The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, March 08, 1916, Image 1

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. ....
Ions, Oregon. MARCH & 1916
Number 4X
aSW 4 ' r-." v .''
Minstrel Show Pleases
r,.v; targe Audience
- -j: ; r : : ... v- . , :
School Play To
S Last Friday evening lone Ho
mestead No. 6239 gave a very
, creditable Minstrel Pet fdrmanse
at the Yeomen Hall over Benders
store-. About 160 were present
' and all were well satisfied with
" the show;": Every seat was sold
and standing room was at a pre
mium. "Wain S perry had charge
of the refreshment dispensing.
Charles Pennington and F. ;H.
Gray acted as ushers and gave
excellent satisfaction The com-
mittee in charge were T. B. Buffi
ngton.G. Well and F. Wal -
, rtrx .
Jaeeears. .The show was nn-
fler the direction oi rroi. w.
't Davis, whose ability that dir-
ection is unquestioned. The per-
formers were on their mettle and
gave a better show than has been
put on in lone for
many years.
There was no doubt m our -mind
at any time but whaMocal talent
could be developed to produce a
firt rainv at anv tima. Last
Friday evening proved that our
lief waa correct. : The prog -
ram follows: Coonvillev Culled Lula Calkina and Olive Ander
Band'ty entt!horoiisrkrwe'eT-1hrrrW
est Girl In Monterey V Miss
Cason: Tulip Time in Holland,
Miss' Engelman. Way Down
South, by Mr. Cochran Shine
On Mr. Moon, by Miss Davidson
My Old Kentucky Home, by Mrs
Buffington. Gasoline Gus, by
Mr. Cronan. Down Among .The
Sheltering-Palms, Miss Cason.
Dat's Music To Me, Mrs. Moore.
Emalina Lee, Miss Pennington.
You're Going to Get Something
You Don't Expect, sung by Miss
Sperry. Don't Bite the Hand
That's Feeding You, by Mr.
Davis The Haipbone Duet by
Mrs. Moore and Miss Sperry,
who responded to an encore by
singing, Dat Georgia Melon, the
black face artists were Misses
Davidson, Sperry and Mrs Moore
Messrs Cochran, Hopkins, ; and
Cronan, their jokes were extra
good and kept the audience in a
hearty uproar during the act
Messrs Davis, Knappenberg and
JQeasaltTrie occupied the rostum
back of the company and helped
balance the singing parts of the
chorous composed of the Misses
Pennington Engelman, Cason,
Gist and Mesdames Buffington
Perry and Sperry. Bell solo by
Chas. Chick. Buck Wheat Cakes
and Sing Sing Story by Cronan
and Cochran who received a very
pretty boquet from the girls.
Solo, Down Deep in the Cellar
aung be Joa T. Knappenberg.
Grecian Dance by the Missfs
Hotchkiaa Pennington and Dav
idson in special costume. The
Misses Davidson, Pennington,
. Engelman, Cason, and Mrs R.
Sperry presenting the Mando
lin Club gave an excellent selec
tion. Solo by Prof. Davis. Tro
mbone Solo by Prof. Bert Mason.
Trombone solo by Mr. Cochran
Quartet selection Ashes of Rosea
Knappenberg, Davis, Cochran
and Cronan. Dream of the
U S. A. Led by Mr. Cochran,
assisted by entire company with
display of Old Glory. Agnes
Pennington did not take part in
the Mandolin selection on ao
oant of a broken instrument
Be Staged Soon
Practice has betrun .on
school operetta, the 'Windmills of
Holland'. All parts in the east
and chorus will' be 4aken by
members of the school. The.
music is very tuneful the plotJng acquainted with the other
clever and the whole im oeeuliarlv
well suited to school students,
A tentative list of the cast fol-
lows; Zelms Engl em an, Ruby
Engleman, Clara Linn, Jean
Davis, Mary, Bacon, Josephine
uoolery. Clara Johnson. Ada;nimal, which waa verv i
Ritchie, Goldie Stoops, Lillie tin "n instruct jveT and I
Pennington, 8ybil Cason, Lillie learned a greaea! from this
f' Etta - Barlow, Gladys , study T we had recreation
'Fletcher, Etta Akers, Mearl unti 1-11:50 when we went to dm-
B,ake Je88ieDobyn8t BlaWel; After dinner we had an-
Kenneth Blake, Harley S perry,
Earl Blake, Tom Grifljth;'Frank
Stoops, Mr. "Davis-Is conducting
he music nd-Chas. Chick is do-
. Mompanying.
A bell has been placed id the
, Manual Training room andwm,:
neeted up with the bell upstairs
sothat the Manual Training class -
es msv be dismissed aa the other
high school classes
1 - ,;. .
days because of Illness. -
-Sibyl Cason
had an attack ot
tonsilitis but is recovered
Jean Davis was absent last
week because of a bad sore throat
The school received several
additions to ita laboratory this
week. It is the possessor among!
other things of a static machine
to generate electricity, an X ray
and maximum and minimum
thermometer. But the most pop-
ular poasession by far is the skele-
ton for the physiology class. It is
that of a girl about sixteen years
old and is about five feet four
inches high. Since its arrival it
has been on view dailr and see-
ms to be very fascinating
the school children.
to all
Good Ball bearing clothes wring
er nearly new for sale cheap.
-apply Journal office.
- , by S. E. Notson -
If any of the industrial club
workers contemplate attending
the Boys' and Girls' Summer
School at the O. A. C. beeimnir
June 21 and continuing two weeks
they should send me their names
at once. The cost Sfill be merely
the expenses. It is thought that'
reduced rates on the railroads
will be secured. 'n d heard. On Friday
' , ; I afternoon we all had our pictures
Garnet Barrett has sent in his; taken in front of our camp, which
report of his trip to the State, was very good of the jolly
Fair, which is given below; bunch of boys that were m the
. , boys' dob camp for 1916. Satur-
"lt was Sept 26, 1916, just one day morning was a busy one for
week after the close of the 3rd " aa It waa the day
Annual Morrow County Fair, i that most of as were to leave for
that Kenneth Binne and I 4eft
Heppner for a one week trip to was spent in packing our blankets
the State Fair at Salem, Sept 27 dothea and In getting the
to Oct 2. We rode on the local aMreeaea of all the boys in order
train to Heppner junction, where to correspond with
we boarded the main line train other and not forget the
and rod down the wonderful happy week we had spent toge
Corambia to Portland, arriving ther. I am grateful to everyone
at 630 P. M. We stayed at the woo helped me have suck a good
horn of my Uncle that night
mnd left the next "morning for
Salem, where we arrived at 10:30.
Mr. Harrington met as at the
station and took us over to the
Boys' Camp, where we found
about ten boys 1 already there
We were taken to the grounds
and over to the Educational build
ing, where we met Mr. Maris
,and Mr. Welles. After this we
were taken to dinner and were
shown around the buildings,
where the work and products of
the Oregon Industrial Club 6oys
and girls' were located. The rest
of the afternoon was spent in get-
boys. The next morning we
were called up at 7 o'clock, and
went to breakfast at 7:60. Each
' j. .Ar kraWear harf two
hours of study on plants
'other class, lasting one hour, and
then recreation until 2:60, during
which time we went to the hone
races and saw the aeroplane
flights. At T;00- o'clock each
evening we went to an entertain
ment in the Educational Building
Roll was called at 9:80. and all
were in bed and lights out at 10
, P- M. On Wednesday morning,
our eamn was composed of 86
boys from all over our great State
and we certainly had a jolly time
all thereat of that week. Eack
nw r hd
could hear the names "Rastus"
"Rosie" "Kaiser" and others
, every moment of the day. That
afternoon we assembled in the
Educational Building and were
Riven a speech by Mr. Griffin on
I 'the good of the Industrial Clubs'
His talk was very interesting,
, and we were all highly pleased
with what he said about the
work of the clubs and what they
are to do for the Oregon boys
nd girls. Thursday morning,
after the classes were over, Mr.
Aker told us that we were to be
taken to the State House that
afternoon. This excited the boys
. much - that
they could hardly" wait until
dinner waa over, , and we could
be on our way. But the time
aoou passed, and we were ready
to start The trip waa made in
three auto trucks, and we soon
arrived at the State House. Here
Mr. Wells showed us through
the large building and then took
ua to the Governors office where
Governor Withycomb gave us a
short talk, which I will never
forget After going through the
State House we went tnrougn we
beautiful grounds over to the
supreme uourt ouiiding. wnere
we were taken through the State
, Printing office and the other off-
cea in the building. We then
tarted back to the grounds, and
arrived at camp, greatly
impressed with what we had
home Most of U
time, as I came' home with a far
greater idea of what Oregon is
and is to be in the future."
(f " V .. II 'I I ) . HI .,
Ike Howord waa to tble week on
baalaeea, -'' -'"'7 l"
ilr. C. H.
Selirtver waa In lone this
wpk doing aoBM trading .--
ioeeph Barber waa l i thli sk.
attend tog t a little bueloeM, , ' ... .
, fTbe Sophomore A Ckillene Comedy
lathree act, wae presented by the
fafexington H1gv Hchool laat Friday
j LZt' H'!!
' w dance. Thaw who were In the
W. w" 'oilofe Carl Miter
Wmuoa hi if, ifeauy juiibsoii,
Qarl Allyn, frlti Iler, Arthur Camp
bell, William McMillan, Gerald Wtaite
erltBax, 4011a. Leoch, EdnaBu
man, Leona UarU mud Cott Scott.
J.'E. Oonansrflred lo lone Sat
urday frcuttfortland, Where be haw
i aeen Mnnwinff m. vmit witn inm ramiiv.
LKoxton. Tux.- At a birthday
party given by Mr. ' and Mrs. J.
V. Watson jn honorof their son,
Muftis, a fruit cake graced the
table which waa cooked- twenty
fears ago by Mrs. C. H. Shilling,
ef Paris, the young man's aunt
She gave it to his father and told
aim not to cut it until the boy
was twenty-one years of age.
the flavor was said to be fine.
.i Bardstown, Ky,- Mildred Gil
(nora Hall came into the world
ready for the dinner table. She
ad two fully developed teeth in
er lower gum. , , A
Hartford, Mich.- An admirer
rought the editor of the Day
9nrina here a freak fruit-half
peach and half apple.' fie divid
ing line is straight and well de
fined. The specimen grew on a
peach tree. '
Just what is a politician ?
Darned if we know! ;
New York, N.Jfi-According
to Robert T. fiieser, who return
ed from a tour of inspection . in
Germany recently, lour dummy
kaisers ride along the lines in
different sections of the country
daily! The dummies ride in cars
like that of the emperor and are
elected from soldiers who look
most like the kaiser. In this way
the life of the kaiser is better
protected. ' .
Pigs is pigs,
only two feet
but some nave
Paris, France.- Alcede Verd,
.72 years old, is the oldest soldier
in the French army. He saw ser
vice at Sedan, and is now with
the 47th territorial regiment lr
the first line of trenches.
The wise man listens when
other speak. The fool hears
only himself.
Geneva, 0.- Menu: Breakfast,
springwater; luncheon, spring
water; dinner, more springwater.
That waa the diet which Dr. H.
& Huffman, oculist Hred on for
47 days. The doctor's fast is said I
to have saved his life. -
Then, too, prepardneas against
the vitriolic tongue of the gossip
would be a welcome deliverance
to the lacerated souL . ,
The belligerents call each other
MUra, and the war correspond
enta Intimate that both sides ar
lying; and blamed if we don't
believe the whole dinged cap
oodle are just plain prevaricators.
R. W. Harris and wife left
thia week after a short visit at
the noma of L. D. Hale.
Of City Marshal :
Orders Unmuzzled Dogs Shot
City Council met Tuesday ev
ning with all officers present.
Bills to the, amount-of $585.81
were paid. The Marshall salary
was raisedrom $76 to $85 per
monilr md he is to pay for his
-light and water. Marshal told
to Bhoot all dogs running at large
without a muzzle after owner
had been notified. Recorder's
salary cut to $5 per month. City
sold old wire for 19c pound that
cost them 23c twelve years ago.
W. J. Palmateer and son Bert
ie accompanied by H. O, Ely
were business visitors to lone
Tuesday. Bert reported that
hifkHigh Powered Car stepped
thro the mud with ease. 1
Therewlll be an invitation
dance given by Misses Elva and
Lillie Troedson and Mrs. Batch
it is to be , carried out in a St
Patrick Day style, the dance
will be given Saturday night. .
Geo. a Whitcomb of the Silver
too store - is having a clearance
sale of boots and shoes, you
should give them the once over.
Mr. Batch our genial Post
master, was circulating a petit
ion Monday to become Mayor of
Fred Ely will
pring work.
soon start his
Things are b tiring on the Di
amone T Ranch.
T. M. Broady is again able to
do a hard days work, they an
hauling wood, and getting things
ready for the coming winter.
Eugene Carley is busy with
the spring tooth these days.
Mrs. John Hossner visited her
parents on the ranch this week.
The Union Aid met at the
home of Mrs. Iks Howards, 6n
Thursday afternoon, those pre
sent were Mesdames W. Blake,
Jt Blake. J. Cochran, WUlGronk
W. Cason, J. Bryson O. J. Pnn -
ington, F.- Akers, wnmoi, kodi
Sperry, L. Davidson. L. Padberg
O. Willismson. E. Bristow J.
Hossner, and the Misses Elvens
Davidson Kitty Wilmot Opal Pad
berg. The afternoon was spent
in sewing. At four o'clock lunch
was served, and then all depart
ed saying the' had had a most
delightful time.
For Sale a book esse and writ
ing desk $3:50 apply Journal
office., -i
The Blake family's spent Sun
day on the Howard ranch.
For gale-pint fruit jars 25cta
a dozen quart jsri 50cte a dot.
Mr. John
large shipment of evergreen
trees and shrubbery from his
father at Gresham which he will
plant on his place adjoining lone.
For Sale good bed. springs, and
mattress all for $4:60 apply
Journal office. ,
S. E Holgate WU dnwn
Arlington the past week. --
Lou Davidson came in Friday
atera short trip; down the line
. E. F. Feldmah, the new depot
agent- succeeded F. Gray who
left this week for Portland to
assume a new position with the
railroad company.
Lee PWberg took a ahort trln
down the line this week.
Bertha Brogan left this
for Portland.
Joa. Barber was in from Salei
this week, : -
Doherty Bros have moyed their "
sheep to McDonald Canyon, v. - r " -
Ike Howard is preparing to put 1
a 30-inch Iron pipe under the ft.
R. track below Alex Lindseya
and extending ditch down to hie
ranch on the north side of road,
by so doing will do away with -ditch
along Couoy read. v
Prof. W. K. Davis and wifa
went down to Rhea Siding gafc -r4
urffay morning, to visit at the
home of A I got Lundell, returning
Sunday afternood on the train. - a -
HiBs MayGeinger made a short
visit in lone, this, week and while
here she took in the dance given
at the rink after the Yeomen
play Friday evening, returning
to Heppner Sunday evening,
.The C. W. B. M. Aux Hilary
met at the home of Mr. and Mra.
M. R. Morgan Friday afternoon.
Division No. I gave the prog
ram. Topic, The work among the
children. The program consisted
of songs and prayers, bible read
ing from Prov. 22 Business meet
ing. Bible Study The hornet
among the children, given by
Mrs. Chick, Story The Madonna
of the Tear by Mra. Engleman,
Hannah's boy and mine, by Mra,
Morgan. Recitation, A plea for
the children by Inez Clark follow-
Ujy a Talk The work among
lne children, by Mrs. Reynolds
closing with the Benediction.
Division No. 2 then served
refreshments. The following were
present, Mesdames Anderson
Chick, Clark, Crawford, Engle
man, Fletcher, Forbes, Haines,
Lundell, Morgan, Puyear, Reyn
olds, Ritchie, Wslker and Ines,
Clark. C. W. Reynolds and M. R.
In this great land of ours all
men are equal, but many are not
willing to admit it
Alex Lindsay and family spent
Sunday at the Howard ranch.
Frank Akers made a bushiest
trip to Heppner this week
Marry for sure Success try aa
old Responsible Club Establis
hed) many Years Guarantees
satisfaction over 60,000, mem
bers many Wealthy. Testimon
ials, .and Descriptions Free.
The Reliable Club, Mrs. Wnibel
box 26 Oakland Calif. . 41-41