The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, March 22, 1916, Image 2

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    TU E I ONE
A Strictly Horn
Published Every Wednesday y
Entered at the Poatoffica lone, Oregon,
'a Second-class matter -
Subscription Rates -
One Yeer SL30
Six Months. fcl.OO
Three Months 50o
Advertising Sates Upon "Application
AMuemarkon this space is
notice that your subscription
will expire in three weeks.
Prompt renewals will prevent
subscribers mining any papers
The Postal Dept requires all lubBcribers to be paid in advance
anUss other arranements are made. . If you want the lone
TntirnaJ let us irnw itW in person or by letter. SubscnD--uon
price note above. Unpaid subscriptions are now due.
At the Editor Sees it
This town has many boosters
and you all know them, you ad-
mire them, you respect them.
And your respect is more precious
to tha mnuine booster than is
your jrold. It Is only the killer
who stands alone, without friends
without future Be a booster.
There may be a killer or two in
this town, out we hope not But
If there are any we hope they
will cease trilling and go to boost
ing. There is no honor or profit
In killing, but there is much to
be sained through boosting. Be
a booster! We need the booster
we need more boosters. But we
can exist handsomely without
the killer, for the killer's princi
pal diversion' in life is to' take
a knock at the town, at its
people, at their wave, and at
everything and everybody con
nected therewith except . the
killer. Be a booster! If there
are any killers In this town let's
convert them, so art can be boost
ers. The booster is of value to
every legitimate thing with
which he comes in contact, while
the killer la not even of value to
himself, Heaven loves a booster
and hell is full or killers. Every
body be a booster for lone!
And what office do you want ?
..t a tki. nr..
is just one blissful dream of
things we never get
A wlaa man oft times ch an ires
his mind. The fool has no mind
to change.
Speaking of the weather re
minds us that it continues to be
just weather. '
Tell every 8trengers you meet
that this is a good town. In time
yon may think so yourself.
Smile, and the world gigles
with you. 8cowr, and you are
just a grouch.
Juat why la a mean man? But
then, only the mean men can tell
1 wnpoaM inai rata newey
every year at toast a twentieth pari
the sugar oases la Jaawuea,
aeMeathu la value te a little abort
wf e Bullion dollar. T,be sugar
rase ti their favorite food bat tnav
awe aver epos ladiaa ears, as all
tha trait that are aocaaaiboe te
1 bam, and aa away ef the root.
Heme idea aaa at ferawd of the
iataktaeS' awanas of theat oattrae
tire animals that mfast this auane
Paper Tor-Morrow ,
Residents .. ' 1
from the facT'lhat on a single
plantation -80,000 were destroyed in
one year. Traps of various kind
are set to catch them, poiaon is re
ported to, and terriers and some
time ferrets are employed. They
are of a much larger aiae than the
Kuropean rat.. ...
Hie Peeling Under Fir
At the battle of the M odder river
an officer observed Fat taking hal
ler from the enemy's fire. After
the engagement tbe officer, think
ing to take Pat down a peg, said:
"Well, Pat, how did 700 feel dar
ing tbe engagement""
- Teeir said Pat "1 felt as if
every hair of my head was a band
of music, and they were all playing
'Home, Sweet Home." London
At the Door.
I thonsM y Mir indeed Monro,
Bo (ail lh door, bo Arm Um look I
Bui, la. he toddlln omnes to luro
My pa rant ear with timorous knoob.
My heart war Mono oould I wlthstaa
The iwNtnMi of my baby's plea.
That timorous, baby knocking- and.
"Please lot mo la; tt'a only boo."
I throw a Ida the unfinished, booh
ftesai-dless of lla tempting cnaraai,
And, opening wldo tho door. I took
My lauahlnc darling k my arms.
Who knows but n eternity
I, Ilka tho truant child, shall wa,
Tho aiorloa of a Ufa to be.
Beyond tho Heavenly ratkrS ael
And will that Hsaeenlr rathar has
Tho truant's auppMcaUng cry
Am at tho ouiar door I plead,
" 'Tla i. O rathar. only If
Truth of the
Brass Tacks.
la. Lott get
right down ta
aboal ta advac-
Tbay pay ta
bocatmo tbay bring bub MOBB
BUBlHCSa Ba aa ewe Una
afford tho acpena bacaaea af
thai eacreaead trad. That
wher HIS PBOPIT eoaaos la,
Tbo ado. par ta RBADBB
bcau they naM him to t
wberehelslNVITBlX Hokaows
ay. That's 'wbar BIB
TROriT foewa to.
Boat adverttolng tbat TBLLS
SOU BTtJ I NO tbat really aad
aeoattly diirtlsi to B HO,
Advertisers mas toll a SsTU
INU start; baU tt CONVINCING
I.V and to DBTAIU Taaa tar
KK1NO tha OOOD& Tab) ktod
f adTwrualaa wtti amtaa BAAL
wbsf b k INVTTBD, and Be?
BRTrjRH tf a to ttnatod
Tba' strainer avr waa autd
tbat wUI tab fool auttar oat of
Bilk, jfoa or or will b aaaoa.
Toa bava got to baap tt oat
Tb taotlng aaaoclaOoa pro-
BMMa a graatar appraclattoa at X
tbo sow, and oooaaqnontly battar J
raaoioi ara aor to touow.
foad tb. half ara ao tbay wtU
kaap a aallklng aad form tba A
babtt of paraurtaocy. InbartUiw
baa aouMtalng to So with pav
ekftaacr la milking, tboogb can
aad aa4 will aDcourag aad aa-
tabllsb tbo babtt. . . 2
Too eaa maka fairly good ax la
iron auiw hi nil wa a
Tb man with St eows and a
separator la battar oaT tbaa bis
aalgbbor with Jgbt cow and ao
BMc bin.
Tb dairyman waa will sail off
oaeb soaaoa twa ar thro at bla
pBOtaat eows will soon Improv
bla bud tf ba roplacoa tboni by
batfor rmld from bis baa t caws.
Oaa mt Now Yorka Shaw Plaoaa.
Tb lletora ome at tba custom
boa to aa af tba sbow piaeag el
Now lark dry. Hla ornate room waa
doeoratad aa eaalgn by Oaas OH
bavt, wa draw tba plana for tba can
torn boa, and WUI Qoornsey. Tbla
blgfa eaUtogad apartmant. wltb tta oak
panallng, moral fimr of Doteh
ships and Colonial aeons, and Its groat
flroplaca, ot apward of WtkOOQ. Ta
ealUpg of ralsod gold nguraa on a par
pi ground to a copy of aa oM Italian
catling, with original ngnras, sack a
flab, trtdaabW boat and otbar appro
prlat eabjacta. Tb Ug fireplac.
with wldo baartb and blgb mantal
abaie, to af gray stooa. Batow tbo
sbolf to Inocrlbad tb btotory of tbo
Brat enatoai boo, wbtoh stood oa this
spotNow York Boa,
Of mai W
aonwtbuig Ilk a cmUry ilR
sla roM against Napolaon. who waa al
ready woakened by tb retreat from
Moscow, and wltb tba help of tb Aoe
trbtn and also of a vary largo body
of Jtoaslans managed to drtr Uw
Kroncb army over I bo frontlar, aftot
dofoatlng It In th trcnMOdoua two day
atraggl at Leipzig.
It appear tbat carta la womon play-,
ed a .prominent part In tbla Ogbting.
8vntoca daagbtors of Pnnwla wrr
at tb front during tbla momeotou
-ooQlct Tbey war .moat capable ai
Midlers, a bla to com maud and abl to
obey, aa well aa being capo bio of wltb
standing tba hardships of campaign
lug. To dt soma Inetant-. llarla
Warder, a woman of Bllcal. waa al
lowed to erv aa a hussar la tbv
mm roglmaBt a bar husband, wbe
was a wealthy landowner.
Elenora Procbasaa la ou of tb bet
ter known of these heroines. Bit en
gaged, under tb nam of -"Carl Itinia."
In tb Light Uora wbea only elgbtoen.
and Tnrl post bar sung of ber
Nwunig.' A monument to ner memory
stand In rotsdank-Waablngioo Bur
Military Decorations.
Medals aa decoration for military
aarrlc wore Oral teaued In Kngland by
Charles I In 1H4S
"What are tb windows onaa farf
old Father William said.
"Tb let out dual, to let out dust.'
aald White Wlnga on parade.
"What makes you smile so gay. so
gayf" old rather William aald.
"I'm glad for what I'm going to
watch," saU White Wing sa
"Tar they're cleaning up tb arty.
Too can bear th krooma go
Tb mki are la the kitchen; tbay
ara washing pan and dish.
They've cleaned out all the corners
and avry nook you'd wish,
BW they're cleaning ep tbo elty hi
the morning."
-Where hare tb noisy children
goner aU rather William
They've sent then w their gran
nie," aaid Whit Wmga a
"Where are the toning husbands f
aid rather William said.
"They've left tbe house to wlfey."
said White Wings aa parade
"Far they're eteenla a tbo elty.
Tou eaa hear thtm asreb and
' duet.
Tbay ara sleanlng stoves aad fa
eetai they ar asrapbig oB the
They are polish tag aad shining till
you'd thank th pines would
SVr thesi slsaahag a titostty la
"What's that aa bleek egumst the
euar oM rather William sold.
"IT out dirty city." aaht White
Wlnga ou parade.
"What's tbat that squeak beneath
my feetr etd Father William
said Warn Wiaau en parade,
"Bar they're aleaalng a tha city
till the walla and oore ahaii
They're Hi lag up th gardaa s a the
oprtaallme slaawn grew:
They're whitewash keg the oaUai ae
that aU the dirt win re,
Bar they're rteaaaaa; wp tba any to
Wbt aaahes th I
t breath 4
so hardr eht rather William
saM White Wlnga aa par.
t k that awed that ftlea as
barer eM
I BbjBm Wuhaan 1
, Tbey re eseekeg ee he Sastr
ruga,1' oaal Wane Whma ea
tar they aaaiibig a ttto ettrt !
. ' they r swimlsa a tha ,
' Tbay have war aa aB aha aetoag
to a half a mUUea brosam
' "stisT tolaalw? aTTiam? '
Aawehmabut wp hh atty to Bto '
Thoma Adams, Bjiglmk Bxpert, Bm
ahaals It, yoetieal Phaaea,
"I am vary glad to bear tbat among
tb objects of tb American Civic as
sorts tlos to tbat of gutting rbl of tb
imprasslou tbat dry pwnnlog bn
mainly to do wltb th large rttlea of
bundred of tbooaands of Inbabtunm.
and. Indeed, tbat It at not solely con
eerned wltb these cities, bot lhai una
of tbo main functions of city plNDiiliig
la lo deal with lb small (own nud
even with tbe small riling rommniil
ty," ao aald Thomas Adams, tbe well
known Bngllsb town plamilug exiwrt
now dvle adviser to tb cuiumbwlmt
of conaervaUoo of Canada. In opening
an odd res at tb recent convention
of tb Amerlcao Civic association up
tb subject. Tbe Kconomlc BmmI of
City Planning." '
Cootlnolng. Mr-Adams sold: "Town
planning do not deal wllb tb beau
tlnc-ation of tb town, buwtown plan
ulng, 1 abouhl ratber like to pat U, In
ciuUee tbe etnbetltslHneut of -the ex
ternal feature of tbe town, both lu re
gard to Its public buildings auil In re
gard to Its transportation. But tbrar
matters arv only part of what should
be properly mmnlfd as elty planning
And when wo- com to analyse tin
fundnmeutnl thlug In city life we Bnd
tbat realty we ought not to begin wltb
tb embellishment or wltb tb beautl
ful In tbe city, but tb after tbe routs
of drll life tbe two tblujrs tbat mittiei
ire tb luduatrtal and th resldentlnl.
a tb fnctorle and borne life. Von
want not only to look forward for ibe
neit thirty, forty or fifty years In re
gard to your park systems, but ou
nt to mnke sure tbat In tha uext
forty, dfty or aiity years every person
who bulM a new home will oe ar
cured agnlust disease which may b
meted by ,uytbln4biit ul be. pre
vented. You want to. make sure ibm
tbe conditions shall be bealtby In re
gard to bousing as well aa In regard
u tb general dvlc aspect of ihe dty."
Ur. Adam empbnsbwd the neceaalty
of proper legislative steps to. give mu
nlcl pt titles power to carry out town
planning schemes. He pointed out tout
to bare a aucveasful application of re
strlctlr regnlntlons there mtirt be e
operation between the owner and th
municipality. "If you leave tbe control
of your building development nutll tbe
buildings are up the owner ta not gntna
to submit to restrlrtlous whb-h will
tsk away bis property. If you go to
him twelve years before be will Join
you to tb proper health regulation
which will help blm properly to. con
mA mmmtvift the nrunertr ao long an
Lyon restrict everybody els la lb dls
trwt accoraiuffiy.
In closing Ur. Adnms anld: "Borne
body aald tbnt yon In Amsrtca bavt
do war. rtove yon not? Vou bur got
war with potential degradation and
slum Uf Juat aa we bar lo Kurope
and ycri bar to fight It. Vu hav
war with all these difflcuttle that
breed preventable disease, with thus
dlfOcultle tbat always confront oa.
want to appeal to tbe American t.lvh
aaaodatlon to b up and doing Sin
only let It be wild that thta benitanbt'ri
B) a plac where there are liberty ant
freedom, politically spenklng. but It b
also a bemtaplwr of homes."
- What H Call Her,
"Now, Willie," said the teacbei
of the primary class, "let us see
whether you can tell ut the name of
this graceful looking animal with
tbe big pronged bonis? llunterv
go up into tli woods every fall to
pboot this beautiful creature. It u
very cruel of them to do ao, to if
notP Cant yon toll a what the
animal to ealled T Com, now, think.
1 am sure yon know what it is.
What does your father call yom
mother voen be comas horn at
night V
"He calls her Betsy 'cause u
plagues her." Chicago Herald.
-Fatal Shank. -Poor
Wetbersby died In s rwa S.
Hk was an unusual rate;
Tbey built him a bouse and Snakes B
Inside of tbe Sre estlaMt.
fLV CAuaaa dreadid in-
I NBANT1LB paralyeio lo n
of th meet bsfnin dlsssias J
.the media! prsfs law aa to a
Baal with.
Afthewab R I eawBwael largely J
t ehilaren. It eemetitnea viaito e
a aahirt. Death often felleea
! wtthNt a week after tofootion a
an aawMtlms la as little tiea
S aa forty sigh torn Htoh fa- 2
u vsr, aWMaaa and avulsiawa
atjlirlt ! pfiBVawsaww)es
2 Tho Rockefeller Inotltut wa 2
a faamdasl In 101 rimaHlv to ar- a
riv nt seme preventive or aura- I
Jv agsnt ta SajM tba platue.
H ha cos elves' ina Ma tab- 2
lafmieMrvfto from th ell mag., e
nets aggrsgstiwu "a eau S.-
eOOOOO. Tb Iwatttata grew a 2
f vba awaeh ef Jaeat MeCer-
awesw M ef Mr. ReewafelhV 2
BsafBahJtlir Whs fJwBJwl Jw' Bieff
awfwl dlsiasi. The aMhru daetb
eeA ah dslirvwlwiatiaei ta wee a
eeaana a atosiss th au
mk afsMv wewBw) 4BJprw4JeweeW aaaswswgeal
; Mm dlam. .
-mmaammmmmmajBrnaammmmmmmmw -J
Swat the Fly
M. B. Haines, Prop. West Main Street.
Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engine Prices Gut
lower than ever for 1916. Am fully equipped
to lnstal and can save you money on your
pumping plants. Star Wind Mills Myers Pumps
Hoosier and Empire Jr. Drills, Case and Vulcan
Plows. 1 . Main Street, lone, Oregon
Wltb the winter months-ahead and the social aennn lirenklna;
Into lib again, yon may want a nrw rut; or carpet for ymir hulue
We Invite you to see our new Sflttlous, bemitlful In dtljtu, ex
cellent in quality, and very nnsonale In price, our eurpeta are
popular, attractive and durable, i bracing mauy desliEna make
aualltle and price. Each one a Hplenriirt vnlue. For the kitchen -oor
We have a wry high grade linoleum wlilcti we can sell you
very reasonable. Other grade at lower prices, but all of quality.
S. E. Moored
In the Circuit Court of tbe State of
Oregon, for Morrow County.
Velmaleta Woolery Jackson,
r I'lalntiff.
- VB
Francis Qordon Jackson,
To Francis Gordon Jackson, the
above named defendant;.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
yon ar hereby required to appear
and answer th complaint Died
against yon In tbe above entitled
salt on or before the JSth day of
April, 19J, which la six week after
tbe Brat day of March 1016, the date
of tbe flrat publication of this sum
mona, and If yon fall to appear or
aoawer. for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for la ber complaint, to wit:
for a decree dl-uMlvtng the bonda of
matrimony existing between the
plaintiff and the defendant and for
ever divorcing; thans, tb on from
tb other, and for such other and
further relief a in equity ' shall eem
Jnt, .
This summons ta published by
order of the Honorable Gilbert W
Phelps, Judge of th above entitled
Court made and entered on th Htb
day of February nie.
- A. R. Johnson
Attorney for Plain tin.
Two second band Incubator for
sato cheap- apply Journal office
. 40-43
The editor of this paper knows
where yon can ssre three
hundred dollars ($300.00) on
the price of s handsome Player
Piano, slightly used.
. Moving Pletur Trie.'
Boom of tb most UuTlinc scene b
tb BMring pletur drafua ar taker
witb tbe aid of small saodet. whirl
are c siderably toss tuna life alse
It to much cheaper, of course, u bun
ap a toy building ar to tuk a anula
tar ahlp tbaa ta destroy an original
to Beaks a awrlng per are boUday The
ssodeki uusd fur tbto work ar carrieo
oat wltb great attattor detail, and
th pert urea ar taken with ta case
era vary does to tba ground ta gt
tba proper parapaetlva, Tb asovte
partar aodleacoa, va wbea paying
ctoaeat attoattoa. ara camplotaaj
A crarkery Sealer waa Juat etoatog
p aJa etere far th day when sa af
bto eaatiaisrs. a tracer, aaaa to to
great harry.
-Hera." aM a. "1 ackd tbto tor
fun of aattar aad tbe tor apttt tress
toa to bartoaa. Perhaps you em a
ptola ta pbenoaiansn."
'"Ob. ys: i canr was the ready ra
nt. "Tb butter w toiaagat than
tb jar .--Attoaia Cusaautlsn.
lone Or.
. Dr. C, C CHicK
DhuoStorb. - . . . toRB, Obxoon
Dr. M. "Vy. Davia .
Majh Strbbt Iomb, Orboon
Dr. A. Henni -
Chibofbactiu Phtbkiam .
F. H. IVobinson
Attorney at Law
Practise in all Stat Court .
and U. S. Federal Departmrawv
Main Htrbbt Ion b, tfastaoK
Job. T. Knappnbrr(
Attorney and CoanseUor
... at Law .
Maim St.
Ion a, Oaaow
C B. Serrr
Fir Xoanranc and Notnry Publli
Main St, - lone, Or.
Ion Lods No 135 IOOr
Meets every Saturday night in
their hall, lone, Orel, W H.
Cronk, N. G., John ll Clark,
V. G., Joe. Mason, secrea&rr,
Visitirf brothers cordis ly
inyited. " , ' .
Good Turkey Hens-HBert Mason
has s few for sale.
This office has - received an
, inquiry from s possible pur
chaser who wants to buy a
rood piece of residence proper
ty near the business section of
lone. Call at Journal office,
lone, Orefroit.
Leave your skrk watch and broken
Jewelry with Frank ChrtstanoM
' to aa repaired.
For Sato, Kent or Exchange.
is wcrau nmr iouw, win uccrpv
City property. A too bar 47 aerea"
Taltoy farm 6C0 for cheaper land. .
Boa 67. Batons, Or.
Black Minorca, Buff Orpington
Bird R. L Red cockerels; egfBi
for -hatchinf. Mrs, R. A.
Holdridffe, Box 282, Dixon, Cal.