The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, February 23, 1916, Image 2

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    ?! T
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Strictly Horn Paper Tor Morrow
County Residents
& PublUKad Every
Sntered at the Postoffioo lone, Oregon.
Sacond-claee matter ',-.-
One Yesr
Sis Months
Three Months
Advertising Rates
The PoeUl Dept requires all subscriber- to be paid in advance
value other arranementi are made. . If vou want the Ions
Journal let ui know either in person or by letter. Subscrip
tion price notejsbove. Unpaid subscriptions are now due.
At the Editor Sees It
Preparedness is galloping along
Health hint for-today: Keep
healthy. . - -'.
I. Query of the ages: Just why
does one woman kiss another
when so many willing jnen are
waiting to be sserittced?
nere s an ongmm m yueu
it along. .The quickest way to,
get good roads in this community
I AAaan mm tntanakin ftfn I
Is to present every township offi
cial with an automobile. Editors
first, of course.
Up in Alaska the mercury has
been crawling down to 71 de
grees below sero. A few more
falls and the darned stuff will
getdowi to where editors are
never supposed to go. .. . ,
No, our farmers will not be
" sowing tacks In the roads travel-
ad hr automobiles. . They are
buying cars instead.
This m to be a great year poli
tically, but of course it will not
be permitted to interfere with
ban ball or fishing.
Congress hss seen a great lig
ht on the subject of prepared
ness. Incldentially, of course,
the people created the light
, . Just about an ordinary old to
mato can is about the proper
thing to tirT6lhat oontinwnUl
army achems. -And even at that
, it might be rough on the can.
The wise man buys his home
paper. The foolish one borrows
It from his neighbor and thereby
advertises his lack of wisdom.
It the government goes Into
the business of manufacturing
Its own war munitions ws will at
least have the munitions with
which to fight If war Is forced
ttpon ua.
Thinn do move around the
farm these days. When Billwants
to some to town he just lights
his cigar, steps Into his car, pull
a lever, gives a few honks, and
alights at the store a dosen or eo
miles away, Borne speed to Bill,
yoa betl
If a show troupe should some
along and advertise a free per-
fcraanea the people would jam
the hall and lias ap a hundred
deep outside ths door. And yet
Retes ' -
v $1130
Upon Application
A blue mark on this spast k
notice that roar ubteription
will expire in three weeks.
Prompt renewals will prevent
lubscribera mining any papers
the door of every church is open
Sundays and their show is infi
nitely better than that of any
troupe that travels the road.
Keep right on yelping for good
roads. The louder you yelp, jthe
more likelr you sre to be heard,
and if we all get to yelping some
one will soon be doing.
When vou meet a orouch on
th mrat mmilm at him 19 VAI1
him n tnurch iing to Wm;
whn ht j. tt homf. feed him. if
ha creepv lnto heaven. but he
A friend thought to take a furl
out of us the other day by Insist
ing that no spot in heaven Is sui
table tor editors. Exactly right
When an editor gets such hell
continually in this world he is
entitled to something even better
than heaven in the next
Right now is a mifrhtv good
time to overhaul that farm mach
inery and polish it and oil it and
get it to running smoothly and
without s hitch or a break. The
smoother and easier It worksthe
more dividends it will earn dur
ing the summer's work.
There are lots of good things
we could sav about this town-
things that we have said before
and expect to nay again; But we
would like to hear a few warbles
from your own lips. Tuns upl
Young men bald heads men
of every variety I We solemnly
warn you to avoid ths perils of
the fashionable bathing beaches
next summer. Fash inn han daw
creed that the skirt to feminine
costumes will reach at least three
to four inches below ths waist
tins. . Again, beware!
Our Home And Our
The home life of this commun
ity is an Indication of ths charac
ter and make up of ths people
who constitute the community.
Ut course you will find exoep
tfcms to every rule of Ufa, but tt
is an indisputable fact that the
horns life of this town and co
untryside la one of the britttsst
spots in our exieteooe. - We aavs
beta la a majority of ths meal
nomas, and in almost sverr eaaw
we have found a spirit of happi
ness, eontentment and thrift
prevailing save days la ths
weak. Ws have found amicable
relations existing between ths
heads of 7 families; We have
found strong indications of filial
respect and devotion on the pert
of children for their parents we
have found a spirit of love and
comradeship existing one toward
another. It speaks in volumes
for the homes, the people, and
the community. It Indicates that
ws have a people who are above
the average in intelligence, mov
ing in an atmosphere that eleva
tes instead of destroys. In the
business house and the offices,
snd in the shops, we And a con
sistent desire to be fairminded
and just In the commercial affairs
of the day. That craving to
'skin the otner fellow" so preva
lent In some communities is
hanntlv ahaamt kor f)urnnnle
are moving jrteaaily snd persis
tently and consistently onward
and upward and to better things
and to a greater future. Such is
the spirit of this community as
we find it in oar daily rounds.
It is a condition of which ws arei
proud, of which every dtizen
should be proud, It is the mirror
which reflects the inner life of
our homes and our people?
If you Vers to travel from
Canada to ths Gulf, from -the
Atlantic to the Pacific we- doubt
if you could find anywhere traits
of character more admirable than
those posessed by our own boms
people. And yet even ws are
not free from many of the vag
aries that beset human nature,
and especially Is this ths case in
determining the relative value of
the nennv. and ths dollar. Not
long ago a warm personal friend
dropped a penny in a puddle of
soft mud. It was only a penny,
worth but one cent yet our
friend promptly dived Into tbe
ooxe and rescued that penny and
restored it to ths safety of hm
pocket He felt better after the
ordeal In the back yard of that
same friend was a lawn mower
of expensive make rusting its
life sway In ths rain when It
might just as1 -well have been
oiled up and put away in a dry
place to await the coming of
ths green grass of summer. The
expensive lawn mower represent
ed only an expenditure of dollars,
while the penny was cash in the
puddle of mud. Another admir
able friend, noted for his acute
business acumen, will walk from
one end of town to ths other m
order to savs a penny la the
price of a twaty-flve cent article.
It is good business. But ws
have noticed valuable machinery
and implements belonging to
that man standing out in all
kinds of weather, ths Iron ac
cumulating ths rust that ends in
gradual disintegration and the
woodwork rotting from constant
exposure, A penny saved ana
dollars rotting and mating away.
Ws know of a certain fanner In
this township (a mighty good
man, too) who doesn't take his
home paper because It costs s
few cents a year. Hs Is great
on saving ths pennies. Yet on
his farm. If you take ths trouble
to drive by, yon will find wagons
mowers, rakes, spreaders, mac
hinery and implements of every
kind still standing without a par
ticle of shelter, soma of them
actually in ths fields. Rust will
soon get la Its work and push
this expensive machinery on to
ward ths junk nils. We"might
go oa and enumerate eases by
thsdossns, oases of people known
to you alt Ths story Is mach
ths same wherever yoa go or
turn. The immediate penny ie
saved si the expense of the dollar
of tomoi rom Ws fish around In
the slimy ooas la search of the
dropped ' penny, consuming our
ttms and energy for a paltry
cent whoa by a little sffort and
forethought ws should bo pro
longing ths Ufa sad aseiulaeas
of articles thai cost aaiiy doilan.
Ths value of a dollar is s hundred
times that of s penny, and yet
there are oates la ths area of
us all when we give more hcea
to the penny that we see than1
we do to the dollar that we feel.
But then these are just a few of
the vagaries of human nature,
and we are all intensely human.
rtw OfW Veeeif fcUrfc Twaht p
Mark Twain's father wu an ornithol.
ftCtot He had mmi menas woo
were ale BtknHim on tne subjoct 01
ibfrda Whenever nny om of tnen am-
roTerud a rara avis It was tbn custom
to have a conwUHOom. Mark bad been
qoeets and bad noted tb delight tb
old mea took In discussing
found specimen. One day It occurred
to bin to proTid the Hannibal orni
thologist with a real ctrcoa in fn
form of a bird. He killed a crow and
tlao t barnyard rooster. Flocking t
tbe tail feather of both toe crow ana
ih rooster be sabstitated tb rooster s
tall faatbera for tboae of the crow, pro
ducing a anlqae effect When be baa
tbe a pacinian nicely prepared be went
to bis father and. handing tt to him.
"Here, father, is a very cartons bird
I sbot I thought yon woakl be Inter
rated In It"
Tbe old gentleman gased apon the
with aatonwnment. -runt
"wax, oav toon man," as sun.
evening ths oralthologtobi of Hannibal
wen asaeubled In Mr. Clemen par
lor. Tb rare apedmen was put be
fore them. The dlacuastoa was long
and learned. - Tbe opinions expressed
were vartoos. One thought tne ura
was an offshoot ef the bird U para
dise family s others bad squally MdlcB
hm notion a to Ua ancestry. But
than was one who refused to ns
warred by the peculiarity of the bird's
tali from tbe judgment that tt was of
the crow family.
-WhT. luat look sere.' n saw, on
lag ths bird by Its tall feathers. He
xot no farther. The faatbera cam eat
Then was a quick closing of a door,,
and sir. Clemens started t leave tne
"Gentlemen." be said, "please
coss m a fa momenta. I will see
Samoa! trat and explain latar. ,
Maris af
The Mad far pracscttng tssttanflBl
dlstztcta was etnpbastead by Lawrence
Valuer, secretary and director ef the
.Nattanal Bousing association af New
fork dty, la a paper read recently at
ths etty namnlng lenfaros bald to
"It hi only tt very recent years.1 be
antd. "that we have been soriBon ef
the anesallj of doing swmstktng to
protect oar ddnsna la ths enjoyment
ef lbs right to lead a qnlet, eon tented,
rational existence and bring ap their
ramUles free from tb noiae, dtoteav
fort and nsrvs taeUng atmosphere
which f sstally surround ew teds
After esjtttntnt the reetrkdv aafhv
latton pa said by different eta tan Mr.
Vafimr ansns apt
I thtah tt meat be evident to the
amajrejodloed observer that a new we
for the police) power hss been discov
ered and that tt to poesiM to protect
natdaatlal dlatrleta frees ths tovnslosi
af object! Indostrte and to pre
aarvo to the Inhabttaato of those dh
trtcto tho enjoyment of tbear been
and pi ever ty ondor ratteoal coodMona
of nanaa oalf non In sashing lsgb
I ttoa ef this kind, however, there are
esrtatn taaportaat esnotdatntlia which
abentd bo foUowed M wo wtak to ss
mat have a beard aav
" nvnnt of newer free tb la
bMetnre aothsfhring tb hsatvUunl city
or a groan or cum to
-We assy nresribttootrlght h
itntl awtrtrta an ansa af
pMpeUf earns for atrtctry MSdantfal
Third.-If we daatr to sac hide lam
olttohi Sweftinm aw
an to os
svsrythaaai aitker then prtvate
ar two tunUy
pad man
if ( "
Prawi ths atoay
. TREATS EVERY- . .. ..
Fatftfenks-Morse Gasoline Engine Prices Cut
lower than ever for 1916. .. Am fully equipped
to instal and can save you money on your
pumping plants. Star'Wind Mills Myers Pumps
Hoosler and Empire Jr. Drills, Case and Vulcan
Plows. Main jStreet, lone, Oregon.
With the winter month ahead and the lodal aeaaoD breaking
into life again, you may want s new rug or carpet for your home
We tnvltn you to aee our uew selections, beautiful in dvelgn. ex
cellent In quality, and Tery reasonable In price, our carpet a am
- popular, attractlTe and durable, embracing ttnnty delirna makes
i qualities and price. Each one a splendid vulue. For tbe kite' en
- door we have a very high grade linoleum whlcn we can sell yoa
- Tery reasonable. Other grades at lower prices, but all of quality.
S. E. Moore,
" Fiotfy Equipped to Bmadk tf
"THe lone Garage
. B. BRYWOK Proprietor
TUthtnd Casoinw Stmttoa
ws must exdoo such mnltlpl dwell
ing by specific enamerabon. -
Fourth Wherever wo make any
rtpwllle 'enumeration of Industries that
may not be permitted great care must
m taken to anumerat only those
ir hick shown to be Injurious to
baalta, safety, morals or tho general
nftk. It 1 better not to vabs oat
isws rstronctlve, but to concern oar
Herre only with tho future develop
ment of ths neighborhood
Sixth. We must not place tb anal
ttetsrmlnntto) with regard to tho s
tnbllahment of districts solely Is the
rwnds of tho property owner affected,
nor, est the other hand, mnst wo leave
t solely to tho local logkunttv bony.
Hots elements most nsv a right to
e beard in tbe -determination.
Seventh- Tbe geographical bounda--1
ef ths district mnst be small, as
is not to Interfere unduly with tho
-ommardal development of tho dty
lgbth. The plan of eperatloa moat
m neUbl and the reatrtttlono hn
poMd removab by a elmpl a pro
ooa a tb on by which they wars
If thee eontttntlon ar followed
it la believed that laws of that kind
an b aaad even Jsdg proof. ,
Hew to Plfht a Boh.
To dght a cross boll go far ha eyen
i saw on pot to flight la a very short
(ha whoa a man nearly eighty years
oM. was nearly overcome by two
year-old Jersey buu. says g writer to
the Parol and Flreaei. A naa a weep
ing m a barn near by saw tb etroatton
und earn with bis broeea. Tho oM
man moved oat of hi way. and bo
(ebbed tb brooak hi tb face of the
bull two or thro Oman. The flgbt
waa then over. Too bull ran away.
Uy opinio la that anything to mjore
hi sight wooM have bad tho aanw
affect ennd. dnat r anything similar.
TUUng f tho eofl It the largest
stogie tndoatry la tho United
cabnk and whoa tt I roojOdr
od that the people ompleyed to
agrlcoJtor gwaaUtnte oto than
one-third of N tb noont la thai
cooatry ogagd hi any bnalne
tt wiN b raadllr m
( what print Imnoo-
hi tho rnrtboriaw ef swat
nods that wfll
orhlcb tho vahj f ctty property
to boned. Para amino awpanan
asasrory en sntoejonls avaan f
hperttog arodoet from tho
too. with tho farmmg pipwlaiian
tog onehr-w tavno- nroyewiluaj
of tho saNtro Amirhail r if,
tho piispiiiu of tbs rarojor to
atwoya intttid MrerOy to tb
preapoilty f the ctttaa. If tho
toontry to to ho rpet j an
whnl tb rarasera ssont he prta
pure I eh L. Willys. Tim
Bejrkwmy Aa
lone. Or,
JFapaws. Agnti For Leading
Irani Street, fbw, Ongom
. Dr. C C ChicK
: Phyaklan and Surgeon
Dnuo Stobs -?r'- lorn, Urkoom
Dr. M. W. Davis
MaimStubt - ' Iokb, Obbooh
Dr. Aj Hennij
Hotbl Ions Ions, Owmom
F. H. fobinson
... Attorney si Law
pTdCtM Is all atats Ooori
snd U. 8. federal Departmennv
Maim atronr . low, w )
Jos. T. Hnppnlrgt
Attorney and Counsellor .
'st Law
Maim St.
Ions, Onawev
C B. Sperrx ' r
Fir Insorano and Notary ,1'oblH
Main St., ' lone. Or.
Ion Lod. No 135 IOOF
Meets every Saturday night In
their hall, lone. Ore., W H.
Cronk, N. G., John L. Clark.
- V. G., Joe. Mason, secretary.
Visiting brothers cordially
" Vents Per Soar Ceeea. "
Worm near mean and. for that
tor. all gear eases snonM bo pissldsd.
wtth vent. If ibhi to not done tho
expaaart f tbe air by the beat wis
drlT the air oat tbrooatb the
Tb action repeat towtf every
the gee ring to Marted frun tho
tat end ntdaaatoly emptlen tho
of mom ef Ms all
Aha Dry Jaee manwy.
to every word 1 oahl
jo-- . , '
Tee. hat year eonveraatMa has I
easno ao dry new that I cant
at to." Hssii Traveaan,
WeS Mill A
-Thay-ss weal anttad.
4"Try. ThoyYo both Sen)
I llni --Detroit Pros Press.