The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, March 22, 1916, Image 1

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    " . ' ' . I II
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Volume 8
Ionb, Obboon, MARCH 22, 1916
.. .
inno owc
. g - - g- . m a. uwuuva maj uuer wj u just.
Excellent Crop Prospects In View,? -
. . .. . . and makei a big noise, and the
The farmers around lone are
smiling over the good weather
we are having and are begining
- on their spring plowing.
A few of the. business men of
lone, met in Mr. Robi son's office
and organized a Gun club last
Thursday evening. -
The boys have felt the effects
of the last few warm days and
are out practicing base ball. r
Joe Knappenberg is busy with
gardening. ' .
FralflTAfiers reportslie isbusv
, putting his land in shape for an
alfalfa crop this season.
Frank Calkins was a caller at
the Journal office this v. eek and
while here stated that he would
plant a large area of land this
season. "I ' V.
Many famlies In lone, have
hAn mmnpiiAd in tm without
potatoes the past week as the
stores had all sold out, however
a shipment of them came in last
Friday' "' ""'
Jack Hynd is in the
Lambing at Cecil.
1 T. H. Lowe, postmaster of
Cecil passed thru lone from
Heppner, the past week, he says
things are looking fine out in his
part of the county.
A. F. Palmateer was in this
week from Morgan.
T. M. Benedict came In from
Morgan this week.
Every day sees as closer to
war. And yet the regularity of
our snores is undisterbed.
Do Yod Know the
1 what thmVf
OMfmu siMcoa
No. H'l HOT th
bum C a NSW
tarn If aba
ply anotbar mom
Cor tb UDlri-
PjtbagonM warn Oveak pU'
kwopbr Ibora aboot M a ft)
wk taogU tba racasnitloB af
tba nawrtcal aad autbaeMtlaml
relation oT tblnsa.
. lorn bava aaaa aa abacna, a
Itttia wooda fraaaa miTaraaS
by attar wtna, which rmm
waoSaa haada. aail fca eaoa
lac prbxipally by tba Chlaaaa.
Arajwa aaloctba Prthacoraaa
abacw with ratatfoa ta tba
BBNBfrrr raa daftva tnm aar
Are roa HOLHPLTIMO yaw
Far toataiica. aappaaa yaa SM
at raaa tbta Bawapapar at aS.
Toa'4 da roar bnrln BIT ar
poaa raa vat (tawed at tba ada.
Toa d tbtah jm war bayte
I NTEXLIOBNTL1; bat yaa4
UaMlatT-Taav ehaacaa af BAT
ING HONBT aad) attta BJCB
TBB OOOD by arttif M jaar
an -
I it iipnprai
The business place of Frank
Holmes looks like a palaoe since
undergoing a complete overhaul
ing. New paper and paint with
a re-arrangement of the shelving
makes the new showcases loom
up in excellent shape. Larry
Londergan had charge of the
carpenter work. " - .
TK unusual mrm MtkiP(k
past few days has started tbeiUm fin
grass to growing and the large
area around lone is being cover
ed daily by many-bands of cattle
T journal want ads pay,. Try one
But, then, when peace is re
stored the war correspondents
can find lucrative employment
in digging potatoes. ,
Even the wisest of men have
their silly-inoments-when they
propose, - . ,
rractice nas oegun on tne
school operetta, the 'Windmills of
Holland'. All parts in the cast
Md ehorua win uken. by
'members of the school ' The
alusfc Wvefy1" WefuC UflTpJoE
clever and the whole is peculiarly
well suited to school students.
A tentative list of the cast fol
lows; Zelma Engleman, Ruby
Engleman, Clara Linn, . Jean
Davis, Mary Bacon, Josephine
Woolery, Clara Johnson, Ada
Ritchie, Goldie Stoops, Lillie
Pennington, Sybil Cason, Lillie
Allinger, Etta Barlow, Gladys
Fletcher, Etta Akers, Mearl
Blake, Jessie Dobyns, Roy Blake,
Kenneth Blake, Barley Sperry
Earl Blake, Tom Griffith, Frank
Stoops, Mr. Davis is conducting
the music and Chas. Chick is do
ing the accompanying.- '
A bell has been placed in the
Manual Training room andcon
nected up with the bell upstairs
eclthat the Manual Training class
es may be dismissed as the other
high school cl
f - The- school received several
additions to Its laboratory this
week. It is the possessor among
other things of - a static machine
to generate electricity, an X ray
and maximum and minimum
thermometer. But the most pop
unnuswt. uu lUi invn IUri
ton for
that of a girl about sixteen years
old and is about five feet four
inchu high. Since its arrival it
has been on view daily and see-1
ma to be very fascinating to all
the school children. - I
Good Ball bearing clothes wring
er nearly new fr ' sale cheap,
apply Journal office. - - j
by 8. E. Notsoa
" - -
If any of the Industrial dub
workers contemplate attending
the Boys' and Girls' Summer
School at the 0. A. C begining
June 21 and continuing two weeks
they should send me their names
at once. The cost will be merely
the expenses. It is thought that
reduced rates on the railroads
will be seenred,
f The wise man listens when
others speak. The fool hears
my himif.
Thia world it full of man who
axtol their virtues, but few are
ever willing to admit that they
are rotten to the core.
Woen a fellow can't attract
li i
i noise is about the only thins; seen
or heard.
up, work up, and
rooo. ior tne nsnes" is oveiLmon(, T
worked. Let s nave a new one.
a lazy
duffer is a man,
The grass is raid to be coming
H.O. Ely of Morgan,
visitor to lone this week.
was a
E. P. Feldman the new depot
agent was formerly the agent on
the Stuniko branch, but is glad
to get back to Morrow County
climate, Mr, Feldman waa at one
time depot agent at Heppner, so
this is somewhat like getting
back home to him.
Mr. Bufflngton - is not
about town very much these days
for he is a very busy man, be ial
working on his creek ranch put-j
lng it in shape, tnere was some
filling to be dona as a result ofj
the recent high water. .
BiBhop Paddock was In lone
last Saturday averring , hn aiTaaJ
lecture. His topic was, "My trip
to the Orient" A large aadence
attending at the Baptist church.
The creek is raising again on
account of tba warm weather.
Ike Howard was in this week
from the ranch, he is busy gat
ing bis spring work started.
Palmateer waa in this
"Elasticity can often be restor
ed to rubber by soaking it in a
mixture of one part of household
ammonia to two of water", chirps
an exchange. This, however
does not include the masculine
neck when a pretty, ankle is in
sight The m. n. is perpetually
elastic ;
"I am for men", declared
Henry George, the noted single
taxer. Piffle I To our untutored
editorial mind there nothing:
in this world, on this world or of
this world to compare with the
womanhood of our own beloved
town. Hurrah for woman.
yr. C. H. SebrtTar waa to lone tbla
week dotag some trad lag
Koxton. Tex.. At a birthday
PtyaiTenbyMr. and Mr J.
W. Watson In honorof their eon,
Rufue, a fruit cake graced the
table which waa cooked twenty
yean ago by Mra C. H. Shilling,
of Paris, the young man's aunt
She gar H to hie father and told
him not to cut It until the boy
waa . twenty-one years of age.
The flavor was said to be fine.
For Sale-5 good milk eowa, for
fun parttenlart inquire Gist
place X mile west of lone. 41-43
Baby Chicks from large, healthy
vigorous and heavy-laying
' thoroughbred aingle-eomb
White Leghorns. $10 per 100
and 990 per LO00; $2 per 100
. when order ia booked and bal
ance 5 days before delivery.
White Pfossag Poultry Farm
. and Hatchery, Exeter, Cel.
' V . - 41-44
The president says the United
tates is founded on its sense of
humanity. 0. K.-but it will
Require some mighty big guns, to
paintain the foundation.
) Mrs. John Hosaner visited her
parents on the ranch this week.
" MORGAN ' -:'
Geo B. Whiteomb of the Silver
top store is having a clearance
sale of boots and shoes, you
should give them the once over.
VraA VAv will anon Start his
Thfnn mrm atinrifr on the Di-
Eugene Carley is busy with
the spring tooth these days. .
And now the dudes are getting
theirs. Owing to the war - the
of violet dye has gone up to
112,000 a barrel.
Baptist Church Services. v
SunJay School: every ,, ". i: -
Sunday 10 a. m, .
Preaching service every second
and fourth Sunday ot each
month, at 11:00 A. M. and 8:00
P. M. : ' . : v -
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M.
The Union Aid meets every Thur
sday afternoon at the homes
of the members at 2:00 P. M.
Choir practice every other Satur
day night, -.i- , . .
The stranger Is assured a heart;
Rev. K. T. Starker,
i,i '
Mildred GiT-
Bardstown, Ky-
more Hall came into
the world
ready for the dinner table.
had two fully developed teeth in
her lower gum.
Hartford, Mich.- An admirer
brought the editor of the Day
Spring here a freak fruit-half
peach and half apple. The divid
ing line is straight and well de
fined. The specimen grew on a
peach tree.
. Just what is a politician?
Darned if we know! ---
New York, N. Y.- According
to Robert T. Rieser, who return
ed from a tour of inspection in
Germany recently, four dummy
kaisers ride along the lines in
different sections of the country
daily. The dummies ride in cars
like that of the emperor and are
selected from soldiers who look
most like the kaiser. In this way
thehfeofthe kaiser Is better
Pigs la pigs.
but some have
only two feet
Paris, Prance.- Alcede Verd,
72 years old, is the oldest soldier
in the French army. He saw ser
vice at Sedan, and la now with
the 47th territorial regiment in
the first line of trenches, ,
Geneva, 0.- Menu: Breakfast
apringwater; luncheon, spring-
water; dinner, mere apringwater.
That was the diet which Dr. H.
G. Huffman, oculist lived on for
47 days. The doctor's fast la said
to have saved his life.
Then, too, prepardneas against
the vitriolic tongue of the gossip
would be a welcome deliverance
to the lacerated soul
The belligerent! call each other
liar, and the war correspond
ents intimate that both aides ar
lying, and blamed if we don't
believe' the whole dinged can
oodle are just plain prevaricators.
Political Candidates
Showing Up
People T Have
qualified voter in this community
should know his man thoroughly
before casting his vote.. He Bhould
know ALL Candida tea thoroly
before deciding for whom he will
vote. Every candidate for public
office has certain traits of char
acter which should receive the
spotlight of scrutiny before he
receives even a single vote. The
people should know that he is
competent to All the position he
seeks, and this knowledge can
only, be acquired by a careful
study of the man and his deeds.
The day when people
voted ior
menjust because they were good, liberal amount of legitimate
fellows, is past Now we aredi8piay advertising space, and
looking everywhere for the'ulkitothevoteri in honet
men who are real men. Wow .nri fnni - i k m
your man before you vote.
Marry for sure Success try an J
old Responsible Club Establis
hed many Years Guarantees
satisfaction over 60,000, mem
bers many Wealthy. Testimon
iala, and Descriptions free.
The Reliable Club, Mrs. W rube I
box 26 Oakland Calif. 41-43
Ike Howard is preparing to put
4 04aeh Jmb pipoundoa fcho.H.
R. .track below Alex Lindsays
and extending ditch down to his
ranch on the north side of road,
by so doing will do away with
ditch along County road.
In this great land of ours all
men are equal, but many are not
willing to admit tr.- : "
You Can save money by subscrib
ing four your magazines, thr
ough us. Write to-day for our
latest free catalogue of special
low offers. The Jackson Maga-
- sine Agency. 642 Hyde St,
San Francisco, Cal. 41-60
Black Minorca, Buff Orpington
and R. I. Red cockerels; eggs
for hatching. Mrs. R. A.
Holdridge, Box 282, Dixon, Cal.
Doherty Bros have moved their
sheep to McDonald Canyon. ,
Congregational Church Services
' at lone, Oregon
Sunday school, 10:00 s. m. .
Preaching services,, every' first
and third Sunday of each mon
th at 11.00 a, m. and 8:00 p. m.l
Christian Endeavor 0:30 p. m.
Ladies missionary meeting on
the first Tuesday in each mon
th at 2:00 p. m.
Prayer meeting and Bible study
Wednesday, 7:80 p. m. .
Dorcas Society meeting over the
. Holgate Butcher shop, Thurs
day 2:00 p. ra.
Choir practice every, other Satur
day night . -
; Lexington. '
Preach services every second and
fourth Sundays of each month
at 11:00 a. m. and evening.
Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p. ra.
Ladles Aid Society meeti every
Wednesday at 2:00 p. m.
Strangers are cordially invited
to attend services.
Rev. J, L. Jones,
t Pastor.
A Good Choice
, seeker for public office who pos
sesses the wisdom necessary to
qualify him- for the position is
stive to the fact that the voter of
today ' has to be shown, that
deeds count for more than empty
words and cheap cigars. A tow
years ago the candidate circulat
ed around passing out rag weed
in the guise of cigars and de
claiming upon the glories of the
republic in general and the voter
in particular. He promised every- "
thing and delivered little or no-
Ihinfl Today he goaa to thaadit
0f th. loc.1 nan., enntraota fni-
he reached only a few of the
voters, whereas by the present
method he talks thru the modi-': '"' '. '-7-urn
of his advertisement to every V
voter in the community. What .
he says is on record in cold type , -and
carries conviction. It Is the "
method that - produces tangible " "". " '
results, that gets the votes, that
appeals to the intelligence of an
honest people. Keep your eye on .
f-Ka mrlirat-tiaini wvlnmiil n this -. "
paper, aim aoe wnu your candi
date have to say.
We have our German-Americans,
British-Americans, Swedish
Americans and numerous other
hyphenated Americans, but
where in heck are our American
80 Acres partly fruit and part
ly rich bottom land, cheap near
Oakland, Douglas Co., Or. Ad
dress Mrs. H. L, James, 1880
Third East, Salt Lake City,
Utah. 41-60
Play Safe!
Keep Out of
The Quicksands.
meant le
eron SOME-
yaa IOWI
WHBRB. Thar Aral bttUt
brldsaa af wood,
andaai stone brtdsaa ta China.
Xersaa botlt ala fimoua brtds
of boats acma, tba BaUaapoaS
Is ) B. a, naamBllns tba pes
40uu bridge tba ana bullda at
tba praatDt day
Trajaa'i mafniflcant atoaa
brtdga MtM tba Daoabet 4.710
faet tool, was built A. D. US.
Comluf ta MUUBRN TIM Be,
tba Brooklyn brlilga. SJ9S latt
kmc and 136 tt Ufh, waa
tartod ta UMS, anS sow (bare
afawo atfcac aaapesaloo brtds
of area graater woodar
aereaa tba aaaa rlvar.
A bridge la BMant to erass
bach AD. is tbla paper to a
BUI DUB. built by a awrebaat
tojwtp yon CBOS8 tba QUICK
oil on tba BAN KB af CBSV
IC'B and B1UHT GOODS kf roe
BKBtaTHia pa pan.
- Tba BMfrbaat wba ADVBSV
TlSfce tba TBA a ROUND to a