bacam their , outer
ski to -cast wilt the resL- Th
snak emerges very brightly colored
from it old skin, and its marking
are then roost distinct.
PaeMlkw Mueiesl InstrMwisat. .
A iwuliar musical Instrument ia
oaed by th Moras. It consists of s
hoop of bamboo, upon which arc
bona bv strings a number oi intn
pieces of mother-of-pearl. When
-l nick with s small reed mete give
forth a sweet, tinkling t-unu, a
combination of which sounds is de
veloped into a weird, ororiolonoa
fantasy, very pleasant to in ear
for a abort lime.
Bkhi Wamen Cenmeesr.
Walter Damroacb aaks but finds M
aeft a aaswar the etloa. "Why
arm than a arsat wome cos po ears T
Bk eaarliauo Is: "Ursat moaK
vtan fraaa tas nwrjena, and hi cry-
tslllssd bate for through a controlling
mtelleeL WbeB wosmb aehlev this
FOBbtaatkMi thee WU1 b abt to lot
th nob company sf Bscb, Beatbovsai
ami Wagner."-Nw Terk Tetagraaa.
Just Received
A new line; of Tess 'and Ted Fine
School Fhoes, also a complete) stocky
of . Men's and Ladies Shoes. - We
carry the celebrated line of Robert
Johnson and Rand Shoes for all
wearers. New goods, just received
in- all lines. Come and get our prices
on first class merchandise..
P. S. BENDER & Co.
'Mln St.
Ion), Or.
All khu.e of light and twavy hauling don nt very reaaonanle piiea
.1 ' - -
; Independent Dray Line v
Griffith & Lfnn, Froprietora
BiUimrds mnd Pocket HiUimrth. Cigar n and Tobacco. Fruitt mod Caadj
V - &e Pastime
ffarlait Mci'ardf, Prop, 1 - .
' - ".' . . '' " . V - ;
Main Stmt . " . , ' . . " one, Oregoa
For County CIrk .
' To the Republican voters ol Morrow County:
I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the
Office of County Clerk ub the Primaries to beheld
May 19,1910. v .
J. A. Waters.
.--r-1, Pnmmt IocumbtBt .. . .
tW aanartaai at ftmjhtssy
kat aa4 est emrtt
i - tat SjaiSD. It sf
m eaa Baea si admtrably
elaialass and doitsg the f
ef ffe aiUssUe
vk. rr i sunn's
v t Bars a bandmaster
ttae with we fosc Mot tw uao W
tsjrwstaa Srst I mis real
- .
. All Kinds of Fresh and Cured Meat.
Fat Stock Wanted at all times
S. H. Holgatc
Main St. Ion Oregon
tradc mask
4-DEADLY-4 ' ats asABT. i am vaua
rers qslrrsls, 9tJl Sf
Clark Wood wr4 Drug Ce, fertta, -gea.
Bay trem year dsals. -
P 3. Bender A Co.
Be t Mawn, lona
T. H. Lowe. Cecil, Oregon, 88-49
Oyst Cemeat Ml'
c mm Aaat fMSB th WSt kff
misss of s eetneat manafarturing ptaM
la California Is seevmniisae vj m?w
ten of gravity aeneratlo Ddw"
tag. says tbe Bnglneering Record. Tn
dost roliertlng j'trm la th ootcome
rf a la was It feeonsM Jigalnat th
wwl romnatiT ttf nranae svwwi,
Mrvded l"t tbetr frwll n babjg
ap.abw bv the dust fro- splaaL
The total awmnt f duet recovers af
dsv Is sevt i BBB.
What Truth deigns to mm her si
tar fibertf. wtt awt W fsraiiaalds
For Hals-Just Ilk rant, S30 acre n(
land aear Drew ary. Uar7 County
Oregon. Good land. No Improve
ments. One-tblrd easa, balance
one-thirl annual crop until paid.
Will take good unincumbered
"properly a first pay men t If de
sired. Price WOO, P. O. hot W.
VK Or., rare 11. S. Bak. W-at
Good Improved and nlmorored
land close to railroad siatioa ann
Colombia river for sal champ
on easy teno. Jnllee a. doaaeoa
Bos J Maya, Orasjoa.