The Ione journal. (Ione, Or.) 1914-1916, February 23, 1916, Image 1

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    r r1
Ion. Oebook, FEBRUARY 23, 1916
fy I'
Weekly School Notes
Two Boys Hurt
Manuel Training School Is Busy
The Eighth Grade clue, held a
busineu meeting, Friday after
noon, at which the class colors of
- Green and White were chosen.
The class flower is to be white
Base bads. The motion was
then made and seconded, that the
Eight Grade, challenge the Fresh
- men, for a spelling contest and
? the President appointed a com
mittee to draw up a challenge
and take it to the Freshmen
-, teacher, we have not yet received
-word whether they wilt accept or
not - . .' .
"' feome of the members of the
Eighth Grade class are planning
. to participate in the track meet
- The boys of the high school are
taking a great advantage of the
Manuel tranjng .- .department!
' V -which was pot in this year. The
'.: '.following pieces of furniture will
.f be finished in a few more-days;
ffwo hook shelf a by Mearl Blake
;'--. and Charles Cochran, also a foot
-' - stool beimr made by Margaret
Jones, and a music- stand by Earl
t . -.fc. ' r , , - f ,
The boys are planning to start
track training soon. . Rubbing
boards for the use of the squad
have been placed in the unused
room in the school. Some of the.
boys in the Manual Training de-
partment have made hurdles for
use on the track. - . .
, Edmund Bristow was struck by
a bat just above his right eye.
One stitch was taken in the
wound. He is recovering rapidly.
Charles Cochran was the victim 1
of a sharp axe last week while
aplitting wood The axe
broke and the blade struck his
loot He still walks with a limp
put his foot is steadily getting
The Ancient History class has
finished Greek history and is
- studying Roman history.'
' The High School la running by
si different schedule than the
- grammar grades. - School calls
as usual at nine o'clock in the
morning, but the High School
' has four' periods of fortyfive
minutes each running straight
thru until twelve o'clock with no
recess while the lower grades
have a fifteen minute rest There
la an hour noon period, then the
High School closes at three o'clock
In the afternoon. The grammar
grades have an afternoon recess
' and dose at four o'clock. The
Primary class is dismissed at
i eleven, thirty in the morning,
and at three in afternoon. . .
The Freshmen have finished
the Vldjlts.of of the Kings" and
have begun on Sir Walter Scott's
. . Since the bridges were washed
mt between here and Jaoro, tbe
km socket ball team could not
get ewer to Mora, and Gn
Valley to play their scheduled
rmm. As the games have had
to be postponed indefinitely it is
doubtful if they can be flayed
off at all this season. - The team
expects however to meet Hep-
ner, soon, at Heppner. As each
team has won one game, and
this one decides the champion
ship of theeounty, it will with
out doubt be well worth seeing.
Professor Poak has been putt
ing cards and pockets in the old
and new library books. The
school will have a flnt - class
library when finished,
Old library books were collected
from the school children last
week and are being repaired and
arranged to be put in the new
library with the new books.
Since all high water has vanish
ed the pupils are able to- return
to school. ..
New Venetian blinds have just
been put in .. the eighth grade
room and-, other rnome will be
supplied later. The 'window
blinds are slats, of wood which
anf are run by cords, Key are
the latest approved blinds for
rwT ! ;. v r
' .,' ' ' . . it
?he city marshall has recently
1JD' Uli w c uc,u
The class of 19 has received its
new pennant and have hung it in
the Fresnmen study hall. .. The
background of the emblem is in
gold. The class is very proud of
the banner and have voted it the
most beautiful in the school .j
TL. .i 1 i- 1 " ALl i I
Z 'Y7 T! , lcmro.,D1ro
wmw ,iirm aiiiinwB.
, 1 1 neir laiest accompiisnment ts
;th ability to tell the age of
horses by examining their teeth.
8r& NOTSON, Supt.-
State Superintendent Churchill
has designated March 7th aa Buy
bank Day for tbe schools of tbe
state. Within a few days each
teacher will receive a circular
containing suggestions as tothe,
way in which the day may be
observedL Let us make the day
one worth "while. Luther Bur-
bank has none a great work for
the world, and it is fitting that
we should show our appreciation
before he leaves bis present field
of labor.
It would be perfectly ia keep
ing with the proper observance
of Burbank Day for those schools
which hare not done so, to or
ganise their industrial crabs. I
presume each teacher has recerre
d tbe mf orsnatioa from the Agri
cultural College la regard to the
plans for this yean- If not write
to Pro! H. a Seymour, st Csr
vallis, for tbe circulars of infor
mation. This year, these who
are ef dub age will not be per
mitted to enter any exhibits at
county fair except dub exhibits.
uiihui aV SIMS. ik WWVQ WnjCBBUW w . uiiuuk wm iu
This does not mean that you
must belong to a club, but you
must enroll for club work and
do project work.. There will be
some miscellaneous prises -for
pupils under the club age, bat
none for those of dob age. We
have advanced to that place sow
where the pupils, patrons, and
teachers understand the educati
onal value of the industrial work,
and it is not necessary to attempt
to pay each pupil for his work in
order to get them to do industrial
work. The pupils are beginning
to see that the biggest prise is
tn what they learn by doing Che
work. However, we expect to
make the prizes worth while, but
ribbons will be more highly ap
preciated, no doubt, than the
money. I trust that many clubs
will be organised on Burbank
Day, and that those already or
ganised will make the day one
of profit "" ;,;
Senator Lane has sent a quan
tity of garden and flower seeds to
the office. -; Pupils who contem
plate doing something in the line
of gardening may have the seeds
if they will call or write for them.
As the warm- days tempt the
pupils to play vigorously, they
are apt to come into the school'
room quite warm. Often they
will throw open the windows and
sit in a current air for some time
to "cool off." Teachers should
to it that no pupil sits thus
in a draft It may mean discom
fort for a short time, , but it is
(better to be somewhat uncomfort
able for a few minutes than to
can not ventilated properly
without a pupil sitting in a draft,
it is advisable to have the pupils
move about or take some light
calisthentie exercises while the
windows are opened wide. Many
teachers neglect to see that there
some provision made for in
troducing moisture into the at
mosphere of the school room.
As I have suggested before, a
tall baking powder can filled with
water and kept en the stove will
answer the purpose very well.
The editor; of this paper knows
where yoO ean save, three
hundred dollars ($300.00) on
the pries of a handsome Player
Piano, slightly used. .
All Owners of Dogs are
hereby notified that from
this date all doge must be
muzzled In a secure man
ner to prevent any possi
ble damage tothe public.
All dogs that are caught
running at large without
'muzzles will - be shot.
Ranchers must keen then-
dogs muzzled, or tied - up
in their vehicle while in
city limits. This, emerg
ency order takes effect at
once. , - -
" By order of
Dr. C C. Chick,' Mayor
City of lone. Ore.
Feb. If, me vt
Good Turkey Hens Bert
has a f ew f or sale.
W. H. Crouk left on Tuesday
morning to attend th meeting
of the Retail Lumber Dealers in
Portland. He expects to be gone
abort a week. -
Ike Howard was a Portland
visitor this week, hanselling a
Kttle badness.
i The cleetric tranamtaalon line re-
Btjr eomptete ud to operation
tetwM HeppaM and lose, ftae Htm
el tar operator of that lloe. and pi
W public who traral tbe atrwts
ft&d roads which the line twee, have
been through the- malic or lgnor
sjoet ef eoBMon. placed In arioua
dnnjeer to property and nle. The
Hoe carries aa 11000-volt current.
Contact with that carrrnt would be
tbstaot death. Safety from that
contact depends upon the perfect In-
ablation where tbe wires are fasten
afl to the taralators, and a continua-
5 unbroken wire line. A broken I Haul
er release the wire and It dropa
$0 .the pole, which at once become
a carrier of tbe currant,- A pole char-
fd ta dangerous to anything coming
eon tact with It, broken line
mlng hi contact with anything llr
ifa ween dpath.1 We constructed
tfce line along accepted stivndarde of
ejkfety to life; If any accldenta occur
through the act of anyone el they
are. not we, are liable (or it it to
hte i the purpose ol aate-guardlng the
lUte that the laws of Or 1m-
da a aevere penalty upon thoee
eflioiuoleatordietarbtbeeafe oper-
atioa of Hnes of tbtoeharactr;ahoo.
lag at, or breaking Insulators or
aklng wires may bring on serious
nger to Innocent operators at the
neratlug station and tbe public.
tarblng the operation or lose of
psrty to the least of attending
11a. We have our operators and
public to safeguard. Therefore
ARD for auy information that win
to the tdentlSeatlon, arrest and
uvfctton of anyone Injuring. t"-j
ring with er molesting any part
our transmission line, and we give
ofctt that !
sScutlon of any offender, IrrespectlTe
oTas or sex wUI follow any such
or-acte. . . f
The Heppner Light and
gLppner. 1
Water Co.
j ifj.p
ts Dr. J. G. Turner, formerly
gj of Lowe s Turner eye
specialists of Portland, will be
in lone, again Wednesday after
noon sfter the arrival of the
train, until Thursday afternoon,
March 8th and 9th, at the Hotel
parlors. Headaches relieved,
cross eyes straightened. No
charge for consultation or exam
ination, satisfaction guaranteed.
Don't fail to let Dr. Turner show
you the new lens without Hnes
or seams which enables you to
read or do close work and see
distant objects perfectly. Free
demonstration. - lh-
The City Marshal shot two dogs
Tuesday. This wss in compli
ce with the emergency order
of Mayor Chick. The sooner the
dog-owners understsnd that the
marshal means business In this
matter the better for all concern
ed. " Card Of Thanks ' a
We desire to thank the people
of lone, and vicinity who assist
ed assisted so ably ra finding the
body of our deceased Brother,
Peter Brady. :
- John Brady.
a- ' Ancient Order Hibernians
' , ' . Heppner, Oregon
Frank Engelman arrived on
the train tonight after a short
business trip.
John Harbks came In on the
train tonight
Tbe Condon auto stage is about
ready to make its first trip for
soma wees. The. trip to lone
has base going for about s week
FOR fiALE-Eight head of good
fmlk cows-. FonrearUng hei
fer; two calves, and one, two
year oht Hotsteia BulL Apply
to Journal... , w , .
John Brysoa
e wis-to
Heppner this week
of travelers.
with a bad
Grand Surprise Party
Rabies Scare On
Yeomen Initiate
A regular old fashionen pound
party was given Rev. J. L. Jones
and family last Tuesday evening
February 22nd when the mem
bers of the church and a host of
friends flocked into the parsonage
and loaded the big dining room
table with good things, leaving
many other gifts also, .for which
there was no room on the table,
The party coming on the eve of
M j , birthday made the
, , . V . i .11
occasion doubly . pleasant to all
concerned. The pastor however,
tells us that while ha enjoys)
greatly the good wishes and gifts
of bis friends, -heebjectr stren-
riously to being taken in so com-
pletely by Mr. and Mrs Knap pen-1
berg, who made the pretence of
comma for a visit and a line
up for an argument to make sure
that the family would be home
when the Crowd would arrive,
Just about-the time brother K. &
j were B-ettinar ready to argue
-ccording to their usual custom
..... , . . .
locking horns when they meet
the smiling, laughing crowa
came, ladies first and the men a
close second, with a lot of young
people and children among them.
Before ta auprised eouple bad
a chance to. recover, all rushed
down to the Buffing-ton building
on Main Street to spend the eve
nig playing games, snd having a
general good tirae. It certainly
proved a most enjoyable even
ing for all. Refreshments were
served and everyone went home
in the best of humor. .
February 26th is the nine
teenth anniversary of the organ
ization of the Brotherhood of
American Yeomen, and to cele
brate that important event
every member of lone Homestead
6289 made a desperate effort to
land st least one new member to
be initisted at the special meet
ing held In the Yeomen Hall
over Benders store. Not all
succeded in getting a candidate
but enough, were secured to
make an interesting class of 18
who entered -the bewildering
mass of yeomanry. The short
form, was exemplified owing to
the lengthy program in charge
of the ladies. The evening wss
spent with songs and games and
an the old fashioned "Virginia
BeeL" was danced. The refresh
ments were served by the com
mittie, and the new candidates
were stuffed until he begged for
mercy. Nona of them were
injured however and all reported
for business Tuesday morning
Ys Postmaster Joe Mason wss
the only outside guest present
Another meeting will be held
next Tuesday evening. . When
several more candidates will rbe
fed to the Yoemen goat
Rabies Germs Found
Examination of the head of a
coyote which bit a dog, a pig and
several other animals owned by
Ike Howard, lone. Ore., showed
that the coyote was infected with
rabies. Examination was made
by State Health officer Roberg.
This Is tbe first esse of rabies
from that section of the state ia
several montha.-regonisn.
1 3 Candidates
Many of the damaged farms
along Willow Creek when viewed
last week by a Journal reporter
ahowed a covering of silt that
will prove beneficial to the com
ing alfalfa crop.
E. H. Turner wag in Tuesday f'
from the ranch. ' '
County Commissioner Currin, I
was down from Heppner; last 1
Thursday, leaving for home on
the afternoon train. , . . I
- JBCK Uiclntyre was JsT ttilsj.
week, stUndmg to t littleusi-
neegi ' - f
- X. - M. - Benedict of Morsran
cam up to do a little shopping
last Thursday. '
Phil Doherty was an arrival on"
the train Thursday evening. .
v .. .. . ' i. u -
A F Palms teer of Morgan was
up to lone this week on business.
Wm. Hay tor the Heppner Jew
eler was down last Thursday to
locate an offiee la Ions to receive
repair work!' for watcheev i
associate Dr. D. R. Hay lor will
also visit lone every two weeks.
See his ad in this issue. ,
Dr. D. a Haylor eye specialist
will be st lone Hotel Saturday
and Sunday, March 4th and 6th
Frank Russel left Monday for
Portland after settling up the
business affairs of a local busi
ness house that had made an
assignment for the benefit of his
creditors. " t. .
Carl Troudsen came In Monday
from the ranch. - -
John Calkins made
trips to lone this wsek.
W. L. Barlow and wife wars
lone visitors last Tuesday
Mrs. Strait csms In Sunday to
meet her husband who arrived
in lone several weeks ago to help
his brother A. a 8trait with his
farm work this spring. .
Billy Burger and his mother'
left Monday morning for Ripon.
Wis. His many friends were on
hand to wish him wsll.
Spence Crawford wss down
Sunday to take dinner with hie
father and mother. -
The sun Is with us again after
a brief period of S vacation.
Mr Strait came In several times
the psst wsek with his brother
A. B. Strait
Vergie Crawford was down
from Heppner last wsek to visit
her parents, -r '
Mr. and Mrs. Wss. McNabb.
who live just a short, way below
town were In doing a tittle boy
Ing from the lone merchants.
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams
were In from the ranch this week
transacting a little business.
I -